Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2)

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Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2) Page 12

by Aj Estelliam

  ‘You did-and I had to get used to the whole psychic ability bit, didn’t I? Nothing would have ever stopped me from falling for you though, Alex.’


  ‘No, definitely not.’

  ‘How come?’ I asked.

  ‘I just…I think it was fate. I truly believe we were meant to meet and that what has happened between us was written in the stars. Whatever it was, my life has changed for the better ever since knowing you.’

  ‘Oh Jess…I never thought you’d get all soppy!’ I chuckled.

  ‘I’m not,’ she said, grumpily. ‘I was trying to be romantic!’

  I laughed out loud. ‘Jess, you’re one of a kind.’

  ‘In a good way?’

  ‘In an amazing way. You’re the best and most wonderful woman and partner I could ever have imagined meeting. I feel like a very lucky lady these days.’

  ‘Even with everything you’re dealing with.’

  ‘Yes. I realised something yesterday…’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘With you by my side, I can cope with anything,’ I said quietly.

  ‘Who’s getting soppy now?’ she asked, but her voice was soft and calm.

  ‘I know, but I love you so I can be as soppy as I like, right?’

  ‘Right,’ she agreed. ‘Alex?’


  ‘I love you too.’

  I smiled to myself. Things were looking up.

  Chapter 17

  We arrived in Hope Cove six hours later. We took breaks and took turns in who did the driving and eventually, after a long day, we arrived.

  As we wound down the narrow roads to the sea, I smiled contentedly. It was so beautiful to behold the sight before me that I sighed in utter bliss.

  ‘Oh Jess, look!’

  She smiled over at me, slowing the car. ‘You love it here, don’t you?’

  ‘I really do! Look how quiet and peaceful it is, too! The sea is so calm and still! Not a ripple in sight!’

  ‘It’s gorgeous,’ she agreed.

  ‘I love the quietness. It gives me such a relaxed feeling inside.’

  ‘Is that because you don’t hear anyone?’ she asked.

  ‘No, I do…but the voices aren’t overwhelming. I think this place has a wonderful effect on people. It’s calming.’

  ‘Hope Cove would calm the most hectic of people,’ she agreed, turning into the hotel car park.

  Jess wound down to the car park. It was incredibly steep and then around a hair-pin bend. I held my breath a little until we were down and safely parked up overlooking the cove.

  ‘What a scary car park!’

  ‘It’s definitely pretty hilly here.’

  ‘I can’t wait to walk over the headland again…maybe take a picnic?’

  ‘That sounds lovely,’ she replied, smiling happily.

  ‘And sitting on the balcony staring out to sea…’

  ‘Yes. It’s going to be total and complete relaxation. You need to let everything go and just enjoy being here.’

  I nodded, smiling but inside had a tight feeling in my gut. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t quite shake it. ‘Exactly,’ I agreed instead. ‘It’s going to be wonderful.’

  ‘Shall we go and check in?’ she asked.

  I smiled over at her and reached for the handle of the car. ‘Yes! Let’s get this holiday started,’ I said happily. Climbing out of the car, I knew I was beginning to feel refreshed and renewed.

  Once we had checked in, we were shown to our room by a kindly Australian porter. His voice was lilting melodically as he showed us everything we needed to know.

  After he had left, I walked over to the window and unlocked the door to the balcony. Stepping out, I sighed contentedly. Jess came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me from behind. I leant back against her and smiled.

  ‘Thank you for bringing me here, Jess.’

  ‘You’re more than welcome. I can feel you relaxing already.’

  ‘I am…I needed to get away.’

  She sighed. ‘I know…it’s been a rough time, hasn’t it?’

  ‘It has, yes. I’m going to put it behind me though. I’m going to relax and try and enjoy my time here. Everything is sorted back home so it shouldn’t be a problem, should it?’

  ‘No, not at all. I will call Captain Withers and just check in with him briefly, but after that I promise to put work behind me,’ she said softly.

  ‘Of course. I may go and wander down to the beach while you do that.’

