Sean's Sweetheart

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Sean's Sweetheart Page 8

by Allie Kincheloe

  Her rant came to an abrupt end. A sob escaped on the tail end of a gasp for air. She couldn't hold the tears back any longer. She sank back to the floor, tears pouring from her eyes. Sean cradled her in his arms. His deep voice mumbled reassurances in her ear that she deserved better than Caleb.

  "You're supposed to be her best friend? What a way to show it, talking about her behind her back. Hell, not even behind her back since she was in the same room," Sean snapped.

  He rose to his feet in one fluid motion, with her still cradled in his arms, and carried her out to the car. Keeping one of her small hands enclosed in his, Sean did his best to comfort her as he drove back to his apartment. Tears ran unimpeded down her face. She didn't try to contain her sobs. Sean swung his car into his parking space and hurried around to Talia. He drew her out of the car and into his arms. Talia pressed her wet face into the collar of his shirt and wrapped her arms around his neck, inhaling slow and deep to pull his scent into her lungs.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Keeping Talia in a snug hold against his chest, Sean made his way up the narrow stairs of his building. Karly and some guy stood outside his door, waiting for them. What the fuck were they doing here?

  "Claire called me and told me what happened. She said Talia was really upset and she was completely at fault. One of the other bartenders gave me your address. Is she okay?"

  He handed his keys to Karly to get her to unlock the door and carried Talia inside before he answered. He sank down on the couch, still cradling her in his arms.

  "Does she look okay? What did Claire say happened?"

  "Said that she made a comment about you that she regretted. And Talia got really upset and left with you, crying, after yelling at her. Claire didn't say what she'd said."

  "That's somewhat true. The comment wasn't about Sean, though, it was about me. She basically told one of her friends that I'm stupid for being interested in Sean because he's nowhere near as cute as Caleb. And then went on to say I should be afraid of him because he's a big guy who would likely crush me if we ever... well, you know, had sex," Talia roused herself to say.

  Sean bit the inside of his jaw, trying to stem the flood of desire that pounded up, hearing Talia talk about the two of them having sex.

  "Wow! Oh, wow, that's worse than I thought. I figured it was just something like she didn't think he was cute or whatever. You know how shallow Claire can be." Karly plopped her butt down in the middle of his coffee table. Sean's bartender instincts almost made him growl at her to utilize the furniture properly.

  "God, she knows how Caleb treated you. Heck, she encouraged you to break up with him and to go after Sean! I'm going to choke her. Oh, wait 'til I see her again!" Karly pounded one small fist into her palm and muttered under her breath.

  Talia didn't say anything else. She snuggled in to his chest, her soft sniffles finally slowing down.

  Karly seemed to have wound down. She shut up anyway, and her friend stayed silent.

  After a few minutes of way too much quiet, Sean finally spoke. "So, Karly, who's your friend?"

  "Oh, right. Y'all haven't met. Sean, this is Garrett. Garrett, this is Sean. He's going to be Talia's boyfriend. He's just too stubborn to realize it yet." Shaking his head, Sean laughed. The little spitfire was probably right though.

  With a little teasing and joking, he managed to cajole a smile back onto Talia's face. Karly and Garrett hung around for several hours, the four of them talking and playing cards. When Garrett reminded Karly that it was getting close to her curfew, they realized how late it was. Karly left with Garrett. But not before whining to Talia not to tell anyone she was seeing him.

  Sean rolled his eyes at the idea of a secret relationship. Talia answered with a laugh and said she wouldn't tell if Karly didn't tell their dad she was at Sean's. Oh, great, a secret friendship is even worse.

  Hugging Talia close, Karly replied in a fake whisper, loud enough for everyone to hear, that she would never say anything about Talia spending time with a good guy like Sean. He liked the sound of that. A good guy.

  Once the door closed behind the young couple, the quiet in the apartment got awkward. He didn't know what to say. What could he say? Her friends were turning against her because of him. Although Karly seemed to be on his side at least.

