Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance

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Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 8

by Valerie O'Day

  Lisa wanted to slap herself on the forehead for how awkward she was making this. She would deserve to be turned down just for that.

  “Wow,” was all she heard for about a minute through the receiver. “I am sorry for my silence. There is nothing wrong with what you are asking; I am only surprised,” Leonardo finally continued. “I would love for us to get to know each other, but is this something we should talk about, the three of us, together? I don't want to step on any toes.”

  That is what Lisa had been afraid of, but how could she not like him even more for that moral compass of his? “Honestly, I know at some point I will have to tell him that I have seen you separately, but I think, for now, I just want to see how this goes before I do anything rash. I think what we have going, the three of us, is so great and so fun. I want to continue for as long as we can. I am just trying to plan for when we can’t.” Lisa found herself being a little too honest with Leonardo, but that was what he brought out in her. She felt so comfortable with him. She couldn't wait to be in his big, strong arms again. “So, the boys are away for the weekend with a friend. If you want, I would love to do something on Saturday.”

  Leonardo answered right away this time. “We have the night shift on Saturday, so why don't we have brunch together? I know this great place that has amazing mimosas and Bloody Marys, and some great brunch food. I can come pick you up or just send you the address, whatever you’d like.”

  Lisa thought about that and worried what would be going on with Harlow. It might be best if she met Leonardo there. “I can meet you there. No need to come to me if it’s early in the day. It sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait.”

  “Okay, I will text you the address.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  As Lisa looked in the mirror, her mind wandered back to the night she had before with Harlow. It was exactly what she thought it would be and so much more. Harlow proved without a doubt how exciting and free he was.

  Lisa fanned herself as she recalled the way the darkness in the theater had felt, building a tension between them as they were supposed to be watching a movie. Yet, Lisa had no idea what was happening on screen because she was so focused on every move that Harlow made. His hand had landed at some point on her leg and eventually creeped up her thigh. She was so glad she had chosen a seat all the way at the top, where they had more privacy. The theater was not full, and there were only a couple of people sitting up near them. It was too dark for them to know what was going on as long as she kept it quiet.

  Harlow’s hand had continued to creep and slide up her leg, her dress easy to get under as he found her panties. They were lacy and thin, though it was not a thong this time. She had not one hundred percent planned on doing anything with Harlow this time, but it just happened, as his finger slipped right under her panties, touching the warm, bare flesh there.

  Lisa bit her lip as not to gasp or give any other indication of what was going on back there. Obviously, they would be kicked out if caught, like a couple of horny teenagers. It was a little embarrassing and yet exciting at the same time, the idea they might get caught.

  Lisa found herself leaning into him and closing her eyes as he pumped his fingers into her.

  Lisa shook her head, trying to get those images out. Harlow had been an absolute gentleman when taking her home later that night, leaving her at her door with a kiss. She was glad she didn't have the complete guilt on her shoulders of going so far with him outside of their ménage.

  She focused back on her look: her long-sleeved tee and her vest and a pair of red jeans she had purchased a few days before. It made her feel young. She pulled her hair up into a cute bun, loving the way it looked up for a change, and how it put a focus on her eyes, which she had spent a lot of time putting liner on that morning.

  Lisa grabbed her keys and went out the door, getting in her car. This time, she did a little look around herself, gauging to see if her ex or anyone else was around. She had even started putting mace in her purse ,because Thomas had given her enough of a scare to warrant it. Hopefully, the investigation of him would be over soon and he would get a slap on the wrist, so he would chill out and leave her alone about it.

  There was no one there, so she went on her way to meet Leonardo at the address he gave her in his messages. She had never been to the place but had passed by it a few times while running errands. It was a small Tex-Mex place that always had great smells wafting from it. Why she had never been in, she couldn't say, though Thomas was not a fan of anything other than American and Italian. Perhaps that had something to do with it.

  When she walked in, she was instantly greeted with a smile and an embrace. Leonardo had waited for her at the entrance so she could find him. What a gentleman.

  The waiter led them back to a table in a crowded room. It wasn’t so bad, lots of families and couples chatting. It actually had a very happy atmosphere. It was comfortable, and it smelled delicious.

  Lisa ordered a mimosa and so did Leonardo, taking advantage of the great price for three refills, and then took their plates to go check out the brunch buffet. There was so much food, authentic desserts and pastries, enchiladas that had eggs and salsa in them, and even some beans and tortillas. Lisa would not go home hungry.

  In fact, after a few bites and a drink, the conversation flowing, she was already feeling satisfied.

