The Celebrity Cat Caper (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 6)

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The Celebrity Cat Caper (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 6) Page 9

by Patricia Fry

  Margaret laughed. "Well, she's living in the wrong part of the world—we get a lot of rain here."

  "Not like this," Iris said. "This is one of those hundred-year storms."

  "Is Glenda Cathcart coming?" Colbi asked.

  "Yeah," Savannah said. "She thought she'd be okay if she sticks to the highway. According to the news, it's the surface streets and bridges where the problems might occur."

  "Is she driving by herself? Doesn't she have a husband?" Margaret asked.

  "She said he's staying home with the kids. Or he might drive her over and make sure she gets here," Savannah said.

  She hung some of the coats on pegs in the service porch and showed Max where to hang the others. Upon re-entering the kitchen, she said, "Glenda sounded reluctant to come, but I kind of guilted her into it."

  "How'd you do that?" Colbi asked.

  "And why?" Margaret said.

  "Well, she's been such a big help with the program and the documentary. I told her we really needed her to be here so we can thank her properly."

  "Does anyone want a drink?" Michael asked.

  "Sure," Margaret said. "Whatcha got? Something that goes down warm, I hope?"

  "Well, we have beer, wine, lemonade, iced tea. I can even make mimosas if anyone's interested."

  "Or hot cider—spiked and unspiked," Savannah added.

  "That sounds good," Colbi said. "What do you spike it with?"

  "Apple brandy," Savannah said enticingly.

  "Sounds yummy."

  "Where's the crew?" Damon asked.

  "Out in their tent thingy," Savannah said. "They created a covered walkway to it, so we can go out and join them in their domain or visit in here—we have choices." She looked toward the living room. "Oh, someone's here. Probably Glenda."

  A few minutes later, Savannah ushered the librarian into the kitchen. "Glenda, you know Colbi and my aunt, Maggie."

  "Yes," she said, greeting them.

  "You met Michael and Damon the day of the shoot."

  "Hi Glenda, what can I get you to drink?" Michael asked.

  Colbi sidled over to her and said, "The hot cider with apple brandy is yummy."

  "Oh that sounds good. Yes. My husband is picking me up later, so I'll have one of those with no regrets."

  Just then, Iris walked over and extended her hand to the newcomer. "Glenda, I'm Iris; we met that day at the library."

  Glenda nodded. "Yes, I remember."

  "This is Craig," Iris said, motioning in his direction. The tall handsome fellow over there is Maggie's husband, Max."

  "Hey, there's more than one tall handsome man in the room," Savannah said.

  Margaret laughed. "Well mine's the one with the most cat fur on his clothes."

  Hearing that remark, Max turned and looked down at his slacks.

  "Just kidding," Margaret said. "That was a joke—well, partially…it is hard to get out of our place without the fur following us."

  Glenda nodded to Craig and Max, then asked Savannah, "So how did the filming go?""Good, I think. They sure got a lot of footage—hours' worth," Savannah responded.

  "There's the star right there," Margaret said, pointing to Rags as he entered the room. "Vannie, I thought he'd dress for the occasion."

  Savannah smirked. "Well, he's already wearing a grey tuxedo…well, sorta." She raised her voice and said, "Shall we join the others out in the tent?"

  "Go outside?" Margaret complained.

  "It's heated," Savannah said. "Come on, it'll be an adventure."

  "You're just in time," Rob said when he saw the group coming down the temporary plank into the tent. "We were just going to run a highlight video-clips from the filming we did. There are chairs enough for everyone. Come on in and sit down; the show is about to start."

  Just then, Savannah put the baby monitor up to her ear. "Uh, someone's awake," she said. "I'll be right back."

  "The baby angel gets to watch her first movie," Margaret said.

  "It's not her first," Savannah corrected. "She has a few videos she likes."

  "Is she in this one?" Colbi asked.

  "Oh no," Michael said. He looked over at Rob. "At least not in the final documentary, right, Rob?"

  "Yeah, that's right." He took a gulp from his vodka drink and gave Michael a sideways glance. "But I did sneak a few shots of her in for this showing. I think you'll enjoy it," he said with a grin.

  Savannah headed for the tent exit. "I'll be right back," she said.

