Love is Blindness

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Love is Blindness Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “I have classes.” They slid and shifted together, Kiernan rocking with him.

  “They’ll find someone else to teach them.” It felt so good, Kieran’s hot body against his own.

  “Yes, but I have to pay my rent.”

  “If you’re enamored of this place, I will buy it for you.” Such little details. For every one Lucien had turned, it was always the little, tiny things that caught them.

  Kieran chuckled, then moaned, the sound deep and needy. “My hero. Kiss me, love.”

  Lucien groaned at Kieran’s words and found the lovely lips with his own, pushing his tongue into Kieran’s mouth. The flavors there were increasingly familiar, an addiction he did not want to be cured of. As he rocked their bodies together, an ache grew in his balls, and in his belly.

  “Lucien.” Kieran slid down, lips exploring slowly all the way down his body—neck and shoulders, nipples and stomach, Kieran’s tongue painting his tattoo with slick heat.

  “Kieran.” A shudder moved through Lucien and his fingers found Kieran’s head, moving through the soft hair, sliding on Kieran’s cheeks. “I want you,” he whispered. “I need you. Now. Tonight. Tomorrow. The next night.”

  “Mmm hmm. I can get behind that. On top of it. Something.”

  He tilted his head back, wanting desperately for Kieran’s teeth to sink into his skin, for them to share their blood between them, necessary and essential. Kieran’s chin nudged the tip of his cock, the bristles there abrading just enough to make his nerves sing.

  “Kieran!” Lucien’s hips shifted, the need moving through him. Cupping Kieran’s head, he tried to guide the man’s mouth to his cock.

  Those incredibly soft lips surrounded his prick, tongue sliding over his slit. The heat of Kieran’s mouth was wonderful, the touches incredible, making him moan. Already, it felt as if Kieran was his own.

  Kieran cupped Lucien’s balls, rolled them and petted them even as his tongue adored Lucien’s shaft. The pleasure was huge, and Lucien spread his legs, offering himself completely to Kieran. For all that Kieran called him ravenous and needy, that mouth was starving against him, Kieran’s head bobbing and lips dragging over his skin. Kieran would make a wonderful night feeder; Lucien could imagine that mouth sucking the blood from his very veins.

  Crying out, Lucien’s hips jerked and pushed his cock deep. Kieran opened up, taking him in, letting him take what he needed. Wrapping his hands around Kieran’s head, Lucien fucked the hot mouth, the soft lips holding his flesh tight.

  Kieran’s moans vibrated against Lucien’s cock, stealing his good sense from him, driving him higher and higher into pleasure. “Soon, Kieran!” His hips moved faster, the pleasure becoming bigger and bigger until it exploded from him and into Kieran. Kieran drank him down, devoured him, throat tight around him.

  “Yes. Oh, yes.” He shuddered as Kieran’s mouth pulled more seed from him, more sensation.

  Kieran’s cheek landed on his stomach, breath hot on his skin.

  “So hungry, my Kieran. You may feed from me any time.” He shuddered again at the thought of Kieran biting him, sucking him, sating that unique hunger.

  “Mmm hmm. I do enjoy the way you taste.” Kieran sounded quite replete.

  Lucien caressed Kieran’s face softly. “I would have you taste me completely, Kieran. I would have you truly know me.”

  “Hmm? I don’t follow, lover.”

  “No, I know you don’t. I’ve been dropping hints that seem terribly obvious to me, but mustn’t be.” Wanting his lover closer for this revelation, he tugged Kiernan up. Kieran slid along him, body warm and cock full and heated.

  He wrapped his palm around Kieran’s prick, gliding it along his palm. Hints hadn’t worked, so there was nothing else for it but the truth. “I’m a vampire,” he told Kieran quietly.

  “Pardon me?”

  “You know. Drinks blood, hates sunlight. Lives forever.” He jacked Kieran’s cock a few more times. “Makes you come more than anyone else ever has.”

  “I… That last one I’ll agree with.” Kieran sounded odd—a mixture of confusion and desire.

  Lucien had to laugh softly. “But the others are true as well. And if you think back, you’ll agree with at least a couple of them.”

  “Lucien, vampires are myths. Stories people make up to titillate and excite.”

