My Soul Is Yours

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My Soul Is Yours Page 5

by E. L. Todd


  “I sold it.”

  “That’s great, baby. Congratulations.” I kissed her forehead and put my arm around her waist.

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “My first real check.”

  I grabbed it and looked at the amount. “Holy fuckballs. Someone paid two grand for your dress?”

  She snatched it back. “Yes.”

  “That’s incredible.”

  “Well, I put a lot of time into it. It’s handmade.”

  “That’s still really cool, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  Her cheeks blushed and she averted her gaze.

  I didn’t understand fashion and I never cared about it, but Trinity didn’t understand music or why I needed to be in a band. Regardless, she was always there and always supported me. She was still proud of me. And I felt the same way about her.

  We moved forward in line then Trinity flinched when she looked up.

  I turned to see Reid standing nearby, wearing slacks and a vest.

  He eyed us for a moment before he approached us.

  “It’s nice to see you.” Reid gave Trinity a smile.

  Trinity stood awkwardly next to me, clearly unsure how to speak to him in my presence.

  I extended my hand. “How’s it going, man?”

  He eyed my hand then shook it. “Good. You?”

  “Great. Trinity is cashing her first check for a sale,” I said. “She’s really excited.”

  “That’s awesome,” he said to her. He studied her left hand. “Wow…look at the rock.”

  She held her left hand up. “Slade did a good job.”

  “He sure did.” Reid eyed it approvingly. “It’s nice to see you guys together.”

  I knew Reid wanted Trinity, but the fact he backed out and told Mike to give me a real chance made me see him differently. Whether he loved Trinity or not, he wasn’t a jerk. He put her wants and desires before his own. How could I hate someone like that? I loved Trinity more than he did, but he was clearly the better man. “It’s nice to see you doing well. The bank looks busy.”

  Trinity glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, clearly shocked by how nice and polite I was being to Reid.

  “It is,” he said. “No complaints. Well, when I have to skip lunch, I’m a little grouchy.” He chuckled at his own words.

  I laughed just to be polite.

  “Well, I should get back to work,” Reid said. “Take care.”

  “Bye, Reid,” Trinity said.

  Reid clapped me on the shoulder. “Congrats, man.”

  He wasn’t a sore loser at all. “Thanks. You’re a good guy, Reid.”

  He smirked. “You know what they say about good guys. They always finish last.”

  “I think you’re going to come out on top of everyone,” I said honestly. “Just wait and see.”

  Trinity’s jaw was on the floor.

  “Thanks, Slade.” He nodded then walked away.

  Trinity stared at me like I just grew a second head. “What the hell was that?”

  “What?” I feigned innocence.

  “You like him now?” she asked incredulously. “I thought you hated him.”

  “He’s not so bad. Do you want me to hate him?”

  “Of course not,” she said. “But I don’t understand why you’re so buddy-buddy with him.”

  “I just think he’s a nice guy,” I said with a shrug. “It’s not a big deal.”

  She searched my face for a lie.

  I would never tell her what happened with Reid, Mike, and I. I would never admit that Reid was just trying to date her and was waiting for the right opportunity to strike. I would never admit that her father purposely pushed Reid forward while holding me back. And I would never tell her how Reid bowed out and told Mike I deserved her. It would make her head explode from all the drama. “You’re going to be my wife,” I said. “There’s absolutely no reason for me to be jealous of anyone.”

  She gave me a smile before she kissed me gently on the lips. “I’m glad you’re finally realizing that.”


  I met Cayson at Rogers.

  “So, what’s this brilliant idea of yours?” Cayson asked. “Is it about the bachelor party?”

  “No.” I waved away his guess. “Nothing like that.”

  “Then what’s on your mind?”

  “Trinity and I went to the bank today and ran into Reid.”

  He sighed. “Not this again…”

  “No, I don’t have a problem with him.”

  “If he backed out and took your side, it would be pretty messed up if you did have a problem with him.” He drank his beer then glanced around the bar.

  “Actually, I have a really genius idea,” I said.

  “Genius?” He shook his head. “Let’s not get carried away…”

  “Reid is a nice guy. He’s refined, sophisticated, and he’s got money. But more importantly, he wants to settle down.”


  “And Jasmine wants to settle down.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What are you saying, Slade?”

  “I’m saying, what if we hook them up?”

  “Why would we care to play matchmaker?” he asked.

  “Because I owe Reid,” I said simply. “If he hadn’t backed out…who knows what would have happened. Our happily ever after definitely wouldn’t have been so easy. And you broke Jasmine’s heart when you left. So, what if we set them up? Jasmine is looking for a good guy, and Reid is looking for a wife. And Jasmine is blonde like Trinity, so he’ll probably be into her. She’s pretty hot.”

  “Uh, Trinity?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think she’s hot. I’m just saying, in general, she’s attractive. Reid will probably be into her.”

  “They aren’t farm animals we’re forcing to breed.”

  “Let’s just set them up. I have a good feeling about this.”

  Cayson sighed. “She might be seeing someone.”

  “Ask her.”