  Colbi caught up with her. "Oh, let me."

  "Are you sure?" Savannah asked.

  "Yes. I'd love to."

  "She probably needs changing," Savannah warned.

  "Got it covered, mama bear. You just relax."

  "Well, she's probably hungry. I made up a bottle. I'll go warm it. Meet you back here in a few."

  "Look, how cute," Margaret said when the two women returned with baby Lily, a warm bottle of milk, and her stroller.

  "Love those snuggy jammies," Iris said.

  The baby took one look at all of the smiling faces in the crowd and buried her face in Colbi's chest.

  "Awww, she's shy," DeeDee said. "She's sure a doll."

  "Let me feed her," Colbi said, reaching for the bottle.

  "Okay," Savannah said, as she and Colbi sat down behind Lance and Julie, whose suggestive behavior with one another bordered on inappropriate. Savannah noticed Cheryl, with a beer in her hand, sitting on one of Rob's knees. But Cheryl wasn't paying much attention to Rob; her eyes were shooting daggers at Lance and Julie.

  Gads, even the low-budget film crews have their drama, she thought. And then something else caught her eye. Glenda, who sat quietly next to Margaret, was also staring at the couple. And not with a sense of curiosity, she thought. In fact, it's a stare similar to the one I saw on Auntie's face when she first saw Lance. What is it with him? He must have made quite an impression on people in the community when he lived here. I'll have to ask Glenda about him.

  "Are we ready to roll?" Rob asked, slurring his words just a bit. He turned to motion for Crank to start the video and for James to kill the lights, when Cheryl slipped off his lap and fell to the floor. She held onto Rob's neck, so when she fell, she pulled him over and he landed smack on top of her.

  "Oopsie," she said. "That's one way to get what I want, isn't it, Robbie?" she said, wrapping one arm around his neck and kissing him hard.

  "Hey, you don't have to use trickery," he said, laughing. He lifted himself up off the floor and then pulled her up by the hand. "Okay, the show's over," he said. He laughed. "At least the sideshow." He and Cheryl continued laughing as they found their respective chairs and sat down.

  Savannah watched as James grabbed a wad of paper towels and cleaned up the drinks the couple had spilled on the plastic floor. She whispered to Colbi, "Glad they didn't do that in my house." As she continued taking in the activity around the couple, she noticed Cheryl looking in Lance's direction, a wicked smile on her face.


  After the showing, the lights came on and Margaret was the first to speak. "That was hilarious. I didn't know it would be a comedy."

  Rob cleared his throat. "Well, it looks like a comedy of errors. But this is just something we put together for your entertainment today—highlights of some of the more humorous moments."

  "I'm curious," Iris said, flashing her eyes in Savannah's direction. "What did you find in Rags's closet that got Savannah in such a turmoil?"

  "Just you never mind," Savannah said.

  Lance winked at Savannah, who was now holding Lily. "We're sworn to secrecy," he said.

  "I didn't know that Rags had done all of that work for you, Craig," Colbi said. She waved her hand in front of her face. "I have to say the bit about my abduction brought back some painful memories."

  Damon put his arm around her. "Yeah, some awful memories, but some great results," he said.

  Colbi smiled through tears. "Yup, it's all been good since then, that's for sure."
/>   "Max, you were quite dapper in the segment where you explained how you figured out where Margaret and Savannah were being held when that creep took them," Iris said. "I loved that shot of you with Layla in your lap."

  "Yeah, she's my sit-down buddy," he explained.

  "Sit-down buddy?" Iris questioned.

  "I sit down and she's in my lap."

  "So it wasn't staged for the photo shoot?"

  Max chuckled. "Oh, no. That was reality TV."

  "What kind of cat is she?" DeeDee asked.

  "Her background is probably Persian," Max said.

  "I love tangerine fur," DeeDee said.

  Colbi chuckled and said enticingly, "Hers is like tangerine-vanilla-swirl ice cream."

  Savannah laughed, then turned to Craig. "You're an old hand at being interviewed, aren't you?"

  "Yes, unfortunately. It comes with the job. But this was more fun. This time, I knew the outcome of the crimes. Most times, the reporters want answers I don't have yet."

