Book Read Free

Heart & Soul

Page 13

by Sienna Grant

  “Alright you go fetch that and I’ll talk to Cam.”

  He pulls his keys from his pocket and walks out.

  Cameron sits on the couch with his legs drawn up while he flicks through the telly. Taking the remote control from him I switch it off. Before he can whinge I give him the look - that look that says, ‘don’t even dare’, he frowns and huffs but says nothing.

  “Right then, Elliott’s told me what happened, and I know you think this is hard on you but it’s hard on me too. There’s a lot of things you don’t understand and you’re too young to understand now, but I promise one day you’ll know everything.”

  Lifting his chin to look at me, “you’re not talking to me?” He nods with a small smile.

  “Good. Sit up. I’m going to leave you and Elliott to talk when he gets back, okay?” He nods again, I smile at him and kiss his forehead.

  “Good boy.”

  “Has he gone?”

  “He’s just had to pop home for something, he has something to show you. Watch your cartoons until he gets back if you want.”

  I sit on the chair watching him, he really is Elliott’s mini-me.

  The door knocks once and opens, Elliott stands in the doorway with his guitar case with a tight grin. “Hey.”

  “Come on in. I’ll leave you to it. Cam, remember what I said I’ll just be in the kitchen if you need anything.”

  His eyes open wide, a scared look in them. Cupping his shoulder, I carry on past him and go to the kitchen.

  Taking the washing from the washing machine, I separate the washing, put all the underwear in the tumble dryer and put the rest on the airer to dry. The rain outside is making the day gloomy and dark.

  Switching on the dryer I grab the clean bedding from the basket and head out towards the stairs. Through the thin wall I hear the deep voice of Elliott, the voice I’ve heard over and over in my head for the last ten years until he came back, it still makes my heart skip a beat as much as I fought it.

  Standing against the wall I listen to them for a second.

  “So, Cameron. Shall we start again? I’m Elliott.

  I don’t hear him reply though,

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  Elliott tries again. He always was persistent.

  “Do I have to call you Dad?

  “You can call me whatever you’re comfortable with, but you know if you want to swear at me, let’s do it when your Mum isn’t around... yeah?”

  A smile works its way onto my face.

  “Do you really play guitar?”

  “Yeah. Do you want to see it?”

  I don’t hear a reply so I’m guessing he nods his reply. The door opens to Elliott.

  “I’m just taking this upstairs. Everything okay?”

  “You were snooping weren’t ya?!”

  “No! Okay, maybe…” I add my eyes rolling into the top of my head.

  “Totally busted.”

  “Fine, I’ll be upstairs. Shout me if you need me, you know if he bullies you too much.”

  Walking off and stepping on the first step I glance back at him smirking…

  “Pfft, I got this.” Elliott grins puffing his chest out.

  Dropping on the bed with a sigh and lying back, I hear the first few chords of his guitar play. My eyes closing until I hear out of tune chords and realise he’s letting our son try. My heart bursts, everything I’ve locked away comes rushing back to me. Springing from the bed I go back downstairs, there’s no way I’m missing this. Softly pushing open the door, Cam is stood between Elliot’s legs with his back to him and the guitar around his neck. Elliott’s hands are covering his as he shows him how to strum the strings.

  A lump forms in my throat while tears prick at my eyes, I suck my bottom lip into my mouth, teeth biting on it to stop myself from crying. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this reunion. Wiping my cheeks, I look back at them…

  “I did it.”

  “You did! Well done!”

  “Wow! Can I do it again?”

  Elliott nods but doesn’t take his eyes from Cameron and I know he probably thinks the same as me. I can see the love he has for his son already, the wide smile that proudly sits on his face as he stares at him., the amazement in his eyes is evident.

  It’s an instant love.

  Cameron looks up and sees me, so I quickly rub the wetness from my face and walk further into the room.

  “Mum, did you see? Elliott let me play his guitar!”

