Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2)

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Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2) Page 18

by Aj Estelliam

  I stepped back as the officers came in to release him from the chair. The two biggest men then flanked his sides to lift him up and carry him out to the lift. At the lift, paramedics were arriving and they quickly got him into a wheelchair and taken away. I then watched as the teams descended to deal with the aftermath of the events in the morgue.

  I swallowed hard and started walking down the corridor.


  I turned. Jess was standing, looking at me expectantly.

  ‘Where are you going?’ she asked.

  ‘I…I can’t be here anymore. I’ll wait in his office.’

  ‘Okay,’ she agreed. ‘I may be a little while…’

  ‘That’s fine. I’m going to have a lie down on his sofa and sleep.’

  ‘Yeah, do that,’ she nodded. ‘You must be exhausted.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Okay, well…’

  ‘I’ll be there whenever you’re done.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said again.

  I turned and walked away.

  I took the stairs back up to the main room. I headed to Captain Withers office and let myself in. I then lay down on the sofa and released the breath I was holding. Closing my eyes, I finally rested.

  It felt like hours later when Jess came into the room.

  ‘Alex?’ she murmured softly, speaking at my ear.

  ‘Um,’ I murmured, struggling to rouse myself.

  ‘Alex, come on! Wake up!’

  I blinked and struggled to sit up. I sat back and yawned, taking Jess in before me. ‘How long have I been asleep?’

  ‘A couple of hours,’ she told me. ‘I’m heading to the hospital. I figured you would want to come.’

  ‘Yes, I do,’ I said, stretching. ‘I’m awake,’ I told her.

  ‘Did you rest properly this time?’

  ‘Yes! For the first time in a long time, I actually had a decent few hours’ sleep! I can’t wait to get home and back to normal with you.’

  She stroked my cheek gently. ‘Me too, honey. Not long now…just one more thing to do and then we’ll go home.’

  I sighed. ‘Have you heard anything from Dan?’

  ‘No. I just want to check in with him before this is all wrapped up. Everything else is in hand. We’ve found the evidence we need in Zoe’s home and her body is being taken to the coroner’s office. We just need to see that Dan and Fee are doing okay and then I’m happy to put this all to rest.’

  ‘Let’s get it done then,’ I said, standing up. ‘I’m ready to put all this all behind me.’

  ‘Same here,’ she commented.

  We left moments later and headed out of the building towards the car. Jess drove us out of the police station and towards the nearby hospital. When we reached it, we headed in quickly-both keen to check on our friends.

  After a few minutes of waiting to find where he was located, we made our way to the third floor where Dan was in a private room with Fee.

  We knocked and headed in, smiling as we saw them sat together. Dan was in the bed, sitting back against the pillows resting and Fee was beside him in the chair, holding his hand. I smiled over at them, feeling a wonderful sense of family coming over me. I felt so relieved and happy that they were safe and fine. It had been an awful ordeal and yet it was over, I reminded myself.

  ‘Hey!’ Dan exclaimed.

  ‘Hi,’ I smiled.

  ‘Hey, you two,’ Jess said warmly.

  ‘Come and sit down,’ Fee said, standing as we approached. She embraced us both warmly and after I had held her close, I went over to Dan and bent to hug him.

  ‘I’m so glad you’re safe,’ I told him softly.

  ‘Me too,’ he murmured. ‘You’re one amazing woman, Alex.’

  I straightened and smiled down at him. ‘You flatterer you,’ I laughed.

  He grinned at me and we sat down to join them.

  ‘How you doing, Dan?’ Jess asked, her face set in a frown.

  ‘I’m fine,’ he nodded. ‘The finger’s well gone but I can live with that. I have a few bruises and marks from the bindings,’ he said, rubbing his eyes, ‘but I’m absolutely fine, all things considered.’

  ‘I’m so relieved…’ she breathed.

  He nodded. ‘It was my mistake.’

  ‘How so?’ I asked.

  ‘I never should have agreed to meet her.’

  ‘Tell us what happened,’ Jess requested.

