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Subdued Page 9

by Sara Fields

  “We should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be another long day,” he said and Valdus nodded.

  “Alright,” I replied, rising to my feet and lying down on the mattress that they provided, a handy bed that collapsed and self-folded into a small tube. I had literally no idea how it happened, but I was grateful for their alien invention.

  When I was comfortable, two warm forms surrounded me. I protested at first, but Valdus shushed me. Caleb curled his arm around my waist from behind and despite my reservations, their body heat kept me warm. It felt good. The two of them slept with me that night, while Zane and Tavik took alternating watches. I didn’t wake up till the sun rose, sleeping soundly for the first time in a very long time.

  * * *

  When it was finally time to rise that morning, I did so begrudgingly. With Caleb and Valdus surrounding me, I was so comfortable. I felt completely protected for the first time in my life and I didn’t want to leave that protective little bubble just yet.

  “Come on, sleepyhead,” Caleb teased, and I groaned in response.

  Valdus took the opportunity to smack my ass, hard. The welts from Zane’s belt yesterday blazed hot and I gasped, before turning toward him with surprise.

  “Keep it up, and there’ll be more where that came from,” he scolded, but with a growing smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

  “You four are just a bossy bunch of tyrants, aren’t you,” I teased, unable to stop myself from grinning straight back at him. He smacked my ass again and I giggled.

  “It’s a long journey back,” Valdus replied. “Plenty of places where we can put you over our knees, bare assed, and teach you exactly who is in charge here.” He growled softly, before pulling me into a deep kiss. I couldn’t help myself and responded, still surrounded by his warmth. My hips rolled toward his and I could feel the hard club of his cock pressing against my belly.

  “Don’t take it all for yourself,” Caleb chided, as he kissed at my neck. He gripped my hips and pressed up against me. I could feel his hard dick too, our thin clothing the only things separating my flesh from his.

  My body pulsed, already reacting to the easy dominance in their tones.

  “We’re never going to make it to Atlanta if all we do is fuck her,” Tavik chided and Zane laughed softly in response.

  “Hey, we didn’t get a chance to yesterday, like you two did. Plus, her tight little virgin asshole is just begging for a good, hard lesson,” Caleb responded and Valdus grunted in agreement, his lips never leaving mine. Caleb pawed at my backside, his hands squeezing my ass cheeks. I moaned softly as he touched me.

  I gasped and Valdus bit my lip gently.

  Caleb wanted to fuck my ass? He couldn’t. There was no possible way his massive dick could fit inside me. He’d tear me in two.

  “Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be begging for it soon,” Caleb whispered in my ear. I shuddered, but strangely enough, my pussy clenched with arousal at his words.

  Valdus pulled away, leaving my lips feeling puffy and used. I leaned back toward him, almost saddened from the loss of his touch. His dick moved, rubbing up and down against my already throbbing clit.

  “Men, we’ve got to get moving,” Tavik said more seriously, his eyes roving the woods around us.

  “Guys. Get up.” Zane stiffened beside Tavik, his mouth hardening into a firm line.

  “Now,” Tavik ordered.

  Caleb and Valdus sprang up beside me. They pulled on their combat gear in record time as I rose to my feet and pulled on my boots. By the time I’d shrugged on my leather jacket, the four of them had packed up our camp and were ready to go.

  I looked to where Tavik and Zane were staring but couldn’t see anything despite my seemingly enhanced vision. What did they see?

  “Tavik?” I asked, but he quickly shushed me. He squatted close to the ground and pressed his palm to the dirt.

  “What’s he doing?” I asked Caleb, but he shook his head and placed a single finger on his lips, indicating that I should be silent. Now was not the time for questions and this time, I listened.

  I watched as the black pupils in his eyes enlarged, his unique green irises turning an even deeper forest color. After a long moment, he rose up to his feet and sighed, his expression grim.

  “We’re surrounded,” he warned. “They’ll be upon us in minutes. Prepare yourself.”

  All around me, the men sprang into action, arming themselves with weapons. Tavik turned toward me then and pressed the handle of a long knife into my hand.