  Cayson almost dropped his beer. “You want me to talk to her? And you think Skye would be perfectly okay with me being interested in Jasmine’s personal life?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Shit, you aren’t even engaged and you’re whipped harder than I am.”

  “Skye and I are finally in a good place again. I’m not going to risk that.”

  “Then take Skye with you so she won’t freak out about it.”

  “So Skye can rip her hair out?” Cayson asked. “No, forget it.”

  “Dude, man up and do it.”

  He sighed. “I’m sure Reid can get his own dates.”

  “But he can’t find the right date. I don’t want him to think about Trinity anymore. If I can get him with someone else, he’ll be over her. Besides, after what he did, I owe him. You’re my best friend. Just help me out.”

  Cayson sighed. “You can’t keep using that as an excuse.”

  “Well, are you? I’d do it for you.”

  “Fine,” he said with a growl. “I’ll do it.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “Tell me what she says then we’ll arrange a meeting.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I doubt Jasmine will even agree to it.”

  “Show her a picture of Reid.”

  He regarded me seriously. “You think I have pictures of Reid just stashed around?”

  “Uh, social media?” I snapped. “Come on, Cayson.”

  “If you weren’t my best friend…” He pointed at me.

  “But I am. And you’ll do anything for me.”

  “You’re lucky,” he said. “By the way, your dad shouldn’t be in your wedding party.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Why is that so weird? He’s been my role model since I was little. Everything I learned, I learned from him. Now we work together, and he’s a friend, a best friend. Why can’t he stand up there with my other friends?”

  Cayson looked lost for words. “If it’s that important to you…”

  “It is. It’s
my wedding. I don’t understand why I can’t have what I want. Trinity could wear a gown that was on fire and no one would question it.”

  “Just watched Hunger Games or something?”

  “It was really good,” I said. “But that’s beside the point.”

  “I like the second one more than the first,” Cayson said.

  “Yeah, anyway,” I said. “I should be able to do what I want.”

  “Have you and Trinity settled the wedding stuff?”

  “No…we haven’t finished the fight.”

  “Haven’t finished it?” he asked in confusion.

  “I asked her if we could put it on hold,” I said. “We just got back together and I want to enjoy her. We keep the marriage plans separate from our relationship. We’ll probably pick up the fight again tomorrow or something.”

  He shook his head slightly. “You guys are so weird…but it works for you.”

  “Yeah…it’s hard to explain.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  “So, I’ll talk to Reid and you talk to Jasmine.”


  “Thanks, man.” I tapped my beer against his.

  “You owe me.”

  “I already owe you a pile of money. Let’s concentrate on that first.”

  “I hope I get that back someday…”

  “I didn’t put you out for your own ring, right?”

  “No,” he said as he shook his head. “I’m not proposing anytime soon.”

  “Really?” I asked. “I assumed you were.”

  “Well, I don’t want to rain on your parade.”

  I released a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t care, Cayson. Ask if you want to ask.”

  “And she and I are in a good place. I don’t want to rush it. And lastly, I’m not sure what I’m doing with my career. If I don’t know, I can’t ask her.”

  “Pick the CDC.”

  “I think I’m going to.”

  “Sweet.” I tapped my beer against his again. “That’s the better choice.”

  “Yeah, probably,” he said. “It has better hours and it’ll allow me to be with Skye and the kids more.”

  “The kids?” I asked. “Where did they come from?”

  “I meant in the future.”

  “Oh. Well, do what you want because it feels right. Don’t stress over things that haven’t even happened yet.”

  “I still have to think ahead. I need to have a secure job that will provide for all of us. But I also want something that allows me to be around often. It’s important to me to be active in my kids’ lives.”

  “You’re still thinking too hard…” I wasn’t ready for kids at all. The idea of taking care of a child sounded repulsing, but I hoped I would change my mind as I got older. I knew I wouldn’t be ready to have a kid today or tomorrow.

  “Anyway, it’s not going to happen right now. Skye has been working for less than a year and I know she’s really focused on that.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  Cayson finished his beer. “If this conversation is over, I need to head home. I have work in the morning.”

  “It’s nine,” I noted.

  “I like to go by Skye’s first.” His meaning was implied.

  “Oh, gotcha.” I winked at him.


  I told Trinity I was going to stop by the shop, but in actuality, I went to Reid’s bank. I assumed he would be there and I would have the opportunity to speak with him. When I walked inside, he was nowhere to be seen. But when I looked in the rear, I saw an office with glass doors. Reid was sitting at his desk and staring at his computer screen.

  I walked past his assistant and headed for the doors.

  “Sir, do you have an appointment?” She stood up like she was about to grab me.

  I ignored her and walked inside. “Hey.”

  Reid’s eyes moved to my face. Confusion was evident but then it changed to curiosity. “This is a surprise.”

  I sat in the chair facing his desk. “How’s it going?”

  “Well.” He kept eyeing me. “You?”


  Reid stared at me like he wanted me to explain my visit.

  “I have an offer for you. And I highly suggest you don’t reject it.”

  “I’m listening…”

  “I really hated you before. I always thought you were after my girl, and it turned out I was right. But, you pretty much redeemed yourself at the end. It’s hard to hate someone who doesn’t deserve to be hated.”

