Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 34

by Sariah Skye

  “Say, is there any sort of spell one can do to help his vision?” I wondered as I handed the glasses off. Perhaps Gabriel liked the glasses, I didn’t know. Worth a shot.

  “Depends. Is the vision loss genetic or due to injury?” Finnian questioned, and I looked at his brother expectantly.

  “Genetic I think. Our uncle is blind as a bat too,” Daniel explained, stretching out his long legs before him. Their uncle, Christopher, was a knight and a sorcerer as well, I remembered.

  “Could it be due to the magic, somehow?” I asked rhetorically. If it was due to magic I ought to be able to help him. I looked to Daniel quizzically. “I could try? Does it bother him?” I probably should know this; another realization that I didn’t really know him well at all.

  Daniel laughed shortly. “Oh yes. He has a weird thing about things touching his eyes so he can’t wear contacts and the glasses get in the way. If you think you can help him…” he gestured towards his brother. “Go ahead.”

  Gabriel breathed soundly; obviously exhausted from the portal traveling earlier. I knelt beside him—wings still out and ready. Since I didn’t exactly know what was wrong with him, I hovered my palms over his forehead and closed my eyes.

  I pictured the scene around us, dense forest and dirt floor, but crossed my eyes a bit to make it blurry. Slowly I imagined the scene coming into focus. I pictured how it must look from his point of view and slowly pulled the scene into perfect focus. With a slight wave of one of my hands, I spun the magic around him. My eyes opened and I could see the pink mist slowly fall around him. His eyes twitched slightly as he slept; indicating either the successful magic or REM sleep. Or both for all I knew. “No idea how that went, but I tried.” My hand flew to my mouth as I yawned involuntarily. “Oh my…suddenly…”

  “You should all get some rest,” Finnian insisted. Daniel had his head resting on his palms behind him, Kiarra was situating herself underneath her blanket and trying to get comfortable.

  “I will shift and stay by the edge… just in case.” Maxxus tapped at the leather cuff at his wrist and winked at me. “Cool magic.” He stepped forward, nudging a blanket he’d pulled out of his pack earlier towards me with his nose. “You use this. I will not need it in this form.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, but I felt a slight shiver up my body. I ignored it even as Maxxus shoved the blanket towards me once more.

  “Your sorcerer could probably use it,” Finnian insisted. He nodded towards Gabriel, reaching over to touch his cheek. “He’s cold. I have some potions that might help—side effect from the portal displacement—but one more blanket can’t hurt him.”

  I looked at Maxxus, feeling guilty. I doubted he wanted to give up what was his for him, but he just nodded his head. “Go ahead if he needs it.”

  I offered him a small smile and placed the second blanket around him. Finnian had produced a small vial from one of his enchanted-sacks and, uncapping it leaned over and put it to Gabriel’s lips.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  Finnian glanced up at me and grinned, widely. “Just some healing potion with a hint of spelled vodka to help any hangover he might still have. The alcohol is spelled to help him rest easier.”

  “Um, that’s probably why we’re in this mess to begin with; too much of that damn spelled booze,” Daniel spoke up. He didn’t open his eyes or move anything but his lips as he spoke.

  “He should be fine,” Finnian spoke with a chuckle, as he sprinkled the liquid over Gabriel’s slightly-parted mouth. Instinctively, Gabriel swallowed and I could feel a sense of comfort wash over him. More of that spirit magic at work, I guessed. A light shade of pink washed over his cheeks and I knew he would be okay.

  “Well.” I said with a sigh. Everyone was attempting to relax, all except Finnian who was sitting upright, totally ramrod straight, holding a book out in front of him. I just snickered to myself. I scanned the immediate area and it all looked equally uncomfortable and lumpy so I just opted for a spot just inches from where I was. I scooted along on my backside, dragging my pack along and stretched out my legs and attempted to lay down. I pulled the brown blanket over me and rested my head on my pack and forced my eyes shut. Not more than five seconds later did I hear rustling of leaves and hooting owls in the distance. I let out a growl.

  Finnian chuckled. “Can’t sleep?”

