In The Company of My Sistahs

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In The Company of My Sistahs Page 18

by Angie Daniels

  “Shit. Let’s do the damn thing.” I saw the skeptical looks that the other three were giving each other and rolled my eyes. “Damn, y’all, this ain’t no worse than kickin it at Lou’s.” Lou’s Lounge is our own neighborhood hole-in-the-wall.

  Kayla was quick to disagree. “Uh-uh. At least we know everyone at Lou’s.”

  Nadine clicked her tongue. “I know that’s right.”

  They were silent for an entire minute.

  “Forget y’all. I’m out.” I reached for the handle and was out the door before Lisa could grab my ass. I slid my dress back down over my hips, then strutted through the crowd. I kid you not, brothas moved like Moses had parted the Red Sea. Several tried grabbing my hand and drawing my attention, but I just kept on going, walking with my head held high and my small-ass titties stuck out as I switched my wide ass.

  “Ho, slow yo roll!” I heard Nadine yell.

  I giggled as I pivoted on my heels to find Lisa, Nadine, and Kayla coming up behind me. They looked pissed off, but I didn’t care. All three had been getting mad play all day. Now it was my turn. “I knew y’all haters wouldn’t leave me here alone.”

  Lisa wagged a finger in my face. “That’s what you get for thinking. The only reason why I got out of that shuttle was because I couldn’t figure out which would be worse, this place or the ride back to the hotel.”

  We all laughed.

  The ride over had been one hell of an experience. The driver drove like a damn fool. Thank goodness someone else was scheduled to come back to get us at one.

  They fell into step beside me and we moved up the wooden ramp toward the nightclub. Below was a breakwater of massive rocks. That old-ass thing rocked so much, I even had second thoughts about turning around. “Oh shit! Hold on ’fore this bitch collapses.”

  We all held onto the railing and started cracking up. Obviously, we had all had too much to drink. Everyone but Kayla. I know for certain that if the other two had been sober there was no way they would have gotten out of that shuttle.

  As we grew closer to the building, we came up to a small card table with two brothas sitting behind it.

  “You ladies want some ganja?”

  Kayla turned up her nose at the tall Rastafarian. “Ganja? That mess smells like weed.”

  I nudged her in the side. “That is weed, dummy.”

  “Want some ganja, mon?” his partner repeated.

  “Hell, nah,” Nadine snapped as she moved through the door.

  Kayla shook her head. “Y’all need Jesus.”

  I have never been much of a weed smoker, but as they say, when in Rome do as the Romans do. My cousin told me you can find some of the best weed in Jamaica. Unfortunately no one else would even consider taking a hit so I decided to pass myself. I gave them an apologetic smile and followed Lisa inside.

  As soon as we moved inside the building I started coughing. There was so much smoke we didn’t need a hit because we were guaranteed to get high just from simply breathing. The place was packed and the music jumping. There weren’t any lights. Thank goodness the back half of the building had been torn down, and the Pier was lit by moonlight. Twenty feet into the building was nothing but a pier over a large body of water. The entire shack was shaking and the wooden floor was rocking. I was too drunk to care about anything but getting my party on. Someone grabbed my hand and I allowed him to lead me out onto the dance floor.

  Now I’ve watched enough Elephant Man and Sean Paul videos to know Jamaicans can dance their asses off. Shit, I couldn’t keep up and didn’t even try. I just swayed my hips and did what I do best—look good.

  While I was dancing, I took a good look at my partner, who had a blunt hanging from between his lips. He offered. I declined. He stared, and even tried to touch. I kept dancing and smoothly removed his hand. And as soon as the song was over, I took the fuck off. I found Kayla standing near the bar, so I joined her.

  “They sure know how to party.”

  “Yes, they do.” I agreed as I watched Nadine try to keep up with her partner. She looked like a Soul Train reject. Even Kayla had to laugh at her girl.

  I was wiggling my hips when I felt a hand at my waist. I swung around and my mouth fell open. It was a Taye Diggs lookalike. I did the only thing I could think of. I exhaled.