  “I did it because it was the right thing. I could never make Trinity happy the way you do. That’s just a fact.”

  “But you could have been selfish and made my life miserable. Only, you didn’t.”

  “I didn’t think the way Mike was treating you was fair. I thought it was a little out of line.”

  “Well, it was. The gorilla needs to chill out sometimes.”

  He smirked slightly. “You came all the way down here just to say thank you?”

  “No, actually. There’s something I want to offer you.”

  “Okay. What is it?”

  “It’s my friend, Jasmine.”

  He cocked an eyebrow.

  “She’s smoking hot, she’s smart, and she’s really nice. She cuts hair for a living and her dream is to open her own salon. She likes sports, and she used to be a bartender in Boston. Anyway, she’s really cool and she’s looking for Mr. Right. I’d like to set you up with her.”

  “On a blind date?” he asked coldly.

  “Just give it a chance. I know you’ll like her.”

  “I don’t have a problem getting dates.”

  “Yeah, I figured,” I said sarcastically. “But she’s cool. I think you’ll like her. Come on, what do you have to lose?”

  “Why are you offering me this anyway? Why do you care?”

  “Trinity said you’ve been trying to settle down. Since you bowed out and let me have Trinity, I want to help you out as a thank you. Plus, I want you to get over my fiancée.”

  He smirked. “I can understand that.”

  “So, give it a shot. You got nothing to lose.”

  He sighed. “I don’t usually do blind dates.”

  “Well, I can vouch for her. She’s pretty awesome.”

  “And she agreed to this?”

  “Yeah,” I lied. “She’s pretty mellow.”

  “Do you have a picture?” he asked.

  “No, but you don’t need one. She’s a nine or a ten.”

  “You objectify other women when you have a fiancée…interesting.”

  “No, I’m just trying to make a sale. Shit, Trinity is a twenty-eight. And I had to hear her go on about how hot Ward was…” I rolled my eyes in annoyance.


  “Never mind. So, how about Friday night?”

  He sighed and rubbed his temple. “I have a feeling I’m going to regret this.”

  “You won’t,” I said. “So, Friday at Rogers at seven. Be there.”

  “At a bar?” he asked incredulously. “That says romantic.”

  “No, it’s laid back. That way either one of you can leave at any time.”

  He shrugged in response.

  I approached his desk and fist-pounded him. “Be there.”

  He shook his head and smiled at the same time. “Okay. I will.”

  Chapter Three


  I was not looking forward to this. One option was to go behind Skye’s back and have the conversation with Jasmine without her knowledge, but if Skye found out some other way, she’d be pissed. I mean, pissed.

  Skye despised Jasmine. Always had and always would. If I told her I was getting involved with Jasmine’s love life, she wouldn’t be thrilled. She would question why I cared to begin with.

  If Slade weren’t my best friend, I wouldn’t have even considered it.

  Skye and I were in a really great place and I didn’t want to ruin that. So, I decided to tell her the truth. She would be mad, and
of course, we would fight. But she wouldn’t be as livid with me compared to me keeping it a secret.

  Ugh, I hate Slade.

  I went to her apartment after work and smelled fajitas in the air. “Something smells good.”

  Skye came out of the kitchen wearing a pink apron. “Dinner is almost ready.”

  “Good. I just left the gym and I’m starving.”

  She came to me then wrapped her arms around my neck. “My man needs to eat to stay strong.” She kissed my lips then walked back into the kitchen.

  I stared at her ass while she walked away.

  Ugh, I hate Slade.

  Skye set the table then we sat down together. She told me about her day and how the office never seemed to slow down. I told her about work and pathogens I dealt with that afternoon. Our conversations were always easy and unforced. When I imagined our life together, this was exactly how it would be. I loved having dinner with her in the evenings then watching TV on the couch. The idea of having her as my wife excited me. I was happy for Slade but I was also a little jealous. I’d been thinking about proposing but he beat me to the punch. Now I’d have to wait until Trinity’s wedding passed. I had a sister, so I understood it was a terrible idea for two friends to be engaged at the same time.

  “Something on your mind?” Skye asked.

  Her words brought me back to the conversation with Slade. “Actually, yeah.” I really didn’t want to have this talk with her.

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t get mad, okay?” I gave her a pleading look.

  She stared at me with a confused expression. Her lips were pressed tightly together, and one eyebrow was cocked. “As long as it doesn’t have anything to do with Jasmine, you’re fine. She’s the only thing that’s ever made me upset.”

  Did I have the worst luck in the world? Should I even say it now?

  She sipped her wine then turned back to me. “So, what’s up?”

  “It’s about Jasmine…”

  Her eyes immediately burned in flames, and she looked like she might flip the table over. “When is this bitch going to be out of our lives for good? She keeps popping up everywhere. Is she stalking you? You’re in New York and then she magically moves to New York too? Is anyone else noticing the pattern?” She reacted even worse than I predicted. And I hadn’t even gotten to the bad part yet. She took another big gulp of her wine then left the empty glass on the table.

  Goddammit, Slade.


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