Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 10

by Sariah Skye

  “Again!” Daniel shouted, and another brilliant blast of light—somehow even brighter than the first—filled the area around us and Nicodemus hissed and crawled into a fetal position.

  I crumpled into Daniel’s form and my head rolled back against his chest. I tried to smile at him, but I had no energy.

  “Hang on, girl…” he said, pulling me close and resting my head against him, smoothing his hands over my hair. My eyes felt heavy, and I allowed them to close, feeling relatively safe in Daniel’s arms.

  My eyelids fluttered and I was met with the comforting view of the simplistic decoration in Kiarra’s bedroom. Kiarra herself was sitting next to me on the bed, though the top half of me was being propped up by something solid. I weakly craned my neck to see that it was really Daniel.

  I tried to speak, but it came out as an unintelligible gurgle. He exchanged a concerned look with Kiarra and I felt his arms wrap around me tighter.

  “It’s gonna be okay, hun,” he said, running his fingertips over my exposed arm over and over again. I think it was supposed to be a gesture of comfort, but it felt panicked, like the tone of his voice.

  “Shit… Leo I—” I tried to sit up to see the source of the voice on the opposite side of the room and briefly caught the regrettable expression on Gabriel’s face. His brown eyes were near tears and his hands were still held up in front of him as if he had just cast a spell.

  “Not now!” Kiarra stood and stared him down, admonishing.

  He nodded and looked down at his feet.

  “I’ll be back. You got her?” Kiarra said, assumedly to Daniel and I felt him nod his head.

  Before Kiarra could leave the room, the door slammed open and banged against the wall with such force, I was sure there was a door-sized hole in the wall now. It didn’t even bounce back.

  An angry roar came out of the door frame, and Maxxus stood there, red faced, eyes narrow and fists at the ready.

  Gabriel jumped back, startled, but Maxxus was right on top of him. He grabbed him by the arms and slammed him with such force into the opposite wall I could swear I heard the unmistakable sound of bones crack.

  I cringed watching Gabriel attempt to stand, but Maxxus was right on top of him. Infuriated, Gabriel was lifted into the air like a rag doll and Maxxus growled.

  “This was your job! It was your job to keep her safe! She almost died, you piece of—” Maxxus growled, before lapsing into angry dragon.

  An intimidated Gabriel winced, but managed to lift his hands up in the air, summoning a ball of light between them and pushing it towards Maxxus’ chest.

  Maxxus let out a grunt as the magic shoved him into the opposite wall, effectively releasing Gabriel, who shot random blasts of air and light at him.

  Kiarra was shouting at them to stop, and Daniel was trying to shield me from the scene, but I could still peer through a crack between his arms. Maxxus was struggling to stand now, as Gabriel angrily tossed more magic at him. Maxxus, with resolve cried out in pain, but shrugged it off as he stalked towards Gabriel with a mission in his eyes.

  “You fuckin’ psycho,” Gabriel muttered, stepping backwards as Maxxus stalked closer to him. “Can’t do any better but use your fists, can you? No wonder Leo never wanted you.”

  Maxxus roared with anger and he shifted in the middle of Kiarra’s bedroom, effectively taking up more than half of the room. Gabriel, who’d been confident at that point slunk back into the corner as Maxxus took a single step and opened his large jaw.

  “Do something!” Daniel cried in panic, I don’t know to who. Kiarra just screamed.

  I felt the sudden urge to jump in between them and slug both of them in their faces. I closed my eyes momentarily and tried to utter the energy to yell a single “Stop!”

  I heard double crashing sounds before I opened my eyes, watching both Gabriel and Maxxus slam against opposite sides of the wall, Maxxus shifting back to human form as they both fell to the ground.

  “Shit.” Was all Daniel said.

  I gathered my bearings to realize that my arms were held out to my sides and the room was filled with my glitter fire that contained the brunt of my magic. Both of them, looking alarmed and surprised, groaned and looked at me apologetically and sheepishly.

  I got to my feet, feeling a sudden burst of wrathful adrenaline. I stumbled towards the center of the room, between them as they struggled to get up. I narrowed my eyes at them in turn, willing them to stay down. Both appeared to fight it, but they remained still.

