Temptations--Three Book Bundle

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Temptations--Three Book Bundle Page 7

by Miranda Forbes

  François’ hands were at my breasts now, groping them through my blouse, pinching masterfully at my nipples through the flimsy material. I wanted him to rip my blouse free, carelessly tearing the delicate material apart, and popping the buttons, sending them pinging across the room. He didn’t ... so I did! I cast the ripped blouse behind me, and immediately François’ mouth latched on to a breast, sucking greedily at the nipple, rolling his tongue around it, which instantly drove me wild. Suddenly he pulled his sucking lips free, and locked on to my other breast, immediately slurping away with relish, pulling my breast flesh deeper into his mouth, then lashing at my sensitive nipple with the stiff tip of his tongue. I groaned deeply, letting my head fall back, as I continued riding his cock, sliding my soaking pussy along it, while he feasted on my breasts.

  His mouth was on the move again, his tender lips kissing steadily upwards, leaving a warm wet trail, until they settled on my exposed neck. He nibbled and sucked lightly all around it. God he was good. I loved a man lavishing attention on my neck. He kissed and licked excitedly, leaving trails of saliva as his mouth moved to suck on the other side of my neck. I angled my head the other way to give him more access. I wanted this to last forever!

  Still lovingly attending to my neck, and then my mouth, he slipped his hands under my thighs and lifted me up, his hands strong and firm. He positioned the tip of his cock at my now gaping hole, but tantalisingly held it there for a moment, just poised at the sopping entrance – maybe to tease me, or to wait for permission. I wanted it. By now, I needed it! Slowly, I lowered myself down the full length of his cock, until it was all the way inside me, right up to the hilt. God it felt great. I could feel his cock throb and swell inside me, filling me completely. He shifted his grip in readiness to fuck me. I needed to hold off a just a little longer. I leaned back, reluctantly pulling my neck from his wondrous lips.

  ‘Ah, ah, ah,’ I chastised breathlessly, waving a finger at him as if he were a naughty boy. ‘Not yet, François ... not yet!’ While still straddling his lap, with his thick cock still twitching deep inside me, I pushed out my chest, shamelessly presenting my breasts to his hands and mouth once again. I felt his cock twitch, and grow even longer inside me as he took in the sight of my breasts, still wet and shiny from his sucking earlier.

  ‘Sucez mes seins,’ I ordered, pushing a breast at his mouth. He lunged forward to meet it, instantly sucking on my tender flesh. His lips closing on my nipple was like bolt of electricity, sending out a surge of sexual energy all around my body, making my pussy pulse around his cock.

  ‘Oh, fuck,’ I gasped, letting my head fall back as he sucked deeply on my breast flesh, pulling it deep into my mouth, then sliding it out and nipping gently at my nipple, driving me wild. ‘That is so ... good.’ I pulled my breast free, and urgently fed him the other one. He sucked and slurped noisily on it, exactly as I desired. He bit a little harder on my delicate bud, making me groan out loud, and then dragged his lips to the other breast to do the same.

  ‘Yes, suck it!’ I groaned, looking down at his lips greedily feeding on my breast, ‘suck it, suck it hard!’ He pushed a flat tongue around my breast, licking it all over, covering it with his saliva. As he did, I felt his hips slowly bucking, ever so lightly starting to fuck me. I went with it, allowing him to ease his cock out an inch more, and then I took control, and dropped back down his length until he was completely inside me again. We slipped into a slow, steady rhythm, our bodies beginning to move as one. I pulled his mouth up to mine, his lips warm and wet. We kissed like long-lost lovers.

  I started sliding up his cock a little further each time, then dropping harder and faster back down it, making him gasp into my mouth. Our tongues twisted and battled deep in our mouths, while I bobbed quicker and quicker on his cock.

  ‘Baisez-moi!’ This time I told him to fuck me. And I needed it now, hard and fast. He forced his cock hard upwards, at exactly the same time I dropped hard down on it. I braced my hands on the back of his chair to steady myself, as I energetically fucked him, relishing each time he plunged deep inside my soaking wet pussy. My orgasm was building fast. I was leaking all over his cock.