  Finally, he just asked if she wanted him to drive her home. She had her car, but could she drive home safely? Leaving was the last thing he wanted her to do. But the hour grew late and despite his nap earlier, exhaustion made his very bones ache.

  He tried to make plans with her for the next night, but she already had plans with her mom and sister. He sighed and she said she should probably go. Damn, he didn't want her to leave.

  She did pull him in for a quick hug goodbye. When she released him, he grabbed her and pulled her flush against him again. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tipped her head up so she had to look at him. "I'm sorry about today. She won't be the last person who looks down on you for associating with a guy like me. I never wanted my life to affect you."

  "You can't seriously blame yourself for Claire's actions. This was not on you in any way. I like you. A lot. If my friends can't see that you're good for me, then they don't deserve to be my friends."

  Her arms slid up to wrap around his neck. When he didn't resist, she tugged his head down to hers and brushed her lips against his for the briefest of kisses before whispering, "Good night." Before he could close the distance and deepen the kiss, she stepped away.

  "Let me walk you out. This isn't the best neighborhood. You shouldn't be here alone at night, okay?" Grabbing his keys, Sean walked her down to her car. He couldn't stop himself from hugging her close one more time before she left. He brushed a soft kiss across the top of her head.

  He watched her drive away. If they kept hanging out like this it was only a matter of time before she would completely wear down his resolve.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  The karate studio was filled with chattering women. Talia sat with her mom and Karly, waiting for the class to start. So far, not a single man had walked through the door.

  "Do you think they'll teach us how to kick a guy's ass?" Karly hopped up and stomped around the matted floor in the gym.

  "I doubt that. More just how to hurt him enough that you can run away."

  "I don't know why Dad is making me take this class anyway. Talia's the one with the crazy asshole stalker."

  "Because he worries about all of us. It won't hurt you to be supportive of your sister. Watch your language."

  Talia rolled her eyes at her mom's indulgent tone. She gave in a lot with Karly, always had. It's probably why her sister was such a wild child.

  Karly continued to grumble about being forced into the class. Talia glared at her, hoping she would shut up. She, for one, wanted to be there. Some church had put a flyer on her car at work the other day and she'd had tears rolling down her cheeks before she even touched it. She resolved to take her life back, to stop being afraid. Learning to defend herself was a big part of that.

  The instructor finally came in. A small man in his late forties, he looked cut. She'd never realized someone so tiny could look so strong. He gave a little speech about surroundings, clothing less likely to attract attention, and what this class would cover. Then he asked them to break into pairs. Karly grabbed their mom's hand and left Talia looking around for a partner. Crap. No one else was partner-less. Of course, the one who needed this class the most would end up without a partner.

  "Ah, we one short. One minute, I find you partner. You ladies go ahead. Practice first move. Red, you watch. Get extra practice time after."

  Red? Ugh. She watched him slip into one of the side rooms, exit that one, and back into the next. She was going to be partnerless all damn night. She turned her attention back to her mom and Karly. Her sister was more adept at getting free than their mother. Karly moved quickly into motion while their mother hesitated more.

  She jumped a foot w
hen the instructor laid a bony hand on her shoulder. A very unladylike expletive slipped from her lips. She turned toward him.

  "I found partner. You no mind wrestling big, sweaty man for evening?"

  "Hey, sweetheart." Talia's heart raced as she looked up at Sean.

  "Sean? What are you doing here?"

  "Ah, you know each other. Even better! Yay! Now we move on. She need practice after. You help, yes?" He slapped Sean on the back and wandered back to the front of the class.

  Sean moved over next to her and turned his attention to the instructor. She couldn't keep her eyes off him even when he nudged her to pay attention.

  When they got to the practice part, she had no clue where to start. She'd been fascinated with a drop of sweat on Sean's brow and its trek down his strong jaw and completely missed the instruction. She looked frantically at her mom and sister to see what they were doing.

