Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 15

by Sariah Skye

  I sighed, but nodded reluctantly. “Yeah...”

  “Okay. I'll be in touch soon.” Finnian raised his hand. “Ready?” I figured he meant to speed up time again and I nodded. With a flick, time went back to normal. Kiarra quickly squelched the rogue fireball and I got the third degree from everyone because I wasn't in the same spot I was when time froze. Oops.

  Kiarra was confused momentarily, but she shook it off quickly; she probably knew of his abilities. “Well, how does the magic feel now?”

  “Let's see.” I narrowed my eyes and concentrated on my palm and flicked it open, revealing a small ball of water in my hand.

  “Nice!” Gabriel praised. He summoned a plasma ball in his hands and tossed it towards me slowly. I caught it and spun my hands around, and created a small thunderstorm in my hands.

  “Your magic seems better?” I questioned him and he nodded, looking relieved.

  Kiarra joyfully clapped her hands together. “Ohh! Neat!”

  “Now put it out,” Gabriel instructed.

  I inhaled to breathe my magic on it, but he clucked his tongue. “Nuh-uh. No dragon fire!”

  “Oh...okay.” I stood there, staring at the magic oddly in my hands, bobbing it between my palms lightly. Crazy how it didn't harm me one bit, but if I shot it at a tree or—Finnian let's say—it'd cause a hell of a lot of damage.

  “Just will it out,” Gabriel instructed.

  I bit my lip nervously. I suppose it was a lot like the storm at the truck stop; just imagine it smaller. I watched it intently, willing it away...gradually it got smaller until I clapped my hands together, as if I were smashing it away. The magic popped and hissed, but dissipated into nothing.

  Everyone let out a cheer and I grinned at the praise.

  “Nice!” Gabriel, despite the hesitation he felt, crossed the field and offered me a friendly hug. I reciprocated, nuzzling my cheek against his shoulder.

  “That was really impressive. You should be proud,” he whispered softly into my ear before pulling away. Maxxus took his place at my side and offered his praise.

  “Amazing, Leo,” he smiled warmly. “You feel confident?”

  I nodded. Somehow I felt like I was actually skilled in the magic, after only a short time.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Yes, it's great work. Just be careful for a bit, you might still have some rogue after effects. And you should still get in some practice, but I feel good about it. You should too.” Finnian said. He offered me a hinted glance and I nodded slightly.

  We continued to practice, Gabriel shooting random bits of magic at me for me to counteract either with my spirit magic or the opposite magic. All the while Daniel and Kiarra gossiped about whatever the hell a gay seer and a blue dragon would gossip about as Maxxus and Finnian looked on quietly.

  Finnian, about an hour later, finally deemed it was probably safe enough to leave the safety of the magical dome, but probably not safe enough for me to be around the general population of humanoids. Didn’t bother me much, because I would have headed back to Kiarra’s anyhow, but Finnian made sure that Daniel and Gabriel stay away from me for awhile. Gabriel’ magic should assumedly remain under control if we were separate, so he agreed to acquiesce for the safety of the village.

  Maxxus hesitated momentarily before parting. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words seem to come out. Instead, he wrapped my arms around my waist and pulled me in for a deep hug. I tried not to sigh at his comforting presence. He pulled away and said, “I'll see you at Kiarra's.” he squeezed my shoulder gently before turning and sauntering away, offering the sorcerer a cordial nod.

  I shivered slightly, admiring the view of his backside in the blue jeans he was wearing before he walked away.

  Gabriel let out a pointed cough and I snapped myself out of my haze. “Sorry,” I said with a nervous giggle.

  “So…” he said, obviously uncomfortable. “I guess things are a bit more complicated now, huh?”

  I nodded slowly. “I suppose so. I am so sorry, if I had any idea...” I trailed off, looking away. I didn't want to finish with “had I known I was in love with Maxxus before, nothing may have ever happened between us.” I felt so conflicted now. More so than before.

  “You have feelings for him though, don’t you?” Gabriel questioned, somewhat hesitantly.

  I paused, looking away sheepishly, looking at everywhere but him. I bit my lip nervously, recalling that kiss. Kisses. Both the one in my memories and the one from just hours ago. My cheeks flushed with heat. “I...know I used to love him very much.”