  Kiarra was at Maxxus’ side, draping a blanket over his human form—his clothes essentially ruined in the shift. She turned to him, and back to Gabriel. Daniel was currently next to him, tending to Gabriel’s injuries.

  “What the fuck were you two thinking?” Kiarra was beyond irritated, scanning the room and seeing her furniture and belongings shattered and fallen to the ground in pieces, and cracks in the wall from where the boys’ pissing match had occurred.

  Maxxus growled. “I got your text. I got here as soon as I could—what if she was killed this time? Killed?” he glowered at Gabriel across the room. “You’re supposed to be there for her, you poor excuse for a Knight! Instead, you were out pouting because she and I shared a purely innocent dance!” My gaze shifted to him momentarily, whose expression wavered slightly at innocent and I prayed silently that Gabriel wouldn’t catch on.

  Gabriel was rubbing his arms and Daniel was helping him to a sitting position.

  “Finnian told us she’d be safe!” Gabriel protested, but you could see the guilt in his eyes. “And that dance was not purely innocent and you know that.”

  “Enough,” Daniel warned his brother calmly, and Gabriel just scoffed, but said nothing more on the matter.

  Maxxus huffed, narrowing his eyes. “Clearly, he was wrong! She’s clearly not safe here!” Maxxus roared.

  “Stop!” I hollered, closing my eyes and summoning the last bit of energy I had. When I opened them, both boys were in their respective corners, sitting obediently silent.

  I exhaled, feeling the exhaustion creep over me as I stumbled backwards onto the bed, Daniel at the ready to catch me if I passed out for real. Both Maxxus and Gabriel attempted to stand, but I glared them both down as they fell back to their knees. I took in a deep breath to focus. I turned to Gabriel first.

  “How did you know?”

  Gabriel nodded to Daniel. “He saw you in his dream. He told me what was happening—we came as fast as we could.” His voice trembled slightly. “If he hadn’t…”

  I sighed, turning to Maxxus. “And you?”

  “Kiarra texted me, like I said. I came as fast as I could.”

  “I texted everyone! I didn’t know what to do!” she said. “I saw you there, gasping and… I figured it had to be the Shadows and…” She left Maxxus’ side and dashed next to me on the bed and wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my shoulder. “I thought you were dead…”

  I sighed again. “I’m… okay. But if Gabriel hadn’t… if Daniel hadn’t.” I said, re-thinking my statement. I glanced backwards at a digital alarm clock on the nightstand. Sure enough, it read thirty some minutes after midnight.

  “Maxxus is right.” Gabriel admitted reluctantly. “I failed you… again.”

  I snarled at him. “Enough self-pity,” I warned him angrily. He nodded, smiling wryly and looked away.

  “Are you okay?” Maxxus asked in concern. I could see him struggling to push the anger down inside of him, as he stood slowly, careful not to let the blanket fall from his waist.

  I sighed, but nodded slowly. I put a hand to my throat and it felt sore, my breath rattling, but I’d live.

  He exhaled in relief. “That is good.” He turned to Gabriel, and with narrow eyes stared him down. Gabriel fixed up his face and glowered back.

  “Let’s get one thing straight here, Sorcerer. I am loyal to you only because of your magical connection to Leorah. But if you fail her again, I won’t hesitate to kill you,” he growled.

sp; “Like to see you try,” Gabriel snorted, muttering under his breath. Maxxus snarled and I turned to him and glared. I concentrated briefly, staring into his eyes and commanded, “Stand. Down.”

  Reluctantly, Maxxus’ expression fell docile and he slid down against the wall and sat on the floor.

  “You may compel me, but you cannot change the truth.”

  “What truth?” Gabriel challenged.

  Maxxus glowered at him. “I love her. More than you will ever be able to. As long as I live, she will not be harmed.”

  I slapped my palm against my face, daring to gauge Gabriel’s reaction.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly as a challenge, but didn’t appear surprised. “You think I don’t know that? It’s you I don’t trust, not her.”

