Naughty Spanking Three

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Naughty Spanking Three Page 13

by Miranda Forbes

  Or had her cunt been throbbing for quite some time? It was difficult to say with her arse cheeks aching. Tim’s hand had made them sting so much, she’d been blinded to all other feelings in her body, but now he’d spanked them completely numb, she was able to feel the other effects of the fierce chastisement. A pleasing warmth was coursing through her body, which she assumed to be an endorphin rush, since it seemed to deaden any last trace of pain, while at the same time triggering a fiery sexual glow inside her. Beads of hot moisture wet the lips of her pussy, and she pushed out her arse cheeks once again. But this time she wasn’t encouraging Tim to spank her even harder. Instead, she rubbed her bum against his crotch.

  “Christ, you really are a bad girl,” said Tim, who’d been gearing up for another firm strike. “I’m trying to teach you a lesson here.”

  “Well, there are others way of doing that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like fucking some sense into me!”

  Carly’s buttocks were still pressed tight against Tim’s crotch and she could feel the firm, hard outline of his prick. It was bulging with the pent-up sexual tension that had been building inside him throughout the spanking, so she knew he wouldn’t need much encouragement to start fucking her hot, wet pussy instead.

  “Nice idea,” said Tim, unzipping his trousers and then steering his hard-on between Carly’s thighs. She was still standing in the frisk position, leaning up against the wall with her feet apart, which allowed him to enter her at speed from behind, his hands now gripped around her waist. She screamed as his manhood tore through her muscles. He had delivered the first thrust with so much force, Tim still seemed determined to teach her a lesson – it was as if he was still spanking her.

  “Bad girl,” he said, as he pulled back his hips and then powered his manhood straight back home. His full length entered Carly’s pussy, sparking a wave of fierce convulsions in her clinging cunt walls. The spasms made her pussy feel twice as tight and forced Tim to increase the force of his thrusts, but the tall, strong, athletic, dominant guard was fully equipped to raise his game. Fuelled by a mixture of testosterone and adrenaline, he rammed his cock in and out of Carly’s gash, loving how his thrusts were making her scream even louder than the firm, meaty spanks he’d given her arse.

  “Are you learning your lesson?” he yelled in her ear, as he drove his dick through her slit. But such was the level of friction inside her, and so strong were the continual waves of tension in her cunt, that she could barely even remember what the lesson he wanted to teach her was, except it was something to do with her being bad – being bad and needing punishment. But this certainly didn’t feel like a punishment to her – the non-stop thrusts of Tim’s hard dick were making her insides shudder, her nipples throb and her body feel aglow like never before. He had stoked up a pre-orgasmic fire inside her, which sent jets of warm juice gushing down her thighs, and now her arms and legs began to tremble. She was almost there. She was almost coming.

  It probably made no difference that Tim reached for her breasts and gave Carly’s nipples a sudden tweak. The tension inside her had already gone past that point – that point where she could hold it back – and now her cunt muscles churned around his dick and the juices from her pussy ran faster and thicker. She threw back her head and roared with pleasure, then she felt his cock surge through her again, and with her walls now gripping skin-tight to his phallus, she could feel how close Tim was to a climax. His helmet was bulging at split-second intervals, the throbs sparking shivers in Carly’s cunt. And then he pulled right back to the entrance of her pussy, ready to deliver a last, fierce thrust.

  Carly let out another wild roar of delight, as Tim’s full length hammered through her climactic walls. She felt his helmet pulsing deep inside her, as it showered her insides with jets of hot spunk. The jism struck her with surprising force. She could feel each bulge of Tim’s helmet quite clearly, and when he thrust again to drain his balls completely dry, she felt the first rush of climax all over again. A new wave of spasms made her cunt muscles ripple and a fresh wave of juice spilled out of her slit. But better still than those two things was the sudden sense of relaxation she felt. Because Tim had done more than just fuck her that night – he had also corrected her bad girl ways. And that’s why her buttocks felt so red and sore!

