The Origin of Humankind
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Turkana boy. The reconstructed skeleton of this nine-year-old Homo erectus shows how very humanlike this species was in its bodily structure. Alan Walker, who directed the excavation of the skeleton, stands by its side. (Courtesy of A. Walker/National Museum of Kenya.)
For example, the Turkana boy died just as his second molar was beginning to show through. If Homo erectus followed the slower, human pattern of childhood development, this would mean that the boy died when he was about eleven years old. If, however, the species had an apelike growth trajectory, he would have been seven. In the early 1970s, Alan Mann, of the University of Pennsylvania, performed an extensive analysis of fossil human teeth and concluded that all species of Australopithecus and Homo followed the human pattern of slowed childhood growth. His work was extremely influential, and bolstered the conventional wisdom that all hominid species, including the australopithecines, followed the modern human pattern. Indeed, when we found the Turkana boy’s jaw and I saw the second molar erupting, I assumed that he had been eleven when he died, because that is what he would have been were he like Homo sapiens. Likewise, the Taung child, a member of the species Australopithecus africanus, was thought to have died at the age of seven, because his first molar was erupting.
In the late 1980s, these assumptions were shattered by the work of several researchers. Holly Smith, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan, developed a way of deducing life-history patterns in fossil humans by correlating brain size and the age of eruption of the first molar. As a baseline, Smith amassed data for humans and apes; she then looked at a range of human fossils to determine how they compared. Three life-history patterns emerged: a modern human grade, in which first-molar eruption occurs at six years of age and life span is sixty-six years; an ape grade, with first-molar eruption at a little over three years and a life span of about forty years; and an intermediate grade. Later Homo erectus—that is, individuals who lived after about 800,000 years ago—fit the human grade, as did Neanderthals. All the australopithecine species, however, slotted into the ape grade. Early Homo erectus, like the Turkana boy, was intermediate: the boy’s first molar would have erupted when he was a little more than four and a half years old; had he not met an early death, he could have expected to live about fifty-two years.
Smith’s work showed that the australopithecines’ pattern of growth was not like that of modern humans; instead, it was apelike. She further showed that early Homo erectus was intermediate between modern human and ape in its growth: we now conclude that the Turkana boy was about nine years old when he died, and not eleven, as I’d initially supposed.
Because these conclusions were contrary to a generation of anthropologists’ assumptions, they were highly controversial. There was a possibility, of course, that Smith had made some kind of error. In these circumstances, corroborative work is always welcome, and in this case it came quickly. The anatomists Christopher Dean and Tim Bromage, both then at University College, London, devised a way of directly determining the age of teeth. Just as tree rings are used to calculate how old a tree is, microscopic lines on a tooth indicate its age. This method of calculation is not as easy as it sounds—not least because of some uncertainty about how the lines are formed. Nevertheless, Dean and Bromage initially applied their technique to an australopithecine jaw identical to the Taung child’s in terms of tooth development. They found that the individual had died at a little over three years of age, just as his first molar was erupting—right on cue for an apelike growth trajectory.
When Dean and Bromage surveyed a range of other fossil human teeth, they, like Smith, found three grades: modern human, ape, and something intermediate. Once again, the australopithecines were squarely in the ape grade, late Homo erectus and the Neanderthals were in the modern human grade, and early Homo erectus was intermediate. And once again the results stirred debate, particularly over whether australopithecines grew like humans or apes.
That debate was effectively ended when the anthropologist Glenn Conroy and the clinician Michael Vannier, at Washington University in St. Louis, brought high technology from the medical world into the anthropological laboratory. Using computerized axial tomography—the three-dimensional CAT scan—they peered into the interior of the Taung child’s petrified jaw and essentially confirmed Dean and Bromage’s conclusion. The Taung child had died when it was close to three years old, a youngster on an apelike trajectory of growth.
The ability to infer biology from fossils through research in life-history factors and tooth development is enormously important to anthropology, because it allows us metaphorically to put flesh on the bones. For instance, we can say that the Turkana boy would have been weaned a little before his fourth birthday and, had he lived, would have become sexually mature at about fourteen years old. His mother probably had her first baby when she was thirteen, after a nine-month pregnancy; and thereafter would have been pregnant every three or four years. These patterns tell us that by the time of early Homo erectus, human ancestors had already moved in the direction of modern human biology and away from ape biology, while the australopithecines remained in their ape grade.
The evolutionary shift by early Homo toward modern human patterns of growth and development occurred in a social context. All primates are social, but modern humans have developed sociability to the highest degree. The change in biology we inferred from the evidence of teeth in early Homo tells us that social interaction in this species had already begun to intensify, creating an environment that fostered culture. It appears that the entire social organization was significantly modified, too. How can we know this? It is evident from a comparison of the body size of males and females, and from what we know of such differences in modern primate species, such as baboons and chimpanzees.
