Heartbreaker (The Warriors)

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Heartbreaker (The Warriors) Page 10

by Laura Taylor

  Cupping his face between her hands, she urged him to lift his head with the slightest pressure of her palms. "You’re fighting yourself, Micah. I can feel it. Trust what’s happening between us. You don’t have to be cautious with me."

  He stopped breathing for a moment. His body stiffened, and his expression filled with wariness. He wondered if Bliss sensed his shock.

  If she did, she ignored it. "The room is dark. You wouldn’t be able to see me even if your eyes weren’t bandaged. I meant what I said before. This isn’t about seeing. It’s about feeling, and you make me feel… " Her breath caught. She swallowed convulsively. "My God, you make me feel so much more than I’ve ever felt before."

  "Do you have any idea what you do to me when I touch you?" Micah asked, his voice vulnerable, raw, and riddled with desire.

  Instead of answering his question, she slipped her hands between their bodies and moved them slowly down the muscular length of his washboard–flat abdomen. She hesitated briefly when she reached his groin, and then she sank her fingers into the thatch of dense golden hair that surrounded his jutting sex.

  Micah tensed, anticipating her next move. Her touch gentle but very deliberate, Bliss closed her hands around the thick, pulsing strength of his arousal. A tremor of shock rocked him body and soul, enflaming him to a wildly primitive sense of urgency.

  She whispered, "I can feel exactly what I do to you."

  He groaned. The sound that escaped him was part humor at her unexpected boldness and part regret that he’d allowed his uncertainty to taint their intimacy. "I didn’t want to rush you."

  She laughed softly, shakily. "You couldn’t. I’ve wanted this from the beginning, even though I wasn’t about to admit it. Your ego doesn’t need any nourishment."

  Bliss stroked him intimately, as if to emphasize her sincerity. Micah surged within her hands, and then he groaned with disbelief. She was such a unique combination of seduction, innocence, and honesty, she stole away his breath and his wits each time she touched him.

  "See me with your heart, Micah. No man should ever look at a woman in any other way when he makes love to her."

  Voice hoarse, he confessed, "Whenever I think you’ve run out of surprises, you manage to come up with another one."

  "I may be a little nervous and less experienced than the other women you’ve known, but I’m not less eager."

  He tenderly cupped her face and sampled the flavors and textures of her mouth as he moved over her, his heart nearly bursting with the emotions she evoked. He tasted and felt something even more profound as she returned his passion.

  She was, he’d already concluded, a complex woman who trusted her instincts even as she allowed her heart to guide her through uncharted emotional terrain. By making herself vulnerable to intimacy and allowing herself to respond to his needs, she was also, he sensed, making a statement about the feelings she harbored for him. Humbled by her emotional candor, he realized, not for the first time, that she was a woman who deserved to be cherished.

  Lifting her arms, Bliss drew him even closer. Micah’s thoughts scattered. His confidence flourished even as his body thrummed with heightened desire. He kept their hungry mouths fused as he leaned over her, using his arms to brace the weight of his upper torso as he aligned their bodies.

  Bliss parted her thighs, her responsiveness nearly as shattering in its simplicity as her breathlessly whispered, "Yes, Micah."

  As he settled atop her, Micah’s lean, hard body rippled with escalating tension. He felt stretched to the limit of his endurance as he absorbed the lush beauty of her taut–nippled breasts, the sleek contours of her firm belly, the cradling welcome of her upper thighs, and the silken smoothness of her skin as she circled his hips with her slender legs. She moved against him, the subtle uptilt of her pelvis devastating and utterly seductive.

  "Come inside of me," she invited as she alternated between nuzzling his neck and bestowing biting little kisses to his flesh. After skimming her fingertips up and down his muscular back, Bliss curved her hands over his narrow hips and urged him even nearer. "Feel for yourself what you’ve done to me, Micah. Feel me, and forget everything else."