  ‘Good plan. I’ll just make the phone call and then come and join you.’

  I reached up and kissed her softly before leaving the room. I didn’t want to listen to her talk to Captain Withers as it would remind me of the case too much. I was ready to put it behind me and focus on my own well-being for a little while. Listening to them talk would bring it all back.

  I walked down the stairs to the ground floor of the hotel. I then made my way through the reception area and out the front door. The sea air hit my senses immediately and I breathed it in deeply.

  I followed the path around the front of the hotel and then down towards the sea. I reached the sand in a few minutes and began wandering over the edge of the water.

  I stood there, unmoving. I watched the gentle rise and fall of the waves against the shore. It was very relaxing and I stood there feeling at peace. My mind drifted to Jess and I thought about how kind it was that she had brought me here. I knew she was concerned about me but now I was here, I knew I would be alright.

  After a while, I headed over to the rocks which looked out over the cove. As it was still winter, the sand was cold and wet so I sat on a dry rock instead. I spent endless moments watching the sea in all its beauty. I didn’t move for a long time and when I did, I was only because I was uncomfortable.

  With my bottom going numb, I stood and rubbed the seat of my pants. I then pushed my clothes into the front of the pockets to warm them. As I did, my hand came into contact with something strange. I didn’t know what it was so I pulled it out of my pocket.

  Staring down at it, I saw it was the cufflink that I had pocketed some time ago. I frowned at it, wondering what had possessed me to place it in my jeans pocket that day. I shoved it back inside, deciding I would return it when we went back home to Scotland.

  ‘Hey,’ a voice said, startling me.

  ‘Oh hey!’ I said, looking over to see Jess arriving. ‘Everything okay back home?’

  She nodded. ‘All fine. They’re just wrapping everything up at the moment.’

  I listened but I didn’t need to ask the question. I could hear the exchange of words they had shared in my head from Jess’ thoughts. They had mainly been talking about me and Captain Withers had suggested she keep me away for a while in order to recover from my ordeal. I didn’t want him thinking I was weak but it had affected me in very negative ways.

  ‘Oh good…well, I guess we can enjoy our holiday then?’

  She nodded. ‘Yes. He wants us to-he said to enjoy our holiday and come back refreshed.’

  ‘Yes, absolutely. I wonder what he does to relax,’ I mused, looking out at the sea.

  ‘I don’t think he does…’ she murmured. ‘He’s always working; always on the go.’

  ‘But he won’t be able to be quite so committed once the baby comes.’

  ‘No. How do you think he will adapt to being a father?’ she questioned.

  ‘Oh, he does great…’ I told her.

  ‘You already know that?’ she asked me, her eyebrows rising.

  I nodded, smiling. ‘I do, yes. I’ve seen it. He dotes on his little boy and takes a step back.’

  She frowned at me. ‘What does that mean?’

  I shrugged.

  ‘No, go on…tell me…’

  ‘I just…well, there’s a time in the near future when Dan realises what really matters in life. Family comes first and that means putting work behind him for a short while.’

  ‘You mean he’s going
to leave the station? Not be the Captain anymore?’ she asked, looking shocked and not too happy about the situation.

  ‘Temporarily, yes,’ I nodded.

  She gaped at me. ‘I don’t want the Captain to leave!’

  ‘I know,’ I smiled. ‘But it’s not forever.’

  ‘How long?’

  ‘I don’t know exactly…’

  ‘But who will take charge? I don’t want to work for any other Captain! Dan is the only one I work well with.’

  ‘You won’t need to worry about working for anyone else?’ I told her.

  ‘How come?’

  ‘Because you’re the one taking over,’ I revealed.

  Her eyes became wide and stunned. ‘Me?’

  I nodded.

  ‘I take over as Captain?’

  I nodded again. ‘Just while he takes time away…’

  ‘Wow,’ she breathed, looking off to sea.

  ‘I don’t see you enjoying it that much though, Jess. I think you’re happy when he returns eventually.’

  She nodded, looking back at me. ‘I never planned to be the one in charge. I’m quite happy working for Captain Withers. I don’t want him to leave-he does a great job in his role.’

