Justifiable Homicide

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Justifiable Homicide Page 6

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  It was time for action as she moved back around the house to the back door where a night light was softly burning making her entry and exit that much easier. Her first job was to put the parents to sleep with a bit of sleeping chloroform so she could have some fun with the rapist killer sleeping, she hoped quietly in the next bedroom. A smile crossed her frozen face as the backdoor was open. She changed her shoes and silently moved along the hall wall which had a nice thick carpet. Joy guess was right that the master bedroom was in the back corner with the door open half way. A bathroom door stood ajar with another night light guiding her to a door that had on the outside of it one of those “Do Not Disturb” signs on the door handle. That told her it was his door and soon no one would disturb him ever again. Moving now to the master bedroom where soft snoring was heard she moved silently drawing on her martial arts training and from her two years in China, knew exactly where to apply a pressure point to disable the person for a few seconds while she applied the sleeping chloroform.

  Five minutes later both parents were still sleeping but in a different state of mind. They would wake with a hangover but clueless as to what happened. Now Joy moved to his room with a grim face on. His door was closed, but not locked. Opening the door by inches she first saw the light of the street casting a yellow glow to the room even through the drapes. She saw him sleeping face down on the bed soundless as the outside world.

  Once again she applied her knock out technique and then quickly duct taped his mouth, with his hands behind his back tightly bound. While she waited for him to awaken, she turned on the night table light and looked his room over. Joy sucked in her breathe when she saw what adorned the room on every wall. There were pictures of young girls everywhere from what looked like high school yearbooks making up art work collogues. Cheerleaders in various poses, school picnics and other functions made her sick to her stomach. Walking around the room she saw even younger girls smiling into the camera telling her that he took some of these pictures and moving to his chest of drawers found girls panties and bras of various colors and sizes. Inside his closet among his clothes she found in the corner standing up an inflatable doll. On the shelf above a box of dildos of various sizes with another box of batteries in fresh packages ready for use. She took the two boxes down and sat them on the bed as he groaned a little and was coming out of his short sleep.

  Joy pulled his head up by the hair and shown a pen light in his eyes seeing nothing but fear looking back at her. He was not a bad looking guy, but passing him on a street you would never notice him. He was a mister average in everything but his long dick she noticed. Joy whispered to him, “Shit head, you are about to experience the biggest orgasm of your life. You are without a doubt going to pay for your crime against the girl you killed. I promise you will never have the opportunity again to even look at a girl much less touch them. I read the police report and it stated you performed sodomy on the young girl. Now it’s time for you to feel the same thing,” as she rolled him over tying each leg to the bed legs spreading him for what was to come. By now Joy was mad as hell and hated everything this shit stood for as she jammed the dildo up as far as it would go and left it there while he screamed through his duct tape making it sound like a muffled cry. Joy grabbed it and up and down it went until it turned red with his blood as he moaned form pain. Cutting his legs loose she rolled him back over and from her back pack took out a long extension cord with bare wires on one end. He was looking with wide eyes with a wet face of tears as she said, “Here we go. Now, how about a little charge up the dick you fuck,” as she touched the wires to his dick sending a shock from dick to head as he shook violently back and forth. Joy took the wires off and said, “What would you like next?” He shook his head back and forth as she stuck the wires back on his balls this time. By now he was dancing on the bed so she waited till he recovered. She took out some super glue from her pack and hid it in her hand. She said, “Now you can have one more last good feeling,” as she reached down and grabbed his dick and stroked it a couple times to see if there was still life in it. “Now child molester, grab hold and let’s see how fast you can make it shoot off.”

  He did as told and with taped hands started to stroke his member. Joy saw it rise to the occasion and when it was fully hard grabbed it and poured the super glue down its smiling hole. “Now shit head jack on it till it comes and if you stop I will cut your dick off and stick it in your mouth.” When it was obvious he was about to come she told him faster and he moved both his hands up and down and when it should spew forth his evil seed, only a spasm occurred as he moaned from no release. “Again you bastard,” she told him. Again and again she made him feel the pain of no release. Finally she took her hand gun out and said, “I haven’t all night so say good bye now,” and she finished him off with a bullet to the head. The last thing she did was cut his dick off and stuck it in his mouth, turned the light out and left after changing back into her hiking boots. Her footsteps made crunching sounds of frozen snow and once back to her car, stripped down and changed clothes.

  No way was she going to drive back through town, so she went the way she came from and made a giant loop back to the Chicago airport where she turned in the rental car and booked a flight to New York City. Joy had a comrade in arms in the Big Apple and she needed to have someone to talk to for awhile. While on the flight she thought back over the last job for any details she overlooked that someone could find as evidence. None that she could think of and when the local police saw the carnage, the town was never the same, but the world would better off with one less predator.


