Justifiable Homicide

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Justifiable Homicide Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  His face turned the color of her hair and said, “More than what I expected, that is for sure. I’m not sure what I expected, but I’m quite pleased to meet you and have lunch.” That was a stupid comment, he thought. “Wait a minute that is not what I’m trying to say here. The last week was a week from hell and I haven’t recovered yet. A month ago I was happy doing my job until you guys arrived and now I’ve committed fraud, perjury, accessory to murder and god knows what else. Now here I sit with a person who either knows or doesn’t know who is behind this vendetta to punish the known law breakers.”

  Their stew arrived along with hot bread and both were quietly eating while looking at each other. After a few bites, Toni said, “Peter, I’m not trying to justify but it would seem that our country has failed us citizens in some respects. Look at it this way. Judges, lawyers and politicians all swear to uphold the laws and constitution, but when it applies to the rich and powerful, the system breaks down. I’m not here to stand on a soap box and preach to you,” as she took a big bite of buttered bread and gave it a couple of chews before continuing, “But how can the system condone the elite from not going to jail. We in the VO organization have no illusions that we will not be found out, quite the contrary, our time is limited, but who knows how long we can operate without the forces of the FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of local state and city police finally catching up to us.”

  Peter scrapped his bowl with bread like his mother taught him and replied, “What is it you want from me? I don’t know your name, but could get your fingerprints off your wine glass or something like that.”

  “Good question Peter. I just wanted to meet you as from your file I liked what I read about you. That is, nice family in Iowa who are hard working and their only son a hard working guy with his heart in the right place. That’s all. I’ve had my troubles before and even if you pulled me in, is that the right words, pulled me in? Anyway, I have no idea who the others in this organization are so it would do you no good to take me out of circulation.”

  Peter sipped his wine and looked at young lady in front of him. He thought a minute and decided to throw caution to the wind and said, “I just filed for vacation and now I’m traveling to Iowa to see my parents. How about you and I go together?”

  You could have tipped Toni off her chair with a one finger push when she heard what he said. A thousand things went through her head and first and foremost how to keep the information flowing while with him. She said, “Peter, I would love to go, but there is a problem here and as you know I’m the computer nerd. How could you turn a blind eye to me doing my job in private and you just a few feet away. Could you turn a blind eye to what I do?”

  He smiled and said, “I’m on vacation and not on the job. I’m just Peter Holmes a citizen who likes what sits in front of him. Besides I need to reevaluate my goals and career while relaxing in front of the fireplace in Iowa.”

  Plans were made and late in the afternoon, in her motor home, they began the trip of their lives. Toni did her job while he read a book: Sherlock of course. They took turns driving and from the first night slept in the same bed.


  Joy and Pect arrived on a warm day in Phoenix. It was nice change from cold and grey days back east. They checked into a non - descript hotel downtown and checked their mail. There was nothing new and just some more back ground on the lady senator. One thing of note was her attempt two times to divest her craving for alcohol drying out in a sanatorium, but the pull of alcohol returned her back drinking more than ever.

  A year ago she’d been on a fund raiser at a swank hotel downtown and was on her way home when she rear ended a small compact car with her luxury Lexus. The small car caught fire killing two kids in the back and the only one’s escaping were the mother and one older brother. The senator was charged with vehicular homicide. She was sentenced to five years suspended, countless community hours and sent to a sanatorium. When the sentence was handed down the court erupted in protest and MADD protesters stormed the court house. The senator was led out the back door and took a leave to dry out in Palm Springs.

  The word now was she was back hitting the sauce around Washington over the holidays and now she was home for senate break. Joy and Pect looked and ran some ideas past to see what the best way to take her out would be. As befitting her style she lived on a golf course in a gated community. It was finally decided they would break into her house in the dead of night from the golf course side as all the back yards were open to the course. Another reason for the house being the best place was the father and two teens were in Colorado skiing. A house keeper was the only other occupant. Joy and Pect decided that she was the quietest of the two and as their home was close to the eighteenth hole and club house, she could move silently from the club house to the home. They both decided that tomorrow night would be good after they scouted the area out. The only thing worrying them was the security system and most likely it was a good one, or maybe not. Joy said, “With the guard at the gate maybe the security systems are not so hi tech with patrols driving around and so forth.”

  “Let’s look at this real close and see what some of the close houses have for security. Maybe she will be drunk and forget to turn the security on,” as he laughed and ran his hand under her shirt playing with her erect nipples. That was all it took and they spent the next hour making love and ordering dinner in the room from a takeout joint.

  The next morning they drove their rental throughout the area in question. From the guard house entry the walls around the complex were blocking the view of any houses. It appeared they were just going to have to take a chance and Joy would have to sneak in at night along the drive of the country club. The weather forecast was clear and without a moon so that was in their favor.

  Having lunch in a faraway place on the other side of town, Joy said, “I don’t like this feeling I have. Something tells me from the crick in my neck this is not going to go smoothly. You know sometimes these rent a cops are gung ho and are out to prove they can do a job.” Pect was wolfing down his burger and Joy toyed with her tuna sand.

