Sean's Sweetheart

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Sean's Sweetheart Page 11

by Allie Kincheloe

  He stiffened under her touch until it felt like she was cuddling one of the support columns at Garden. Finally, he released a ragged breath, and Talia thought for a moment he wasn't going to answer her.

  Staring up at the ceiling, when he did speak his tone was clipped and tight, "My brother happened. He nearly killed me. It's a long story and I'd rather not get into the details right now. I… it's not pretty, let's leave it at that."

  Talia didn't know how to respond. She was curious about what had happened. Was it an accident? She didn't know he even had a brother until that moment. Talking about it was upsetting him though, so she didn't ask any more questions. She stopped her exploration of his scar and ran her fingers through the dark hair covering his chest.

  "What time is it?" she finally asked, not being able to think of another topic of conversation. They had lain there in silence for some time with only a few comforting kisses and caresses. Both had lost the urgency from earlier.

  He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his watch. "Four-fifteen, time to start getting ready for work, unfortunately."

  Talia felt like crying. He was still troubled and she had to leave. "I'm sorry I upset you, Sean. I was curious, that's all."

  "I'm not upset with you. You have every right to ask questions and someday I will answer them all. It's just… my past is just that. It's in the past. And I'm trying so damn hard to be the man I am now, not who I was then. It's almost like talking about a different lifetime. Telling you about it… that's not who I am anymore."

  The expression on his face was so intense; she could tell that he had laid his heart bare to her in that moment. With tear-filled eyes, she pulled him to her for another kiss. "I know the man you are now, Sean. That's all that matters to me. I'd like to hear about your history at some point, but I won't push."

  They shared one last lingering kiss before rising to get ready for work. It felt homey, her changing in the bedroom while Sean showered. It was nice. It felt right. She was glad to be leaving him on a better note. She still had to try to get her mom and dad off work on the same night as her and Sean so they could have dinner together since so far their schedules hadn't lined up. Her dad insisted on it, yet he'd been the one busy the last few weeks with some projects at work. Maybe this weekend it would all come together.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Sean occupied his normal place behind the bar and joked around with Jack and Angie in the down time. The crowd at Garden was quiet. The music was still loud, but the people themselves weren't. Typical week-night. People would come in after work, have a couple drinks, a few dances, and be done.

  Something stirred the crowd's interest and the buzz of conversations rose. Turning around to see what had caused the uptick in noise, Sean cringed at the two uniformed officers heading up to the bar. Even though he had been clean for years now, seeing cops in his place of business always made his heart race. He knew Anna, but not her partner.

  Leaning on the bar, he tried to project a calmness that he sure as hell wasn't feeling. He nodded in greeting and plastered a fake smile on his face. "Hey, Anna, what can I help you with tonight?"

  "Sean, I need you to come with me to the hospital," Anna said, her tone businesslike and expecting no arguments.

  "What happened? Is it Talia? Is she okay?" Hearing the word hospital, he could no longer maintain the fake smile. He tried to choke down the ball of dread that lodged in his throat. If something had happened to Talia, he didn't know how he would bear it.

  Anna was quick to reassure him. "No, honey, it's not Talia. As far as I know, she's fine. It's your mama. We got a call on an overdose. She's at the hospital, but it doesn't look good. I think you ought to go over there."

  A brief moment of relief filled Sean. Talia was the most important person in his life and knowing she was okay helped dislodge his heart from his throat. A surge of guilt washed up before he tamped down all emotion. He shouldn't feel relief that his mother was in the hospital. But it wasn't as if the woman had ever really been a mother to him. Leaving the club in Jack's capable hands, Sean followed the two officers.

  Anna insisted that he let her drive him to the hospital. While he tried to hide it, Sean was shaking and Anna could probably see that he didn't need to be behind the wheel. She kept the conversation to a minimum during the drive across town. He was grateful for that. He didn't feel like talking. He was about to see his mother for the first time since he was sixteen years old.