  “I assume you know how to use this,” he said, and I nodded.

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “It’s a Vakarran patrol. I could tell from the sound of their walk, the way their forms make the Earth vibrate below,” he responded.

  “You can do that?” I pressed.

  “It’s a gift from my mother,” he replied before turning away. Before he did though, I could see a certain sadness in his eyes.

  As hard and unforgiving as he seemed at times, Tavik had a soft side. Maybe I’d rushed to judge him. Maybe he was more than he appeared. Looking around, I bit my lip. Maybe they all were.

  My ears twitched then, hearing a misplaced shoe on a stiffened dead leaf. Then, in the silence of the woods, a twig snapped. Someone was coming. It was clear that they were unfamiliar with forest terrain. Untrained in a noiseless approach. But still, I had to be careful. I’d learned my lesson about underestimating Vakarrans before and I wouldn’t do it again.

  My Vakarran captors surrounded me. Standing behind Tavik, I waited and palmed the machete-length knife back and forth in my hands. I bent my knees slightly, getting ready to fight.

  I wasn’t naïve to the ways of combat. My sisters and I had trained and sparred against one another ever since the Vakarrans had invaded Earth. Kira and Alaina, my eldest sisters had excelled quickly, and they had used their knowledge to teach Danika and me.

  The sound of a shoe scraping against a rock echoed around me. They were close. I tensed anxiously.

  Then, all at once, a shrill male voice pierced through the air and four strange Vakarrans rushed at us. My Vakarrans roared in response. They lifted their guns, shooting at the men approaching us, but the attackers lifted a shield of some sort that drew the lasers straight into it, rendering the guns relatively useless. Instead, I watched as my men gripped their knives at their belts, lifting them from their holsters and preparing for the onslaught. As my captors met them in battle, it became increasingly clear that that our attackers were inexperienced in hand to hand combat too. Even so, they were still strong, and they fought hard, blocking some of my men’s moves, but their efforts seemed futile.

  Standing in the middle, I scanned around the five of us and at once I realized that these four men attacking us weren’t alone. There were many more stationed around us.

  Another group of four men rushed at us and the battle suddenly turned even more violent. My men were stronger, but there were far more of the others.

  Now preoccupied with two attackers each, my men used every tactic they could at their disposal. Tavik used the butt of his laser gun to knock one of them out, before he tackled a second to the ground. Zane growled, the sound terrifying, before he split one of the men in two with a shot from his own laser gun. Valdus kicked and punched, quickly laying into one and knocking him out cold before the other. Caleb tried to cover me as best as possible but was distracted by his own attackers. Instead, I tried to move out of the way, moving to a nearby embankment instead. I ducked low, pressing my back against it. Stationed where I was, no one could sneak up on me from behind and I would be impossible to see from above.

  I watched as the men fought, and then warily scanned the surrounding woods for more men. I was alarmed to see shifting shadows, and I knew there were far more than the eight men currently waiting to be sent into battle. This was far bigger than any normal patrol.

  This wasn’t looking particularly good for us. I had a distinct feeling there was going to be mu
ch bloodshed in the forest today.

  Then, far off in the distance, I saw a single Vakarran standing alone in a clearing not far off, almost deliberately so he could watch over the battle. From his position, I had little doubt he could see me too. I stared, seeing him more clearly than humanly possible.

  Gripping my knife, I stared in horror.

  His skin was dark purple, just like the other Vakarrans, but that’s where the normalcy ended. His horns curled around like a ram’s but were pointed at the center like a bull’s. The left side of his face looked like a shattered, melted mess of scar tissue. His mouth almost looked like it had been partially burned away, revealing the sickening gray color of his plaque-covered teeth beneath.

  Black eyes met mine, with decidedly little copper color in them. Black as night, yet infinitely more dangerous.

  His face was ruined, but that wasn’t all. His left arm hung uselessly by his side. His clothes were black and gray, but even from here, I could tell that they were ridiculously expensive. On his shoulders was a rectangular silver shape, fringed around the edges, something probably signifying a man of rank and I began to grow nervous.