  Pect, with a mouthful of burger said, “Want me to go instead of you?”

  Joy thought about it and said, “No. I need you as back up. Both of us will go to the house and you stay outside while I take care of our lush.” Pect nodded his head and washed his burger down with a coke.

  After going shopping for camo gear they went over the plan again in their hotel room. After checking the flight schedule they made reservations for a five am flight to Long Beach, California. They would drop off the rental car at the train station and taxi to the airport. At no time did they leave a fingerprint in the rental as latex gloves were always on. Everything was ready to go for a two am beginning and hopefully ending at about three am. They took a nap as it would be a long night ahead of them. Pect fell right out and Joy lay there staring at the ceiling. While he slept, she looked again at her computer of the aerials of the site. She memorized every small pine tree and large rocks lining the area between the golf course and the homes. Finally she dozed off and Pect woke her at midnight with a poke to the ribs.

  In no time, dressed and down the stairs, past a sleeping desk clerk they made their way to the rental car. Pect drove cautiously as Joy slipped out of her cover clothes to her camo outfit. She applied black to her face and hands leaving no white skin showing. About a quarter mile before the driveway into the country club, Pect parked where he wanted from the day before scouting the area. Some old homes stood like tombstones in the night as he parked on a street that was as quiet as a graveyard. No traffic and once they reached the driveway after a brisk walk; they slowly and stealthily made their way to her house.

  Both of them were in high alert status. Moving from tree to tree and rock to rock they were in place behind the house in less than thirty minutes since leaving the car. Taking deep breaths they watched the street in front of the house for traffic. No lights in the house were on and Pect had his night vision glasses on loo
king for a motion light in the back of the house. Pect decided not to take a chance as he saw a large BBQ area and flood lights for a quality night of eating steaks and drinking. He whispered to Joy and they crawled the last one hundred feet to the back of the house. Joy waited while Pect slowly crawled to within his shooting range and with his silenced gun knocked out the lights which made a soft sound of glass on the wooden deck. Both waited and no lights came on. Joy made her way to the back door and with her small mag light looked for security. Seeing nothing there Joy moved to the kitchen window and then to a large bay window that was closed but not locked. A smile crossed her face and quickly she was in the house after moving a dozen knick knacks from the window sill.

  Moving into the hall just off the living room a security car went by slowly. Joy froze for a few minutes as strong flash light shown into the house. Pect saw the light and car go by, but noticed they were not paying much attention. Meanwhile Joy moved down the carpeted hall and at the back near the golf course side of the house the master bedroom with double doors; she moved against the wall so as not to make a sound of a well used floor from the years of walking. First Joy listened and no sound came from inside and the only thing heard was a grandfather clock, she saw standing just off the living room next to the hallway. Slowly she turned the door knob and inch by inch until it was wide enough for her to enter, she eased into the room on her hands and knees. A night light from the bathroom cast a faint glow across the thick carpet where she saw a lump in the large king size bed. Twenty seconds later she was alongside the bed. Joy rose up and saw the senator sleeping on her back snoring softly. On the night stand stood an almost empty tumbler of whisky that along with her breath gave off a faint odor or booze. Most likely she was soused and passed out. From the back of her long sleeve shirt she had a long piece of duct tape for her mouth. Slowly Joy pulled the duct tape off and then rose up, swung her leg over the body and straddled the senator who then sleepy eyed began to wake up as Joy slapped the tape over her mouth and stuck a knife in her throat ending her life and making payment for the lives she took a year ago. Joy left the knife in her throat as the life left the senator and once it was confirmed she was on her way to hell,

  Joy left only to stop at the door hearing some movement outside the door. She quickly closed the door as someone was using the hall bathroom. Joy waited until she heard the toilet flush and the footsteps going back where they came from. It was the housekeeper and hearing the door shut, Joy quickly made her way back through the bay window and out to where Pect lay on the grass by a large rock. She nodded to him and carefully made their way back to the car. Only once did a car come by while they walked down the street and Pect grabbed her in a locking kiss while the car went by.

  One hour later they were at the airport waiting for their flight to Long Beach.


  Toni loved Iowa and especially Peters’ parents’ house. It was everything she thought it would be like and quite the opposite of her family’s digs. Her family was ultra rich and their house was stuffed with old painting of sad looking people hanging everywhere on the walls and going up the stairs to the bedrooms; old ladies with gowns on dripping with diamond necklaces and broaches glittering at you on the way up the stairs from the hooded lights looking like horses necks hanging over them. She hated all of it and when her parents were gone, an auction would take place, she thought.