  “No,” I replied with a groan. “I might be a dragon, but sleeping on the ground is for the birds. Or… raccoons or whatever the hell sleeps on the ground.”

  He looked up from the book he was reading—the one from earlier—and smirked. “Yet everyone else is doing just fine,” he said, nodding to everyone else. Gabriel was out. Kiarra was curled up in her blanket a few paces away. Maxxus was growling towards the edge of the wards and Daniel had his blanket pulled over his head, leaving his booted feet exposed.

  “Lucky shits,” I said under my breath.

  “Finnian wiggled his eyebrows. “I guess the sleeping vapor worked well!” He pulled an empty plastic bottle from the ground and shook it.

  “Huh? When did you do that?”

  Finnian winked with a grin and with a wide gesture in the air, he said, “Magic.”

  I grumbled. He probably did some of his sneaky Loremaster crap on us. “Well then, why didn’t it work for me?” I protested, slightly whiny. “Or you for that matter.”

  He shrugged. “Well… I rarely sleep. And as for why it didn’t work on you? I don’t know. Too wound up, I guess.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Can’t imagine why,” I said dryly.

  Finnian smiled, setting his book in his lap. “Shadow trouble, boy grief—that’d be enough to keep you up at night. The others were probably tired anyway. I didn’t use much magic, really.”

  I sighed. “Thinking of all those poor Shadowtouched dragons…” I shuddered. “My brother—my grandfather!”

  Finnian frowned sympathetically. “I am sorry it’s gotten so out of hand. But if they’re related to you, I have no doubt they’re tough. Like you. Like Kit, even—she’s merely human and she’s going to recover fully. They will be okay; I have faith.”

  “Human with witch powers,” I corrected. “I do hope you’re right.”

  Finnian looked like a man with a secret, a sly look washing over his face; his eyes shifting color.


  “She’s not merely a witch, Leo. She’s a potential Loremaster.”

  My mouth fell open. “Say what?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Somehow, a Loremaster can see it in another Loremaster. Only maybe fifty people at one time have the potential, and of those maybe one of them might go through it. It’s a big responsibility. You live for a long time, and must watch your family pass on before you. Just that alone makes most people turn away.”

  I grimaced. “I can imagine. Have you told her?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not yet. I wanted to give her time to recover, feel around in this world a bit to see if it’s for her. Then I would bring it up to her. It’s strange, though. Usually, it’s Seers that have potential but I see none in Daniel,” he replied, his eyes trailing over to the handsome Seer who was resting peacefully under the light of the moonbeams that barely managed to infiltrate the high canopy of pines and birch.

  I smirked. “I see you have been looking, eh?”

  Finnian’s eyes immediately flashed to yellow, then a light brown where they stayed. He shifted uncomfortably as I eyed him. “Oh, I—”

  “Oooh, I knew it! You have a crush on Daniel!” I let out a little joyful squeal as the composed Loremaster’s cheeks turned a very uncomposed bright red.

  After a moment’s thought, his eyes went back to normal and he shrugged lightly. “What can I say? No one is more surprised than I. I never thought of myself as being gay. Years ago it never would have occurred to me, but—”

  “Makes sense, given your history with women,” I said. “What are you going to do?”

  Finnian sighed. “I don’t know. One day at a time, I sup
pose. He’s human and while I’m getting older, I’ll probably still outlive him. It’s hard—”

  I nodded knowingly. “One of the things I thought about in the beginning with Gabriel.”

  “Yes. Not that it’s not worth it just—very scary. And that’s not to say there isn’t something that can be done for that but…” He forced a nervous smile and I grinned.

  “I guess, maybe get through this shit first, huh?”

  “Yes,” He said, lifting his hand and snapping his fingers. “And to do that, you’re really going to need some sleep.”

  My eyes suddenly felt heavy, my head too heavy to hold up. I relented and snuggled with my head resting on my pack as a pillow, I drifted off.

  Chapter 17

  I blinked my heavy eyes a couple times and tried to adjust to the lack of light. I gasped quietly to myself when I awakened and saw where I was: The Shadow realm.