  As she dropped Sean off in front of the emergency room, Anna offered to swing by and let Talia know what had happened. Nodding numbly at her, Sean agreed, mumbling that Talia was working tonight. He gave his name at the front desk and they sent him into a windowless little room off to the side. He paced the tiny room waiting for someone, anyone, to give him some news. Would she be able to talk to him? Fuck, would she even recognize him? He hadn't seen her in so long.

  When the door opened, a tiny bald doctor strode in. He looked up at Sean and his eyes softened. Sean knew then, before the words came out of the doctor's mouth, she was gone. He listened to the man's condolences and hospital procedures. When the little man walked out, Sean followed.

  He was going to have to call someone to come get him. He stumbled into a chair in the waiting room and took a ragged breath. It shouldn't upset him that she was gone. The last time he'd seen her, she'd thrown a glass at his head and cursed him. But fuck if he could stop the tears running down his face.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Anna's presence in the store drew attention but Talia's boss had no problem letting her leave early, given the circumstances. She headed straight over to the hospital to find Sean.

  Sitting with his head down, face buried in his hands, Sean still stood out among the folks in the waiting room. Talia hurried over to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as she sank into the chair next to him.

  He raised his head at her touch and she could see the tears in his eyes. He pulled Talia into a tight hug, crushing her against him until she was sure the armrest between them was going to bruise her ribs. His tears fell into her hair and she held him as he cried.

  "She's gone," he finally croaked out. "I hadn't seen her in over a decade. She was never a good mother to me. Why does this hurt so bad?"

  "Because she was your mother. I'm so sorry. Do you need to stay here for something? Or can I take you home? Can I do anything for you?"

  "I can go. They were going to have the funeral home pick her up and call me in the morning." He swiped at the tears running down his face with the back of his hand. Talia had to suppress a sob of her own. Sean had never said much about his family. But to see him in so much pain… it just hurt.

  It was her turn to be the strong one now. "Let me take you home then. Come on. Let me take care of you tonight."

  Sean remained quiet for the entire drive to his apartment, apart from an occasional shuddering breath. Talia didn't try to engage him in conversation. He unlocked the door and she shoved him toward the bathroom for a shower. Once the water turned on and Sean stepped under the spray, she called her mother.

  "Hey Mom. I wanted to let you know that I won't be home tonight. So don't worry. I'm at Sean's."

  "Talia, I'm not sure that's appropriate—"

  "His mom died tonight. I'm not leaving him." No amount of anger or argument from her parents was going to budge her from his side. Not tonight.

  "Oh! I... Well, tell him we are sorry for his loss." While her mom didn't sound pleased about her daughter staying in a man's apartment for the night, she kept her opinion to herself.

  She chatted for a few more minutes while Sean showered. The shower turned off and a few minutes later the pad of bare feet came up the hallway toward her.

  "I've gotta go, Mom. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

  Talia dropped her phone into her purse and turned to see him standing there in nothing but a pair of black boxers. Her mouth dropped. She'd known he was muscular and she'd seen firsthand how nice his chest was when she had
gotten his shirt off of him before. But wow. She was staring, but her eyes refused to let her look away.

  He cleared his throat and joked, "Hey, my eyes are up here." She could still feel the heat in her face when Sean wrapped his arms around her, laughing. "Is that pretty blush because of me?"

  She slipped her hands around his bare waist, laid her head on his chest and inhaled his fresh from the shower scent. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but at least she'd made him laugh.

  "I can go get dressed if you want?"

  No way!

  "No!" she exclaimed. "It's fine. You should be comfortable."

  With gentle hands, he tipped her face up to look at him. "But not at the expense of your comfort."

  "I'm fine with it, believe me! I can't quit staring though."

  "I don't mind if you stare, sweetheart. Hell, I don't mind if you touch. Not as long as I can touch back anyway," he said, his voice deep and low. Seductive. That was the best word to describe it. His lips touched hers and she lost the ability to have rational thought.