In savanna baboons, as noted earlier, males are twice the size of females. Primatologists now know that this size difference occurs when there is strong competition among mature males for mating opportunities. As in most primate species, male baboons, when they reach maturity, leave the troop into which they were born. They join another troop, often one nearby, and are from then on in competition with the males already established in the group. Because of this pattern of male migration, the males of most groups are usually unrelated to each other. They therefore have no Darwinian (that is, genetic) reason for cooperating with each other.
However, in chimpanzees, for reasons that are not fully understood, males remain in their natal group and females transfer. As a consequence, the males in a chimpanzee group have a Darwinian reason for cooperating with each other in acquiring females, because as brothers they have half their genes in common. They cooperate in defending against other chimp groups, and on occasional hunting forays, when they usually try to corner a hapless monkey in a tree. This relative lack of competition and enhanced cooperation are reflected in the size of males compared with females: they are a mere 15 to 20 percent bigger.
With regard to size, australopithecine males follow the baboon pattern. It is a reasonable assumption, therefore, that social life in australopithecine species was similar to what we see in modern baboons. When we were able to make a comparison of male and female body size in early Homo, it immediately became obvious that a significant shift had occurred: males were no more than 20 percent bigger than females, just as we see in chimpanzees. As the Cambridge anthropologists Robert Foley and Phyllis Lee have argued, this change in body-size differential at the time of the origin of the genus Homo surely represents a change in social organization, too. Very probably, early Homo males remained in their natal groups with their brothers and half brothers, while the females transferred to other groups. Relatedness, as I’ve indicated, enhances cooperation among the males.
We can’t be certain what prompted this shift in social organization: enhanced cooperation among males must have been strongly beneficial for some reason. Some anthropologists have argued that defense against neighboring troops of Homo became extremely important. Just
as likely, and perhaps more so, is a change centered on economic needs. Several lines of evidence point to a shift in diet for Homo—one in which meat became an important energy and protein source. The change in tooth structure in early Homo indicates meat eating, as does the elaboration of a stone-tool technology. Moreover, the increase in brain size that is part of the Homo package may even have demanded that the species supplement its diet with a rich energy source.
As every biologist knows, brains are metabolically expensive organs. In modern humans, for example, the brain constitutes a mere 2 percent of body weight, yet consumes 20 percent of the energy budget. Primates are the largest-brained group of all mammals, and humans have extended this property enormously: the human brain is three times the size of the brain in an ape of equivalent body size. The anthropologist Robert Martin, of the Institute of Anthropology in Zurich, has pointed out that this increase in brain size could have occurred only with an enhanced energy supply: the early Homo diet, he notes, must have been not only reliable but nutritionally rich. Meat represents a concentrated source of calories, protein, and fat. Only by adding a significant proportion of meat to its diet could early Homo have “afforded” to build a brain beyond australopithecine size.
For all these reasons, I suggest that the major adaptation in the evolutionary package of early Homo was significant meat eating. Whether early Homo hunted live prey or merely scavenged carcasses, or both, is a highly controversial issue in anthropology, as we will see in the next chapter. But I have no doubt that meat played an important part in our ancestors’ daily lives. Moreover, the new subsistence strategy of obtaining not just plant foods but meat as well probably demanded significant social organization and cooperation.
Every biologist knows that when a basic change occurs in a species’ pattern of subsistence, other changes usually follow. Most often, such secondary changes involve the species’ anatomy, as it adapts to the new diet. We have seen that the tooth and jaw structure of early Homo is different from that of the australopithecines, presumably as an adaptation to a diet that includes meat.
Very recently, anthropologists have come to believe that, in addition to dental differences, early Homo differed from the australopithecines in being a much more physically active creature. Two independent lines of research converged on the conclusion that early Homo was an efficient runner, the first human species to be so.
A few years ago, the anthropologist Peter Schmid, a colleague of Robert Martin’s in Zurich, had an opportunity to study the famous Lucy skeleton. Using fiberglass casts of the fossil bones, Schmid began assembling Lucy’s body, with the full expectation that it would be essentially human in shape. He was surprised with what he saw: Lucy’s rib cage turned out to be conical in shape, like an ape’s, not barrel-shaped, as would be seen in humans. Lucy’s shoulders, trunk, and waist also turned out to have a strong apelike aspect to them.
At a major international conference in Paris in 1989, Schmid described the implications of what he had found, and they are highly significant. Australopithecus afarensis, he said, “would not have been able to lift its thorax for the kind of deep breathing that we do when we run. The abdomen was potbellied, and there was no waist, so that would have restricted the flexibility that’s essential to human running.” Homo was a runner; Australopithecus was not.