  ‘Rapide,’ I grunted, urging him to fuck me faster. ‘François – rapide!’

  ‘Oh Tissy … vous êtes un slut… God, you are the best … vous m’avez attrapé,’ he muttered. He was moments away now.

  I felt his hands squeezing at my breasts as I clamped my lips to his, lustfully sliding my tongue around the inside of his mouth. He pulled roughly at my nipples, and squeezed them hard between his fingers and thumbs, making me moan into his lips. I felt my body convulse, my pussy pulsing wildly around his cock. I could feel his muscles tense. My pussy was on fire now. I reached down, and desperately frigged my clit as his energetic thrusts started pounding deeper and deeper into me.

  ‘I’m coming,’ he shouted. I slipped off his cock and wedged it against my sopping pussy, wanking him along my slit, using his throbbing cock as a dildo. My hand was a blur, sliding quickly and easily along the length of his juice-soaked cock. I pressed myself hard against it, my fingers brushing deliciously against my twitching clit with each stroke. He started licking roughly at my nipples, which took me over the edge, and triggered my orgasm. Flashes of heat washed over me, making me twist and writhe on his lap, sending sparks of ecstasy through my whole body, making me shake uncontrollably. He exploded simultaneously, his sperm jetting out over his belly, across my hand and then, when I pulled the still stiff flesh tighter towards me, all over my flat tummy. I held it there as it finished twitching, enjoying the feel of the big throbbing flesh as it pulsed in my hand.

  We were both breathing hard, chests heaving, when I leaned in and whispered into his ear. ‘Thank you for my lesson, François.’ Then I gave his ear a cheeky lick.

  He gave me a firm kiss on the lips, then eased my head away. ‘You didn’t really have any problems with your French, did you?’

  I smiled sweetly. ‘Let’s just say I had a degree of confidence coming here tonight,’ and I leaned in and kissed him one more time.

  As I stepped out of the door, he said something that left me puzzled, and extremely curious. He told me I ought to do a little research on the name Tissy, because he was sure he’d heard it before somewhere. Then bizarrely, he’d laughed to himself, and made some comment about it being oddly appropriate. As I strolled away, still with a grin on my face like the cat that’s got the cream, I decided I’d Google it as soon as I got home.

  Getting the Cane

  by Roxanne Sinclair

  Sarah indicated left and waited for a gap in the traffic. She was still in two minds about going through the gates. When she had walked away from here ten years before she had vowed never to return, yet here she was, and she still hadn’t worked out why.

  She pulled the car into one of the few empty spaces that were left. She turned off the engine and looked at the building in front of her.

  Her old school looked just the way that it always had, dull and drab.

  This was a mistake, she decided, and was just about to start the engine so that she could get the hell out of here when she was startled by a knock on the driver’s window.

  The face of a wide-eyed woman with a freakish smile was inches away from her own. Thank God for glass, Sarah thought. Suddenly the door was pulled open and there was nothing to protect her from the person who Sarah couldn’t place but who did look vaguely familiar.

  ‘Sarah Patterson,’ the woman shrieked, ‘as I live and breathe.’

  Then she had it. ‘Maggie,’ Sarah said as she was pulled out of the car. ‘Lovely to see you again,’ she lied.

  ‘You haven’t changed a bit.’ Maggie allowed Sarah just enough time to lock the car door before pulling her towards the building.

  ‘You look just the same too,’ Sarah lied again, adding the words ‘apart from about four stones’ in her head.

  Seconds later Maggie had latched on to some other poor sap who was having second thoughts and
Sarah almost took the opportunity to hotfoot it in the opposite direction. But she was here now, she finally conceded, so she decided that she might as well go in and show her face. She had nothing else to do.

  After twenty minutes of mingling among the class of ’99 she remembered why she hadn’t kept in touch with any of them. They hadn’t been her friends then and she had no desire to make them her friends now.