  Still, just the sight of him left me feeling unnerved and I tried to swallow my terror. Something told me that this was the type of Vakarran I had heard about all my life. Cruel. Mean and abusive. I knew that I needed to stay away from him and I knew that my men needed to stay away from him too. At all costs.

  He met my eyes, his initial surprise turning into recognition in an instant. I studied him more closely. Unlike my Vakarrans, he wasn’t hard or muscled. He looked thick and a bit overweight. Like he’d never seen a day on the battlefield, ever. Until now.

  I began to grow even more uneasy.

  “Stop fucking around, men. Kill them and capture the girl. She’s a special human female, a Stryke. I want her taken alive. She’s mine,” he yelled.

  Tavik roared furiously upon hearing the man’s voice. At once, he almost went berserk, lashing out with anger at the Vakarrans attacking him. The two men fighting him took a step back nervously, but they were no match for him. He swung his arm outward, his knife far superior in close combat and caught one man across the throat. Dark, almost black blood spurted outward, coating Tavik in its filth. The other man looked on in disbelief, his gaze glancing back and forth between the scarred Vakarran and Tavik, almost as if he was deciding to stay and fight, or to run and escape. His distraction proved to be his downfall. Tavik rushed forward, using his forehead to smash into his. Stunned, the man stood, swaying back and forth, before Tavik sank his knife deep into his chest. Pulling the weapon out forcibly, blood spraying every which way, he focused on the scarred man with everything he had.

  Tavik rushed forward, taking aim at the scarred man with his gun. I watched as the butt of the gun glowed, charging up with a massive power burst and I held my breath.

  The scarred Vakarran grinned. I heard him begin to chuckle and I grew even more uneasy. I was missing something here. Something important.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the criminal, Tavik himself. And I see you brought along the others of the treasonous Fourth Battalion, Zane, Valdus, and Caleb. All exiled for their shame,” the stranger mused, his tone dark and dangerous.

  “Nix,” Tavik snarled, his fury enough to make my heart flutter with fear. I stopped breathing for a moment, remembering what Tavik had told me. I remembered that name. This man was their enemy, the one responsible for this entire mess in the first place, who’d exiled my four men for being unwilling to murder a group of women. Not only that, but he was the one who waged war on my sisters and who was coming to attack Earth for a second time. I gritted my teeth. This man was evil. We had to stop him. I’d never bow to such a vile man, even if it meant my death.

  Valdus, Caleb, and Zane made quick work of the six men attacking them. Before long, the ground was damp with Vakarran blood, but my four captors were still standing. Their chests rose and fell from the exertion of battle, but then Nix held up his hand.

  Tavik held his gun high and it started to buzz with the electric charge about to be set free. He stilled and the other three paused, waiting.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Not if you don’t want her to die,” Nix said coldly.

  I stiffened. What the fuck did that mean?

  Tavik didn’t answer. Instead he held his gun steady, staring straight at Nix.

  All of a sudden, a dozen little red laser dots appeared on my stomach. Immediately, I tensed, and the mark of the snipers steadied on me. I shuddered with terror, trying to step to the side, but they followed. All the air whooshed out of my lungs as I tried to think of my next move, but my mind went blank. Looking out, I realized that Nix had stationed a number of men in the trees. Now, all of them had their guns directed at me. Zane looked toward me and his eyes opened wide in panic.

  He turned, sprinting toward me, but at that moment, a huge arm reached down and gripped my wrist, lifting me up from my position beneath the embankment. I tried to fight, kicking and punching whoever had grabbed me, but it was no use. I tried to slash at them with my knife, but it was quickly wrenched from my grasp, bending my fingers backwards in the process. At once, multiple arms grabbed my wrists and bound them behind my back. Once I was secured, a swift kick to my lower back forced me forward and I fell to my knees with a pained cry.

  Fuck. That had hurt a lot.

  I struggled against my bonds, but they held fast. It soon became clear that I wasn’t going to be breaking out anytime soon.