  Sean whispered directions to her. She ended up on the mat, flat on her back, with Sean looming over her. She was supposed to trap one of his arms against her, wrap her leg around his, and flip them over so she was on top. All she ended up doing was grinding herself into him.

  Desire flared up in his eyes. He didn't move. She tried again. He let out a ragged exhale and squeezed his eyes closed. The third try, she managed to flip him. Or maybe he let her. She didn't know. But now she sat astride him. Yoga pants and gym shorts separated them. He twitched beneath her. That was it. She leaned down; he raised up. His hand tangled in her hair and their lips met. It was glorious. Everything she had been waiting for in a second kiss. Hot lips, smooth tongue, Sean's hard body pressed against hers. Perfect.

  Until the entire class started clapping and cheering for them.

  Panic and guilt won out over desire in Sean's eyes. He shook his head and shut down all emotion. She found herself sitting back on her ass on the mats. He walked away, back stiff. The whispers and giggles started the moment the door closed behind him. Her mom and Karly reached out for her. But she was on her feet and following him.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Sean stomped out of the karate studio. He shoved his forehead against the brick wall and closed his eyes. What the hell was he thinking? Kissing Talia like that. In front of her mom. Her sister. Everyone. He hauled his arm back and slammed his fist into the wall. Pain spiked through his hand and it throbbed like a mother. He deserved it. Rather he be in pain than Talia. He flexed his hand and winced when the throbbing renewed.

  "Punching walls isn't the best idea now, is it?"

  He looked up to see Talia's dad staring at him, looking amused. The old man wouldn't be amused if he knew why Sean was punching this wall. He drew his fist back and slammed it into the brick. Again. And again.

  Until a soft voice cut through his rage. "Sean. Stop, please."

  He turned to face her and his anger slid away. She stared up at him with those big green eyes that haunted his every waking moment and tormented him in his sleep. He looked down at her and slumped back against the wall. He covered his head with his hands. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  "Are you okay?"

  He didn't uncover his face. He didn't speak. What the fuck could he say? Was he okay? Hell no, he wasn't okay. He was as far from okay as a man could get without bleeding. A trickle of blood ran down his wrist.

  Scratch that. He was as far from okay as a man without a bullet in his chest could get. This hurt worse than getting shot.

  He opened his eyes and focused on her. He saw her mom and sister join her dad out of the corner of his eye. Why not have her whole damn family here? What's a few more to watch her break his stupid heart? Where was her brother? Might as well call him up so he didn't miss the show.

  She reached out to him. His traitorous heart skipped a beat and fuck if he didn't lean into her touch. She stroked his cheek and he closed his eyes before he started bawling like a damn baby. God, he wanted this woman. More than he had ever wanted anyone.

  She picked up his battered hand and manipulated it. Her touch was gentle, but he still sucked in a harsh breath as she moved it.

  "Why'd you have to go punch a wall? I know the way they all cheered was a little embarrassing, but the world didn't end, you know."

  "Why were people cheering?" her dad asked. Karly looked too delighted to tell him.

  Talia ignored her family. She shushed her dad when the growling started and stepped up close to Sean, who gulped down a big lump in his throat when she put her little hands on his chest and smiled at him.

  When he opened his mouth, he couldn't hold back and an outpouring of confessions flowed out before he shut them off. "You're killing me. I can't do this anymore. It's eating me up inside. I ran my bike out of gas because I was too distracted, thinking of you. I've poured perfectly good whiskey all over my bar because I caught a glimpse of red hair out on the dance floor. I can't sleep. If I do sleep, I wake up thinking about you. I can't do this anymore. I want you too badly to be your friend. It's all I can do to keep from going all caveman on you and hauling you back to my place and kissing you until you never want to leave."