  Gabriel sighed. “I figured you did.”

  I glanced at him sadly. “I'm sorry.”

  “No—don't be. Just...” Gabriel stood motionless for a moment, as if thoughtfully trying to pick his next words. He shuffled his feet nervously before slowly leaning in towards me. “How do you feel about me?”

  My heart skipped a beat at his proximity, but I saw the hesitation in his eyes. He smiled awkwardly and aimed off the side, and placed a kiss off the corner of my lips. “I... I don't know.”

  My hand reached up and touched the side of his face lightly, gently tracing the edge of his five-o-clock shadow down towards his lips. He smiled, his eyes mastering mine intently. For a moment, I lost myself in his gaze; in his scent and I raised on my tiptoes to kiss him or something... I wasn’t sure what I was doing, exactly. But, he clutched my hand at his lips and clasped it in his, brushing a kiss across my knuckles. A shiver shot up my spine quickly, and he let my hand drop to the side.

  “I still care about you, you know. A lot. I’m sorry for what happened.”

  I shrugged. “We’ve all got baggage, right?”

  “Yeah… well… we’ll talk soon.” Gabriel slowly spun on his heels and walked towards the guest quarters. He looked back over his shoulder quickly as I stood there, alone. I offered him a small wave. He smirked and walked away.

  I stood for a moment, watching him walk away. Something about it just felt so… off. Perhaps it was the magic, but it felt weird watching him walk away, knowing he was going elsewhere. For the past few weeks we’d been inseparable. Now I felt… off and even somewhat weak, even with all the newfound magic coursing through my veins. Perhaps it wasn't just him, but the warring butterflies in my stomach, fighting over who got to remain.

  I must have looked tortured, because Kiarra came up to me, threaded her arm through mine and rested her cheek comfortingly on my shoulder. I hadn't noticed she'd still been there but, I was relieved for her presence. “It’ll be okay, you’ll see. But the boys just need to be patient. If they care, they will. If not well—you have your answer,” she said.

  I patted her hand and smiled earnestly. “Yeah…” still in the interim, it sort of sucked. But I didn’t say that, she was 100% right.

  “Go to my place; I'll be there in a minute. You can use some vitamins. Help yourself to the fridge. You're probably hungry.”

  I nodded intently. “Yes!” At the moment I was craving ribs or a steak or something raw and primitive. And a big mug of that spelled ale—or maybe two. Or three. Or...twenty at this rate. She hugged my shoulders and we parted ways for now.

  Kiarra had arrived at her cottage not long after I did, with sachets of herbs and tonics from Esmè to help with my magical revitalization and was just putting together some steak sandwiches from leftover steak she’d made yesterday (where was I?) when there was a knock at the door.

  Kiarra and I had just wandered into the living room to watch some trashy TV when Maxxus let himself in. Before Kiarra could open her mouth, Maxxus declared with conviction, “I am here, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay in the lair, but I’m not leaving until I know she’s okay, or she physically throws me out. Or, magically.”

  Kiarra rolled her eyes and thrust her plate at him. “I wasn’t even going to argue. Eat up, Dragon Boy.”

  Maxxus’ eyes widened slightly at the gesture, but he grinned at me over her shoulder. “Being forceful gets results,” he said, lowering his voic
e and puffing out his chest.

  Kiarra made a groaning noise and disappeared off to the kitchen. Maxxus and his plate sat next to me on the couch.

  “So, how are things with… you know. Magic Boy,” he retorted.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. He'll live. What do you say when you tell someone you liked that you have feelings for someone else, suddenly?” I sighed.

  Maxxus gave a wry smile. “Yeah, that’s… probably not very easy to hear. I kinda feel bad for the guy.”

  I gave him a surprised look. “Really?”

  He gave a half shrug. He squinted his eyes and held up his thumb and pointer finger, about a half inch from each other. “Yes. About—this much,” he said, his eyes alight with jest. He smashed his fingers together for emphasis.

  I snickered. “That much, huh?” I shook my head with a laugh.

  Maxxus grinned. “Okay, joking aside… really, I do. Caring for someone of a different species, that has to be hard.”

  I bit my lip and became very interested in my sandwich suddenly.

