Dropkick My Heart: Powerhouse M.A. Series

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Dropkick My Heart: Powerhouse M.A. Series Page 6

by Winter Travers

  Dante rolled his eyes. “Call it recon. I was getting a lay of the land.”

  Tate tossed Dante a cookie. “That’s bullshit. What kind of recon can you do while ordering cookies?”

  “I found out Molly is single, and that they have six different kinds of cookie.” Dante ripped off half of the cookie and popped it into his mouth. “And, they don’t have protein shakes.”

  I leaned against the wall. “Are you really surprised by that? It’s a coffee shop, bro, not a juice bar.”

  Dante shrugged. “No, but I still asked.”

  “I don’t know what you think we can do with that recon. What does the fact that she’s single have to do with anything?”

  I pushed off the wall and walked into the office. “I think I know exactly how we can use that to our advantage.”

  Roman followed me into the office and collapsed on the loveseat in the corner. “What are you thinking?”

  “I think it’s time Molly met someone.” I turned on the computer and opened the internet.

  “This is your plan? Find her a boyfriend?”

  “I think you’re losing your edge,” Tate called.

  “Just trust me. I know what I’m doing. I’ll take care of Molly, and you guys need to make friends with all the other businesses.” I typed in the website I needed to get the ball rolling on my plan and smirked as I entered Molly’s name.

  Dante walked in and watched over my shoulder. “Dude, you are fucking evil.”

  I grinned and sat back, waiting for the account to set up.

  It was evil, but it was pure genius too. The first hit against Molly was in full swing, and I couldn’t wait to sit back and watch her freak out.

  Shit was about to go down.



  “Mol, what is going on?”

  I peeked my head out of the storage room. “I have no idea, but if anyone asks, my name is Harriet today.”

  Sage stood in front of the storeroom door. “I’m afraid you aren’t even going to get away with that. These guys know who you are. Molly, did you get drunk and sign up for some shady dating site?”

  “No!” I hissed. “You think I asked for this? Have you seen the guy in the corner? His hair is longer than mine, and he’s brushing it!”

  Sage shuddered. “Yeah, well, he’s gone because I told him he was breaking the health code, but there’s still seven guys out there who are wanting to see you.”

  It was Friday morning, and I was hiding out in the storage room because somehow, these guys were all here to date me, except I had no idea who they were. “Do you think it was Bess? She’s always telling me I need to meet someone. Is this her weird way of bringing the guys to me?”

  Sage shook her head. “That was my first idea too. I asked her, and she swears up and down that she didn’t have anything to do with this. Although, she said the guy in the flannel isn’t bad if you’re seriously trying to find a guy.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Bess would think that.”

  Sage shrugged. “I don’t know what you want to do. I need seven lattes, three Americanos, and four frappuccinos made, though. You can’t hide in here all day.”

  The bell above the door chimed, and Sage turned to see who had walked in. “Please tell me it’s not another one.”

  Sage’s jaw dropped, and her eyes bugged out. “If these guys are here to date you, your ass better say yes.”

  Huh? There were actually good looking guys looking for me?

  “Oh shit,” Sage whispered. “I’ll be right with you,” she called to whoever had walked in.

  “What’s going on? You know I can’t go out there.”

  Sage threw her head back and laughed. “You’re going to have to come out because your kung fu men just walked through the door.”

  I rolled my eyes. “They’re not mine.”

  “Well, I know they’re not here to see me, although I will take the one in the blue shirt.”

  I peeked around the door again. They were all wearing blue shirts. “Sage, they’re all in blue.”

  Sage patted her hair and winked. “I know.”

  I pushed past her and scurried to the front counter where they were waiting. “Hi.”

  “Hi, I’m Roman.”

  “Hi, I’m Tate.”

  “Hi, I’m Dan—”

  I held out my hand and cut him off. “I got it.” One time I make a complete fool of myself, and these guys just can’t let it go. It was nice to put a face to the other two’s names, though. “What can I get for you?”

