Justifiable Homicide

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Justifiable Homicide Page 16

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Robin, on hands and knees crept to the side of the bed and with a sap knocked the husband out. Next as the wife woke up to the noise of a sharp sound, Robin from his shirt took a strip of duct tape and put it over her eyes before she could see him. A struggle occurred, but she was no match for his big size and once she was bound by the hands and tape over her eyes and mouth, she quit struggling for the most part. He taped her feet together and then he whispered into her ear telling her he wasn’t going to hurt her only her husband who was a sexual predator and needed eliminating. She sucked in a nose full of air hearing this, but by then Robin had the injection of sleeping serum ready for her arm. Once more whispering to her what he was doing she knew there was nothing she could do but wait. She felt a sharp prick in the arm and a few minutes later she was breathing normally.

  Robin now turned his attention to the dick head politician who was making sounds of waking up after a thump on the head. Robin turned the light on next to the bed to see what this shit looked like. The guy was a baby Huey: fat and soft looking with a full head of grey hair. Lips like they could produce slobber by the jar full and a nose red lined with too many years of drinking. While the guy was waking up Robin threw back the bed covers and the guy slept in pajamas head to foot. Robin with his Rambo knife slit the bottoms revealing his dick hidden by mostly fat and hard to find. Robin thumped his balls to see if the guy was truly waking up. The guy moaned and his eyes fluttered open and tried to focus on what was most confusing to him. As his vision cleared and a deep voice said, “What the hell is going on. If it’s money or jewels there is not much here,” as he looked towards his wife who was sleeping with duct tape on her mouth and eyes. Robin noticed fear in his eyes and decided to let him fully wake up before he turned the night light off and left the job complete.

  A few minutes went by and the rain was now pounding on the roof and Robin could hear the bushes alongside the house scrapping the paint. Robin made sure the guy saw his Glock in one hand and the knife in the other as he said, “Well shit head and molester of young people, what I can’t figure is how you do anything with the short equipment I see between your legs,” as Robin once again flick his dick with the knife sending gasps from the politician. “I tell you what I’m going to do for you ass hole and that is you can have one more jack off for the road to hell. Now get with it as time is wasting.” The mark reached down with pudgy hands and finger and tentative with two fingers began to stroke his short dick. Robin laughed and told him to hurry up and do it like a man. The mark quicken his strokes and soon the short dick rose to the occasion coming out of its hiding place to about three inches long.

  By now the fat man was breathing hard from the exertion and a couple minutes went by when a small amount of sperm dribbled out of his dick. Robin couldn’t take anymore of this and put a bullet into the guys head. Robin never looked back and left out the sliding door to his bike and rode back to motel where he loaded his bike; headed for Shelton.


  The next day, with two hand held walkie talkies waited for the six o’clock dinner hour as that was the time they agreed to have Pect visit the old folks home. The weather was in their favor as a storm was in progress bringing rain and wind along with an early darkness to hinder prying eyes of an old neighborhood.

  At six Pect knocked on the back door like a delivery guy might do. Pect was in disguise with a beard and a hair piece. Joy thought he looked good and suggested he grow a beard. Pect had laughed and told her he didn’t much care for beards as they scratched the inner thighs of his lovers. It took a while but finally an old man with a cane opened the door looking at Pect like who the hell are you. Pect told him he was a friend of one of the occupants and had a surprise gift for her. That’s why he was at the back door. The old man nodded and stepped aside to let him in. Pect didn’t wait for the old timer to follow him into the kitchen area where he smelled a stew cooking and two women at the ready fixing dinner. Pect saw at once the one he wanted and with a big smile said her name and the meanest looking old broad he’d ever laid eyes on glared at him and said, “Who the hell are you and what do you want. Can’t you see we’re busy here and by the way why did you come to back door and not the front?”