  Lucien slid his fingers over to Kieran’s neck, to the marks he’d left. “It titillated and excited you, yes. But it happened, didn’t it? I bit you. You were there.”

  “I… We were. It…” Kieran swallowed, stilled. “It was exciting.”

  Humming, Lucien sped his movements on Kieran’s prick. “It was. It can be again. I want you to join me, Kieran.”

  “Join you…” Kieran’s hips started rocking, shifting, pushing toward Lucien’s touch.

  “You could be a vampire as well. You could feed from me as I feed from you. We could be together for always, Kieran. Exploring the world.” The thought was a pleasant one. “Exploring each other again and again.”

  “I don’t believe in vampires, lover.”

  “And yet here I am, right in front of you.” Tracing over Kieran’s face with his fingers, Lucien wished he could see his lover’s eyes. It was a rare wish that he made, but he wanted to know if Kieran thought he was crazy, whether the man was intrigued or repelled.

  Kieran felt…worried. His thin eyebrows were pulled down, teeth biting his bottom lip. “Yes, but…”

  Lucien stroked Kieran’s cheek, let his fingers slide along the lovely teeth that played with Kieran’s lip. Lucien wished to feel them sunk into his own skin, Kieran sucking his very essence from him.

  “But what? How may I prove it to you? I will not turn you into my companion against your will.”

  “I haven’t the slightest idea. I’ve never known someone who claimed to be a myth before.”

  Lucien slid his fingers down along Kieran’s arm, found his lover’s hand and brought it to his mouth. “I’m no myth.”

  Sucking one of Kieran’s fingers into his mouth, he played with the tip of it with his tongue before he ran it across one of his incisors and pierced the skin.

  He felt Kieran’s moan, heard it, that arousal immediate and sweet as honey. “No. No, you’re solid.”

  Yes, he was and he knew Kieran loved everything about him, even the biting and the sucking. Lucien sucked firmly on Kieran’s finger, small, sweet drops of blood landing on his tongue. Then he pulled it from his mouth and offered it over to Kieran. “Taste,” he murmured.

  “It tastes like pennies.”

  “To me the copper taste is only the beginning. Beneath that everyone tastes different. You are sweet and delicious. I’m addicted already to the way you taste.”

  “I… Is it like a drug thing?”

  “It’s biological, Kieran, not chemical. But I suppose a drug is the closest comparison.” He brought Kieran’s finger back to his mouth, sucked a few more drops from it. “I need blood to survive.”

  “I… How much?” Kieran scooted closer, not away, curiosity clearly beating out worry.

  Lucien shrugged easily. “It depends on how long it’s been since I last fed, what I’ve done in between.” He found Kieran’s ass and squeezed one rounded cheek. “Draining people to death? That is a myth. I mean it’s possible, but not at all necessary.”

  “That’s good. I’m not interested in dying right this moment.”

  He pressed his advantage. “But are you interested in living forever? Or close enough to it?”

  “Who isn’t?”

  Lucien sat up, bringing Kieran with him, moving to cup Kieran’s face. “Then you’ll let me turn you into a vampire as well? You’ll drink from me and stay with me?”

  “If you try and I don’t, will you let me get you some help, Lucien? Please?”

  “You don’t believe me? I don’t want you to agree just because you don’t think it’ll happen. You need to be willing, even on the chance that it will work.” He leaned in and licked at Kie
ran’s lips. “And it will. So exciting, Kieran. You and me together, roaming the night, making love, seeing everything there is to see, doing everything there is to do…”

  “Tell me what you think will happen. Will it hurt? Will I be…dead?” Poor Kieran, trying so hard to understand, to comprehend.

  “I prefer to call it super-alive rather than dead. I will drink from you and you will drink from me in return, as much as you can take before you pass out. While you’re out, your body will change. You’ll become a vampire like me. You will need to feed when you wake, and you will imprint on the first being you feed from—in this case, me.”

  “And then what? I can’t see myself in mirrors and am allergic to garlic?” There was the beginning of panic in Kieran’s voice.

  Bringing their mouths together, Lucien gave Kieran a kiss as he smoothed his hand down along Kieran’s back. “The mirror thing is also a myth—though I haven’t seen myself in them lately.” He grinned and gave Kieran another kiss. “And the garlic thing is more a case of the flavor being anathema rather than an actual allergy. I assure you, Kieran, it is a world of sensuality I offer, that you would be well-suited to.”

