Heart & Soul

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Heart & Soul Page 9

by Sienna Grant

  I’ve waited ten years for this!

  Chapter Seventeen


  Oh, fuck! I’ve waited so long for him to hold me like this, I actually thought that all was lost, I mean every time we’re in each other’s company we end up arguing. We can’t seem to find that medium where we can just be civil. Maybe this is the reason, maybe this needs to happen before we can move on, or maybe I’m just being the selfish bitch he thinks I am and doing this for my own reasons. Well, I am going to be that person for once. I let him go all those years ago, why shouldn’t I go with what I want for a change.

  I force myself from out of my head and come back to the here and now. My fingers finding the hem of his t-shirt and lift it stroking across the smooth skin of his toned stomach. Pushing it up further my hands sit against his warm skin. Smoothing my palms further up to his chest his t-shirt moves at the same time while his mouth devours me like I’m his last meal, his hand kneading my breast making me push up against him. There are sparks igniting in my core as his lips and his hands push me further. I grind against him as my hand grips the back of his head and pulls him flush against me, no room for anything between us.

  “Fuck, Cass. I want you so bad!”

  “Fuck me, Elliott,” I gasp.

  He doesn’t waste another second. He reaches over his head and pulls off his t-shirt, I undo his belt buckle and the top button on his jeans pulling them apart as the others pop open. He grips the bottom of my jumper and pulls it over my head throwing it to join his on the chair.

  His palms run down my sides over my ribs until he reaches my jeans. He unfastens them then trails his hands back up until he’s cupping both my breasts and massaging them over my black bra. Pushing down the cups he tips my boobs out and brushes his thumbs over my nipples lightly pinching making me pant. My leg that he had drops from its position as my hand reaches inside his jeans, my fingers flutter from the base of his shaft to the top finding the steel ball sitting on the head of his dick. OH, my fucking God! He growls deep in his throat, his dick stiffening under my touch.

  He pushes my jeans over my hips and down my legs until I can pull my feet out of them and I do the same to his. I push my hands inside his jeans cupping his arse cheeks in my hands. He takes them off once he’s kicked his shoes off. He stands to his full six-foot-four height and grips under my bum lifting me, his face nuzzles into my breast, my head tips back as I let his lips work their magic. My thighs grip his hips, his hands work at my bra unclasping it. Flinging it to the floor, his lips cover my nipple as he sucks it into his mouth lightly nibbling, sending the sparks into a full-on firework display. The sensation shoots through my core making me wet.

  “Oh god, Elliott.”

  He walks us to the couch where he lies me against the cushions. My gaze hungrily works its way down his fit and toned body, he always did keep himself in shape. His thumb touches my clit making me jump from how turned on I am, he makes small circles until his finger is entering me, making me wetter still. Spreading the wetness around he enters another finger, filling me. Looking up at him he smirks knowingly, he takes his fingers from me, turning away and picking his jeans up before dropping them again. He rips the wrapper off the condom with his teeth and slowly rolls it down his length. Just seeing him do that action after the time we’ve spent apart makes me horny as fuck!

  Pulling me towards him he grips my thighs and opens my legs a little further before situating himself at my opening. He pushes in with no time to waste, once I’m used to him he starts to move. The ball of his piercing rubbing my walls doing the job it’s supposed to do as he grinds into me sending my pulse racing and making me burn. He edges forward so his knees are sitting on the cushion, not against the edge of the couch. Pumping into me relentlessly I can feel my orgasm building, it’s quick too, my orgasm sits on the precipice as my legs tense up pushing back against him.

  “That’s it, Cass. Let it go, baby.”

  He drives harder, faster as my release tears through me as I shout out his name. His hands gripping my hips tightly as he pounds into me.

  “I’m gonna come, Cass.”

  He slams into me, once, twice, I feel him swelling inside me, that ball still rubbing against me, dragging out my pleasure until he’s releasing on the third one. He slows down his thrusts, panting heavily as he bends over me and rests his head against the back of the couch.

  “Jesus, Cass.”

  He looks down at me our gazes meeting as he comes down from his high. I shift mine from him as he looks at me with his green intense eyes, watching, waiting... for what though, I’m not sure. Before I can ask he pulls out of me gently and removes the condom, he stands and turns towards the bathroom.

  My eyes close on a sigh, but I hear him walk back into the room. My eyes spring open, feeling him staring at me, he bends lifting me into his arms and starts to walk.

  “What are you doing?” I squeak. He takes each step up with no effort at all like I weigh nothing.

  “I’m not giving you the chance to close yourself off inside your head.”

  “Just because you’re carrying me upstairs doesn’t mean I won’t still think.”

  “Which one is yours?” He asks with no room for argument as he reaches the top.

  “Second on the left.” He stops at the door, turning the knob as he pushes us through and proceeds to place me on the bed after pulling the duvet back and stands waiting. I look up at him questioning his actions.

  “Get in.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I challenge him. “Excuse me, but who made you the boss?”

  He leans forward until he’s right in my face. “You did. The minute you let me back into your life. The minute you let me fuck you again.”