  Now she sat in a not overly worn sofa that hugged the sitter with a fire glowing and flickering across the room. Peter had brought her some tea and was digging around in the kitchen for some snacks while she admired the mantel and the family pictures sitting proudly looking back at you with white tooth smiles. She thought, if this isn’t Middle America, I don’t know what is. No shoes were worn in the house and warm sheep lined slippers waited the owner or visitor at the front door. Toni sat with her feet tucked up under her and while she waited for Peter. She saw his father’s chair which, like the sofa, was waiting for a customer to relax in. A reading light within arm's length sat on the table with what looked like medical periodicals underneath on a shelf. Her whole being felt warm and fuzzy and with her emerging relationship with Peter, made her tingle all over. It won’t last, she thought, but for the time being it is better than nice. Peter walked in with a tray of snacks and sat down next to her. He said, “I love coming home and eating my mother’s cooking. I’m spoiled that way,” as he picked up some cheese and crackers. Toni did the same and waited for him to speak some more. She loved the way he talked: his voice so mellow and sincere. Never once did she ask if had a girlfriend and furthermore, didn’t care.

  They’d arrived late afternoon and it was now about five and by six, he told her his parents would be home. He’d called when they arrived and only briefly told them he had a friend with him. They asked no questions as they were happy he was home for a vacation. Now Toni said, “Peter this home is like a fairy tale house. It’s simple but so comfortable. I want to live in a house like this someday,” as her voice trailed off thinking once again of her stoic parents who depicted the word: formal. Dinner in her house was white tie and when Toni refused to dress like high society, father would send her to her room without dinner. However, the housekeeper and cook would always secretly send up some tasty food. She smiled about her past days at home and said, “Do you think your parents will approve of me. I look like a rag muffin doll with the measles.”

  Peter broke out laughing and told her not to worry, that his parents, even though old fashioned, understood today’s generation did things a bit different than the old days. She tried to relax as Peter told her stories of his days in Dubuque. He told her of days in high school where the boys teased him as he didn’t play sports and was the captain of the chess team. “What they didn’t know was I was taking martial arts classes at a private school. Then one summer night I’m walking back from a practice when three of the local jocks from my school were swaggering down the street. No doubt they had been drinking a few beers when they spotted me hiking home. Terry the big one and the mouth of the group started picking on me right away from a distance. I kept walking and when they blocked my way on the sidewalk, I tried to go around, but now I knew trouble was brewing. The two other classmates were catching the high of bullying and I told them I wanted no trouble. Terry with eyes full of hate pushed me and then the others followed suit. I really didn’t want to fight them as the science of martial arts is a religion of sorts. Well, Terry drew back an arm to let me have it when I went on the defensive and I really didn’t want to hurt anyone. I blocked his swing as the other two came at me. I really don’t remember much after that, but the three of them lay on the sidewalk moaning as I continued my walk home. What I didn’t know was driving by and stopping to watch was a car load of classmates who were all girls. Word went around and when school began for our last year, I was fending off so many girls it wasn’t funny. One shy girl by the name of Alice was the schools editor and we had a nice relationship in our last year. Then she went her way and I went mine.”

  Toni loved the story and snuggled closer to him. Then she told him her time at home in a stuffy school with even stuffier parents. From the time I was a little girl my memory is being different for everyone. My parents tried to mold me into their social status and sent me from one private school to another. Math was the only subject I liked along with computers. My parents bought me what I wanted thinking it would change me into their ways. Maybe it did to a certain degree, because they would leave me alone if I behaved in school. So for the last four years of high school I got good grades and lived for the time on my computer. My parents were ecstatic when I graduated with honors and then I told them I wanted to go to MIT and that I had already applied my senior year. They were shocked and appalled that I wasn’t going to an Ivy League school. After they thought about it they decided to accept the inevitable knowing I would not bend to their wishes. During high school I was always know as the ugly duckling of the school. I never had a boyfriend until college and then it was a m
itigating disaster. We tried to have sex one night and,” laughing so hard she continued through tears running down her face, “he came all over me and I started laughing. He got pissed off and told me he was walking out and don’t call him ever again.”

  Peter didn’t know whether to laugh with her or hold her tight as he wasn’t sure her tears were tears of sadness or happiness. “Tell me more of what you did after college?” Peter was trying to get her to go on and forget the botched love making and steer her towards something a bit more mundane. He gave her another cracker and cheese while he munched down two or three himself.

  Toni took a deep breath holding the cracker and quietly said, “After college I went to work for IBM, but as I guessed, it just wouldn’t last taking direction from my manager and up the ladder it goes with sexual innuendoes and remarks about my freckles and on and on it went until I told them to shove the job up their ass. I used exactly those words too. I won’t tell you what their reply was, but I will say it was typical of a sexist organization that is way too big for its own good. After that my father helped me set up a consulting business and I liked that a lot. However, I saw where it was leading and most of my clients wanted me to hack into their competition and glean the information they were looking for. Then I thought about what other computer nerds were doing and from there I joined a geeks club of far out folks who really know how to use a back door. I got a little cocky and started a website to advertise what the government was doing to keep track of personal information on citizens. The government came after me and on a trumpeted up charge sent me to jail for a year. Then the bastards after a few months tried to hire me,” as she turned toward him and with eyes of hurt, she plopped the cracker in her mouth as Peter’s mother came through the front door like a storm off the ocean.


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