  “I know baby, I saw.”

  Elliott glances up at me, I can’t hide my feelings. He never ceases to amaze me but to see Elliott and Cam together like this with a guitar just astounds me. He’s like a smaller and younger version of his Dad, I always knew he would be.

  My heart is happy right now and nothing could change that.

  “Hey.” Elliott’s deep voice breathes down my ear startling me. My hands are leaning on the sink with my back to the door, so I didn’t hear him come in.

  “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  My hand goes to my nose to hide the fact that I’m being a wuss, I look up and see Elliot holding a tissue out.

  “Thanks.” I sniffle.

  “You alright?”

  He arches an eyebrow at me in question. Shaking my head, I try to make him believe I’m fine…

  “Don’t give me that shit.” He stops me from answering before I even open my mouth to speak.

  Raising an eyebrow back at him, I attempt to smirk at him as he gives me a crooked smile.

  “It’s nothing. Just seeing you and him together; he was happy that he played the guitar, it was bittersweet that’s all. It was how I imagined it all those years ago. Don’t mind me I’m fine.”

  Waving a hand in Elliott’s face I wipe my eyes with the tissue he gave me, blow my nose then throw it in the bin. The mood suddenly changes again, his head is hanging forward and his hands are stuffed in his pockets. He looks so sad.

  “Elliott? You alright?”

  His head snaps up, his eyes trapping me, I can’t move I’m beholden by them - there’s so much emotion running through them, they’re stormy pools and have turned a shade darker just like the sky would.

  “I think I should go…”

  “But you’re getting on so well.”

  “Yeah, I know, and I’ll see him in the week I promise, but being here with you like this isn’t helping Cass. I’m trying to be what you want but I can’t with you like this. You’re upset, and I realise now just how much I hurt you by not attempting to fix things. I’m selfish and I always will be probably.” He shrugs.

  “I don’t want you to go yet. Stay and have a bit more time with Cam, please? Unless you really want to go, and I can’t stop you if you do…”

  He smirks but studies me with his sexy wanting eyes, I know I’m playing with fire and probably setting myself up for a broken heart yet again but I’m sick of being sensible. Why can’t I have something for me for once.? I haven’t thought about myself in ten years.

  My gaze fixes on his mouth as his lips open to speak….my heart pounding against my chest.

  “Coffee would be great.”

  He leans into me. His breath is hot as it blows in my face His lips just a fraction from mine, wetting my lips to take away the dryness, his nose rubs against mine gently.

  “I better get back to Cam, seeing us like this isn’t gonna help is it?” He says quietly as a frown wrinkles his forehead.

  “Okay,” I whisper but really, I want him to grab me in his arms and throw me on the table like he did a few weeks back only this time I won’t fight him. My fists ball his t-shirt pulling him closer to me so our bodies touch. Gasps leaving my lips as my heart beats harder. His lips skim my cheek until he leaves a small kiss there.

  “We’ll talk about this later…”

  Biting on my lip to stop myself he steps away. He pulls my lip from my teeth and rubs his thumb across it as he smirks. He ki
sses his fingers and places them against my lips, my eyes close from his touch on their own accord.

  When they open again he’s gone.

  Shaky breaths leave me as I turn back to the kettle. I make our coffee in a daze and head for the front room.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  If I didn’t walk away from her when I did I would have kissed her, and I wouldn’t have stopped either. I’m getting to my point where I can’t not touch her. Friday night by the beach, I shouldn’t have kissed her, there’s so many memories flying around it’s hard to switch everything off. Cassidy isn’t innocent in any of this though - she wants this as much as I do, I know she does, but she’s obviously got a better hold on things than I have.

  “Here you go.” Cassidy holds out the cup for me to take.

  Smiling I stand up and take it from her before sitting down and taking a drink.

  “Mmm, thanks.”