  Kellan smirked. “We were just going around and meeting all of our neighbors, and thought we would stop by here too, Cookie.”

  I growled at the name he called me. “How nice of you to stop.”

  Dante leaned against the pastry case. “And, we need a dozen more cookies.”

  Sage scurried to grab a box and whipped it open. “I can help you with that.” Sage batted her eyelashes at Dante, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Dante quietly pointed out the cookies he wanted, and Sage filled the box.

  “Is that all?” I asked Kellan.

  “Give me one of your drinks too.” He pulled out his wallet. “Try not to make it too frou-frou.”

  I pointed at the menu hanging on the wall. “I have over thirty drinks on the board. You wanna try to narrow that down a bit? Hot, cold, vanilla, butterscotch, hazelnut, or the other twenty flavors I have?”

  “Hot, butterscotch, and big. Can you work with that?”

  I gulped. “Coming right up.” Big, and hot. My mind traveled to other things that were big and hot that had to do with Kellan as my eyes roamed over his broad shoulders.

  Oh hell, what in the fuck was I doing? I grabbed a large cup and moved over to the espresso machine. Thinking of Kellan in any other way than as the enemy was not good. I grabbed the butterscotch flavor and the milk from out of the mini fridge. I had been playing with a new flavor the past week, and it was time to try it out.

  “It sure is busy in here today.” I glanced over at Kellan, who had turned around and was looking at all of the full tables.

  Hmph, we normally weren’t this busy on Friday. The seven mystery men who were all eyeing me up and taking up residence at tables scattered around the cafe made it seem much more hectic. “Yeah.”

  Bachelor #3 who had shown up half an hour ago stood up and gradually made his way over to the counter. He stood next to Kellan and cleared his throat. “Are you Molly?”

  Oh, sweet Jesus. Here we go. Did this really have to happen right now with Kellan standing right there? “Yup, that’s me.” Too chipper Molly, reel it in. I dumped some milk into the small silver pitcher and turned on the steamer. “Can I get you something to drink?” That was another thing about these guys who were looking for me—only two of them had actually ordered something to drink. The rest had just stared at me creepily and looked around nervously trying to get the courage to come talk to me. All of them had asked Sage about me, but this was the first one of them who had talked directly to me.

  “I saw your profile, and thought I would come down.”

  I crinkled my nose. “Profile?” Was this guy talking in code?

  “Yeah, coffeebitchhot4you88. That’s you, right?” He pulled out his phone and held it up to me.

  I slammed down the pitcher of milk and grabbed his phone out of his hand. “Coffee bitch?” Right there on his phone was a picture of me pretty much standing right where I was, and I was smiling like an idiot at something in the direction of Bess’ table. But who took this picture? I scrolled down and read my “profile” that was a load of shit. “This isn’t me. Sailing?” I scoffed.

  “Where do you keep your boat?” Bachelor #3 asked.

  Kellan busted out laughing and grabbed onto the counter, so he didn’t fall over. “Boat,” he wheezed. Tate, Roman, and Dante had their hands over their mouths and had partially turned away. They knew. They fucking knew what was going on.

  I handed him back his phone. “I�
�m sorry, but I think you have the wrong person.”

  He held the phone in my face, the horrible picture staring back at me. “But that's you,” he insisted.

  I pushed his hand away. “It is, but I didn’t put that picture there. Although, I do have an idea who might have.” I glared at Kellan who was now bent over, trying to catch his breath.

  Bachelor #3 looked at the phone, disappointed. “So, you don’t have a boat?” That sent Kellan into another round of laughter.

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t have a boat. I’ve never been on a sailboat in my life. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not the girl you’re looking for.” I hated to pop the guy's bubble. “I’m sure there is a girl out there with her own boat that would love to go out with you. Unfortunately, that girl is not me.”

  He shoved his phone into his pocket and stormed out the door.