  His voice hoarse, still full of arousal, his lips are so close to mine, feeling the warmth of his breath in my face, I’d only have to lean forward a mere centimetre and they’d be on mine again. - kissing me, tasting me.

  “Don’t think for one minute that you can just waltz back into my life just because I let you fuck me once, it doesn’t work that way Elliott Chase, even if you have got a big dick with a hot piercing!” I smirk as he laughs, his voice gruff and deep.

  “I’ve missed your wit and sarcasm.”

  “I wasn’t being sarcastic - I meant it.”

  I try to look serious, but my grin makes me a liar by challenging him. He moves closer to me until I’m leaning back on my hands, my teeth capture my bottom as I bite down on it. He pulls my lip free and presses his to mine, softly, his beard tickling me as it scratches my chin softly. He pulls away from me dragging the covers up and slips in beside me, pulling me into his chest.

  It’s been ten years since I’ve been here like this, he hasn’t really changed - he’s still the same man beneath all the bravado. Elliott has always made me feel special, but I won’t get attached again. Cam needs to know his Dad, Elliott needs to get to know his son and until they can form a relationship this can’t happen again. I know this is my fault, I was the one who forced this. His arms hold around my waist, tightening his hold on me like he’s frightened to let me go - as if he can hear the negative thoughts flying around in my head. I know he’s going to hate me for this, but it’ll give us a chance to get to know each other again.

  “What are you thinking about?” His rough, sleepy voice cuts through my thoughts.


  “Cass, I’m not stupid. You’re tense, it’s three am and you’re still awake and I know after that workout you should be dead to the world by now. You always used to be…”

  “I’m fine.”

  His hand pulls on my shoulder until I roll onto my back to face him as he hovers over me leaning on his arm.

  “Now I know something’s wrong...”

  A sigh leaves my lips. “We need to talk?” He brushes the hair away from my face with his fingers.

  “Um, I think that’s how this started.”

  He smiles softly but the sm
ile soon turns into a frown.

  “What’s up? I don’t want you to keep any secrets from me. There’s enough of those still lingering around.”

  My eyes trace the soft lines of his handsome face, my hand lifting to cup his bearded jaw in my palm, sighing before I break his heart once more.

  “This can’t go any further. I’m sorry.”

  “How do you mean?” Is he for real?

  “I mean that for now, this is the end of the road, I used you for my own selfish reasons Elliott, I’m sorry.”

  I look away to get a seconds reprieve but when I look back he’s just as intense.

  “You need to form a relationship with Cam and I don’t want this getting in the way of that. He deserves to have his Dad.”

  “Alright.” He nods, “I understand that.” He sighs.

  “You do?”

  “Yep. Cameron comes first, but if I only get tonight then we better make the most of it... don’t you think?”

  He gives me a crooked smile as moves above me his lips and tongue teasing me as they work down my body, finding my sweet spot and sending me soaring, before fucking me into oblivion once again.

  When I wake the next morning, the bed is empty, and I know without even going downstairs, that Elliott is gone.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Once Cass fell asleep, I watched her for a while. The soft, relaxed expression on her face from sleep, she always looks so under pressure lately - whether that’s my doing I don’t know, maybe it is. Dipping my head, I kiss her forehead, lingering there for a little longer than I should, her soft skin against my lips. It’s going to be a while before I get to have her like this again. Her head is on my chest as I finger through her hair. I know I have to leave, I don’t want her to feel awkward in the morning and as much as I want us to get back to where we were - she’s right I need to think of my son.

  Slipping out from the bed gently, I pull the covers back over her and after one smaller kiss to the top of her head, I step away.

  “I’ll always love you, Cass. You never left me once. You’ll always be my girl,” I whisper. I quietly close the door behind me and tiptoe down the stairs. I throw my clothes back on and with one last look at Cameron’s picture hanging on the wall, I leave, taking her keys from the table by the door, I softly pulling it closed locking it and posting the keys back through the letterbox.

  This is day one of my future and I’m taking control of it.

  “Where were you last night, you dirty bastard,” Dale says as I walk down the stairs.

  “Sorry, Mum. I meant to call.” I scowl, curling my lip at my brother. Walking past him and clicking on the kettle for a cup of tea, I sit at the table.

  “Are you working back at the pub? “

  “Yep.” To say I’m really not that talkative today is an understatement, I need to figure out how to tackle all this. I need to talk to Cass, properly - away from anywhere which might result with her beneath me, which means no private meetings - no houses, only public places.

  I agreed to this and I intend to keep my end of the agreement.

  Lifting the kettle, I pour the boiling water from the cup and make my tea. I take it with me and sit on the couch. Looking around the room gets me thinking about Mum, I wonder what she would have said to me about all this if I’d given her the time to discuss it If I’d have come back in time like she asked me too.

  “Want to share?” Dale asks breaking me from my thinking.

  “I was just thinking…”

  My eyes carry on searching for something, looking for an epiphany, or some shit like that, but nothing comes.

  “Okay. I was with Cassidy last night.” His eyes widen, and mouth drops open in shock.

