The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1)

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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 14

by Claire Merrington

  “Well now I have my photo of you Jane we will let you girls rest we don’t want either of you washing out to early on us now do we.”

  Jane couldn’t believe what was happening. As much as they knew who was responsible for it her tam had never managed to track down a location and Jane had been unconscious for the whole journey so even now she still had no idea where she was. The young girls bed was resting up against what looked like their plain cement wall painted with pure white emulsion. Jane looked down and to the side and could see she was resting next to same thing. The room itself was bare other than a few chairs dotted around where some of the other men had been sitting. Jane could see no windows and only two doors left the whole room. One was an obvious fire escape and the other was a door that when the men opened it to exit looked like it led out to a dark corridor with no natural light either. Jane could just make out the dull glim of a light bulb further down the hallway. Before Jane knew it Tad was at Layla side injecting her with what she assumed was more of the same rohypnol he approached Jane and injected her with the same thing.

  “Don’t want you girls talking and plotting while were gone you get plenty of rest when were back were start phase two of your cleansing. Sleep tight.”

  Before she knew it she heard the faint thud of a door closing and a click of a lock and Jane was again back drifting until she knew no more.

  Chapter 17

  Meanwhile at the station Amy was going about the tasks that Jane had asked her to do before leaving. Amy had set up the information that Jane needed for the press conference and was asking Ian to make one up about the white fiesta van that was seen at the dumpsite. Amy best thought she had get up to their supervisors office and ask him about the judge before he left for home. Amy had never been in his office before Jane was always the one to take care of these things. She was the detective Amy was just a PC. But jobs needed to be done and Amy just had to put her nerves aside and go talk to him they needed the information. Amy took a solid stroll up the stair s and knocked on his door and patiently waited to be told she could enter.

  “Come in”

  “Oh hello sir Detective Jane Sparrow sent me up she wanted to know if you knew who the most lenient Judge is to ask about a warrant for the organization. Or if they aren’t prepared to give us one yet what other evidence they need to do so. Jane thought it was best to ask you because she knows how many connections you have got and thought you would be able to help.”

  “ Detective Jane Sparrow has never been one for flattery so I can thank you for adding it in there to sweeten my mood. Judge Schneider will be the man you want to call. He is always more willing to help on cases that I am liked to and he has two teenage daughters so this case will hold a personal edge to being solved. Where is Jane anyway why did she send you?”

  “Oh sorry Sir Jane is attending the meeting you set up with Dr Tad Woodrow the psychologist about the possibility of trauma from last night.”

  “What do you mean a meeting with Dr if a psychological analysis had to be done for trauma and whether Jane’s actions were compromised by such a thing would be carried out internally not set up with some psychologist we used to consult on linguistics.”

  “I’m sorry Sir I don’t understand Jane received a phone call from him saying that you had requested he carry out an interview to check on Jane it was all set up for seven this evening. He knew about the tongue and everything if you didn’t tell him who did?”

  “Get on to Jane now to be on the safe side we need her out of that office. We have no idea who this man is or how he knew about the tongue.”

  “Will do Sir and thanks for the information about the judge.”

  “Let me know when you hear from Jane that is all close the door on the way out I don’t like to be disturbed.”

  Before Amy could even make it out of the office Ian burst through panting as though he had ran up all three flights of stairs.

  “I’m sorry to burst in I wouldn’t normally but I thought you would like to know as soon as possible we have had another report of a young girl going missing. Her name was flagged because her parent’s belong to the organization. Fifteen year old Layla Brown never made it home from a study group she was attending.”

  “I’ll let the Detective know I’ll get her back here but for now Sir would you like to take point a press conference is all set up for ten do we cancel it. What comes first?”