  Most of all, she enjoyed how she could talk with Leonardo about anything and everything. They never ran out of things to say, and their connection was so obvious. She could easily lay in bed with him and talk all night. They could take a walk in the park or have a picnic and be happy. How was she going to decide between these two very different men?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Leonardo liked Lisa's home. It fit her personality to a tee. It was warm and cozy, while still remaining bright and cheery, a real home with love in every room. What a wonderful space for two growing teenagers. Her sons were lucky indeed. It was a far cry from the bachelor pads of Harlow and himself, but Lisa had never complained, not even about the hotel rooms they had spent so much time in. He felt honored that she had finally allowed him into her domain. He just wished she didn't have her ex constantly hanging over her head, bringing confusion and worry into her otherwise delightful life. So far, he and Harlow had managed to keep their mouths closed and not allow their knowledge of Thomas's escapades ruin their relationship with Lisa. Though, there was another issue that could cause trouble, his seeing Lisa without Harlow's knowledge. Would it ruin not only the good thing they had going with Lisa, but their partnership and friendship as well?

  He sincerely hoped not. His conscious was overwhelmed with guilt. Between the wild sex the three of them were enjoying and the secrets he was keeping, Leonardo was breaking all kinds of ethical rules.

  Soothing, sexy music came from the stereo. Lisa lowered the lights and stepped up behind him, rubbing his tense shoulders. He relaxed into her caresses, blocking his worries from his mind and concentrating on how wonderful she made him feel.

  A slamming car door broke the spell and tension returned, doubling as heavy footsteps pounded on the front steps. Someone pressed the doorbell and hammered on the door at the same time. Whoever it was seemed to be determined to get inside. Lisa had barely taken two steps toward the door to answer it when the angry, panicked shouts began.

  “Lisa, open this door! I know you're in there. The car's here and you never have anywhere to go anyway. Let me in!” Thomas screeched. “I can't believe you changed the locks. This is my house too! I pay for it!”

  Lisa glanced at Leonardo. “Maybe you should go in the kitchen and let me handle this. I'll get him to leave, but I have to open the door or the neighbors will get involved. For the boys' sake, I have to keep that from happening.”

  “I'm not going to leave you alone with that maniac. He's desperate and that can be dangerous. Let him in. I'll just say I'm a friend from the PTA or something,” Leonardo commanded.

  “What do you mean, he's desperate? Do you kn
ow something I don’t?” Lisa demanded.

  It had been a mere slip of the tongue. Leonardo couldn't betray his agreement with Harlow. He was already in enough hot water by being alone with Lisa, in her home of all places.

  “Can't you hear it in his voice? I'm a trained police officer, remember. That's the sound of a desperate man if I've ever heard one. Go on, let him in. I don't want the neighbors to come out any more than you do. Besides, I think he's getting ready to knock down the door.”

  Leonardo was right. Lisa could tell that Thomas was throwing his body against the door like a crazy man. She took a deep breath for courage and unlocked the door. Thomas stumbled inside when she opened it. He reached out to grab Lisa and shake her, but stopped when he caught sight of Leonardo.

  “There wasn't even a car outside. Get out! I need to speak to my wife in private.”

  Lisa's temper got the better of her. She shouted back, “There are several things wrong with what you just said! First of all, it's no longer your house. We're divorced, and I was awarded it to raise our sons in. Second, as I said, we're not married. I'm not your wife. Third, you have no right to tell anyone to get out of MY house! Last of all, we have nothing to talk about. It's you who needs to leave.”

  “I pay for your life, if you haven't noticed. This house wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me. You got the house in the settlement because I was generous and allowed it. Stop pretending to be above it all, just because you have a man at your side. He's nothing to us and even less to our sons — at least he better be. I won't sanction a strange man in their lives. All of you belong to me! Make him leave before I kick his ass out!”

  Leonardo stepped forward to protect Lisa, but she motioned him back.

  “Have you lost what's left of your mind or have you been drinking? The only times your temper has gotten this bad was after you'd had a few shots of whisky. Sit down before you blow a blood vessel. I'll get you some coffee. Once you're calmer, you can tell me what you're here for. My friend's not going anywhere. I don't trust you right now. He's all that stands between me and your fists. It's either him or the cops. Make a choice.” She saw Leonardo grin, because unknown to Thomas, he was a cop and could arrest him whenever he chose if things got further out of hand.

  Thomas glared at Leonardo when Lisa left to get the coffee. He didn't like the looks of the younger man. It made him feel old and scared. He had hoped to keep Lisa under his thumb and unaware of his misdeeds over the years, but she had changed, and he blamed the handsome younger man for it. Somewhere along the way, she had grown a backbone and had gumption. She wasn't the naive little girl he had married.

  “Be careful, it's hot,” Lisa explained as she handed both men their coffee. “I want to hear what you have to say, then I want you to leave and stay out of my life. When we speak from now on, it will be about our sons and nothing else. This marriage was over as soon as it began. I won't say I regret it, because of our perfect sons, but they were the only good thing about it.”

  “We'll never be over. There is too much to tie us together.” Thomas stared meaningfully at Leonardo and added, “No man can come into our world unless I choose to allow it. I can destroy any life you try to make, unless you agree to help me. I've asked you before and you blew me off. Not this time. You will hide the things I need you to or there will be consequences. I've made some mistakes and it's your duty to help me fix them. After all, a lot of it happened while we were married. You should have paid more attention to what was going on around you. But, that no longer matters. If I go down for any of this, so do you.”