  She didn’t know whose idea this ten-year reunion had been but it had been a bloody stupid one. She made a mental note to bin the invitation to the next one.

  She didn’t bother telling anyone that she was leaving, she just did.

  She was the only person in the corridor and her heels echoed as she walked.

  She was almost out of the place when something caught her attention. Through the glass panel of the door on her right she saw him, the only reason that she had gone to school during that last year.

  It had been the History Room when she was at school and she guessed that it still was unless he had started teaching something else. She could only see his back as he stood at the board writing, but she had stared at him doing that for seven hours a week during the last two years of her school life and she knew it was him. She wondered if he still looked the same from the front.

  There was only one way to find out.

  But could she do it? She remembered the way he’d made her feel and what she’d wanted him to do to her. Seeing him again she still wanted him to do those things. She knew what might happen if she went into that room.

  She knocked on the glass panel of the door and opened it.

  ‘Yes,’ he said, without turning around.

  He sounded the same and Sarah tingled with the anticipation of again seeing the face that had tormented her dreams for over two years.

  ‘Mr Watts,’ she said, once again feeling like the nervous schoolgirl who had been sent to give a message to the teacher with the incredible eyes. It was when she’d looked into those eyes for the first time that she’d decided History was the subject for her in Sixth Form.

  He looked over his shoulder and looked at her. Even at this distance she could tell that those eyes were as vibrant as ever.

  ‘Hello, Mr Watts,’ she said, feeling ever so slightly foolish.

  ‘Sarah Patterson.’ He said her name as he turned around to face her.

  He remembered her.

  ‘That’s me.’ She tried but probably failed to sound jovial.

  ‘You look great,’ he said, taking her in from top to bottom. When his eyes lingered on the top a little longer than was necessary, Sarah almost came on the spot.

  Then his eyes met hers. ‘So do you,’ she said.

  And still they looked at each other.

  ‘You haven’t changed at all,’ he managed to say eventually.

  A smile split her face. She took a deep breath. Here goes. ‘Oh no, sir,’ she purred, ‘that’s where you’re wrong.’

  ‘Really?’ he looked confused.

  She took a couple of steps towards him and announced. ‘I’m not your pupil anymore.’ She hoped that he knew what she meant because she didn’t think she would have the courage to offer it again.

  He nodded his head slightly. Ten years ago Sarah had been a pretty young girl with a crush on him. Now she stood before him a gorgeous young woman with something else on her mind, and he thought he knew what it was.

  When she grabbed hold of his shirt, pulled him towards her and planted her lips on his he knew that they were on the same wavelength.

  Her kiss was hungry and intense, her lips soft and sweet.

  When she looked at him under her long, dark lashes and smiled in that way that she always used to, he remembered why he wanted to fuck her. He recalled how on more than one occasion he had to sit at his desk longer than he wanted to hide the hard cock that his trousers struggled to disguise.

  What had he been supposed to do? Her tits had been big, her blouses had been tight and they were always opened to the third button, which allowed a more than adequate glimpse of cleavage.

  It was there and it was on view. It would have been rude not to look. And he had looked and he had become rock hard.

  He was just as hard now.

  Her tits were still big and her blouse was still tight. They looked even better close up.

  She placed a hand on each of his ears and laced her fingers into his hair. She pulled his face deep into her chest. And she laughed.

  She was still laughing when she lifted his head and looked into his eyes.

  When they had last been in this classroom he had had to be the one in control, the teacher authority figure who had been forced to fight the urge to lift her on to the desk and shag her. Now she was the one in charge, but that was OK because he knew that he would do whatever she told him to.

  He watched her walk towards the door, not thinking for a second that she was going to walk through it. She didn’t disappoint him.

  She pulled down the blind to cover the glass panel and set a chair against the handle.

  She didn’t want an audience.

  Then her hands were in front of her and by the time she turned to face him again her blouse was open and her tits sat pert and proud inside a baby blue bra. They were magnificent orbs that were barely contained within the straining lace and bounced up and down as she walked slowly and purposefully back to where he stood.