  Kieran relaxed for him, gasping into his lips a little, gripping him tightly. “Will it hurt?”

  “I can’t tell, sweet. It is different for everyone. I do have a theory that desire for it makes the transition easier. That you want me will help.” It was one reason Lucien didn’t turn people against their will. Not since Michael. That had been…unpleasant for both of them, the man’s religion leading him to kill himself.

  “Have…you done this a lot?”

  “No. No, and I would prefer to not do it again. I…I do not wish to live my life alone, and being with a lover who grows frail and dies while I remain as I am is very painful. I would rather leave you than feel you slowly slipping away from me.”

  He brought their mouths together again, seeking to soothe and ease Kieran with his kisses, his touches. As Kieran rocked and slipped against him, Kieran’s flagging cock began to fill again.

  Murmuring softly, Lucien slid a hand out to touch Kieran’s prick. “You see? Your body knows what it wants. Listen to it, Kieran. Do not let your fear of the unknown stop you from taking this, from sharing it with me.” Sliding his mouth over Kiernan’s neck, Lucien let his teeth threaten, knowing how Kieran’s body responded so positively to that stimuli. Kieran moaned, chin lifting, throat offered to him.

  Lucien licked, tongue sliding along the warm skin until he found Kieran’s pulse point. With a growl, he bit, teeth sinking in and lips wrapping tight so he didn’t lose a single drop of Kieran’s blood. So sweet, so good, filling his mouth and his belly, making his body fly.

  “Lucien!” Kieran went perfectly still, the cry ringing out and echoing through the room.

  He took just a bit more and then loosened his hold on Kieran’s neck, tongue lapping at the drops until they stopped. “You love it, Kieran. I can tell.”

  “Yes.” Kieran whimpered, hands just beginning to lose their strength.

  “Will you drink from me? Will you spend the rest of time with me?” Lucien lapped again at Kieran’s neck, the sweet flavor as addictive as he’d said. He would love to be able to feast upon Kieran for always.

  “You would want me? Honestly?”

  “Kieran, do you think I would have told you, would have asked you, if I didn’t honestly want you to join me?”

  “That all depends if you’re crazy or telling the truth, I suppose.” Kieran shuddered. “What if I can’t drink from you?”

  Bringing his own wrist to his mouth, Lucien opened the vein and held his arm out to Kieran. “That’s for you to decide. But know this. I want to spend eternity with you. I want you to join me. What do you want?”

  “I…I don’t…” Kieran shuddered, tongue sliding over Lucien’s wound, lips fastening over his skin.

  Lucien’s groan came from deep inside him, It had been so long since someone had fed from him. “Take as much as you can, Kieran. The more you take, the stronger the bond, the easier the transition.” His free hand slid over Kieran’s neck and down the long spine.

  Kieran whimpered and feed from him, pulling and sucking, drawing the life directly from him. So strong, Kieran drank so deeply from him. Lucien had known—known—that Kieran was a good choice.

  He held on tight, feeling himself begin to get lightheaded. He held on though, needing to remain strong for Kieran. “That’s it, my sweet Kieran. So good.” Leaning in, he wrapped his lips around Kieran’s neck again and pulled Kieran’s blood up to the surface and into his mouth. Already he could taste the tiny changes in Kieran’s body. Lucien sucked slowly, letting Kieran get as much of his blood as possible. Then Lucien drained Kieran enough that he would pass out so the change could work on him.

  Finally, Kieran’s lips left his arm, his fine body limp and heavy against Lucien.

  Lucien was weak himself, Kieran’s blood not enough to replace what was stolen, not yet anyway, but he managed to lay Kieran out on the pillows before he stood and moved carefully until he reached a wall. From there, he circled the apartment, making sure all the windows were curtained, and that the door was locked.

  Satisfied, Lucien returned to Kieran’s side, wrapped himself around his lover and let his own exhaustion have him.


  His blood was rushing in his ears, his heart pounding furiously, and Kieran whimpered, crawling across the floor to escape the sounds. Loud. So loud. He…


  He needed.

  God. Hungry.


  It hurt, snarling and snapping inside him.

  “Kieran.” Lucien’s words were low and soothing, warm fingers sliding along his back. “I’m right here, lover.”