  I grabbed a cup and clanked a spoon against it. “Attention, any man here thinking they are going to meet a Molly who loves to sail, has her own boat, and has three gerbils.” Yes, that was in the profile. “I’m afraid that girl doesn’t exist, and you’ve all been duped by these four asses.”

  A round of moans went up, and I rolled my eyes. Did they really think there was a girl like that out there? Hell, was a woman like that really attractive to eight guys? I was still counting the long haired one who Sage asked to leave.

  The remaining six guys stood up and ambled out the door.

  “I cannot believe you did that!” I hissed at Kellan. I knew they were all responsible for this, but I knew Kellan was the ringleader of the group. “How did you get that picture of me?”

  Dante was the only one who had managed to get a hold of themselves enough to talk. “We sent Tate in here yesterday to get the picture. You didn’t even notice him.”

  Well, that explained the picture, but why would they even do this to me? “Are you four on drugs?” That was the only logical explanation for why they would set up a fake dating profile for me.

  “No drugs, Cookie.” Kellan gasped.

  “Then, why would you do this?”

  Kellan stood up straight. “To show you what you’re messing with.”

  I growled. “This is about the business owners meeting, isn’t it?”

  “Ding, ding.”

  I glared at him and moved back to the coffee machine. I finished mixing up his drink and set it in front of him. “Thirteen ninety-five.” I held out my hand, and he slapped a twenty in it. “I’m keeping the change.”

  Kellan shook his head and grabbed his drink. “Cancel the meeting, and you won’t find out what else I have up my sleeve.”

  I shook my head. “Not happening.”

  “You’re just doing this to yourself, then. I can do this every day, Cookie. It’s entertainment for me and the guys.”

  “Then, I guess I’ll just have to play along then.”

  Sage handed Dante the box of cookies. Dante grabbed the box and looked at me. “What does that mean? You’re gonna date one of those guys?” Dante and the guys busted out laughing again.

  “No, you idiots. If you want to act like a bunch of teenagers, I guess two can play that game.” I tapped my chin and started thinking of revenge.

  “Hit me with your best shot, Cookie.” Kellan took a drink of his coffee, and his eyes bugged out. “What is this?”

  I shrugged. “Just a drink I’ve been working on.”

  Kellan took another sip. “Well, whatever it is, it’s fucking delicious.”

  Sage stood next to me. “Everything Molly makes is delicious.” She glared at the guys. At least she wasn’t drooling over them like she was before.

  “I’ll give ya that.” Kellan held up his cup. “We’ll see ya around, Cookie. We have more neighbors to visit this morning. Maybe we’ll give them a couple of your cookies.”

  I growled and watched them walk out the door. “That ass is going to use my own cookies against me.”

  Sage put her arm around my shoulder. “He is, but I wouldn’t worry about it. What I would worry about is what his next move is going to be.”

  I pressed my lips together. I was going to have to think of something quick to get back at Kellan. “Give me your phone.”

  Sage pulled her cell out and put it in my hand. “Um, and why can’t we use yours?”

  I cleared my throat and shrugged. “I may have forgotten mine at home today.” I unlocked her phone and hopped on the internet. I was constantly forgetting my phone at home. Sage had threatened to sew the damn thing to my hand so I would start remembering it. Apparently, her threat hadn’t worked.

  Sage looked over my shoulder. “And just what exactly do you plan on doing by going on their website?”

  “I have no idea what they do over there, and when they are actually there. We need to do some research on our enemy.” I tapped on the schedule tab, and a grin spread across my lips. “I think I have the most brilliant idea.”

  “As long as your idea doesn’t involve us taking karate lessons, I’m in.”

  I handed Sage back her phone. “Nope, we won’t even have to go over there. All we need is a bunch of paper and a printer.”

  “I don’t mean to doubt you, Mol, but this really doesn’t sound like it can go up against what they just did.”

  I raised my eyebrows and tapped my fingertips together. “Oh, ye of little faith. This is going to blow their little dating scheme out of the water.”