  Cam has my guitar on his lap, he looks across at me, a beaming smile etched right the way across his face still. I’m so glad I can do something to make him happy. I know it’s not going to be straightforward and there’s going to be more questions along the way, but at least this is a start and if I can get him interested in music at least it’s something we can do together.

  After another hour of sitting in the front room of Cassidy’s - it’s time to go.

  “Do you have to go?”

  “I’m afraid so Bud. I have to get ready for work and so does your mum.”

  “Yeah but it’s only the pub…” He whines.

  “I know but I have to go through my set and see what I’m going to sing. Your mum has to be there in an hour anyway, so I’ve stayed longer than I should. I’ll see you in the week though if you want to?”

  Nodding his head, he seems happy to do that.

  “Yeah okay, can I come to yours then straight from school?” he asks as he jumps up and down excitedly.

  “Yeah, of course, you can. You don’t have to ask, you can come anytime you want to.”

  “Cool. Mum, I’m going out. I’m going to tell Tommy I’ve been playing guitar and that you are going to teach me. See you later.” He shouts back and like a whirlwind, he’s gone.

  “Wow. someone’s happy.” Cass says in shock. “I think you’ve made a friend.”

  “Yeah? How about his Mum?” Lifting my chin in question.

  Stepping closer to her, she tips her head back to look at me.

  “Hmm, maybe,” she smirks, her teeth capturing that lip yet again.

  “You know Cameron has gone now so there’s nothing to stop me from taking you in my arms and fucking the living daylights out of you. So, stop doing that unless you want me to come good on that threat.”

  Her eyes widen as they sparkle, an answer I wasn’t expecting but I wouldn’t do it now anyway with Cam only outside and could come in at any second. Her smile grows wider.

  “Do you like playing with fire Cass?”

  She steps backward as I step with her until she’s against the wall in the hallway. Caging her in she looks up, her throat works up and down as she swallows hard. My hands cup her face as I mould my lips to hers in a hard but quick kiss.

  “I have to go.” I gasp. “Do you want me to pick you up?”

  Shaking her head is the only answer I seem to be getting until she breathes deeply.

  “I’ll pick you up if you want?”

  “Yeah okay.” I nod, “I’ll see you soon.”

  Winking as I turn from her, a smug smile forming on my face as I walk out of the door and get in my car.

  The car horn sounds outside just as I’m putting my guitar back in its case. Slipping on my shoes, I grab a jacket and shout to Dale, telling him I’ll see him later and he can use the car if he wants. He comes running down the stairs not a minute later.

  “Um, what you mean I can use your car? How’re you getting to the pub?”

  “Cassidy’s come to pick me up.”

  “What’s going on between you two?”

  “Nothing.” I sigh. I’m sick of being asked the same question. “We’re just getting along mainly for Cam’s sake.”

  “For Cameron’s sake?” He nods doubting my plausibility. “So, you wouldn’t want to be with her other than that?”

  “You talk shit sometimes you know that? Of course, I want to be with her, but it’s got to done in the right way so get your head out of the gutter and shut up. I’m going to work.”

  “I might pop in later.”

  Lifting my hand, I hold it in the air letting him know I heard and saying bye at the same time. Two birds, one stone.

  Walking out to the car, I open up the door to see her in skin-tight black jeans, a strappy blue top, and her leather jacket. She looks like sin.

  “Hey.” She waves, I put my guitar on the back seat then jump in the front.

  “Hi. Have you calmed down now?”

  “Me?” I thumb my own chest. “It was you who needed cooling off madam.”

  A wicked smile pulls at her luscious mouth, a glaze on them making them glisten from the gloss she uses. Cassidy has never worn much makeup just keeps it natural and always looks good no matter what, but tonight she looks stunning. We drive to the pub in comparable silence, neither of us wanting to break it so we both stay quiet. Looking to the side I catch her glancing at me…

  “Thanks again for today Cass.”

  “You’re welcome,” she says in a sweet voice.