  “Oh, Thomas. What have you done? I don't recognize the man I see before me. What's gotten into you? Were you always like this? Was I too blind and naive to notice? Obviously, you've done something illegal that I had no part in. I really don't want to hear the details. The less I know, the better chance I have to prove I wasn't involved. I can't and won't help you. Our boys need at least one parent to raise them. What do you think would happen if we both got sent to jail? Whatever you've done, don't involve me. Give our children a chance at a happy life. Turn yourself in and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. I'll tell them you were a good dad and that even though we didn't have a wonderful marriage, you did okay as a husband. You were there for me and the boys in the beginning. Surely, those things will count toward leniency.”

  Lisa didn't love Thomas anymore, maybe she never really had. Still, she hated to see him this way. He was afraid. She could smell the fear in his sweat, along with the aroma of whisky. That worried her too. He was drunk most of the time now. The only exception had been when he had the boys for Christmas. Thank goodness he'd had the strength to stay sober while they were around.

  “You don't get the severity of the issue. It's too big for apologies and pleading. We can beat this, if you cooperate,” Thomas declared.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Leonardo couldn't remain quiet any longer. He demanded, "Lisa already told you that she's not going to get involved. I think it's time for you to go. Don't bother her with your problems anymore. She has new friends now, ones that are more than willing to vouch for her honesty and keep her safe from the likes of you."

  “You son of a bitch! This is none of your business! What happens between my wife and I has absolutely nothing to do with her so-called new friends. You’re just a little boy, panting at Lisa's heels. I can see why. She's suddenly become hot. I wouldn't mind tapping into that again, once this mess is behind us. Watch out boy, she'll drop you like a hot potato when a real man comes around, namely me. Go play with someone your own age and let us grownups settle this,” Thomas replied.

  “You don't realize who you're dealing with,” Leonardo answered. "I could take you down right now. I heard every word you said. You can't hold any threat over Lisa. I can testify for her and worse, I could arres....”

  Lisa grabbed him before he could finish the statement. She shook her head and begged him with her beautiful eyes not to let Thomas know he was a cop. He touched her cheek gently and nodded. He would honor her request.

  “I suggest you go now. I don't think either of us wants to ruin this house by having an all-out fist fight and the only other choice would be to dial 911. I doubt you would want that to happen. You're drunk, disorderly, and have too much to hide. Go away and sleep it off,” Leonardo ordered.

  With a growl, Thomas complied. The man was correct, he couldn't afford to face the police in his current condition. He needed all his wits to act like he was in control of his life. He muttered to himself on the way to the car, “She'll pay for this. I swear it.” Then, he climbed into the vehicle, never noticing it was over the curb. He had almost run onto the lawn in his drunkenness.

  Inside the house, Leonardo held a sobbing Lisa in his arms. He desperately wanted to take away the pain she was feeling, but didn't know how. He handled domestic disputes on the job all the time, yet his feelings were never involved. Today was different. He cared about Lisa. He kissed the top of her head and rocked her back and forth.

  “Let me take you to bed and make you forget about the last hour,” he said.

  “No, I'm sorry. I can't do that. It would be better if you left me alone for a while. I have a lot to think over. Sex won't fix it, though it would feel nice. Thanks for not arresting him and not telling him you were a policeman. I know that was difficult. You're a good man, Leonardo. Don't ever forget it,” Lisa stated.

  “He'll have to pay sooner or later. It sounds as if he's in pretty deep. If he continues to get away with whatever he's doing, it will be a miracle. You did the right thing. Stay out of it. The courts will realize your innocence, no matter what he does or says. Wipe your face and get yourself together. You don't want the boys to see you like this. If you need me for any reason, just call. I'll be here in an instant,” Leonardo promised.

  Lisa washed her tear-streaked face and curled up on the couch. This day sure hadn't turned out as she'd planned. Her world was twisting and turning. Thomas was in terrible trouble and was
clearly trying to pawn things off on her. She was holding two equally wonderful men on a string, unable to decide between them. That was, if she could keep either of them at all. She was pregnant and couldn't venture to guess which man was the father. How did her life get so complicated when she had just straightened it out?

  Lisa closed her eyes and thought back to when she had discovered her first surprise pregnancy. Sadly, yes, this one was her second surprise one. How awful was that? The first time, she had been so overwhelmed. She had been scared and excited all at once. Sex was a clandestine thing. She had to sneak chances to be with Thomas, making it more thrilling than the reality actually was.

  Telling him she was pregnant had been terrifying. He had surprised her and stepped up to the challenge. They were married quickly, and their parents helped them get a small apartment. At first, playing house was fun. She kept the tiny space tidy during the day and romped in bed without worry each night. She was already pregnant, so they could do as they pleased. Of course, now that she'd been with Harlow and Leonardo, she knew that sex with Thomas hadn't been all that great.


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