  He inhaled sharply, her invitation more arousing than any seduction he’d ever experienced. He shifted his hips, his straining sex poised at the entrance of her sultry body. Lowering his head, he reclaimed her mouth. He kissed her, a hard, hot, and thoroughly intrusive kiss that matched the thrusting force of his hard, thick length as he surged into the heat and heart of her passion.

  Bliss cried out, the sound replete with relief and pleasure and shock as he buried his throbbing sex to the hilt. One shudder after another racked Micah’s frame. Every instinct he possessed urged him to immediately drive them both into the arms of sensual oblivion. But his size and the extent of his arousal prompted him to still his movements.

  He knew Bliss needed time to adjust to the depth of his penetration. Slick, hot, and tighter than any woman he’d ever known, she felt almost like a virgin. He thanked God that she wasn’t, because he doubted that he had the patience to treat her as one.

  She tensed beneath him, her breathing shallow and her body trembling uncontrollably even as it sheathed him. Tilting back her head, she exhaled shakily as she sank her fingers into his tight buttocks. He framed her face with his hands, the last remnants of his restraint apparent as he gently kneaded her warm scalp with his strong fingers.

  She sighed. Then, she shifted experimentally.

  He felt relieved that her body had begun to recover from the shock of his entry. He ground his teeth together as she grew braver, although he felt as if he’d immersed himself in a heated vise of wet silk. Her delicate inner muscles quivered around his sex. All of his erotic fantasies, which he’d indulged in each night until he thought he risked going mad from them, suddenly became a stunning reality.

  His nerves felt shredded as he slowly plunged in and out of her body, pacing himself as he felt the ebb and flow of her gripping flesh around his sex. Patience he didn’t know he possessed allowed Micah to find his voice and the strength to use it. "Better now?" he asked.

  She moaned a single word. "Perfect."

  The amazement he heard in her voice moved him in ways he hadn’t imagined possible, especially for a jaded man who’d been at home in the beds of women across the globe. Recognizing the depth of her trust, he felt his heart constrict almost painfully in his chest.

  "I have a confession to make."

  He gathered her even closer. "I’m listening."

  "This is only my second time. I didn’t tell you before, because I didn’t want to worry you."

  He adored her, despite his shock, and he realized how easy it would be to fall in love with her if it weren’t for the circumstances that presently controlled his life. Casting aside the uneasiness that accompanied his last troubling thought, Micah focused his attention on Bliss.

  He tested her body’s resilience with short, sharp strokes. She came alive beneath him a heartbeat later, reminding him of a brilliant starburst.

  Her response was explosive as she undulated beneath him, her body adapting to the rhythm of his deepening strokes until he could think of nothing but the turbulent give and take of heated flesh. His good intentions about being the perfect lover flew out the window, to be replaced by one goal—the driving need for completion within Bliss’s body.

  Nothing else mattered.

  Nothing else would ever matter.

  He wanted her so badly, he felt nearly insane with desire. The clasp of her body reminded him of a tight fist, and he shuddered as she lifted her hips to meet the surging power of his sex. He drove into her again and again, the feel of her legs curved over his hips, her heels digging into the backs of his thighs, and her arms circling his shoulders intensifying his need even more.

  A sensual storm consumed them. Micah slid his hands down her back to her hips, his fingers pressing almost hurtfully into her skin as he held her and repeatedly, relentlessly thrust into her quivering

  He felt the change in her the instant it began. He pushed her even harder, although he already teetered on the brink of climax himself. She surrendered totally to his demand, keeping pace, matching him thrust for thrust, sucking at his tongue with a ravenous mouth even as her feminine sheath simultaneously sucked at his hard flesh.

  Micah sensed the urgency that claimed her when he felt her insides swell and quicken. He heard, too, the start of a low moan in her throat. Holder her close, he rode her hard, forcing her into the almost savage prelude to completion that only lovers ever truly understand.

  She writhed beneath him, her pelvis jerking sharply, her limbs tremoring with tension, and her nails scoring his shoulders as she clutched at him. His name burst past her lips, the sound an odd blending of desperation, panic, and shocked pleasure.