  A Vakarran knelt down beside me and took my knife from the ground. He then lifted it and slid the sharp metal edge against my cheek and I stilled. I refused to look at him though, staring at the ground and defying them to the very end.

  “Bring her to me,” Nix said to the man holding me. To the others, some in the trees and others moving in from the ground, “Kill them,” he ordered.

  I watched in horror as two dozen men surrounded my Vakarrans, but I didn’t have any time to react, because a hand reached down and roughly grabbed me. Sharp fingernails dug into my skin and I felt them begin to force me up.

  I screamed as I was raised off the ground. I kicked and fought as much as I could, but the Vakarran holding me was strong. I could see scars of previous battles on his arms and I knew I was going to have a hard time. He threw me over his shoulder, but I wasn’t about to give in and go quietly. I felt strong and I was going to use that to my advantage.

  He growled, but I continued to fight, slipping off his shoulder and kneeing him hard in the stomach. Grunting with anger, he grabbed his gun off his belt and lifted his arm high overhead. I tried to scuttle sideways, but a pair of hands grabbed either side of my arms and held me still. The Vakarran in front of me glared down at me and I kicked him hard, right in between the legs.

  He hardly flinched and then I watched in horror as his arm swept down and the butt of his gun connected with the side of my head.

  An explosion of fiery pain burst across my scalp and I screamed. Almost immediately, I slumped to the ground and my eyes rolled back in my head. Spots flickered in my vision and then, everything went dark.

  * * *

  When I finally awoke, I thought I was dead. It was so dark that I could only see a few inches in front of my face. I blinked and slowly, my eyes began to adjust to the shadows. I tried to figure out where I was, but I could only feel cold and the dank smell of mold and underground water. When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, I began to make out small shapes, such as chairs along the stone walls and a window on the wall to the right. It was night, and not even the light of the moon and stars could reach me here.

  I wondered how much time had passed.

  It was then I remembered what happened and I struggled to move, only to realize that I was tied to some sort of thick cement pole. Rough strands of rope bit against my bare skin and I swallowed, coming to the conclusion that I was fully naked. Fucking hell.

  Where the hell was I?

  I wa
s alone. My Vakarrans were nowhere to be seen and despite everything within me telling me to hope for the best, I feared the worst. Nix had brought quite a force with him, which would be no match for the likes of my four Vakarrans, even as battle hardened and experienced as they were. They just didn’t have the numbers to defeat those kinds of military force. I closed my eyes, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. I didn’t want to think about it, but I couldn’t stop myself.

  They were my Vakarrans. Mine.

  Tavik, the born leader who didn’t follow the rules. Zane, a man who showed me that pain can also bring me to new heights of pleasure. Valdus, the icy one who brought out his heart just for me and Caleb, a friend I could count on to guide me when I needed and to dominate me in bed whenever I needed it. Right now, all I wanted was to return to their arms once again.

  I knew now, without a doubt, that they were telling the truth. I’d seen the looks on their faces when they’d seen Nix. That kind of hatred couldn’t be an act. And if their tales of revenge were true, I had no doubt my sisters were alive and free too.

  I wondered if I’d ever get to see them now.

  Bound and tied to a pole like a sacrificial virgin, I was alone for the first time since they’d taken me captive. I thought about my Vakarran captors and with a harsh breath, I realized I missed them. As much as I wanted to deny it, I cared for them and in that moment, I could feel my heart breaking at their loss. It should be wrong. I knew what the rumors said. I knew all Vakarrans were supposed to be cruel and unforgiving. Slave drivers, who took women just to fuck when they wanted and for the sole purpose of breeding their spawn.

  I shuddered just thinking about it.

  But my four were different. I’d tried to hurt them with Kira’s trap. I’d almost gotten the four of them and myself killed when the trackers had spotted me. In the end, I’d only ended up with a sore ass and an extremely well-used pussy. They hadn’t really hurt me, nor had I hated them for it. Defiance, like I showed, was something that ultimately ended up punished by death, and they hadn’t even given that a thought. Instead, they’d just made me theirs in more ways than one. Just thinking about it made my thighs tremble with desire for it all to happen again.


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