  I pulled my arms into my chest, wrapping them over each other and tried to make myself as small as possible. I glanced around for the impending tendrils, but I saw nothing. I didn’t feel the normal horror that the Shadow realm normally provided.

  I let out a yelp which fell flat in the emptiness of the non-existent atmosphere when something reached out and grasped my arm.

  “Leo! I’m so glad you’re here!” Daniel exclaimed in relief. Even in the pitch blackness he could see my scowl. “Okay I’m not glad you’re here but—”

  I waved him off, with a surprising chuckle. “I guess if I’m going to be stuck here, there’s no one else I’d rather be stuck with.” I think he grinned. I looked around. Ever so faint Shadows surrounded us, I heard far away moans (not the erotic kind) and the quiet slither of Shadow tendrils oozing toward us.

  “Why exactly are we here?” I asked Daniel.

  “A vision.” Daniel grasped my hand and pulled me through the Shadow—forest? I couldn’t see very much and wasn’t sure how Daniel was navigating, but soon I found myself in very familiar surroundings.

  I cried out in surprise. “The Throne room…” The room was always somewhat dimly lit since tradition reigned in Court and only candlelight was used in the Court castle. No modern conveniences. But in the faded glow I could barely make out the long rectangular banners that hung from all four walls, and the two tall thrones that sat in the middle of the room, with a dozen slightly more demure seats around the perimeter of the stone block room.

  Daniel pulled me over to a figure, crumpled on the granite floor. It writhed slightly under the sheath of darkness that covered it.

  I peered closer. It was a dragon—a black dragon which made it very difficult to see. I heard gasping sounds as I leaned over. I could barely make out the edge of the traditional royal garb—black robes to indicate the color, the Celtic knotwork intertwined in the ribbing to indicate the king.

  “Oh my god!” I tried to reach out to him, but my hand seemed to go right through.

  Daniel rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It’s only a vision, we’re not really here.”

  “But—the king…” I whimpered. I didn’t particularly care for him, especially after the entire Court’s general treatment of me, but I didn’t want to see him like this, or anyone else for that matter. Not even Lorusto. I heard a low gurgle and then… silence. “Is he?”

  Daniel squeezed. “I’m sorry, Leo.”

  “Is this—when—?” I cried in distress.

  “I don’t think we have much time. I’m not sure if this is happening now or in the near future—but we better get moving,” Daniel advised.

  “The queen.” I swiveled around to see if she was anywhere to be found when the room began to swirl.

  “What is happening?” I asked in a panic, grasping Daniel’s bicep for dear life as I felt like I was being tossed.

  “It’s okay.” Finally, we stopped. We were in the clearing, next to our own sleeping selves. “That’s where the vision ends, I’m afraid. We better wake up now and warn everyone.”

  I nodded. I glanced around at all our sleeping forms; even Finnian nodded off, book still in his lap. “Okay.”

  I woke up with a scream. I immediately felt a pair of strong hands on me. I expected it to be Daniel but it was Gabriel.

  “Shadows?” he asked in a panic.

  I nodded vigorously. “It's there. Or here. In the Court. Now.”

  From nearby Daniel slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and nodded. “She's right. I was able to walk her into my vision; we were in the throne room. They got to the king.”

  Gabriel, looking alarmed, immediately sat upright. I tried to pull him back down, but he pushed me away. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I felt cruddy for a little while, but—I’m good now. Seriously.” By the intense look in his brown eyes I could see he was being honest. He leaned in and whispered quietly, “Thanks for curing my vision problems.”

  I looked at him momentarily, confused before I noticed he wasn’t wearing his trademark, black-rimmed glasses. I beamed. “It worked?”

  “So far,” he said, with a grin and a shrug.

  “Awesome!” Well, at least something went right.

  “Amazing stuff, this is,” Finnian called, wiggling the bottle of sleeping mist in the air. “Makes you feel like you got a full night’s sleep in only a few hours.”

  “I have got to get me some of that,” Daniel said approvingly and Finnian winked slyly at him. I thought I saw Daniel blush, but I didn’t have time to dwell; Kiarra and Maxxus woke at that moment.