The second line of evidence that bore on this issue of agility flowed from Leslie Aiello’s work on body weight and stature. She obtained measures of these features in modern humans and apes and compared them with similar data gleaned from human fossils. Present-day apes are heavily built for their stature, being twice the bulk of a human of the same height. The fossil data, too, fell into a clear pattern—one that by now was becoming familiar. The australopithecines were apelike in their body build, while all Homo species were humanlike. Both Aiello’s findings and Schmid’s work are consistent with Fred Spoor’s discovery of the difference in anatomical structure of the inner ear in australopithecines and Homo: a greater commitment to bipedality goes along with the new body stature.
I hinted in the previous chapter that major changes other than that of brain size occurred with the evolution of the genus Homo. We can see now what it was: australopithecines had been bipeds, but were restricted in their agility; species of Homo were athletes.
I argued earlier that bipedalism evolved initially as a more efficient mode of locomotion in a changed physical environment, enabling a bipedal ape to survive in a habitat unsuited to conventional apes. Bipedal apes were able to roam more terrain as they foraged for widespread sources of food in open woodland. With the evolution of Homo, a new form of locomotion emerged, still built on bipedalism but with greater agility and activity. The lithe stature of modern humans permits sustained striding locomotion and promotes effective heat loss, which is important for an animal that is active in open, warm environments, as early Homo was. The efficient, striding biped represented a central change in hominid adaptation. And that change surely involved some degree of active hunting, as we shall see in the next chapter.
The ability of an active animal to dissipate heat is especially important for the physiology of the brain, a point emphasized by the anthropologist Dean Falk, of the State University of New York, Albany. In her anatomical research in the 1980s, she demonstrated that the structure of the vessels that drain blood from the Homo brain is conducive to efficient cooling, while in australopithecines it is much less so. Falk’s so-called radiator hypothesis is one more argument in support of the magnitude of the Homo adaptation.
That the Homo adaptation was successful scarcely needs to be said: we are here today as evidence. But why do we not have other bipedal apes for company?
Two million years ago, Homo coexisted with several species of Australopithecus in East and South Africa. But a million years later, Homo was in splendid isolation, the various australopithecine species having slipped into extinction. (We tend to think of extinction as a mark of failure—as something that happens to a species that is somehow not up to the challenge that nature presents to it. In fact, extinction appears to be the ultimate fate of all species: more than 99.9 percent of all the species that ever existed are now extinct—probably as much a result of bad luck as of bad genes.) What do we know about the fate of the australopithecines?
I’m often asked whether I think that Homo, having become a meat eater, might have included their australopithecine cousins in their diet, thus pushing them into extinction. I have no doubt that from time to time early Homo killed vulnerable australopithecines, just as they took antelope and other animal prey when they could. But the cause of australopithecine extinction is likely to have been more prosaic.
We know that Homo erectus was an extremely successful species, since it was the first human to expand its range beyond Africa. It is therefore likely that early Homo grew rapidly in numbers, thus becoming a significant competitor for a resource essential to australopithecine survival: food. Moreover, between 1 million and 2 million years ago ground-living monkeys—the baboons—were also becoming highly successful and burgeoning in numbers, and would also have competed with australopithecines for food. The australopithecines might well have succumbed to a twofold competitive pressure—from Homo on one side and baboons on the other.
At least some lines of evidence support the notion that the physique of early Homo reflected an active pursuit of meat—that is, as a hunter in search of prey. It is salutary to reflect on the fact that, as a means of subsistence, hunting and gathering persisted until very recently in human prehistory; only with the adoption of agriculture a mere 10,000 years ago did our forebears begin to abandon a simple foraging existence. A major question for anthropologists has been, When did this very human mode of subsistence appear? Was it present from the beginning of genus Homo, as I have suggested? Or was it a recent adaptation, having emerged only with the evolution of modern humans, perhaps 100,000 years ago? To answer these questions, we h
ave to pore over clues in the fossil and archeological records, searching for signs of the hunting and gathering mode of subsistence. We will see in this chapter that theories have shifted in recent years, reflecting a change in the way we view ourselves and our ancestors. Before we see how the evidence of prehistory has been scrutinized, it would be helpful to have a picture in mind of the foraging lifestyle, as we know it from modern hunter-gatherers.
The combination of hunting meat and gathering plant foods is unique to humans as a systematic subsistence strategy. It is also spectacularly successful, having enabled humanity to thrive in virtually every corner of the globe, with the exception of Antarctica. Vastly different environments were occupied, from steamy rain forests to deserts, from fecund coastal reaches to virtually sterile high plateaus. Diets varied greatly from environment to environment. The Native Americans of the Northwest harvested salmon in prodigious quantities, for example, while the !Kung San of the Kalahari relied on mongongo nuts for much of their protein.
Yet despite the differences in diet and ecological environment, there were many commonalities in the hunter-gatherer way of life. People lived in small, mobile bands of about twenty-five individuals—a core of adult males and females and their offspring. These bands interacted with others, forming a social and political network linked by customs and language. Numbering typically about five hundred individuals, this network of bands is known as a dialectical tribe. The bands occupied temporary camps, from which they pursued their daily food quest.