  When he swung her into his arms and carried her to his bed, she knew that this time they wouldn't stop at a few kisses. She didn't want to stop.

  He tugged her dress off, his gaze hungry. "You are so beautiful."

  Her entire body heated at the emotion and desire she saw in his eyes. She couldn't verbalize what she wanted, so she pulled him back down for another kiss and allowed her hands to roam the smooth hot skin of his back and sides. The coarse hair on his chest tickled against her breasts. And for once in her life, she didn't mind being tickled.

  Sean's rough hands slid up her sides and it was almost too much—the gentleness in his touch, the desire in his eyes. His soft lips contrasted with the scratch of his unshaven chin on her throat. He murmured little endearments as he kissed his way down her throat.

  Slipping beneath her, his hands fumbled a bit unhooking her bra.

  "Nervous?" she whispered.

  Raising up over her, Sean slipped the bra down her arms. He groaned as he looked down at her. "Not too much. Just... Damn." He brought his mouth back to her throat, resuming his exploration. His mouth was hot against her bare skin and she tangled a hand in his hair, guiding his head down her body. Panties and boxers soon landed crumpled on the floor.

  He paused briefly and asked, "Are you sure?"

  With a vigorous nod, Talia kissed him again before dragging him back down to the bed with her. He fumbled in the nightstand for protection before covering her body with his own. They both cried out when he slid into her for the first time. Kissing her deeply, he began to move. With slow, steady thrusts he soon had her panting his name. She clung to him, gasping his name when she reached her peak. Sean growled and found his own release.

  Afterwards, Talia lay encircled in his arms, a satisfied smile on her face. With a big sigh of contentment, Talia pressed her lips against Sean's bare chest.

  "You okay, sweetheart?" His voice vibrated beneath her cheek.

  "Mmm… more than okay. That was amazing, Sean," she told him, rising up to brush her lips against his. "It was worth the wait."

  Squeezing her to him, Sean returned her kiss. "Did I hear correctly that you told your mother that you were spending the night?"

  "You sure did," she told him with a smile.

  They cuddled in bed for the rest of the evening. Relaxed enough to open up somewhat, Sean told her some things about his past.

  "My mom was either drunk or high—sometimes both—pretty much my entire childhood." He pointed at a long jagged scar on his thigh. "Fell on a broken beer bottle when I was like three. It was infected and nasty before CPS got a call and took me away from her that time. She cleaned up for a while. Got us back. Just to start the cycle again a few month later."

  Talia ran her hand up and down his chest as he spoke. Her heart ached for all that Sean had been through. How could his family be like that? Her family was so close. It was hard to imagine life without them. No wonder Sean had turned to drugs. He had no support system. No loved ones to worry about him. Nothing. The strength of character he'd shown to overcome his past impressed her.

  "The round marks on my back? Some asshat my mom was screwing around with—probably her drug dealer or something—put his cigarettes out on me. She was like a revolving door with men. I couldn't tell you how many men she had in and out of my life."

  In turn, she told him funny memories of her childhood to lighten the mood. Her stories painted a picture of a happy home life with devoted parents and loving siblings. Thinking back and laughing, Talia told him of a day spent at the beach.

  "Daddy let Zane and I bury him up to his neck in sand. Karly was mad that she wasn't the one getting buried. So we ended up digging a hole right next to Daddy and planting her in it. My mom probably still has all the pictures. I'm sure she'd love to show you. It took us longer to unbury them than it did to bury them."

  Sean's tone was wistful. "Sounds like you are really close to your family."

  "One day, maybe you can be a part of that."