  “Well, then, in that case, let the fun begin.”

  I rubbed my hands together, my idea taking shape in my head. Kellan and Powerhouse weren’t going to know what hit them come Saturday morning.

  Game on.



  “You think we hit up enough places?”

  Dante held the empty box of cookies upside down. “I’d say we’re good.”

  I clapped him on the back. “You can get more cookies tomorrow, man.”

  “That’s if she even lets you in the place tomorrow.” Tate laughed and opened the door to Powerhouse. “She was pretty pissed when we left.”

  I grabbed the empty box from Dante and tossed it in the garbage. “If she won’t let you in there for cookies, we’ll just send one of the kids over there to get them for you.” Molly was definitely pissed when she had figured out I made her a dating profile. I couldn’t blame her for being pissed, but she had to know who she was messing with. I collapsed into the chair behind the front desk. “I have to say, I’m feeling pretty good about the meeting.”

  Tate nodded. “Yeah, everyone seemed to be friendly enough.”

  Roman leaned against the front desk. “Although, that guy at the laundromat was giving me the eye.”

  We busted out laughing. “He did like what he saw in you, Ro. You might have to go over there and make sure we get his vote our way.” Tate pointed at Roman.

  Dante smirked. “I’m sure that’s not the only thing he’d like to throw Roman’s way.”

  Roman flipped Dante off. “Yeah, laugh it up, fuckers. I also had the yoga chick checking me out, too.”

  Tate waved him off. “You have a better chance with the laundromat guy.”

  I grabbed my car keys and stood. “As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the day with you fuckers, I’m gonna head home and do absolutely nothing until class on Saturday.” Friday was usually slow day at the studio, and I had made sure there weren't any lessons, so I didn’t have to come in at all. I had plans to work on the front yard and wait for the delivery guy to come and deliver my new furniture.

  I headed out the door, and Tate hollered after me. “You wanna get something to eat tomorrow night?”

  “Text me. We’ll figure something out.” I slid into my car and drove around the building. My eyes traveled along the length of Java Spot and the corners of my mouth ticked up. I hadn’t planned on going over there today with all of the guys, but Dante had been jonesing for cookies, and we were going to all of the other businesses, so it only made sense to stop there.

nbsp; I had spotted the guys as soon as I walked in, and I knew my plan of attack had been perfect. The fact she hadn’t put two and two together before we walked in gave me hope that the rest of my plan was going to be a surprise she wouldn’t see coming.

  The only thing I needed to figure out was how to get into the cafe without Molly knowing I was there. The chick who had helped Dante was just the person I needed. I just need to make sure she would help me, and not run back to Molly.

  I flipped my visor down, grabbed my sunglasses, and slipped them onto my face. I was going to have her running with her tail between her legs in no time. Between getting friendly with other committee members, and all the tricks I had up my sleeve, she was going to cancel that meeting in no time.

  This was war, and I had every intention of being the victor.



  I poured the steamed milk into the espresso and snapped the lid onto the cup. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sage shook her head. “And just where do you think you are going with that?”

  It was Saturday morning, and I was eager to go check on my surprise for Kellan. Yesterday, I had put everything into motion, and now it was time to watch my handy work fall into place. I grabbed the two boxes of cookies I had packed up earlier and grinned from ear to ear. “I thought the boys over at Powerhouse could use a little pick-me-up this morning.”

  Sage rolled her eyes and laughed. “I wonder why they would need a pick-me-up?”

  I shrugged. Sage was an important part in making my plan go off without a hitch, and she knew exactly why I needed to get over to Powerhouse.

  “Make sure to take pictures.”

  I pursed my lips.

  “You forgot your phone again, didn’t you?” Sage grabbed her phone and tucked it into my pocket. “I don’t even know why you have the damn thing. You never have it on you.”

  The walk to Powerhouse took a whole minute, and I was standing at the front door, trying to juggle the boxes and the coffee in my hand.


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