  Chapter 34


  As soon as they all got out of the shuttle, Lisa rolled her eyes at her sister, then stormed off through the lobby.

  “Lisa, girlfriend, wait up!” Nadine fell into step beside her.

  “Not now, Nadine.” She waved a hand, shooing her like a fly. “I want to be alone.”

  “For what?”

  “So I can decide how to kill my sister.”

  Despite her original reservations about going down to that seedy club, she had actually started to enjoy herself until Renee decided to act like a damn fool.

  Renee had found a Taye Diggs lookalike and they had been bumping and grinding on the dance floor like she was some kind of bitch in heat. From the other end of the dance floor Lisa had frowned and watched, because something told her something was about to jump off. Brothas all around the room were checking out the American hoochie in the lime green dress while waiting for their chance to feel on her hot ass. Next thing she knew, the dance floor cleared and the only ones standing were Renee and some angry Jamaican chick. Lisa had quickly moved over to defuse the situation before it even got started. Over the pounding of the music, she heard the woman scream, “British bitches always trying to steal our men.” By the time she had reached Renee, her sister already had her finger all in the chick’s face and cussing up a storm. The girl screamed something, then three of her girls joined her. One whipped out a blade and Lisa knew if she didn’t get her sister out of there, there was going to be some blood shed. Because Renee, no matter if she didn’t have a chance in hell of stomping all four, didn’t back down from anyone. By the time Kayla and Nadine stepped in front of her sister, Renee had already snatched off her earrings and was unstrapping her sandals. Her sister does too much Taebo and because of it thinks she’s Jet Li somebody. Renee would have seized the moment and sent a series of roundhouse kicks to their Jamaican heads, and probably got her ass cut in the process. Thank goodness two of the bartenders from the hotel were there and helped them drag her sister out of the building and down the road, where they waited for the shuttle to come. She was so mad she didn’t speak to her the entire ride back.

  Lisa glanced over at Nadine, returning her mind to the present. “I can’t believe she would act a fool in a place like that. What the hell what she thinking?”

  Nadine was out of breath, trying to keep up with Lisa’s powerful strides. “That’s just it. Your sister wasn’t thinking.”

  Lisa released a groan filled with frustration then slowed her steps. “I just don’t understand her sometimes. She is a grown-ass woman yet she’s quick to act like she’s in high school. Why can’t she just sit her ass down?”

  “Because she wouldn’t be Renee if she did.”

  “Yeah ... I know. But one of these days something is going to happen to her and I’m not going to be there to save her.”

  Chapter 35


  Yeah, I know I showed my ass last night. But, damn, I can’t help it if I look good. All those Jamaican bitches weren’t doing nothing but hating. It’s a damn shame, but hating is definitely universal. Women are obviously going to be women no matter where you go. And with that said you can’t expect me to be any less than me, ’cause Renee is also universal. Meaning no matter where I am or who they are, white, black, or other, I might have to whoop some ass.

  Now all I was doing was slow dancing. Rahsaan, that was the Taye Diggs lookalike’s name, was holding me all close and feeling all good. He was thin but his body was toned. Now remember what I had said before about the way a brotha moves says a lot about the way he moves in bed? Well, there was no doubt in my mind that Rahsaan could make my toes curls.

  I lay my head agai
nst his chest and closed my eyes while we swayed to the sounds of John Legend, then the next thing I know, he’s telling me his girlfriend was standing across the room watching us. I eased up off him because the brotha had tried to play me. I was about to cuss his ass out for setting me up like that when I heard some ho behind me hiss, “British bitch.” I turned around and quickly clarified that shit. I am an African American female, born and bred. I tried to walk away but she got slick with the tongue and then I couldn’t hold my own. When she started talking about showing me how it’s done in Jamaica, it was time to take the earrings off and assume the position. I told her if she wanted some of this, then go ahead and leap like a frog. Then them bitches had the nerve to pull out a knife like they gonna cut a sistah. Shit, I ain’t gonna lie. I was scared as hell, especially when her girls stepped up for the challenge, but I have never been one to back down from anybody. Besides, I knew my girls had my back. Luckily, Sylvester and one of his boys dragged me out the building.