  Her little mouth gaped and he looked away. Fuck. He'd scared her. He shook his head and stomped away. He ruined everything he touched. He should have known better than to let himself dream about a girl like Talia.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Talia's phone buzzed the moment she walked out of her morning class. She rarely received phone calls during school days, so it surprised her to see Caleb's name on the caller ID. Until today, he'd not tried to contact her since their breakup. Luck had been on Talia's side; she'd not even run into him on campus. Clearly, it had been too much to hope that she would never have to deal with him again.

  She let the call roll to voice mail, but he called right back. Twice. Talia answered the third time. Her tone was reluctant, but he didn't seem to care.

  "Talia, we need to talk. We should have dinner tonight."

  "No thanks."

  "Excuse me? I've given you a little time. Time to come to your senses. To come back to me. I'm not going to wait any longer. You will have dinner with me tonight."

  "Actually, I won't."

  "You fucking bitch. You—" She hung up the phone when Caleb began to yell. Why he thought she would ever go back to that, Talia would never know. Her phone pulled her from her introspection when it rang again.

  Her finger moved toward the ignore button until she noticed it was her mother. She answered with a sigh.

  "I need you to come home for dinner tonight."

  "Mom, I can't. I've already got plans."

  "Talia, I'm not asking. Your family needs you at home." Talia's frustration grew at her mother's insistence.

  After her mother commanded her home, Talia checked the time. Deciding it was late enough to be safe, she dialed Sean's number.

  She felt horrible when she called to tell Sean that she had to cancel, especially after the previous day.

  "It's fine. Your family needs you, I guess. Your mom wouldn't have been so insistent if she didn't think it was important." He seemed down, but encouraged her to have a good time with her family and managed to calm her down.

  They chatted for a few minutes while she walked across campus toward her next class. She couldn't get him to open up about what bothered him. Well, she knew it was likely that kiss and his blurted admission. But the dork should have realized that she'd kissed him back and that she was just as interested in taking their friendship up to full relationship status. Still, she was glad he at least took her call after yesterday.

  When she got home later that afternoon, her mom followed her upstairs. "We are having guests over for dinner."


  "Some friends. Wear something nice. No fraying jeans, I don't care if they are in style."

  Talia picked out a cute and light-weight dress and sandals, dressy enough to please her mom, but not overly fancy. She sat upstairs reading for a few minutes until the doorbell rang and she headed downstairs to greet their guests.

p; Caleb stood behind his parents on the porch. Their respective parents had been good friends for years. The older couples having dinner together was not an odd occurrence. For Caleb to tag along was unusual, however. He hadn't even joined them that often when he was dating Talia. The satisfied little smirk on his face connected the dots for her. She tried unsuccessfully to suppress a shudder.

  "Talia, I've missed you!" He pulled her into a hug, crushing her against his slim frame. Her skin crawled when he put his lips to her ear and nibbled before breathing out, "And you thought you could avoid me, didn't you? You'll be mine again."

  Her heart raced at his whisper. She squirmed her way out of his grasp, but did her best to avoid drawing attention to them. Her dad didn't know how Caleb had treated her and she didn't want him to. Given how her dad had reacted about the bruises and seeing Sean's jacket, it would not be good for him to know that Caleb had hit her. Her dad seemed to have glossed over the part where she told him Caleb had left the bruises and she didn't want to call his attention back to that night. Seeing her father and her ex get into it was not something she wanted this evening.

  Plastering on a smile, Talia faked her way through the dinner. Karly was the only one who realized her behavior was an act. The false courtesies and murmured comments must have been well-placed. Caleb made certain to stay close by her and chose a seat at her side. By the end of the night, she feared he thought she was interested in resuming their relationship. He even had the audacity to try to hold her hand at the table. She snatched her hand from his, but he didn't seem perturbed by it. He continued the same random chatter he'd spewed all evening.

  What had she ever seen in him? With his manner of speaking, his scrawny frame, and shaggy hair, lately he reminded her less of a man and more of a psychotic Chihuahua. She no longer found him at all attractive. Beth had been right when she said Caleb was a boy and Sean was a man. And she was no longer interested in boys.


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