  His arms tightened around her and he sighed. Their chatter slowed and they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

  Feeling Sean's warm lips on her shoulder as she woke, Talia smiled. She enjoyed an unhurried stretch before turning into his embrace and wrapping her arms around his neck. It was some time before they made it out of bed. He pulled her into the shower with him. They ran out of hot water and had to rinse off in a cold spray, laughing together. She'd never showered with a guy before, but it was an experience she wouldn't mind repeating. Unfortunately, the good mood had to end and funeral arrangements had to be made for his mother.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Sean picked out a basic casket and opted for only a graveside service for the woman who gave birth to him. The funeral director tried to talk him into more, but he refused to budge from his decision. Tammy Turner had never been much of a mother to him and this was as much as she deserved.

  The simple service was short and sparsely attended. A few scruffy men and two women with stringy unwashed hair stood off to the side talking amongst themselves. Sean vaguely recognized the women. Other than them, Talia, and the pastor, no one else showed.

  After the service, the women came up to Sean. "You're one of Tammy's boys, aren't ya? The younger one?"

  "Yes, ma'am, I'm Sean."

  "You look like you've done good for yourself. Imagine seeing one of Tammy's boys in a nice suit," one of them cackled. She didn't bother hiding the track marks on her arm.

  Once more, Sean was grateful he'd gotten away from that life. Anna Taylor had done him a favor when she arrested him that night. Some day he might even tell her that.

  "That mean brother of yours was in prison. Guess that's why he ain't here?" the other one asked.

  "Last I heard he was, yes, ma'am," Sean responded, his voice quiet. He didn't want to talk about his asshole brother. He hadn't had a chance to tell Talia about his brother or the shit Brian had put him through. He didn't want her to learn about it out here, like this. Some things were meant to be kept private.

  The first one snapped her fingers. "Oh, I remember now. You're the one who got shot! I can't believe you didn't die that day. We all thought you were gonna, ya know? Even Tammy thought you would. She said she'd lost both you and… uh… what was your brother's name again?"

  Talia gasped at his side and grasped his arm tightly. Fuck, he should have warned her. He closed his eyes for a minute and let out a deep sigh.

  "Brian. His name's Brian." Former neighbors from the projects he'd grown up in, that's who they were. He knew they'd looked familiar. He couldn't recall their names, but they had been friendly with his mother. Probably had the same dealer.

  "That one never was any good. Always was mean as a damn snake, even as a little one. He used to steal my kid's toys and throw them out in front of cars. He wasn't but six or seven years old then and already tormenting people. Him shooting you takes the cake though. I never seen no one be that
happy about hurting someone. You clean now? You look clean. This your wife? She's a pretty little thing."

  "Yeah, I'm clean, have been for a while now. She's my girlfriend, we're not married yet."

  Talia squeezed his arm and leaned into him smiling when he said yet. He hoped he didn't scare her off with that comment. Damn it, he should have guarded his words a little more carefully. But at least it took her mind off Brian shooting him.

  When his mother's friends drifted away, Sean pulled Talia into his arms. "I didn't embarrass you, did I? I should have told you I've been thinking of us long-term."

  "No, it was nice to hear. A girl always likes to know that her boyfriend wants more than just now. It makes us happy, you know," she told him with a smile as she tiptoed up to give him a kiss.

  He pulled her close and kissed her gently. Scaring her off was the last thing he wanted to do. Talia had never met his mother, yet she stood by his side while he said his final goodbyes. She stayed strong for him when he couldn't be. Her being with him today meant more than he'd ever be able to explain.

  When he pulled up in front of her workplace a little later, she clung to him in the car. She didn't want to leave him anymore than he wanted her to leave, but she had to go to work. They drew a few catcalls from some boys passing by, but that didn't keep him from giving her a proper goodbye kiss. And maybe he took it a little further than a goodbye kiss in a public location should have gone, but he couldn't resist.

  Damn, he was falling for her.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  A few days later, Sean pulled up to her parents' house and walked up to the porch. Damn, it was a beautiful day. Nice breeze, enough cloud cover to keep the sun from scorching. They couldn't have picked a better day for this festival. Festivals weren't really his thing, but Talia loved them, so he'd go. Anything to bring a smile to her face. He was on the steps when the door opened. Talia came out arguing with her dad.


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