  Pect with the same smile on pulled out his gun and replied to her questions, “Ms. Shit Head, I’m like Eastwood who said in a movie, ‘I’m your worst nightmare’ and now if you please if you want to live a few minutes more put your hands behind your back and stand still.” The old man who stood behind Pect never moved and the other lady stood there looking at his pistol thinking her life was over. Pect said, “Shut off the burners and both of you, not the witch, go to the dining room and gather all the people who live here please.”

  The witch was staring at him with more hate than imagined coming from her steel grey eyes. Pect quickly duct taped her hands behind her back and shoved her to the dining room. Most of the house occupants were at the dining table waiting for dinner. Nobody looked too scared as Pect told them no harm would come to them; he was only interested in their keeper. One old lady who looked in her sixties told Pect that one more was absent in her room due to injuries from the witch this morning when the old lady spilled her milk. Pect’s blood was starting to boil and he sat the witch down on a chair and said, “I’m not here to harm you, but I’m here to make this witch pay for her crimes and abuse against you old seniors who are defenseless. I would guess most of you are religious of some sort and maybe you would like an eye for an eye? I will give you that opportunity right now. If a few of you would clear off this dinning table I lay this witch out for your pay back.” A scurry resulted and in no time the table was clear.

  Pect forced the witch to lie on her back on the table and he tied first the feet to each leg of the table and then her hands laying her out like a slab of meat. Meanwhile the seniors were jabbering amongst themselves and wondering what was going to happen next. Pect told them what he knew of this witch and how many times her escaped punishment for her abuse of seniors. About then one man spoke up and said, “You are one of those vigilantes we have been reading about in the papers and on TV.”

  “Yes, pops you got it right and now if any of you would like to take a crack at this bitch, be my guest,” as he ran a sharp knife down her house dress laying her open to her underwear. Then Pect sliced the bra and panties open leaving her naked as a jay bird. Pect had taped her mouth shut and now the abuser of old people was shaking her head from side to side making muffled noises through the tape. The witch was in her late fifties and had pretty much gone to seed as Pect observed. Her large breasts lay opposite each other hanging down the sides of her body while her stomach had stretch marks down to her heavy haired crotch. Pect looked up and said, “Well who wants to be first?”

  The old man with a cane who had opened the door came up to the table and whacked her across her tit. The witch howled in pain and then the old man whacked her across the bottom of her foot sending more howls of agony from her taped mouth. By now her eyes were wild with pain and hate as she struggled against the bonds of her hands and legs. The old man said, “Across the feet is one of her favorite places to beat us as it doesn’t leave much of a mark. Another place is our balls which leave no marks when she uses a ruler on us.” He moved aside and a quiet old lady slowly moved up to the table and reached out and twisted the large nipple of a breast sending more sound of one being tortured with a taped mouth shut. Three more times she did it and then smiled and moved back to the wall while another old guy with glasses came up and looked her in the eye.

  He said, “To all here comes a time when pay backs are hell. Now is your time for a payback,” as he rolled up his sleeve to show him burn marks on his arm. “This is from her pouring hot water on me because I farted at the table.” The old man took out a pocket knife and sliced one of her big tits making the blood flow. He smiled and returned to his place at on the wall.

  This went on for perhaps ten minutes and then Pect told them he was leaving now and if they would be so nic
e to give him a little head start before they called the police, he would appreciate it. Pect took her sliced dress and put it over her head and with his silenced glock, put her out of her misery. Not one of the seniors batted an eye and in unison thanked them for his coming. They told him it would be an hour or more before someone would call the police. They all waved bye to him as he went out the back door. No one was around as they drove off out of town to seek out the next mark.


  Robin spent the night in his pickup off the highway near a convenience store and other dilapidated stores parked next to a tavern with some old wrecks parked out back. His truck with a bike in the back fit right in. It quit raining but the sky was dark grey as the first rays of light fought hard to penetrate the gloom. Robin had been sitting in the driver’s seat with his head leaning on the door window when a scratching sound woke him from a semi-conscience sleep. Robin opened one eye and looked eye to eye at a large dog, tongue hanging out making a slobbery mess of his window whining like a long lost dog that’d found his master. The dog’s dark brown eyes looked friendly and Robin gave a stretch and opened his door and slung his large frame out into the cold damp air. The dog moved off a few feet wagging his tail as Robin found a place to relieve a bladder full.