  I ain’t seen Lisa that pissed off in years. But, unfortunately, she is going to have to get over it because I didn’t start the shit, Rahsaan’s slick ass had.

  I rolled out of bed and decided to get into the shower before Kayla rose. She probably wouldn’t dare mention the incident. However, the look in her eyes would let me know that she was thinking about it.

  Turning on the water, I let out a frustrated sigh. So far my time in Jamaica was turning out to be one big disappointment. I want what Stella found: a Jamaican brotha with skills and a great deal of potential. So far I had run into a bunch of rejects. The only man with any potential was more interested in Kayla than in me. I don’t know what it is. All I can do is hope that the shit gets better.

  I quickly washed my body, then stepped out the shower and reached for a towel. I moved into the room to find Kayla sitting up on her bed, reading the Bible.

  “Hey,” I murmured, and moved to the drawer to find something to wear.

  “Good morning.”

  She closed the book and set it down beside her. I had hoped that she would have kept on reading so I wouldn’t have to strike up a conversation, but like the way things had been going for me lately, I got no such luck.

  “What are we doing today?” she asked like I was the damn tour guide or something.

  I reached for a one-piece red swimsuit and stepped back into the bathroom before answering. “I think I remember hearing Nadine saying something about going out on a glass-bottom boat.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun.”

  As soon as I pulled the straps over my shoulders, I stepped back into the room. “Don’t forget you’ve got a date tonight.” I wasn’t surprised to see the smile vanish from her face. Just as I suspected, she was not looking forward to her date with Clayton. The reason was quite obvious. Leroy.

  I reached for a bottle of lotion and took a seat on the bed. “What are you wearing tonight?”

  Kayla shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m sure I can find something.”

  I glanced at her and frowned. Didn’t she realize how important her appearance was going to be tonight? See, this is why Clayton was better off with me, because Kayla doesn’t have a clue as to how to keep a man like him. Hmmm. I guess it’s up to me to help her.

  “How about I arch your eyebrows for you this afternoon?”

  She gave me a skeptical look. “What are you going to use?”

  “A razor.”

  She looked relieved. “That’s fine. As long as you’re not plucking them. That mess hurts.”

  I know that’s right. “You should try getting them waxed like I do.”

  This Nigerian guy down at the beauty shop does some of the best eyebrows around. I had gone to one of those Vietnamese at the nail salon and this old bitch in there fucked up my eyebrows. I had to draw on a new pair until they grew back.

  The phone rang and I just sat there and stared at it. Kayla looked at me like I was crazy. I shook my head. “Girl, I’m not getting that phone. It might be Everton’s worrisome ass.”

  She reached for it. It was Nadine letting us know they’d meet us downstairs for breakfast.

  I tied a butt-wrap around my waist then waited until Kayla got dressed.

  Walking down to the restaurant, I found it was already hot outside. I was thankful for the cool breeze coming from the ocean, because I hate feeling hot and sticky. We moved up the stairs. Lisa and Nadine were just sitting down at the table.

  “Good morning,” Nadine sang.

  “Good morning.” I went and fixed my plate and didn’t speak to Lisa until I made it back to the table. “Whassup, Lisa?”

  “Good morning.”

  I could tell she was still mad by the way she looked down at her plate when she spoke. She refused to make eye contact. Well, I was determined to get her to look at me, so I tossed some scrambled eggs at her.

  Her head shot up. “Hey! Quit playing!”

  “Then quit being mad.” I tossed some more and they landed inside her blue halter top. She then tossed some back and started laughing.

  “You make me sick,” she finally said.

  I smiled. “Yeah, but you love me.”

  Nadine snorted rudely. “Renee makes us all sick.”