  Micah finally grasped the truth of her near frantic quest. She’d never before known the satisfaction of orgasm. She’d never before experienced the kaleidoscopic sensations and emotions that went hand in hand with the pleasure of release and true fulfillment.

  Just then his own inner tension threatened to escalate beyond his control, prompting the need to give her that fulfillment before he sought his own satisfaction. He thrust deeply enough to touch her soul, and then he rocked from side to side before thrusting even more deeply.

  Bliss sucked in a sharp breath, went very still for a long moment, and then her body splintered. She began to spasm around his sex, her entire being swept up into a maelstrom of emotions and sensations. He took her scream of stunned pleasure into his mouth, drinking it in, savoring it until he felt utterly intoxicated by the force of her orgasm.

  His lungs burned as he drove into her—over and over again. A second explosive climax seized her just minutes later, the erotic milking of her quivering inner sheath too intense and far too provocative for Micah to resist.

  She triggered his release, which felled him like a blow from an iron fist and sent him spinning into a free–fall of glittering sensations. He willingly succumbed to the mind–shattering force of the experience. Uttering his own hoarse cry of pleasure, Micah finally allowed himself to see Bliss with his heart.

  Moments later, his body detonated and he spent himself within her in a prolonged orgasm that summoned a long, low groan of pleasure from him. When he finally sagged atop her, he felt ripped to shreds. Several minutes passed before he became aware that her breathing sounded as ragged as his own.

  She clung to him, her arms locked around him and her face buried in the corded curve of his neck as aftershocks rumbled through her slender body. Micah soothed her with gentle hands and tender kisses. He discovered with no small amount of surprise that every tremor that passed through her body and every twitch of her delicate inner muscles simply served to revitalize his desire for her.

  Micah rolled onto his side. He drew her limp body with him in a tight embrace, aware that she needed time to recover even though he would have gladly reignited her passion once again.

  Sweat covered them both, but neither noticed nor cared. Their bodies still intimately joined, Micah held Bliss while she dozed. He eventually relaxed enough to close his eyes and join her in sleep.

  ** ** **

  Bliss came awake slowly. Disoriented at first, she had no idea of the time. Although the near–darkness of the room contributed to her momentary confusion, the hard warmth of Micah’s broad chest beneath her cheek and the steady cadence of his heartbeat assured her that she was where she belonged. She opened her eyes, focusing her thoughts, and a sense of well–being flooded her consciousness.

  Sprawled atop Micah’s body, Bliss felt the glide of his hands down her back and across her hips. She sighed, her heart tripping beneath her ribs. Her thighs parted in instinctive welcome.

  She registered the hard ridge of flesh trapped between them in the same instant that she felt his fingertips dip into the dark cleft that concealed her secrets. She sighed her pleasure as he stroked her, exploring the soft, moist folds of flesh with care as her body awakened to his touch.

  "Don’t stop," she whispered.

  "I don’t think I could."

  "I like the sound of that." She raised herself up a few inches and leaned forward to press a kiss to his chin. "Seriously, do not stop. I won’t be able to forgive you if you do."

  He chuckled, the soft rumble in his chest resonating against her breasts. And he did not stop. If anything, he intensified the intimacy of their contact when he delved into her body with one long finger.

  She arched like a feline, shifting higher up his body. Their connection remained unbroken as he followed her movement. Bliss moaned her pleasure, the sound lush and sensual as she undulated atop him. Her breasts swayed, her sensitive nipples dragging across his coarse chest hair and tightening almost instantly. Her entire body began to feel like a chorus of colliding sensations, and she savored each and every one of them.

  She wanted Micah’s mouth at her breasts, but she didn’t know how to tell him, so she left her need unvoiced. Pressing her lips to his temple, she trailed a line of kisses down the side of his face. The stubbly surface of his beard felt overtly erotic, and she shivered with the pleasure that rippled deep in her belly.

  "I want you again," Micah growled as he clasped her waist, shifted her even higher up his body, and brought his lips to her breasts.

  "I would never have guessed." She shivered as he sucked a nipple into the heat of his mouth, glad that he’d recognized her need without being asked.