  Kiarra patted my shoulder again, standing and let out a pointed cough. Both boys stopped glaring each other down to pay attention to her. “Whatever your issues are with each other, you need to put it aside. Gabriel, you totally dissed her,” she said, staring daggers at him and turning to Maxxus, “and you never told her, so you have only yourselves to blame. But you must put it aside, because there is something we all must come together for.” Gabriel and Maxxus both nodded a silent truce at each other. Satisfied the two would remain peaceful she explained Finnian’s discovery of the book foretelling and of Esmè's magic-prodding potion.

  “So get your heads out of your arses long enough and you want to prove yourselves worthy? Let her choose and quick acting like cavemen. Both of you. Neither of you have given her much of a choice you know that?” Kiarra challenged and both Gabriel and Maxxus nodded sheepishly. Kiarra sighed and urged Maxxus to follow her, insisting she had some suitable clothes in another room. She left me with Daniel and Gabriel in her bedroom.

  I let out a labored sigh, and slid back in the bed, propping my upper body on the pillow and letting myself relax, feeling the awkward silence emanate throughout the room.

  Gabriel started to speak, standing up slowly. I raised my palm in the air and shot him a dangerous look. “Look, you were right about Maxxus, okay? But it still doesn’t give you any right to act like a chauvinistic pig.”

  Gabriel nodded slowly. “I know I just… shit.” His face fell, crestfallen. “I cannot believe that I again failed you.”

  I opened one eye slightly to glare at him. “More about you?”

  He protested again and again, I waved him off. “Look—it worked out. And you know what, it worked out for the better in the end.”

  “Better?” he was confused.

  I nodded insistently. “This time, I saw who was doing the attacking.”

  As if on cue, Maxxus entered, wearing a pair of black cotton pajama pants and not much else. Kiarra followed, rolling her eyes. “Okay, so I was wrong… shirt is too small. But at least the… important stuff is covered,” she said, with a smirk.

  I tried not to laugh as Maxxus stood there, unaware as Kiarra and I winked at each other over. I let out a distracting cough. “Who about what attacking, now?”

  “All the times I’ve had this… vision or encounter, I’ve never been able to see the attacker. This time, I did,” I replied.

  “And… who is it?” Maxxus gnashed his teeth, like he was waiting for me to confirm something.

  I looked at him expectantly. “Nicodemus. Now we know for sure. I just wish it was enough.”

  Maxxus let out a low growl. He punched a balled fist into the other palm and stomped his feet, almost like a child throwing a temper tantrum. “I’ll kill him,” was all I gleaned from his angry dragon speak.

  I raised a brow. “You’ll have to get in line.”

  “There can be no doubt, then.” Maxxus closed his eyes briefly and took a breath in. When he released it you could hear the low, rageful growl in the back of his throat. “The Court is working with the Shadows.”

  His statement was met with dour silence. Until this point, we had the luxury of denial. We could tell ourselves Kit was mistaken. She could have overheard wrong—she was, after all, in distress—and it could have been some horrible human named Nicholas or something to that effect. It could have been a warehouse, instead of a dragon-y dungeon. We had the small luxury of mistake. Maxxus and I could arrive in Anarach, only to find Nicodemus totally innocent; of course, at that point we’d be captured and tortured, but we don’t want to think about that.

  Now, there was no mistake. There was proof; my own Shadow-dreamwalk. My own confrontation with the black dragon—the fucking bastard—Nicodemus.

  Finally, it was Kiarra that spoke:

  “I don’t think I need to say how very, very bad this is,” she said, sitting on the bed next to me and sighing heavily.

  “Nope,” was all I said.

  “So, what now?” Gabriel inquired, and everyone turned to me, like I was some sort of leader.

  I threw my hands up in confusion. “What do you mean? Same as before; we go into Anarach—”

  “—we do, you mean,” Maxxus corrected, “you and I.”

  I glared at him briefly. “Yes, you and I. But, until then… we…” well, I didn’t know what we do.

  Kiarra smiled slightly. “Well, now we wait.” Kiarra reached over onto the nightstand and held up the small vial in front of her for all to see.

  “What’s that?” Daniel had been silent, mainly until now.