  ‘I know, but something tells me that when the baby comes, he will need some time out.’

  ‘Well, you always know…so I guess I can just prepare in advance. That’s the good think about knowing these things sooner.’

  I nodded, smiling. ‘It all works out fine in the end, Jess. Just hang on to that.’

  ‘Okay,’ she sighed. ‘I’m not going to think about the future right now, anyway, Alex. I want to live in the moment and enjoy my holiday here with you. We haven’t had much time together lately, have we?’

  ‘Not quality time, no. I’m sorry my move to Scotland with you was marred by this nightmare of events.’

  ‘Well, it was hardly your doing, Alex. These things happen. It’s just how we deal with it that matters.’

  I nodded, smiling. ‘So, can we enjoy our time now? Forget work and sadness for a bit?’

  She smiled, drawing me close. ‘Absolutely. You name what you want to do and I’m there…’

  ‘Um,’ I moaned softly. ‘This feels nice.’

  ‘It sure does…it seems like ages since we’ve just enjoyed a cuddle or held each other.’

  I pulled back and looked up at her. ‘We have lots of time now though.’

  She nodded, her eyes wide and deep.

  I stared up at her and became lost in her eyes. I had always felt such intense longing for her as soon as my eyes linked with hers. Their green depths were deepened by the colour of the sea. Her flecks of brown within the green seemed to sparkle golden as the winter sun shone above us. ‘I love you, Jess. In amongst the madness that seems to be our lives, I do love you. You know that, right?’

  She sighed, smiling at me sadly. ‘I know, Alex. I love you too. Just remember though, the madness you talk about…?’


  ‘That’s your purpose now…to help people. Without you, we wouldn’t have had a hope in hell, Alex. You’re saving people. Even though that seems ‘mad’ in your mind sometimes, don’t discount it. You’ve taken on a very important job.’

  I nodded. ‘I know. I think I’m coming to terms with it all.’

  ‘Of course you are. I couldn’t imagine coping with what you do.’


  ‘No way! I’d drive me mad! I wouldn’t want to hear people in my head all day long! It’d drive me insane.’


  ‘But, it’s been given to you…’

  ‘It has.’

  ‘So, you do the best that you can do with it.’

  I nodded.

  ‘With me by your side.’

  I looked up at her, feeling such intense love for the woman before me. ‘You’re a pretty special woman, Jess,’ I told her.

  She smiled down at me. ‘Ditto, honey. Ditto.’

  We headed back to the hotel hand in hand and when we arrived there, we shut the door behind us and closed the blinds. Falling to the bed, we began kissing. Her mouth trailed over mine and opened to deepen the kiss. Her tongue found mine and mated passionately. I felt myself groan involuntarily.

  She moved down my body, undressing me as she went. As her mouth closed over my tight, puckered nipple, I tensed and cried out in pleasure. She licked, lapped and lathered my breast with her mouth making me ache with tension. When she was done with one, she moved to the other.

  I moved restlessly on the bed, aching for more, wanting her desperately. She moved down and removed my trousers and knickers. She then spread me before her and lowered herself down.

  At the first touch of her tongue, I gasped, the pleasure just too intense. I ground my hips against her working mouth and circled myself against her tongue. She licked and teased my aching clitoris, bringing me close to release in minutes. Her clever tongue and fingers worked together to make me come. When it happened, I arched up on the bed, crying out her name. Wave upon wave passed over my body and ecstasy filled me. She pushed me higher and higher until I peaked again. At last, I sank back down, fully sated and exhausted. My breath came in ragged gasps.

  Jess moved back beside me and rolled me to face her so I could kiss her. As I responded to her mouth, I used my hand to start stimulating her. I rubbed her folds and teased her clitoris. As she began to moan, I pushed her onto her back. Moving on top of her, I began my own journey down her body in order to pleasure her.

  Sometime later, we finally lay replete on the bed. We had made love multiple times and I felt more than satisfied. My whole body hummed with pleasure as I began to grow sleepy. With Jess in my arms beside me, I began to calm my body in order to sleep.