  He sighed heavily. ‘She had phoned me first thing and she said she had information for me. She insisted it was important and I decided to go in and speak to her. I was beginning to think that there was more to this than Swan so I figured I would hear her out. We arranged to meet at the station. We went in but as soon as we reached the lift, she struck. She had injected me in the neck before I even realised what she was doing. I feel like such a fool.’

  ‘Don’t blame yourself, Dan. Who’d have any had idea she was such a sociopathic narcissist?’ I questioned.

  ‘Well, clearly you. You saved us, Alex. If it hadn’t been for you, I’m sure I would be dead right now. Fee would have been blown to smithereens and I would have a bullet in my head.’

  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I knew what they wanted to say to me but I didn’t take compliments particularly well and felt myself getting embarrassed. ‘Let me stop you there,’ I told him, looking from Dan to Fee. ‘Obviously I can hear your thoughts and I appreciate your kindness…don’t make me blush now, okay? You’re both safe, we’re all here so let’s leave it at that.’

  Fee smiled over at Dan. He smiled from her to me. ‘You’re an amazing addition to our team, Alex.’

  I swallowed hard. The lump in my throat was still there. ‘Thanks.’ I stood. ‘We should leave you to it.’

  ‘Yes…we didn’t want to interrupt you for long. I just wanted to check in on you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Dan replied.

  ‘When are you getting out of here?’ I questioned, thinking aloud.

  ‘We’re waiting for the doctor’s approval to leave now. I want to get out of here and get home.’

  ‘You and me both,’ I told him, feeling a pain in my stomach.

  ‘There’s nothing quite like going home after something like this,’ he commented.

  ‘Exactly,’ I agreed, trying to ignore the ache which was low in my gut. ‘Shall we make a move?’ I asked Jess.

  ‘Yeah,’ she nodded. ‘I’ll give you a call tomorrow,’ she told our Captain.

  ‘Yes, do. Thanks JJ.’

  She leant and gave him a gentle punch on his arm. It was the closest gesture to affection she could manage to give him. ‘Talk to you soon.’

  I went around to kiss Fee on the check and she held me close for a moment, whispering her thanks. I rose and smiled at her. ‘Bye,’ I said, waving as I left.

  Jess and I left the hospital and as we got in the car I groaned, clasping my stomach.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Jess asked me.

  ‘I have stomach ache,’ I told her uncomfortably.

  ‘Oh no! Are you hungry? You haven’t really eaten so it can’t be something you’ve had…’

  ‘I guess I’m just hungry,’ I murmured, feeling unsettled as I moved in my seat.

  ‘Let’s get you home. Everything will be better then,’ she assured me, turning to look at me closely in the seat.

  I smiled at her. ‘I know. It seems like ages ago since we’ve been at your house and relaxing!’

  ‘Our house,’ she corrected me.

  I smiled at her. ‘Our house…that sounds nice.’

  ‘It’s how I want it to be,’ she said softly.

  ‘Let’s go home to our house,’ I said then, smiling at her with love in my eyes.

  She leant over and kissed my lips gently, her mouth pausing to take her time. It had been so long since we hadn’t been rushing around frantically that it felt nice to just enjoy the moment.

  When she lifted her head, she smiled down at me. ‘I love you, you know?’

  I no
dded, smiling. ‘I love you too…’

  ‘Let’s go home.’

  ‘Please,’ I said quietly, sitting back in my seat. It looked like the nightmare was finally over. Jess put the car into gear and headed out of the car park.

  When we reached home, we went inside and Jess went straight to the kitchen to make us some food. I wanted to help but I was feeling worse and worse. My stomach felt unsettled and jumpy and my headache was getting worse by the second. I sat back against the sofa and groaned to myself.

  ‘You alright?’ Jess asked, sitting down beside me.

  ‘No, actually. I feel quite ill.’

  ‘What-your stomach? I’m making some dinner.’

  ‘No, it’s not hunger. I feel…I don’t know…uncomfortable and unsettled.’


  I shook my head. ‘I don’t know…I feel…ill…sick to my stomach. My head is pounding too. That damn ticking is driving me insane! Could you take the batteries out of the stupid clock!’ I exclaimed, pointing to the clock on the wall.

  She frowned up at it. ‘Uh, Alex?’

  ‘What?’ I said, grumpily.

  ‘The clock’s not ticking,’ she informed me.