  “It’s a potion for Leo that will uncover her full magic—all of it—so she can have full use of it, in a short amount of time,” Kiarra said. “When it turns pink, it’s ready and within an hour, Leo will have full knowledge and control of all of her magic.”

  Everyone let out sounds of amazement or low-whistles. I just held my head in my hands and sighed.

  “Who did you get that from?” Gabriel piped in, sounding suspicious.

  “Esmè, who was instructed by Finnian to concoct it,” she replied.

  Gabriel fixed his face in a stoic expression, but you could tell he wanted desperately to say something. I glanced at Maxxus who appeared the same way.

  “Say it,” I prompted them, looking back and forth between the two sternly.

  Both spoke at once, both saying something along the lines of negativity towards Finnian; and, rightly so.

  “I don’t trust him.” Maxxus huffed, leaning against the wall, crossing one foot over the other in an attempt to be casual but his face was flushed with anger.

  Gabriel lifted a brow, but sighed, reluctantly. “Dragon boy, for once, has a point. I am not sure Finnian is entirely trustworthy.” He shot a dirty look Maxxus’ way and Maxxus growled in reply.

  I tried to cover the snort with my hand; the two of them reminding me of a couple of schoolboys in grade school fighting over the last cupcake.

  Kiarra grumbled. “Right now, I’m having a hard time trusting either of you.” She motioned with her fingers to each boy to “Come” like a couple of dogs, and led them out of the room. “I need a word with you. Both of you.”

  Despite their adversarial relationship, both men fell in line at Kiarra’s admonishing request and practically led them by the ears out of the room, leaving Daniel and me behind.

  I let out a frustrated groan and flung myself on the bed.

  “You know, if one of them wasn’t my brother, I’d be entirely jealous of you.” I felt the bed dip slightly at the end with Daniel’s muscular body weight. I opened one eye to narrow it at him.

  “Jealous?” I guffawed.

  He smiled. “Two gorgeous men, both vying for your attention…” he let out a wistful sigh, with a faraway look in his eyes. “It’s like something out of a romance.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Romance? I prefer like, say, The Notebook. One man. One woman. One sad story… that’s it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “So overrated.” I protested, sitting up quickly to glare him in the eyes when he chuckled.

  “So, what do you think? This Finnian can be trusted, or not?” he questioned, looking serious.

  I sighed. “Kiarra was right. His methods may suck, b
ut… he knows his shit. I think he’s trustworthy enough, anyways. That and from what I know of Esmè, I do not believe she would allow someone to be harmed at her hand.” I glanced over at the vial on the desk, which was still gray. “If she’s okay with it, then I guess I should be too.”

  Daniel glanced at me sympathetically. “You know, my brother may have had to hide who he was from the general population, but at least he knew who he was. You never had any idea. This… this just must be so hard.” He snorted as he continued. “Plus, the soap opera those two are putting you through.”

  I chuckled a little. “Yeah…”

  “You know, I don’t condone what my brother did,” he said, “but, if you understood how bad Cosette fucked with his brain… well, I hope you’d at least understand why he’s tweaking out about Maxxus.”

  “Cosette? Is that her name?” My face soured and Daniel nodded.

  “Yeah… it was really Cassie, but in French class apparently she was dubbed Cosette and she decided to use it.” Daniel rolled his eyes. “She was a real piece of work. I always hated her. But that’s beside the point…”

  “What are you saying?” I asked dryly.

  He shook his head. “I’m just saying, perhaps a certain amount of patience is involved. Cosette—err, Cassie—well she cheated on him, she verbally messed with him… yeah. Not that that is your problem, of course. It hasn’t been that long since they split. He may just not be ready…” he trailed off, expectantly waiting for my next words.

  I sighed. “You know, I wouldn’t have been so hurt by it if he didn’t matter to me at all. At the same time I’m not going to lie, I’m frustrated and confused.”

  He nodded. “I can understand that. But can I ask you something? How do you feel about Maxxus?”

  I shrugged. I looked away and suddenly became very interested in the light blue embroidery on Kiarra’s bed cover. I traced my finger over the slight ridged surface.


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