  Robin looked around at the highway and a few logging trucks roared by sending up clouds of spray from the wet roads. Robin gave the dog a few pets and climbed back into his pickup and headed to Shelton. In old town Shelton he drove slowly through and headed up the hill to the newer part of the town. Here he found a motel and checked in for a hot shower and a place to rest until tonight when he introduced himself to the child killer. After a welcomed shower he drove to a restaurant for a hearty breakfast and coffee. Robin had a bad headache from not enough sleep and too much driving in the last few days. He really didn’t want to drive back to LA and gave some thought to selling off his pickup cheap and bike. Maybe he would take the train back to California and see what happened after that.

  Feeling better he drove back down to Shelton old town and saw the giant lumber facility where his mark worked. He asked an old timer where the office was and he gave the directions to an old house turned into office many years ago. It sat among some giant old trees and as it was near nine people were coming and going doing their business. Robin’s timing was good as down the street came the mark in his car. He drove around back of the office and disappeared inside. It was Robin’s plan to catch him at lunch time when he came back from probably a four martini lunch.

  At precisely noon the mark’s car drove out to only a few blocks away to a restaurant where he stayed until one thirty. Robin had followed him and noticed a parking lot behind the restaurant. Boldly Robin parked next to his car and walked the streets while he waited for the guy to finish his lunch. Back in the parking lot waiting for his mark to come out, Robin thought, did he dare do a daylight nab? Probably no one would miss him for a few hours knowing he was having an extended lunch. Robin now had backed his truck up next to the driver’s door of his mark’s car. Robin played with the sap in his hand thinking maybe if he pretended he was working on his motor, he could knock the guy out and quickly, if no one was around, put him on the floorboards of his pickup and drive slowly out of town. He’d noticed the back of the restaurant’s parking lot faced a street where few cars went by and next to the street were old railroad tracks separated the street from the giant lumber mill. It could work, he thought as he popped his hood of his truck up and fiddled with nothing in particular waiting for his guy to show. Robin had glued on a beard and was dressed like a logger in blue jeans and hickory shirt with a newly bought baseball hat covering most of his eyes.

  At around one thirty the mark came out the door fumbling for his keys as Robin gave him a big grin and a good afternoon. The mark, used to people knowing who he was in a friendly voice that reeked of too many cigarettes said, “You got some trouble there young man?”

  “Ya, damn thing won’t start. I think the battery has given up the ghost. Wife will be angry as I’ve already spent the money for a battery on beer,” he laughed and the guy stuck his head under to take a curious look. Robin quickly, like a car moved behind him as the guy rose up and started to say something when Robin laid him out with the sap catching him with the other hand. He slid the mark into his pickup floor boards, shut the door and dropped the hood and so as not to create attention slowly moved back into the driver’s seat and fired up his truck. Robin took the east road out of town connecting to 101 and headed north.

  A half hour later found Robin at a side road where logging had taken place years ago and now was a gravel road to a lake not two miles off the highway. No one was around on a grey day, but he guessed once at the lake a lot of people came here for a picnic as a few old picnic tables sat all green looking with moss as its table cloth.

  After parking with the nose headed back down the road in case a visitor happened by, Robin noticed the mark was slowly coming around. Robin moved around to the other side of his truck and opened the door. The mark was average in most respects as Robin hauled his ass out and sat him down on the picnic table. Apparently the fresh cold air woke the dude up as he started rubbing his head where a lump the size of an egg was showing through his sparse grey hair. Robin stood in front of him and said, “Wake up asshole and listen to what I have to say.”

  The mark looked up through wandering eyes and finally focused on Robin. Still rubbing his head the guy said, “What the hell is going on here. If this is a kidnapping I don’t have a lot of money. What do you want anyway?”