  “No don’t cancel the press conference were going to need to smooth press relations more than ever now. If Jane isn’t around to carry it out because she is busy with this young girl I will do the press conference myself. First off find out who was at that study group and question them did she become unwell when did she leave what route would she have taken home from the house she left. When you know the route find all traffic cameras in that area I want to know what cars were in the vicinity whether they are connected or not. I want to know the ins and outs of the whole area where this girl could have been…

  “Sorry to interrupt sir but I think we may have a problem I have just received a message from the Detective all it says is SOS. I think we need to get over to his office now.”

  With that there was a blur and a rush out of the office as their Supervisor was barking commands at people to gather reinforcements. Amy and Ian were strapping themselves up in bulletproof vests while the Supervisor was putting all the protocols in place. There was a stream of police officers flowing out the door down to the awaiting Police van and cars when they were all momentarily distracted by the sound of tyres screeching into the car park. Amy instantly realized who it was but didn’t have time to panic at the thought of the Supervisor discovering the connection that Jane had built with Perry. He had obviously received the same SOS text that she had got and had come to find out what was going on.

  “Amy where is Jane what is going on what does this text mean.”

  “Perry right now we understand the same as what you do. Jane went for that meeting with the psychologist that was believed to have been set up by our supervisor but it wasn’t. So right now we have no idea what trouble Jane is in that she felt the need to send an SOS or how this guy happened to know about the tongue. Now you need to stay calm and wait here we really need to get going.”

  “Yeah like hell am I waiting here if some maniac has my girl.”

  With that Perry rushed back over to his awaiting car and sped back out of the car park. Jane had obviously told him earlier where the office was because Perry didn’t even hesitate in direction. Amy realized that they better get moving faster otherwise Perry was going to bust in there and cause a whole hell of a scene. Amazingly with how fast Perry was going they managed to reach the office buildings car park at the same time. Red and blue lights blazing the whole way there had definitely sped up their journey. Amy called out to Perry to wait but he wasn’t listening. Part of Amy was pleased that he had so much panic for Jane’s safety he really must care about her but another part was scared that he was going to go in guns blazing and set a delicate situation into an uncontrollable spiral. Their supervisor was still studying Perry with an unknown curiosity and bemusement that he was there at all. Perry didn’t stop to wait to find out what Amy wanted he ran straight to the elevator all Amy Ian and their supervisor could do was follow. The rest of the reinforcements waited below as they travelled up Amy was not even sure what floor they were meant to be going to but Perry seemed to be eerily in control. He selected the ground floor hoping there was going to be a lobby to show where the Doctors office was. The elevator had just come to a stop when Perry was already barging his way out of the doors and going over to the sign. Dr Tad Woodrow was on the fifth floor, which he had all to himself. So if there were any kind of commotion up there no one would even know about it. They all quickly rushed back over to the elevators and he smashed his palm against button number five not even caring whether they had left anyone behind or not. Amy was still trying to reach the Detective her mobile phone was constantly in her hand she had been trying to
ring her from the minute they left the station. She had made nineteen phone calls and sent ten texts none of which had been replied to. Amy had never felt so lost or worried, her detective wasn’t only her boss or colleague she had become a valued friend to Amy. The thought of what this man had done to the other girls was all that filled Amy’s head. In a most inhumane way Amy was glad they had also taken Layla at the same time. Perhaps having the both of them would give them more chance at finding both of them alive. Not that Amy would wish any harm to come to the fifteen-year-old girl. The elevator binged to say they had reached the correct floor when once again there was a commotion of barging and pushing all trying to get out of the elevator as fast as possible. Amy was shocked when they fell out into another waiting area and reception that was obviously for the psychologist office. Standing behind the desk looking rather shocked at an overtly angry Perry and three police officers all done up ready for a fight seemed to have scared the receptionist into a stunned silence. Perry was already berating her as to the whereabouts of Jane. But all the poor young girl could do was stammer.

  “I’m sorry Sir I don’t know what you’re talking about. The Doctor is busy with a patient at the moment and doesn’t wish to be disturbed please take a seat and wait.”