  The next day Toni pulled into a snowy Dubuque Iowa at a truck stop just before town. The roads were fairly clear and she had breakfast at one in the afternoon. One thing she liked about truck stops you could eat whatever whenever as now she dug into a short stack and eggs with sausage links on the side. At first glance you wouldn’t take a second look at this tom boy looking girl. But upon closer inspection, she was damn cute and had a tight little body: short strawberry blonde hair pixie style, deep blue eyes with grey specks, a nose some girls would die for and ten million freckles surrounding natural red lips.

  Toni had found the address where Peter Holmes father worked as a pharmacist and thought she should check it out. She giggled and would love to be there when he opened his next mail with a comment about something only a person having seen his father would know about. His mother too and slide by the house and high school. Maybe even check out the year book from the school library.

  Toni Tether, now in Peters father’s pharmacy was cruising the aisle looking for nothing as she saw Peter’s father dispensing drugs. Both looked alike from her picture she had of Peter, but father had streaks of grey in his blonde hair. He was a nice looking man with an even nicer smile as he waited on his customers. One thing she noticed he walked with a slight limp as if an old injury still bothered him. That is what she was looking for to mail Peter asking him why his father limped. Next she drove to his house in a neighbor hood of old brick houses that were nice and neat stacked in a row like Lego’s were used for the planning board to accept the project. After that she went to his old high school for a look see. The only thing interesting was a sign board donated by the class of 91 with a picture of an eagle on it. Having seen enough of the city she drove south again for some warmer weather. That night in a rest stop on the freeway, she e-mailed Peter.

  Peter Holmes after the great dinner with Sandy, woke up in her bed. This was highly unusual as they rarely, and he couldn’t remember when the last time was, stayed overnight. He stretched his arms as he heard the shower running in her bathroom. It felt good and he smiled thinking about a great time having sex was last night. We should do this more often, he thought. She came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head and another one around her body. She said, “What are you staring at. And what are you still doing in my bed,” laughing at him. “I think we should go out..” as the towel fell to the floor revealing
a nice body as she slipped on some white panties, “to breakfast. I am hungry as all get out.”

  “Good idea,” as he jumped out of bed naked walking to the bathroom. Then he remembered he would have to put on his old clothes from the day before, but then it dawned on him it was Saturday and no work today. Later fresh from the shower they had coffee trying to determine where to go for breakfast. “Sandy let’s go by your place and you can change clothes and then let’s find some place we never been before. I would like a nice drive even if it is winter out.”

  “I’m with you as I have nothing planed for the day. Tonight I promised mother I would come over for dinner, but that is a long time from now,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. Peter took it that she wanted more love making and as a matter of fact so did he.

  However unknown to both of them at this time a pixie haired, freckle faced petite girl had other ideas and when the crisis came, one Sandra Porter was not going to give up her man easily. She’d been nurturing him for a few years now and he was starting to come around to where she wanted him: married.

  An e-mail waited for Peter as he dropped his girlfriend off at her mother’s house. He drove to work to check his messages and was happy Sandy had gone to her mother's place for awhile. She would call him on his cell when she was ready to go as a plan was made to go out and have some wine and listen to some soul music at a popular place downtown Washington DC.

  Sitting down at his desk he booted up and waiting he check his messages left on his desk. One was that his boss wanted to see him first thing Monday morning and the others were not worth looking at. Logging in he went through his mail ignoring other messages looking for the one he hoped was there. Sitting on the edge of his chair he spotted it and opened it up. Quickly he scanned the message and then more calmly read it over twice before picking up the phone to call his parents in Iowa. His father answered on the second ring in the middle of dinner. Peter tried to keep his voice calm and as they talked about the usual things like the weather and health. Then Peter asked his father, “Dad did you see today or yesterday a suspicious looking girl or young man in your store?”

  “Well, no son, I didn’t see anyone out of the ordinary in the last couple days. Why?”

  “Nothing important dad, someone is playing games with me on the internet and made mention of you and our house. I don’t think there is any cause for alarm, but in any case, be a little careful for a few days until I work this out.”

  “Son, I will keep a watch out and your mother will too. But I think there is no cause for us to get excited here. Also,” he laughed a little, “we have the FBI on our side.” Peter let it go for now and after talking to his mother and having her satisfied all was fine and dandy, he hung up and read the mail again.

  Dear Peter Holmes,

  I saw your father today and he is a fine looking man. I noticed he limped a little and wondered if that was from an old injury or accident. Your house is lovely and it made me a little envious as I was raised in the city with run down apartments and noisy neighbors and never had the opportunity to go to such a nice looking high school like you did. More in my next mail and look out for the holes in the cheese.

  Peter sat back and thought about what the hell does cheese has to do with anything. For the next hour he looked for any crimes in the areas of famous cheese makers. Tillamook in Oregon and then it hit him as Wisconsin is a famous state for cheese. He brought up recent crimes in Wisconsin and scanned the traffic looking for murders or such things on drunk drivers or drug related crimes. He was about to give up when he saw up in a little town in northern Wisconsin a murder of a sex offender. Reading on it was reported a torture murder of a known sex offender. After he read the details of the crime, which almost made him throw up, he closed the program and sat back thinking.