  “Are you two back together?”

  “Nope, as much as I want it - no. We did come to an agreement though, Cass wants me to concentrate on Cameron first...” I shrug. “I need to get my know my son.”

  Dale nods in agreement.

  “She’s worried it’ll get in the way plus I think she’s right, there’s too much shit hanging around us at the moment to focus on us, Cam comes first. I want to get to know him, I want him to trust me. We never had that with our Dad and I don’t want it to be like that for him.”

  “It’s a pity you didn’t do that a few years ago.”

  “Fuck you, Dale!” I fume. “I was still performing how would that have worked out - me going on tour all the while. I’d have been away more than here, that would have been worse.

  "I wasn’t being an arsehole, I was just stating a fact.”

  Rolling my eyes at his ‘stating a fact, I bite back.

  “Well, it’s a pity you didn’t state that fact when you found out she was pregnant all those years ago and when you found out he was mine, so keep your fucking thoughts to yourself, yeah?”

  I look down into my tea, no answers at the bottom of my cup either.

  “You know what hurts the most about all of this…?”

  Dale’s head lifts as he waits for me to answer.

  “All the people that say they love me and wanted me to come back, no one told me. It’s fucked up priorities that’s all, but Cass and me, are trying to get through this and work together as to what’s best for Cam. I’m trying my best for both of them.”

  Dale, does look sorry for his comments at least.

  My tummy grumbles for food, I can’t do all this on an empty stomach.

  “I’m going for breakfast, you coming?”

  I slip my feet into my trainers and throw on my baseball cap then grab my keys.

  “Fuck yeah!”

  Dale stands from the chair and walks towards me. “Elliott, I’m sorry - okay? I should have stuck by you, you’re right I should’ve told you, but Cass only did what she thought was best and so did the rest of us. She wanted you to have the best of everything.”

  He pats me on the back and heads out the door before me leaving me with more to think on.

  The cafe is packed but we manage to find a small table in the corner. The owner comes over takes our orders and leaves us to it. Grabbing the newspaper left on the table, I open it up and start flicking through the pages.

  “So, what’s happening with Cam?”

  I raise my gaze up to find dale looking straight at me with a serious expression on his face.

  “Erm, not sure yet. I need to speak with her.”

  “You mean you didn’t talk last night?”

  “We did a little bit. It got a little heated.” I grin tightly.

  “Oh man! You slept with her?”

  “What the lady wants, the lady gets.”

  “And what fucking good can come from that?!” He asks in a hushed, irritated tone.

  “I couldn’t help myself. We talked, we argued, I kissed her... the rest well, I’m sure you can figure that out all by yourself or do you need a lesson about the birds and the bees?” I smirk winding him up some more.

  It’s not long before our plates are placed down in front of us halting the conversation…

  “Well, you need to look out big brother, remember bees sting,” Dale says as he places the food he’s gathered on his fork and puts it into his mouth, leaving me with my thoughts yet again. The chatter comes to a close while we eat, or at least mine does I’m bloody starving.

  “Did you become some kind of monk and not tell me or has some bird chopped off your dick and gave you a pussy because you’re fucking acting like one.”

  “Fuck off!” He mumbles around his full mouth of food. “She doesn’t deserve to be hurt again.”

  “Why the fuck do you think we’re doing it this way? At least we get to know one another again, while I get to know my son. Is that alright with you?”

  He raises his middle finger at me while we eat the rest of our breakfast with mindless chat, spending some quality time with my little shit of a brother.

  Watching him, I can tell he has a lot to say - so m
uch he needs to offload but can’t. I worry about him. I know losing Mum is still playing on him, me too, but he’s younger, he’s only twenty-seven, he’s way too young to lose his only parent. I’m going to make sure though that I make it up to him. I can even forgive him for hiding the news about Cameron, anyone else and they wouldn’t stand a chance...

  I keep looking at my phone, I’m expecting it to ring but it doesn’t. I want it to ring, I need to talk to Cass. Man, up dickhead! Picking up my phone again I pull up her number. I can do this. As it rings I consider about putting it down but…


  “Hi. Erm, we need to talk, Cass.”

  “Yeah, it didn’t go so well last night did it?”

  “Well, I don’t know about that?”

  Her laughter floats through the speaker putting a smile on my face.

  “Keep it clean, Elliott Chase.”

  “Okay,” I chuckle. “So, we need to talk about Cameron.”

  “Yes, we do. We didn’t get that far, did we. We could meet?”

  “Alright, where are you thinking?”

  “You could come around here…”

  “Nope!” I cut her off, “I mean no thanks, public places only.”


  “Cass, I can’t be anywhere private with you. We’ve been alone three times and every time has resulted in me kissing you and wanting to strip you naked - well, the last time I did strip you naked…I can’t. I’m going by your rules here. I can’t keep my fucking hands off you when we’re alone.”

  She laughs again and it’s not helping the tenting in my boxers thinking about her naked or even being alone with her. My hand covers the hardened tool in my jeans hoping to calm it down a little but it’s not working.


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