  “Excuse me mam I am the supervisor in charge here. Now I don’t care what the Doctor is busy with call him out here now.”

  With that the receptionist flushed bright red and proceeded with buzzing the doctor. After three attempts and no answer.

  “I’m sorry sir he isn’t answering he is exceptionally busy.”

  “Well if he wont answer you I’ll just have to interrupt prerogative of a police investigation when your Detective has gone missing as well as a fifteen year old girl.”

  With that he turned sharply on his heel and started marching down the corridor towards the Doctors office. Perry who had been sitting rather quietly in a surrounding armchair lifted his wilted head from his hands and followed. Amy was shocked when they made it to the Doctors office and found that the door had been left unlocked but there was no one inside. It was obvious a struggle had occurred with the last person that was here. A lamp had been knocked of the side table and magazines had been strewn all over the floor. When Amy looked down she spotted the Detectives phone on the floor. The last thing she must have been able to do was send the SOS text to her and Perry. From there nobody knew where she went and they had no idea how to find her. That was one thing they did not have a location.

  “Sir it’s the Detectives phone. This struggle this was definitely with her we need to get the scene of crime techs in here see if we can pull this good Doctors finger prints find out who this man really is.”

  “Good make the call Police Constable I am going back to have a word with our receptionist. And you sir are a civilian you shouldn’t be here no matter what relationship you have with the Detective. Now unless you want to land her in more trouble you will follow me to reception and wait in a chair where I can keep an eye on you.”

  Perry went to object but he caught Amy shaking her head at him so he sullenly followed their supervisor out to the lobby. Amy had the crime of scene guys there in record time. They started dusting for prints and they cleared Jane’s phone out to Amy. The only thing Amy did was take Perry’s phone number out of her contact list. She sent him a small text saying not to worry that she would keep him in the loop with the investigation. Amy also knew that Perry had been looking into their mob guys so she asked if he had found out any useful information. He said he had and was meant to be telling Jane tonight when they met up but that obviously wasn’t going to happen. It was too long to explain in a text and their supervisor was keeping too much of a close eye on him for him to move to tell her. Amy decided it was best to go to him perhaps maybe then her Supervisor might lighten up on him if he realized that he was helping.

  “Ok Perry were looking into Jane try not to worry she is a strong and resourceful woman she will be fine. Were getting her back. The information you found out for her maybe a key to helping what do you know?”

  “The mob guys one he definitely has nothing to do with it one of my guys checked into him he is on a very short leash with his boss doesn’t have time to take a piss by himself let alone do anything else. But the other guy I originally told Jane was dead because after he done a short stint in jail when he was like twenty something he disappeared. His boss told everyone that he was dead because it doesn’t look good to have a guy run out on ya. Your boys are meant to be too scared of your boss to just leave right. So anyways he started the rumor that his guy had been murdered even pinned on a rival gang so a whole war started over it but it turns out that guy isn’t really dead.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Thaddeus Mansfield is his legal name. But he went by the name Jude. It’s what they all called him I don’t know how that can help.”

  “I believe and this is just a hunch but Thaddeus Mansfield is probably DR Tad Woodrow. He will have prints in the system so as soon as I get some useable prints from the crime techs were be able to confirm. But what has he got against Jane. This seems to personal.”

  “My guess he was arrested in Essex maybe Jane had something to do with it.”

  “Ok were be looking into that too. Don’t suppose you happen to know anything else about this Thaddeus?”

  “No I’ve got some mates looking into his background as to whether they know when he was originally in Essex where he lived or if he got any family here. Don’t you worry I’ll find him.”

  “Ok but Perry everything has to be done by the book you know that right. This guy Jane wants him to pay for what he has done. Jane believes in the system so it means for once your going to have to work for the system.”

  “Don’t worry Amy I might be getting a job within your system helping out your drug squad and boy do they need it. I’ll do it all by the book I’ll get you the information you need and your lot can do the rest. Just when it comes to finding Jane I want to be there. I want her to know I came for her.”