  Robin said, “You have been a bad boy shit head and now it is time to pay the piper for your misdeeds driving and drinking. As far as what do I want, is of no concern of yours. The people want justice and that is what I’m about to mete out to you.”

  “I’ve a family,” he pleaded. “Who will take care of them if I’m gone?”

  “Maybe you should have thought of that before taking the first drink at a bar and then running a school bus off a road killing the driver and some children.” Now tears were flowing down his cheeks like the streams in the Olympic Mountains to the west. Robin while talking had tied the guy to a tree next to the lake and when it finally set in the mark slumped from his ties and waited for the bullet to free him of his torment. Robin did just that and left the guy where he hung.

  Robin drove back south and down to Portland where he sold his truck and bike at a ridicules low price. From there he caught the train to LA.


  While Toni Tether drove down Snoqualmie towards Seattle, Joy and Pect were about to finish up their contract on the guy who liked little children to play with.

  This hit was like a walk in the park. Joy simply walked in and found the guy reading a Playboy mag and shot him in the head two times. She closed the door and walked out no one the wiser as people took no notice of her and it would probably be a while before he was discovered. After the hit they drove to the rental place, dropped off the car and took a taxi to the train station to relax on the ride to LA and some sun. Both needed a break for a few days and the beaches around Southern California fit the bill.

  Toni found a RV park near Tacoma and after a stressful trip driving in the snow, the grey day and black wet streets felt like a relief to her. Her thoughts had returned to Peter, but maybe they never left as she checked her mail for the hundredth time. Nothing was there and the last word she got from him he was in Florida. Why Florida, she thought for not the first time. I wonder has he caught on as Number One lived in Florida.

  Now she sat at her table with the lights on and the heater taking place of the cold air with warm air. There was nothing new from the group and while she wondered what was going on, her puter told her she had mail. The mail simply said, “Seattle, the date and time, Holiday Inn SeaTac and wear disguise.” Her heart skipped a beat and saw the date was tomorrow at five pm. Toni would be in the lobby under disguise and when she found his room number would steal up to his room after checking who was interes
ted in him.

  Toni with a disguise, after checking into the hotel, at four thirty sat in the lobby reading a magazine checking out who was coming and going. Nothing in particular was out of the ordinary, but she was a long ways from a secret agent. She laughed and went back reading a story about a famous actress who had a love of nose candy and swore she would never do it again. Ya, right, she thought as Peter walked through the doors looking neither right nor left. He strode to the check in counter and Toni walked up next to him to retrieve her key. Peter was assigned a room and she heard it loud and clear as her breathing increased knowing she would be, hopefully, in his arms sooner rather than later. Peter never looked at her as she cruised around the lobby waiting for him to take the elevator to his floor. She thought, this is a lucky day as his room was on the same floor as hers. While waiting for another elevator she did notice a man dressed in black watching the elevator and if she was not mistaken, Peter was his target. The man in black went to the check in counter and flashed some ID and the counter girl mouthed some words after checking the register. He then checked into the hotel and that was when Toni gave the girl her key while finding out the guy’s room number. Walking away she realized his room was probably next door to Peter’s room.

  Toni hurried to a house phone and rang Peter’s room. He answered and listened while Toni told him of his next door roommate. Peter told her to confirm this guy was FBI and he would go to the coffee shop and see if he showed up. Toni moved to the coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee and some pie while she waited for Peter to arrive. He had no idea what she looked like and in a few minutes he came and sat at a table where he faced the door. He too ordered something to drink and a piece of pie. In no time the same man in black came in and found his place where he could observe Peter from the rear. After finishing his pie Peter left and Toni stayed where she was. The guy in black followed Peter and Toni followed the FBI dude as both went out the front door. Toni watched from the window as Peter got in a taxi and left the hotel. The FBI guy raised his arm and a light grey government car picked him up and they followed the taxi. Toni returned to her room and waited for Peter to call or e-mail or something.


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