  “Help me.” He was sick. Something. He needed help.

  “I’m here, right here.” Lucien pulled Kieran up against his long, pale body, and Kieran’s mouth was brought to Lucien’s neck. “You know what you need. Take it.”

  He whimpered, teeth biting in before he could even think, the splash of heat soothing something desperate within him.

  Lucien held his head in place. “Yes. Yes, my love. So good.”

  Kieran relaxed his grip, realizing Lucien wasn’t fighting him, wasn’t pulling away from him. Low hums vibrated against him from Lucien’s chest. And, hot and hard, Lucien’s prick slid against his belly, Lucien’s naked body so close to his. Kieran could feel Lucien’s heart beat with his, the heat of Lucien filling him.

  “I have dreamed of this,” Lucien said, fingers sliding over his skull, caressing him. “Dreamed of you.”

  Kieran moaned, caught in Lucien’s words, bound by them somehow.

  His hips were shifted, his cock brought in line with Lucien’s. “Feel that, Kieran? Feel how we fit together?” Another low chuckle soothed across his nerves. “So hungry.”

  “Mmm hmm.” The ache and fear and hurt dissipated, leaving a heated peace behind.

  “Kiss me, Kieran. I wish to taste myself in your mouth.”

  Letting go of Lucien’s throat with a growl, Kieran stared into those heated, sightless eyes. Lucien raised his head and brought their lips together, a soft whimper sounding as Lucien’s tongue pushed into Kieran’s mouth.

  Oh, the flavors. Kieran made a low, feral sound, pushing into the kiss with a desire he’d never known before. Meeting his passion head on, Lucien fed him sensations and tastes, sounds and touches. Kieran’s head swam and, if wasn’t for Lucien’s hands holding him, Kieran was afraid he’d simply vibrate apart.

  Hips rolling, Lucien slid them together, waves of pleasure coming with each motion.

  Want. Kieran wanted. Everything. Anything.


  “Will you take me, Kieran? I want your heat inside me as we feed from each other.”

  “Please.” He nodded, Lucien’s request enough to make his blood boil. He surged between Lucien’s legs, sucking his fingers to wet them. “Please.”

cien rolled his hips, ass tilting for him even as the long legs spread wider. “Yes, Kieran. I want you.”

  “Yes.” He pressed deep, too needy for gentleness, just spreading Lucien wide, wetting the tight ring of muscles for his cock. Lucien’s cry spurred him on, fingers digging into his shoulders. “I can’t wait. I need, lover.” Now. Immediately.

  “Don’t wait. Take me, Kieran. Now.” Hands sliding down to his hips, Lucian tugged him close.

  Kieran growled low, surging up and burying himself in tight, perfect heat. Oh. There.

  Right there.

  His Lucien.

  Lucien froze beneath him, body tight and hot around him. “My love, Kieran…it has been so long.”

  “Yours. Lucien…” Kieran began to move, moaning at the sight of his lover: Lucian’s hair was mussed, his eyes wide, skin flushed with pleasure. The large cat on Lucien’s belly rippled, seemed alive.

  “Mine. Yes…” Lucien’s voice was husky, his breath coming quickly as the lean hips rose to meet Kieran’s every thrust. Kieran whimpered, his cock sliding deep into Lucien’s body, again and again. The heat was unbelievable, the pressure perfect.

  One of Lucien’s hands slid up to cup the back of Kieran’s head, tugging him down, not into a kiss, but so that Lucien’s mouth could wrap around his neck, the sharp teeth plunging into his skin. His cry rang out, hips bucking wildly, thrusting deep into Lucien as his balls drew up, tight as stones.

  Lucien fed from him as they fucked, long swallows matching his every thrust.

  “Love.” His seed pouring from him, Kieran filled Lucien up even as his blood poured into Lucien’s lips.

  “Yours…” Lucien’s breath slid over his neck, heat spraying up between them.

  Kieran shook, energy leaving him in a rush, his muscles trembling and kitten-weak. There to catch him, Lucien’s arms held him as they curled together.

  “Welcome home, Kieran.”

  Blinking slowly, he nodded. It was a brand-new world, everything different, unusual.

  Lucien tilted Kieran’s head, their mouths joining for a long, slow kiss. Even that kiss was different now, so much more as each sense seemed bigger. “Thank you.”


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