  “Ok Mr. Fierce you’re on board and I will also let Frank know down at drug prevention and relations what a help you have been. Cleaning your slate I see. Right I got all I can from the receptionist lets head back to the station and were go from there. You Mr. Fierce can go do what ever you do.”

  With that Perry hoped in to his car and sped off and the rest headed back to the station. Amy hoped that her supervisor had a plan. As much as she had been working this case with the Detective she felt like a lost little schoolgirl without her. When they pulled in at the station the supervisor filled them in on everything the receptionist had said. She was there to greet the Detective and the Doctor come out and took her in to his treatment room he told his receptionist to go take her break as there was no one else due in for another hour. When she came back the Detective and the Doctor was gone and the room was a mess so she set about cancelling his last patient and filled away all the paperwork. Then we showed up and she had no idea what had actually gone down or where either of them had gone. The supervisor asked her if this was normal behavior of the Doctor because she didn’t seem suspicious as to why a disturbance had gone on in his office at all. The receptionist said she had assumed the Detective had got upset during the routine questions that a psychologist would ask, seen as it was an after interview of a traumatic event, and the doctor had drove her home. She didn’t see anything suspicious in her reasoning behind it at all and was shocked to think of anything else that could of happened. Some field police had gone out to the abduction site of the new young missing and found that she hadn’t left her study group because of feeling of unwell but because it was time to go home. They came to the belief that it was her parents that picked her up on her way home drugged her possibly and took her to the holding location. Once she was there they reported her missing as never returning home from her study group. They found out from her friends that Layla had a drug problem. She had been smoking weed for the past two years and had man
aged to get onto taking ecstasy. They said that her family was quite well off her dad is an accountant with his own company and her mum does lots of charity work but is hardly ever there because she is always at different meetings and what not so Layla spends a lot of time on her own and gets a generous allowance. So she fell into the drug crowd to try and get her parents to notice that she wasn’t happy but they just referred to her as an embarrassment to their good name and tried sweeping it under the rug so no one found out they didn’t help her in anyway. Her friends spoke quite badly of Layla parents and said that each had offered their support to her and one of their parents had found out and started taking Layla to counseling and were slowly getting her off the drugs. But Layla still had a long way to go. Her friends said Layla had become quite scared of her father in the last few weeks he had been talking about cleansing and purging her soul and that he was going to help her but it wasn’t her turn yet. Her friends had said that Layla suspected her father of being involved with the murders of the other young girls that had gone missing but was too frightened to say anything to the police.

  The DVLA had got back to them about the white fiesta van that was seen near the dumpsite of their second victim. Funny enough it was registered to one of their mob guys and it had an address with it. Amy decided to get in contact with Perry to see if he knew anything about the car and the address. They had also managed to get onto traffic cameras to find out what car could have possibly stopped to pick up Layla. They found that the same dark blue ford escort had been used again. Amy was holding on to nothing but hope that the address they had gotten for their white fiesta van lead to something. Their Supervisor was organizing putting together a task force to go to the address. Just in case that was where the Detective and the young girl were being held he wanted a soft entry to minimize risk to anyone inside the house panicking and killing any hostages. It was going to take another couple of hours to get another task force together and fill out all the paperwork. The Superintendent now seemed to be a little more understanding of why politics get in the way on investigations so much and why Jane herself has so little patience for them. The Detective had once told her the Superintendent had told Jane she would never progress any further in the force if she didn’t learn the importance of politics and keeping all the fat cats sweet. Jane had told him that it wasn’t a case of needing to learn the importance of politics it was more a case of learning to care that they are there. Seeing her Supervisor get so angry at having to fill out so many forms to put in a request for another task force amused Amy but also made her anxious yet again because it brought all thoughts back to Jane. Amy was interrupted in her reminisce by Perry walking into the station.


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