  Chapter 18

  As I lay in Jess’ arms, I drifted. As I slipped into unconsciousness, I began to see an image, which quickly became a vision.

  The moon shone brightly above and illuminated the graveyard. The grey stones shone like beacons in the distance as I made my way over to the place I had chosen. I laughed to myself, so pleased with what I had achieved.

  I reached the stone I wanted to use and stared at the name. Laura White, it read. Beloved mother, wife and grandmother. Rest in peace. I laughed again, my voice startling the birds and making them fly off above me.

  I bent and began clearing snow. This would take a while, I knew, but it would be worth it. My plan was working…and my final chapter almost ready to begin.

  I awoke with a start and sat up in the bed bolt upright.

  ‘What?’ Jess said, sitting beside me and instantly awake.

  ‘I had a vision,’ I said, shaking my head in confusion. ‘It doesn’t make any sense though…’

  ‘What did you see?’

  ‘I saw…I saw…another grave being prepared. Laughter…happiness with himself…’

  Jess frowned at me. ‘He’s been put away, Alex. Your mind is playing tricks on you.’

  I turned and looked at her, feeling shaken. ‘I don’t know…’

  ‘You’re in no doubt it was him, right?’ she asked, referring to Jeremy Swan who had held me and then put me in the ground using his own, bare hands.

  ‘I…no…I think it was him.’

  ‘Then relax…maybe this vision was out of time, or something? Maybe it happened before and it’s only playing out in our head now.’

  I nodded slowly, taking her thoughts on board. ‘Yes. You must be right. Otherwise it makes no sense…’

  ‘Exactly. Come on, relax…’

  ‘I don’t think I want to lie down again,’ I said, swallowing hard.

  ‘No? Well, dinner is in half an hour. Maybe we go for a wander before?’

  ‘That sounds like a good idea. Where?’

  ‘Around the hotel? We’ve never investigated the whole place!’

  ‘Yeah, true…come on, let’s get out of here. I don’t think I want to do much sleeping at the moment.’

  She smiled at me sadly
. ‘I can understand that.’

  I showered and dressed in a skirt and nice top. Jess washed and changed too, looking smart in jeans and shirt. We left the room hand in hand and wandered along the corridor.

  As we headed along the corridor, I heard a multitude of voices. There were good thoughts and bad, worrying feelings and wonderful emotions. I rubbed my head absently as we reached the stairs and headed downwards.

  ‘I don’t know where I’m going,’ she murmured.

  ‘Me neither…let’s just go wherever the path takes us.’

  ‘A good motto for life!’ she smiled.

  I smiled back at her, squeezing her hand warmly.

  When we reached the ground floor, I heard a consistent voice in my head and it was coming from the other end of the building. The man was worried…seriously worried, and yet I knew he didn’t need to be.


  ‘Yeah?’ she answered, casually, as she often did.

  ‘Can we go down to reception?’

  ‘Sure. Why?’ she asked.

  ‘I want to talk to the owner of this place.’

  ‘Yeah? Why?’ she enquired, falling into step beside me.

  ‘I think can help him,’ I revealed.

  ‘Oh really? In what way?’

  I smiled up at her mysteriously.

  ‘All will be revealed in good time?’ she questioned.

  I nodded at her happily. ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Come on then…let’s go and put your talents to good use again then, huh?’

  I nodded again and then walked with determination towards the front desk.

  When we arrived there, I could see the man in question sitting at his desk, his head in his hands. It was a defeatist position and I could tell he was close to breaking.

  ‘Hello!’ I announced breezily.

  ‘Oh hello! Sorry, I didn’t hear anyone arrive.’

  ‘No problem,’ I smiled, watching him closely as he walked over to the hatch where we spoke with him.

  ‘How can I help you?’ he asked politely.

  ‘Oh, in no way at all actually,’ I told him happily. ‘I’m here to help you.’

  He looked at me quizzically. ‘Do I know you?’ he wondered.


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