  Once we arrive at the pub she gets out of the car but leans into the back for something else. Walking around the car, her sexy arse in her tight trousers catches my attention first. My dick begins to stir in my jeans as I stand directly behind her, my palm smoothing over and grabbing her cheek leaning over her.

  “That’s not a good idea.”

  Pulling my hand back and with a swift flick of the wrist, my palm reconnects with it. A small squeak sounds from inside the car. I smile at her response before rubbing myself against letting her know what she’s caused.

  I grab my guitar as she stands from the car with her bag and more shoes. She grins as she rests her hand on my shoulder, stepping into different shoes. These are blue stilettos. Well, fuck me! She knows I’m a sucker for heels - but then what kind of hot bloodied man isn’t? Her tongue breaks through the seal of her lips and licks them making them glisten more.

  “You okay, Ell?” Her cheeks flushing.

  “Are you?”

  My head shakes to rid the thoughts from my dirty fucking mind before we don’t make it to work tonight and bundle her into the car, taking her home...

  “Let’s just say, it’s a good job I didn’t see those shoes when you came to mine earlier because both of us would have been calling in sick!”

  “Is that a threat or a promise, Mr. Chase?”

  She walks past me and carries on in front. She may be small but, in those heels, they cling to her curves and her legs go on forever. Definitely a promise, Ms Summers. After seeing her bent over in the car too, fuck... my dick is planning on a quick escape seeing as he has a mind of his own.

  “Cassidy Summers, I’m going to own you, baby,” I whisper into her ear as I walk alongside her, “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” We reach the door of the pub, holding it open for her to walk through before me. I stand close enough from her that she has to brush past me, a shudder passes through her. Oh yeah! She’s mine!” Laughing I walk in after her and straight up to the bar.

  “What’s so funny?” Asks Carson.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  Cassidy walks past with her middle finger in the air at me trying to hide a smirk, making me laugh harder.

  “Have I missed something?”


  “Carson, it’s just Elliott being a twat as usual - take no notice.”

  Puckering my lips, I blow her a kiss. She twists up her gloss painted lips to stop herself laughing, grabs a bottle of Budweiser opens it
and places it in front of me on the bar. She leans on to her elbows, her mouth dropping open as she slides her middle finger into her mouth, her pouty lips latch on to her finger as she draws it out slowly and painfully then sucks on the tip and holds it up front of me. The smile falls from my lips as the laughter dies out.

  Leaning across the bar, I take her hand in mine, pulling it closer to my lips, kissing and sucking on the tip of each finger,

  “Be careful what you wish for…”

  Her eyes dazzle with the unknown, nibbling on her lip...

  Taking a long pull from my bottle, I place it back on the bar then pick up my case and head into the other room, adjusting my dick so it’s not visible.

  That woman is gonna pay for that! Something has changed between us, she’s not fighting me off or telling me not to flirt with her - she’s doing it instead, she’s testing my control... we’ll see who can stand the test when I play her at her own game.

  Instead of heading back onto the bar I decide to do my sound test and set up my gear. I do a couple of songs. In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins and the first few lines to Wherever you will go by The Calling.

  I see the shoes before I see Cass, She smiles as she looks up at me.

  “You still look just as gorgeous up on that stage as you did ten years ago, if not better…”

  “What are you up to Cass?”


  Walking up the steps of the stage, she stands next to me.

  Turning to face her I dip my head into the crook of her neck and smell the alluring sweet scent of her perfume.

  “Hmm, you smell good, but don’t test my patience Cassidy because you’ll come undone, I’ll make sure I win. You’ve been trying to tease me all day so what’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” shrugging again, “maybe I was wrong.” Her hand rests on my hip but soon moves around to my arse as she slides her hand into my pocket. Wrapping my arm around the curve of her waist I pull her close against my chest, her breasts rubbing up against me creating a friction I can feel right there in my cock as it stiffens against the fly of my jeans for the second time in an hour.


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