  Suspended over him, Bliss quivered as he used his teeth and swirling tongue on her. Pleasure oozed through her veins like a spill of hot honey, saturating her senses. She felt as though he intended to devour her, and she loved the idea that Micah was so hungry for her again. She ached inside, her body so aroused already that anticipation flowed through her like electrical currents.

  "You want me, too."

  "Am I that obvious?" she asked shakily.

  "You’re that responsive."

  Bliss smiled, confidence flowering inside her. "I’m glad you approve."

  She caressed his cheek, the dim glow from a shaft of moonlight allowing her to study him as her gaze traveled over his hard features and then lingered at the patches of white gauze that covered his eyes. For his sake, she wished he could see her. For her own sake, she felt a kind of guilty relief that he couldn’t, because then he would discover how desperately she loved him. She knew that one look at her expressive face would reveal the truth.

  He pressed a kiss into the palm of her hand. "Why so quiet all of a sudden?" he asked as he rearranged her over the length of his muscular body and anchored her hips with his hands.

  "I don’t know what to say. This is all so new."

  "Then just let yourself feel," Micah urged, turning her words around and using them on her.

  With that piece of advice and without any warning, he flipped her onto her back, knelt between her thighs, bracketed her hips between his big hands, and surged into her in one smooth motion.

  Bliss yelped in surprise.

  Micah grinned.

  At her surprise, she decided.

  "I couldn’t wait."

  Her breath caught. "I’m glad," she admitted, her amazement blending with wave after wave of sensation that rolled over her like an advancing tide.

  Her eyes fluttered closed, but she opened them almost immediately when she felt Micah slide his hands beneath her thighs and lift her legs. She watched, fascinated as he hiked them over his shoulders and cupped her hips between his broad palms. And when he sank even more deeply into her, she shuddered with pleasure as her quivering inner flesh embraced him even more snugly.

  She groaned throatily, so deep, so incredibly complete was his penetration. She suddenly realized that she could not move. All she could really do was feel, and what she felt went far beyond coherent description.

  He didn’t rush her, and for that she was grateful. Micah rocked against her, the slow, steady rhythm enticing and shockingly erotic. He
let the pressure within her build at a languorous pace, teaching her in the process that, while lovemaking could be violently explosive, it could also be the most tender of experiences shared by a man and a woman.

  Exposed and vulnerable, Bliss felt the pressure of his rigid length all the way to her soul. Micah smoothed one of his hands over her belly, tangling his fingers in the black silk that shielded her secrets in the same instant that she craved his touch in that exact location.

  She held her breath, and then she bit back a scream of shock as he stroked the hidden nub of sensitivity with his knuckles. She bucked against him, her insides quivering around his sex. He continued to caress her with his thumb, his long fingers simultaneously fanning over her lower abdomen. She gasped and reached for him.

  "Trust me, Bliss."

  "I do! Oh God, I do." Her hands fell limply to her sides.

  He shifted forward suddenly, but he didn’t increase his pace. He kept pumping slowly into her, filling her, then withdrawing, then filling her again.

  Bliss felt utterly plundered by his gentle seduction. She also felt an inner strain that she recognized this time, a breathless spiraling tension that built inside her body until she wanted to scream. She trembled instead. Her hands found and gripped his shoulders when he leaned forward to paint her belly with hot strokes of his tongue. Her fingers dug into his skin.


  "Slowly, Bliss. We’re going to do this very slowly."

  "You’re driving me… out of my mind… I need… " Tears trickled from her eyes and back across her temples.

  He lingered over her, driving into her with deliberately deep, deliberately slow strokes, but she felt his escalating tension, too. Relieved when he shifted her legs off his shoulders, she used them to snare his hips the instant he moved over her. She felt his hands skim up to her breasts, his fingertips leaving tiny flash–fires in their wake.

  Still, he refused to accelerate his measured pace. Bliss clasped his head, guiding him so that she could claim his lips. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, exploring and savoring the sultry flavors of his sensuality as she frantically surged against him.


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