  I gaped at her. ‘What?’

  ‘The clock…it’s not ticking. It’s not making a sound at all,’ she said, looking at me seriously now.

  ‘It’s not…’ I trailed off. I looked around frantically, listening more carefully to what I was hearing now. I closed my eyes before the panic set in and listened to the voices, listening to the message.

  Laughter. So much laughter. Why was she still laughing? She was dead!

  ‘Stellio. Stellio. I am the trickster. Boom goes the baby, boom goes the lady and boom goes the Captain who goes back home,’ she sang.

  I gasped in sheer terror and sprang to my feet. The panic was upon me and I could barely speak it was so palpable. I ran to my bag and wrenched my phone out. My hands were shaking so badly that it took three attempts to dial his number.

  The Captain’s phone rang and rang. My heart beat out of my chest in dramatic style as I waited for his response. Jess’ eyes were wide and worried and I turned from her as I shook uncontrollably.

  Answer! Answer! I demanded in my head. You can’t be dead! No! I screamed in my own head.


  ‘Oh my God,’ I breathed, in sheer relief. ‘Captain, it’s Alex. Where are you?’ I demanded, no nonsense, straight to the point.

  ‘I just got home. Fee’s just going in…it feels so good to be…’

  ‘Captain, fuck! There’s a bomb! There’s a fucking bomb! You have about twenty seconds to get Fee and run! Run!’ I screamed. ‘Run! Run! Please run!’ I sobbed sinking to my feet.

  I heard commotion and then rustling and then screaming as Fee’s voice came into my head. I heard the fast pounding of feet as they sprinted and ran so fast and then the sound I was anticipating. Boom! A massive explosion sounded down the phone and then it shut off. I sank to my knees and dropped the phone on the floor.

  I bent my head and began rocking. ‘Speak to me, speak to me…let me hear you,’ I begged, crying with despair.

  ‘Alex, let’s go…come on…’ Jess encouraged. She pulled me to my feet and we were out the door and in the car in minutes.

  As she drove, I dropped my head in my hands and listened for them. I prayed for them not to be dead. I prayed and prayed.

  Jess called the ambulance and fire department as she began driving and sent them to the Captain’s house. We sped through the lanes towards his house as I rocked in desperation.

  ‘Dan,’ I called in my head. ‘Dan!’ As I thought about him, I remembered what I had in my pocket. The cufflink! I reached into my jeans pocket and held it in my hand. I closed my eyes and felt his energy. I could feel him! He wasn’t dead, I was sure of that now.

  ‘He’s alive!’ I said, lifting my head.

  ‘Thank God,’ Jess replied grimly, turning into the lane where the Captain lived.

  As we drove down the lane, the house could be seen from a distance as the fire engulfed it. Ambulances and fire engines were arriving at the scene as we were and beginning to tackle the blaze.

  Jess pulled up and we piled out of the car. I ran to the paramedics who were looking around in confusion.

  ‘Follow me! We have two people in serious condition!’ I told them.

  The nodded and followed, as did Jess.

  I could picture them lying in the undergrowth, a short distance from the house. They had been running so fast but then the blast had thrown them further away. I ran towards them, seeing that they were bleeding and hurt in my head.

  I ran and ran and suddenly could see them, not just in my head. The two teams of paramedics began working immediately; one on Fee and the other on Dan.

  As they were loaded onto stretchers, Dan opened his eyes and looked at me with dazed eyes.

  ‘Thank you,’ he mouthed.

  I nodded, as tears filled my eyes and a sense of finality came over me. He was carried away to be taken back to the hospital he had just left but he was alive. He was alive, I repeated to myself. It was all over. Dan, Fee and the baby were alive and were going to be fine. It was over. As the stretchers were carried away, my knees gave way and exhaustion came over me heavily. I slipped to the floor before strong arms lifted me back up. Into her arms I was carried as Jess walked me back to the police car. I was asleep before she lay me on the back seat.

  When I woke it appeared to be hours and hours later as it was dark and cold; the air around me chilly.

  I shifted and realised I was in bed…my bed. I got up with a start; alarming Jess who was resting beside me.


  ‘Is everyone alright?’ I asked quickly.