  “Just so you know,” Maxxus began again, “whatever you decide, I’m okay with. If you decide you want to—you know—with him, then I understand.”

  I looked at him expectantly. “What if I can’t decide?”

  Maxxus shrugged. “Well… we are dragons so I guess I’d be okay with that too.”

  I chuckled. “Well, that doesn’t really seem entirely fair, you know?”

  “Leo, what about all of this is fair?” he asked, with a laugh, obviously indicating our stolen memories.

  “Point taken,” I agreed.

  He leaned closer and spoke quietly. “So, any word on when we’re ready to head out?”

  “Couple days. Finnian wants me to practice a bit more first. And he’s working on some potions. After that...we're good to go.”

  “Are you sure you wouldn't rather bring the sorcerer? Your magic together seems unparalleled; it would catch anyone over there off guard,” Maxxus questioned, a minor lilt of jealousy in his tone.

  I shook my head. “No. I'd go alone before I'd bring him. Magic or not, he's still very vulnerable to an entire kingdom of dragons. He wouldn't stand a chance.”

  His mouth fell open. “You wouldn't actually consider going alone? That's suicide, I wouldn't stand for it!” his eyes narrowed in anger, fists balling on his lap.

  I raised a palm, urging his silence. “Of course not.”

  He unclenched his fists and grunted slightly. “Okay, then.”

  I giggled slightly at the defiant flush in his cheeks; his clenched jaw. “Are you sure you're not a red dragon? That temper!”

  He narrowed his eye before allowing his gaze to soften. He reached out and gently stroked my cheek. “Green dragons are laid back, except when their family and loved ones are in danger.”

  I snickered, trying to avoid staring into his blue eyes. “Silly, that's every dragon.”

  He smiled. “Yes, but we'd move the earth itself in order to save them.”

  I shifted under his strong gaze. “I have not been threatened.”

  “No. But there is no way in hell I'd allow you to undertake something like this alone,” he said. He dropped his hand to my shoulder and began fingering the hair at my neckline. Out of habit, my hands flew to my mark before I realized I didn't have to worry about it anymore. At least, not with him, or here. Sheepishly, he removed his hand, letting it fall into my lap. I sighed.

  “Silly I'm still worried about that, huh?” I chuckled at myself.

  “Not silly, but sad. You should be proud of you.”

  “Perhaps you're right.” Suddenly I fought the urge to yawn.

  “Sleepy?” he set down his plate on the couch cushion next to him and cautiously wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I set my head on his chest and breathed in slowly. Maxxus smelled of the Earth… sandalwood and pine with freshly mowed grass and summer musk. His heart was strong and steady and I felt my heavy eyelids slowly close as I heard it against my ear.

  My eyes flew open and I sat up with a jolt. I had actually fallen asleep some. I simply rubbed my hand across my face and chuckled. “Sorry… yeah, I guess I am tired.”

  Maxxus smiled slowly, exhaling audibly.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He sunk back into the cushions and groaned. “Do you think I’ll ever remember?” he asked, turning to me. “I mean… I have skills? Blacksmithing skills?” he lifted his palms and shifted them from front to back, eyeing them in wonder.

  I shrugged. “Yeah… your stuff was amazing. You should try it again; maybe it’ll come back to you.”

  “Perhaps.” Maxxus didn’t appear convinced, though.

  My mouth formed a narrow line. I bit my lip and sighed. “I don’t know how but I’ll find a way to get your memories back. Perhaps Finnian can help with that.” Not even waiting for a response, I yanked out my phone from my pocket and typed in a message to him, requesting a potion or a solution for Maxxus.

  Mere seconds after it was sent he replied: Already on it.

  I wiggled my phone. “Finnian’s working on something. We’ll get you back.”

  Maxxus smiled. “Thanks.” He started to reach out for me, but pulled away. “Ugh, I’m not quite sure how I should act….”

  I snorted. “Well, that makes two of us. Memories or not, I never quite know how to act anyway.” I had already scarfed down the sandwich, and a big Mountain Dew that Kiarra had snuck in while we were talking (and quickly darted out). I leaned back into the cushions and allowed my neck to go limp, resting my head on Maxxus’ shoulder. “Is this okay?”