  At last he didn’t have to worry about that stalk that she had caused. He couldn’t have hid it even if he had wanted to, which he didn’t. He wanted Sarah to see the effect that she had on him, the effect that she had always had on him.

  She had already seen it and by the look on her face she was having some of it.

  With a tilt of her head and a smile on her face, she asked. ‘Sir, is that your cane?’


  She didn’t take her eyes from his as she worked the button and unzipped his trousers. She lowered his trousers and underpants to his knees, taking the opportunity to kiss the end of his cock. The clothes fell to his ankles and he stepped out of them.

  ‘Are you going to give me your cane, sir?’ she asked.

  ‘That depends. Have you been bad, Miss Patterson?’

  ‘I could be,’ she laughed.

  ‘Then yes, Miss Patterson, you will feel the length of my cane.’

  Sarah moved towards him again and forced him back until he hit the board that he had been writing on. Then she pushed herself against him, forcing her breasts against his chest.

  Once more her lips searched out his and he welcomed them. He felt her tongue inside his mouth and he responded with his own.

  He peeled Sarah’s blouse from her shoulders and freed her breasts from her bra with a single swift movement. He took a mound in each hand and used circular movements to knead them. Moments later his mouth covered one of her nipples and he sucked hard.

  She moaned her encouragement and he sucked harder.

  And as he sucked he pushed his hands under her skirt and searched out the promised land of her pussy.

  Once inside her knickers he used his fingers to open her. Slowly he pushed his middle and forefinger into her moist hole. In and out he moved them, over and over again.

  Then he released the breast that he had been chewing and pushed the fingers that had been deep inside her into his mouth and licked her juices from them.

  ‘You could drink from the well if you like, sir,’ she said, resting against the edge of the teacher’s desk. She lifted her skirt and he saw that her knickers matched the bra that now sat on one of the desks in the front row.

  Seconds later the knickers were on the same desk.

  He traced her slit with the tip of his finger, delving slightly deeper with each pass until she opened.

  He spread her lips and held them apart while he looked at her. He saw her clit twitching with anticipation.

  He didn’t keep her waiting. He used the tip of his tongue to flick her clitoris as he used his thumbs to massage the edge of her hole.
br />   Within minutes she was dripping, and she begged him to work her harder. Seconds later she had another demand.

  ‘Fuck me, sir.’

  He didn’t need asking twice.

  He pushed his throbbing cock down from its vertical position and entered her easily. He pushed all the way in before he paused and savoured the moment. She wrapped her legs around him and held him in position. She put her hands behind her to take her weight and waited for him to go to work.

  He started to move inside her, slowly at first, but increasing in speed with each thrust. Every time he entered her, her tits moved in time with his movements.

  She shifted her weight onto one hand, freeing the other to go to her clitoris, which she rubbed viciously, enhancing the pleasure that she was already feeling.

  He meanwhile grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, grinding his groin into hers over and over again.

  As he heard her moans grow louder he moved into her quicker and deeper, causing her breath to catch in her throat. The noise that came out as a tiny squeal fell into a rhythm of its own.

  He felt her tightening around him, but her moisture meant that he could still slip in and out of her easily.

  As his own pleasure intensified, so did the speed and ferocity of his thrusts. His thighs bounced off the edge of the desk that she was sitting on, but he wasn’t thinking about the bruises that would be there by this time tomorrow, or how he was going to explain them to his wife.

  As she gave in to the pleasure that she was feeling, she let out a deep moan.

  ‘Fucking hell, Mr Watts,’ she said through the deep breaths that followed her orgasm.

  ‘Language, Miss Patterson,’ he laughed.

  She lay flat on the desk with her arms spread out and her fingers making grasping movements. Her eyes were closed and there was a broad grin on her face.

  He continued to pummel her, but not for much longer.

  The sight of her tight, hard little nipples moving in time with the tune that he was playing affected him more than he anticipated and he felt the juices in his balls heating up.


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