  ‘They’re all fine,’ she assured me. ‘Don’t panic…everything is fine, everyone if safe.’

  ‘The bomb?’

  ‘Well, it’s destroyed the house, but the main thing is they’re alive.’

  ‘Where are they now?’

  ‘In the hospital,’ she said grimly. ‘They weren’t far enough away to avoid receiving no injury at all. They both have lacerations and a lot of bruising. The baby survived the blast though, so they’re both relieved about that.’

  ‘I wish I had seen it sooner,’ I murmured, frowning to myself.

  ‘Alex, you saved them. Twice! Don’t beat yourself up…you need to relax now and get yourself well. I can see the damage this case has done to you. You’re tired, exhausted and haven’t eaten. You need to rest now.’

  I slumped back against the pillows. ‘Yeah…’

  ‘Do you think you can do that?’ she asked softly.

  I glanced over at her and felt a rush of love for her. Her concern was touching, even if I didn’t need it. ‘I can,’ I nodded. ‘I think it’ll just take a few days to…decompress as such.’

  She shifted onto her side. ‘I understand that. Sometimes these cases have a way of staying with us, even when we wish they didn’t.’

  I met her eyes. ‘Just like with what happened with your brothers?’

  She nodded, biting her lip. ‘It’s just about finding a way of coping with it; not necessarily ‘getting over it.’

  ‘I agree,’ I said, moving down in the bed to cuddle against her.

  She sighed contentedly. ‘Ah, this is nice.’

  I smiled. ‘It sure is.’

  ‘I’ve missed this.’

  ‘Well, hopefully we can relax now. Surely we deserve a little break from these horrific cases which have ended up coming our way?’

  ‘I think you’re right. We’ll have some down time together…maybe even go away if you need to.’

  ‘I don’t need to go away; in fact, I have a better idea.’

  ‘Oh yeah?’ she said in the near-darkness. ‘What is it?’

  ‘Well, how about we have a holiday-but we have it here? I mean, I haven’t had time to explore the area, enjoy the sea and just get used to this being my home. Maybe we can enjoy a holi
day here?’

  ‘You know something, Alex? I think that sounds perfect.’

  I cuddled closer still. ‘I think I can sleep now,’ I murmured.

  ‘Then sleep. I’ll be right by your side until morning,’ she reassured me.

  With that said, I closed my eyes and fell asleep in the safety of her arms. As I drifted into unconsciousness, I did not dream at all.

  The following morning, I awoke in Jess’ arms. She was awake but quiet and still. She looked thoughtful.

  ‘Hey,’ I said softly.

  ‘Hey beautiful.’

  ‘Everything okay?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yes, everything’s fine. I’ve spoken to the hospital and also with Dan. He’s doing great and so is Fee and the baby. They both send their heartfelt thanks.’

  I nodded, looking downwards. ‘Do you think it will always be this way for us, Jess?’

  ‘Honestly? I don’t think we’re going to always have it easy…I think we’re going to have many cases where we struggle and life is hard. In between those times I think we’ll find happiness-with each other.’

  ‘Doesn’t it drive you mad? Being with someone like me?’

  ‘How so?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, with the things I see…the things I do…it’s going to be one crisis after the other. I’m never going to be able to shut off from it.’

  ‘Alex, I love you. That’s all that matters. I couldn’t turn away from you now, even I wanted to. You mean too much to me. You’re my partner, my other half…I want you to be my wife.’

  I stared at her, eyes wide. ‘Did you just propose?’

  ‘I…well, I hadn’t planned to…it just…’ she trailed off, looking at me closely. ‘Hang on-I can do better than that. Alex; will you marry me?’ she asked.

  I smiled at her, beaming with happiness. ‘Yes, Jess! Yes, I will.’

  She gathered me close in her arms and kissed me for a long time. As we held each other I knew that everything was going to be just fine. With Jess by my side; I was no longer afraid.

  I drifted. The scent of the salt in the air assaulted my senses. I breathed it in, enjoying the crispness of the air. Heading down the sand, I saw a family. They smiled at me. A tall, proud father with his wife and son. They nodded their thanks at me. I walked on past them, waving and smiling. I felt the love inside them for me and it warmed me.


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