  First, he thought, they hit drunk drivers who had killed someone, then drug lords or dealers and now sex offenders who someone thought should be in jail or in a mental institution. What’s next? His cell phone went off breaking his thoughts and it was Sandy waiting for him to pick her up. He told her he’d be there shortly and left the building thinking how he would get a line on these guys. It was clear to him that his tag mail mate was the only link he had and it proved he and the FBI were at a disadvantage not being able to trace the mail. A light went off and he smiled as he drove to pick up his girlfriend. Of course I’ll arrange a meeting somewhere if she agrees we can set a trap and see if she will spill the beans. The smile left as he thought she isn’t that stupid. Then again maybe just meet her under her terms and play along for a while.

  Sandy was waiting for him looking out the window of mother’s house. Her father had met with an industrial accident some years ago and Sandy spent as much time as possible with her mother’s loneliness. Pete liked her mother as she reminded him of his mother. Sandy ran down the stairs in the old neighbor hood filled with the same type of houses lined up in just after the war housing developments during the Truman years.

  She gave him a quick kiss and he gave her a gentle squeeze on her large breast under an even larger coat. She sighed with delight and asked if he was ready to go to her house or his. He said, “Let’s go to mine where I can log on to my computer and I will order some pizza as I’m starving.”

  “By that time I’ll be hungry again,” she said with a squeeze to his thigh just below where a growing member was coming out of hiding.


  Robin Eggar landed in Raleigh Durham International at nine pm local time. His destination was Wilson, but first he rented a car with a large cash deposit glowering at the counter girl who wanted a credit card, but finally accepted his cash when he wanted to talk to the boss with eyes of meanness glaring at her. He thought, how in the hell did the world go around without credit cards before their invention. The car he picked out was a four door Japanese model plain as the nose on his face.

  He headed east and found a motel and took a much needed rest from the cramped plane. Next time he would fly first class. Now lying on his bed he was thinking about his assignment. A sex offender was the worst kind. Drug dealers ranked at the top of his list, but sex offenders, if they didn’t kill their victims, left them scared for life. This guy was named Dennis Daring and he probably lived up to his last name. Like Joy a burning hatred started when he first read the bio on this three time loser who for the last fifteen years had spent thirteen in jail. Well, Robin thought, this is your last time outside as the county will pay for your grave six feet down under.

  The next morning early, Robin checked out and drove over to Wilson following highway 64. Wilson was a small town, but not so small a stranger couldn’t move around rather unnoticed. The weather was clear and cold for a California guy, but not so cold for the East Coast. The address he had was an apartment building just of Gay St. It was easy to find and from his probation officer apt. # 303 was his marks place of dwelling. An alley was behind the building which looked like it was just a moment away from being condemned would give him access via a sorry looking fire escape. Robin dressed the part of a street person looked it over carefully and decided he would use ropes once he reached the roof from the stairs inside. The hard part would be getting past the guy at the desk as this doubled for a hotel and likely there was a desk clerk of sorts hanging around. Well, he would wait until three am to make his move on Dennis.

  For the rest of the day he drove around and looked for the address of the guy who put up bail for Dennis this last time. The judge was not happy about this repeat offender and set bail at two million thinking it was out of his reach. However, Dennis had connections up and down the line finally settling on a distant relation whose family was very wealthy. The sister of the family who had manufacturing defense contracts for the Navy put up the money for his bail. The old man who ran the company didn’t trust Dennis from taking a flyer so he had an ankle bracelet placed on his nephew to monitor his movements. It was Robin’s plan to take out the mother too. She bred the asshole and now it was time to shut her life off
along with her son.

  Dennis’s mother lived on a golf course with her lawyer husband. It was lucky for him he wasn’t a criminal lawyer, but a corporate lawyer working for the brother in law. Robin found the upscale neighbor hood where the sister lived and with its back to the golf course, he could easily come in from the rear and surprise the sister. It was about an hour's drive from Wilson to her house and a call from him posing as a friend of Dennis would lure her out to see her son. He would wait for her to come to his apartment house and take her and him both out. That sounded better than the golf course plan. Robin was ready for questions like, where did you get this unlisted phone number and how do you know Dennis. He prepared gruff answers and a, don’t give a shit response to each question then hanging up on her.

  At one am he called the house. A man answered sleepily and gruffly told the man to put his wife on the line as her son was in trouble. The husband tried a few more questions and Robin told him he had five seconds and that was the end of the conversation as the wife came on the line. She asked what the problem is and he told her Dennis was in his room with a handgun to his head threatening to kill himself. That was all it took and she thanked Robin and to get a message to her son she was on her way.

  Robin waited outside until close to two am and then made his way past the sleeping desk clerk who had the small TV on way too loud then up the stairs to the roof five stories up from the ground. Going up Robin stopped off at the third floor and check where Dennis apartment was to the street or alley. His apartment was in the back so Robin could easily repel down after completing his assignment. With his mother coming she would wake up the place and he didn’t want to be seen.


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