  "The appetizers are ready," Rob announced. "Everyone help yourselves. We'll serve dinner in about an hour." He motioned to Crank. "Let's set up the tables."

  As just about everyone stood and headed for the serving tables, Damon caught up with Michael. "Hey, I want to talk to you about something."

  "Sure," Michael said. "What is it?"

  "I want to do some work at Colbi's old house. You know, carpenter work."

  "Oh?" Michael said. "What kind of project do you have in mind?"

  "She wants to turn a spare room into an office. I thought I might be able to put in some shelves for her," he said. "But as you've observed, I know absolutely nothing about building and construction, except for the few things I've learned by watching you."

  "Yeah, you've helped me with a few things. You're a fast learner—I'd say you're a natural."

  Damon grinned his sideways grin. "I think you have more confidence in me than I have in myself, there, Michael. But I have been watching some of those home-renovation shows."

  "I like 'em, too. They have some good tips for builders," Michael agreed.

  Damon ran his fingers through his thick, dark-red curly hair and said, "But I still can't figure out why they put that wall at the bottom of the stairs at the library, or why they put the stairs against the wall, can you?"

  "What wall?" Margaret asked as she and Max walked up to the two men, each carrying a small plate of finger food.

  Michael took a sip from his mug and swallowed. "You know that patio area at the library for the kids?"

  "The secret garden?" Margaret said. "Yes, I do."

  "Well, there are these stairs that lead nowhere. Three steps and then a wall."

  Margaret tilted her head and furrowed her brow. "That's strange. I haven't been there in years, but I don't remember that. Where, exactly?"

  "Let's see; right of the door into the courtyard—so the south side."

  "They're the only steps out there," Damon explained.

  "Well, when I went there as a kid, there were steps that led down into a dark room where they kept puzzles and games." Margaret smiled. "I used to love being chosen to go down there and get something. It was kind of eerie, strange, and intriguing. I felt as if I was on an adventure."

  Michael looked puzzled. "So there was a room there?" He shook his head. "It's gone now." He put one finger across his lips in contemplation before asking, "Maggie, how many steps were there?"

  Damon and Michael both waited expectantly for her answer.

  Margaret took a deep breath and let it out through pursed lips. "Well, let's see…" she said thoughtfully. "One, two, three…maybe ten!" she exclaimed. "That room was pretty deep into the ground, which is why it was so dark, I imagine."

  Damon nodded. "Well, now that makes sense, doesn't it, Michael? The room is below ground level. There are more steps, but they're underground, right?"

  "Yeah. But, how odd. Why would they close off that room?"

  "Maybe they quit using it," Margaret suggested. "They figured it was a hazard for the children."

  "Yeah, a kid could fall down a bunch of stairs like that," Max offered.

  "When's the last time you remember that room being open, Maggie?" Damon asked.

  Michael chuckled. "Are you interested from a builder's standpoint or a reporter's?" he asked.

  "Uh, oh, both, I guess," Damon said with a laugh. "Just curious. It is a curiosity, don't you think?" he asked, glancing back and forth among the three of them.

  "A curiosity?" Lance said as he and James joined the trio. "What's so curious? I love mysteries."

  Margaret stared across at Lance as Michael responded. "We were discussing that crazy construction job down at the library—where the stairs lead smack into a wall. Ever see a puzzle like that in your travels?"

  "Uh, no…don't think I have…" Lance stammered.

  "Didn't you notice it when you were there?" he asked.

  "Can't say that I did. Why is it of interest to you?" he asked, his eyes piercing into Michael's.

  "Well, it's just odd, that's all," Michael said. He turned toward Damon. "I'd like to find out what's going on there, wouldn't you?"

  Damon stared at Michael. "You mean tear into the wall?"

  "Why not?"

  "You'd go to that trouble out of curiosity?" Lance asked, looking at them now as if they'd lost their minds.

  "Sure, that's what weekend renovators do," Max said with a laugh.

  Lance was not laughing. He appeared to have more to say, when he suddenly looked past the others and said, "Oh, here's the food. Come on in, gentlemen."

  "I'm going to get another mug of the hot cider," Max said. "Want some?" he asked Margaret. When she didn't respond, he looked down at her and noticed she seemed preoccupied. He followed her gaze, which had followed Lance. He creased his brow. "Do you know him?" he asked.