  Who told her to add more sugar to the Kool-Aid? “Who asked you?”

  “I appointed myself involved in this conversation,” she said, rolling her neck like a snake.

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  Kayla quickly changed the subject. “Are we going out on the boat today?”

  Lisa smiled. “Yeah, I already signed us up.”

  “What’s so great about a glass-bottom boat?” I asked as I chewed.

  “We get to see water life.”


  Lisa pointed her finger at me. “Ho, after last night you can’t say shit. At least on this trip we don’t have to worry about you bumping and grinding with some negro or some bitch trying to yank your braids out of your head.”

  They laughed. I joined in.

  While I ate, I glanced over at the desk and was relieved to see that Everton wasn’t working this morning. Good. I don’t think I could have put up with him three days in a row.

  Chapter 36


  After breakfast Lisa went back to the room to relax before their boat trip, while the others joined a game of volleyball. She moved out onto the balcony and lowered into the seat and propped her feet up on the other chair. Closing her eyes, she allowed her mind to travel back to the day her entire life had changed.

  Dr. Gaye’s eyes met her as she stepped inside the doctor’s office. As soon as she saw the smile vanish from the gynecologist’s face, she knew something was wrong.

  “Lisa, please, have a seat.”

  “Thanks.” She took a seat in the stiff leather chair across from Dr. Gaye’s desk and her eyes moved across her desk to her patient file, lying open on the desk. She had come in two weeks prior for her yearly exam and had complained of severe abdominal pain and persistent bleeding. At that time her doctor suggested running some additional tests, which included a CT scan. Yesterday Dr. Gaye called and asked her to come in.

  “I’ve got the results back on your test.”

  Her hands began to shake. “Was my pap smear abnormal?”

  Dr. Gaye gave her a nervous smile. “No, your pap smear was fine. It’s your scan that I want to discuss.”

  “What about it?”

  “You have a mass of cysts on both ovaries that are causing the severe bleeding and pain.” She leaned forward and took a deep breath before speaking. “Your CA125 levels were extremely elevated, enough to make me suspicious of possible cancer.”

  Lisa gave her a stunned look. “What kind of cancer?”

  “Ovarian cancer.”

  Lisa gave her a puzzled look. “I couldn’t possibly have cancer.”

  Dr. Gaye folded her hands over the file. “There is still a good chance, however, that we need to consider doing surgery. Before we make any decision,
I would like for you to see an oncologist and schedule you for an exploratory laparotomy.”

  Lisa still refused to believe what she had said. “There is no way this is happening. I come in regularly for my yearly exams.”

  “I wish it were that simple. It would make my job that much easier. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is something that is rarely detected early. Most times women like yourself have no obvious signs or symptoms until the disease is in an advanced stage.”

  “Can it be treated?”

  She paused before speaking. “There is always a chance, but it will require a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. That means uterus, both fallopian tubes, ovaries.”

  Lisa shook her head. “There is no way. Michael and I are ready to start a family. Are you telling me I will never be able to have kids?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Lisa shook her head. No. Somebody had made a mistake. There had to have been some kind of mix-up in radiology. Mix-ups happened all the time. Some incompetent technician wrote her name on the wrong file. That’s it. No problem. There was some other poor soul out there with cancer. Not her. God wouldn’t do something like that to her. She and her husband had worked too hard to get where they were. They had a four-bedroom home. Good jobs. Two cars. They traveled extensively. They were financially secure. Now it was time to start a family. Even at thirty-six she had time for at least one child to spoil. Just like they had planned it.

  She gave a strangled laugh. “I’m sorry Dr. Gaye, but there appears to be some kind of mistake. We’ll just have to send me down to retake my X-rays.”

  “Your blood work confirmed the findings; however, I’ll respect your wish for a second opinion. How about I schedule you to see a gynecological oncologist before you make any decisions?”

  Anger overcame her. “Why are you lying? Why would you say such terrible lies?”

  “Please, Lisa, you have to remain calm.”


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