  Maxxus smirked. “Yeah. It’s just fine.”

  I woke up with a start, suddenly noticing my head felt heavier than before I fell asleep. I fell asleep?

  I blinked my eyes and was met with an unfamiliar scene. I looked around. The walls were brick and somewhat bare, the ground was hard, packed dirt and underneath me was a soft bed of hay, flannel blankets and a couple of feather-pillows (checkered, of course). I assumed we were in Kiarra's underground dragon lair.

  I noticed my large talons under me and groaned. Apparently, I had shifted in my sleep, although I didn’t remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch with Maxxus. I had no idea how I got here, however, I was thankful I was here and not the Shadow realm.

  “Where is—?” I began to myself. Looking around I noticed that my pink dragon form was curled up next to a large dragon form—Maxxus. Maxxus was sound asleep, snoring lightly (which sounded more like a growl), his large dragon snout resting protectively on what would be my shoulder, if I were human. I smiled to myself.

  I nudged him slightly with the tip of my nose. “Maxxus?”

  He stirred slightly, let out a low growl and rested his head on my front legs that were slightly outstretched under me. I smirked.

  I watched him for a moment, sleeping peacefully next to me. The span of his wings tucked against his back, one of his lower legs twitching slightly, I felt a sense of warmth come over me.

  I never would have dreamed that I would be resting comfortably—with another dragon. Whatever capacity he ended up being: boyfriend, friend, it didn’t matter, but I was here, as myself, my dragon self. I wasn’t being ridiculed. I wasn’t being hounded, or degraded that my magic was subpar or non-existent. I was me, and here it was okay. And, something about the whole thing just felt...Heavenly.

  I sighed contentedly and settled back into Maxxus’ snuggle. I had to pull out one wing that was tucked in between us as it was losing a little feeling and stretched it out and let it rest over Maxxus’ body. I rest my head next to his and nuzzled him a little with my scaly cheek before drifting off into a restful, peaceful sleep once more.

  “Leo?” Maxxus' head raised slightly and he was blinking his eyes rapidly, trying to allow them time to adjust in the dim firelight of the oil lamp across the dark room. “You okay?”

  I turned my head to look at him and smiled slightly. “Yes. But how did I
get here?”

  Maxxus stretched out his neck and shook his head, bobbing it from side to side as if trying to smudge out a crick. “Ugh,” he snorted, a puff of steam escaping from his nose. “Sorry. I noticed while you were sleeping you seemed...uncomfortable. You kept stretching and whimpering a little and scratching and I figured it was the magic boost in you, it was trying to get out and you probably needed to shift. So before you did, I brought you down here and let you stretch out. I didn't want to leave you alone down here so I shifted too, and just stayed with you. I hope that's okay—I can go if you want.”

  I grunted. “No. It's okay. Thank you. Go back to sleep.” I nudged him with my pink nose, accidentally releasing my dragon shimmer fire on him. He appeared dazed, but nodded slightly and rested his head back on his front legs and his eyes shut tightly. Soon he was sound asleep once again.

  I smiled to myself and curled against his form, resting my own head on one of his outstretched legs. A wing stretched out and flopped over him lazily; even in my dragon form they seemed to have a mind of their own. I nestled in comfortably and allowed myself to drift back off to sleep in the comforting presence of the green dragon, who I now knew had been my greatest protecter… ever.

  Chapter 9

  I stared deeply into Maxxus’ eyes, trying to gauge his next move. My heart slammed repeatedly into my chest as he slowly neared me, like a jungle cat prowling its prey.

  I had to inhale a deep breath to keep myself on point: No, Leo. Don’t stare into those eyes. He only wants to—

  Maxxus raised his sword up and off to the side. I lifted my wooden dagger to meet with it, but he feinted to the opposite way and dropped one hand, grasping my shoulder and spinning me down, pushing me with moderate force onto the dew-covered grass.

  I landed with an audible oof and my hands each fell to either side of me, the wooden dagger becoming lost as I tumbled. Maxxus covered my body with his, straddling his legs over each side of my waist. He raised his sword once more, and with a rapid gesture brought it down just inches next to my throat. All of this felt like an eternity, but was only a few very fast seconds. Maxxus was a warrior through and through, and an effective one at that.


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