  Margaret jumped a little. "Huh?"

  "You were staring at that guy…Lance. Do you know him?"

  She grimaced. "Um…yeah, actually."

  He lowered his voice. "You don't seem as though you like him much."

  Margaret took in a deep breath and said, "No, can't say as I do."

  At the same time, Savannah walked over to Glenda, who was sitting alone at the moment. "The food looks great, let's go fill up some plates, shall we?"

  Glenda stood and grabbed Savannah's arm. "How well do you know that man?" she asked.

  Savannah looked in the direction Glenda nodded. "Do you mean Rob…the one wearing the green sweatshirt?"

  "No," she said, "Lance…in the light-blue windbreaker."

  "Oh, gosh," Savannah said, "not well. Just met him a couple of days ago. Haven't even had a real conversation with him. Why?" Savannah asked.

  "Well, he keeps looking at you."

  "What?" Savannah said. "Why would he do that?"

  "He's no good, Savannah. Watch out for him. He has you in his sights."

  Before Savannah could fully digest Glenda's warning, Iris walked up with Lily in her arms. "I think little sweetie here wants Mama," she said.

  "Oh, are you still hungry, baby girl?" Savannah cooed, taking the fussing baby from Iris. "She didn't finish her bottle. I'll see if she wants the rest of it." She put her hand lightly on Iris's arm. "Why don't you go with Glenda through the food line. Save some for me; I'll be back shortly."

  Before leaving the tent, Savannah walked over to where Michael stood talking to Damon. "Excuse me, you two," she said. "Michael, I'm going to feed Lily. I'll be back in a bit."

  "Okay, honey," Michael said. He kissed Lily on the cheek and patted her affectionately.

  Savannah's exit did not go unnoticed.

  "Hey, where are you going?" Julie called when she saw Lance head for the exit.

  "Bathroom," he mouthed.

  This didn't go unnoticed, either. At that moment, Glenda turned toward Iris and said, "Excuse me for a moment, will you? I'll be right back."

  Iris nodded. "Sure. I'll hold your place in line."

; "Dr. Ivey…" Glenda said, finding Michael in deep in conversation with Damon.

  "Oh hi, Glenda. It's Michael. How's your Lab doing?" he asked.

  "Good," she said, not wanting to waste time on small talk. "Uh, Michael, I think you should go check on Savannah."

  "Why?" he asked, his worry lines evident. "Is something wrong?"

  "I can't explain right now," she whispered. "Just make sure she's okay, would you?"

  Michael looked toward the tent opening and said, "Sure. I'll go check on her right now." He sprinted out of the tent, along the makeshift walkway, up the porch steps, to the side kitchen door. As he approached it, he could see Savannah through the small window. But she wasn't alone.

  Chapter 5

  "Hi hon," Savannah said upon seeing Michael enter the room. "Lance has just offered to photograph me."

  Lance, startled by the intrusion, spun around to face Michael, who quickly moved to Savannah's side. "Is that so?" Michael said.

  Savannah faked interest. "Yeah. He's a portrait photographer specializing in boudoir photography and he thinks I would be a great subject."

  "Boudoir?" Michael asked, looking confused.

  "Sure, you know—bedroom photography, where you wear next-to nothing. He thought you'd really like to have a boudoir picture of me."

  Michael shot daggers at Lance. "Is that right?" He walked toward the photographer and growled, "Don't you think you're out of line? If anyone's going to take pictures like that of my wife, it'll be me. Now you go back out and enjoy the party, will you?"

  Lance took two steps back. "Hey man, I just thought…"

  Michael leaned in Lance's direction. "Well, you thought wrong." He glared at the man until he left through the kitchen door. Michael then turned to Savannah and asked, "You don't want him to take your picture, do you?"

  "No, Michael," Savannah said. "You know me better than that. You've seen how much he's been drinking tonight. It's the alcohol talking. I don't think we can take him seriously, do you? How juvenile," she said, shaking her head.

  "So you don't think he's…after you?"

  She scowled. "For heaven's sake, no, Michael."

  He stared hard at his wife. "You're not attracted to him, are you?"


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