  “What is this I hear about Shadows in Court? Now?” Kiarra asked, tossing her blanket off of her and rubbing her eyes sleepily with her palm.

  “Now?” Maxxus echoed. He was already up on his feet, shoving his blankets and whatnot in his pack. “We need to go.” He flung a set of muted gray robes around his neck and I could see in his eyes the intent to shift.

  “Wait—what are you doing?” I asked him.

  He paused. “Enough… if Shadows are there now… everyone is at risk. We have no time for hiking as we thought. We need to travel fast. Which means flying.”

  Kiarra let out a sigh. “He’s right.” Kiarra motioned upwards towards the sky. Through the trees it was hard to see the sun’s position, but rays penetrated through the canopy; it was probably early morning now in Anarach, indicating that we were running out of time. “With Mabon here, not only is all the royalty there, but many of the drakes in the realm will be there celebrating. It’s a prime opportunity to strike.”

  “Hope your cloaking spell is working,” Gabriel murmured to me. I bit my lip.

  “I thought we—” I sighed.

  Gabriel grasped my forearm. “You’ll be fine.”

  I gave him a warm, appreciative smile. I inhaled a breath. “Yeah. Okay. Just… please fly with me?” Even with Maxxus nearby, and Kiarra I knew that Gabriel would have my back—and my ass if I fell—literally. It was a huge confidence boost.

  “Of course. That’s my job.” He gave me a jovial wink.

  From behind me, I could feel Maxxus’ commanding presence. He placed two firm hands on my shoulders, and stared at Gabriel sternly.

  “You promise you’ll take care of her?” he asked, solemn seriousness adorning his classically handsome features.

  I snorted. “I think I can take care of myself, don’t you think?” I spat at him over my shoulder.

  Gabriel smirked. “Of course you can. But he’s right; I haven’t been as vigilant as I should have been—” I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head. “No, I mean it. I was caught up in my own bullshit. That should never ever happen. Regardless with whatever happens with us, fate put us together to fight this battle and I need to realize that. You can’t help what was done to you—someone fucked with your memories. And yours,” he said, with a nod of acknowledgment to Maxxus who responded by setting his mouth in a firm line. “It wasn’t fair. And, if you’d been allowed to keep your memories—there’s a good chance nothing ever would have happened between us. Maybe it would have—who knows? But I would have kn
own where I stood from the beginning. It wasn’t okay what happened. And, after all this is done, we are going to find out who did this to you. To us,” he said, motioning between the three of us.

  Maxxus let out a growl of approval. “And I’m going to tear his throat out.”

  It was Gabriel’s turn to smirk. “Yes. Just allow me to get a good plasma ball in, okay?”

  “Okay.” The two boys nodded at each other, in a moment of brotherly understanding.

  I stared at the two of them with disconcert. “Uh… this is weird and you’re freaking me out. Kay?”

  Gabriel chuckled. “Sorry. But yes, Maxxus—I will do whatever I can to help. No more bullshit. I will do my job as a knight and as a friend.”

  Satisfied, Maxxus let out a small grunt. He squeezed my shoulders one last time, pausing before pulling away. In a moment of spontaneity, he leaned over and quickly brushed his lips against my cheek. My face instantly heated, and I felt both desire and guilt as I avoided Gabriel’s pondering brown eyed gaze.

  “No matter what happens, gorgeous lady—I will always love you.” He whispered into my ear so softly I knew no one else could hear us aside from another dragon. “Let him take care of you, if needed.” With that, he stalked off to the edge of the clearing and I could hear the telltale guttural growls as he shifted into his dragon form.

  Gabriel coughed uncomfortably, but forced a smile. “Well… I guess it’s time.”

  “Got everything?” Kiarra asked. “Weapons? Packs?”

  I patted at the dagger sheathed to my thigh; feeling the surge of power ripple through my hand and down my body, causing a brief shiver. I glanced at Maxxus who’s magic powered the metal dagger and he quirked a smile on his lips. It never got old.

  “Ready?” Gabriel asked me.

  I nodded and willed the shift; feeling my muscles and bones stretch and reposition. I crouched to my knees and draped my wing down to help him climb up.


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