  Tim gave them a slap just after withdrawing, reawakening the welts and bruises on her flesh. She felt a satisfying tingle of pain in her cheeks, which acted as a reminder of the lesson she’d been made to learn. She was not to smoke in the office car park. And the message could not have been hammered home more clearly by the dominant security guard who’d spanked and fucked her so forcefully. She turned to face him and saw him reaching in his pocket. She wanted to thank him for correcting her errant ways, but the words got stuck in the back of her throat.

  “What’s up with you?” Tim asked, as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes, took one out and then sparked it up.

  “You’re lighting up!”

  “Of course, I’m lighting up. I always smoke after having sex.”

  “But you said this was a No Smoking area.”

  “Yeah, well, that was sort of a little white lie.”

  “A lie?” Had she just heard him right?

  “Yeah, I sort of made the whole thing up. I suppose it was rather naughty of me, but then I’ve always been a very bad boy.”

  “You can say that again,” said a dumbfounded Carly. “You’re a very, very bad young man, indeed.”

  “So, does that mean I need a good spanking, Miss?” Tim asked, with a mischievous grin on his lips.

  It was a naughty suggestion but Carly rather liked it. It would be fun to turn the tables on him.

  “Yes, it does,” she said, immediately getting into character. “So report back here tomorrow night, at nine o’clock sharp, and don’t be late.”

  “Yes, Miss,” said Tim.

  “Oh, and Tim,” added Carly, “I’m going to have to confiscate your cigarettes.”

  “Oh, Miss!”

  “Hand them over!”

  She was gasping for a fag now, so she snatched the packet and her lighter from him and lit one up. A quiet cigarette was what she’d come outside for in the first place, and as she took the first puff, she felt a need for peace and solitude.

  “Dismissed,” snapped Carly, and the naughty schoolboy daren’t argue. He skulked away into the darkness. But he’d be back again tomorrow – she was certain of that! And this time it was

  his arse that was going to get spanked.

  The Worm Turns

  by Beverly Langland

  Occasionally you find yourself in an odd situation. One you never imagined. You slip into it by degrees in the most natural way. Yet caught in the midst of such bizarre events you are suddenly astonished and wonder how in the world it all came about. So it was that I came to have Julia Pemberton – former school bully and my teenage nemesis – naked and draped across my knees waiting for me to spank her. Up until that point I had failed utterly to humiliate her – even though I had her strip naked for my amusement. Make no bones about it, Julia’s humiliation had been my goal from the moment I let her into my flat. It was my sole intention and I was determined to succeed! Even though the sight, the feel of her flawless nakedness, so warm and soft against my thighs, made me tremble.

  It seems unlikely that a timid sparrow such as I – the gawky girl denounced to the whole school as a filthy lesbian by the same bully sprawled now at my mercy – would ever have such a chance for revenge. I could hardly believe it myself. I had always consoled myself that violence can never be justified. Yet, given the opportunity for retribution I found myself too weak to resist. As it turned out, the shy, confused teenager I once was did discover she was a lesbian. It seems that Julia had known even before me. Though to my mind that didn’t mitigate the years of misery Julia put me through.

  Imagine my surprise when I met her in a gay club. Admittedly the club’s clientele are not exclusively gay and
for some reason – probably because they have no rendezvous of their own – some members of the fetish scene have taken to frequenting the ‘Velvet’ at the weekend. So I didn’t jump to any conclusions as Julia approached the bar. I recognised her immediately and such was my awe of her I had to fight an irrational urge to flee. She sat on the stool next to mine and smiled. Such a beautiful smile. Such a beautiful face. It still haunts my dreams. I knew that despite my trepidation Julia’s smile would keep me rooted to the spot. Julia offered to buy me a drink and I accepted. After a few moments of small talk she suddenly stopped and looked directly into my eyes. Hers looked as menacing as they always had and I felt my legs turn to jelly. Even if I wanted to I doubted I had the strength to leave. “You don’t remember me, do you?” she asked.

  I debated whether I should give Julia the satisfaction of admitting I did. I even contemplated slapping her face and making a run for it, or – goddess forgive me – grabbing her immaculate blonde tresses and ruining her beautiful face by smashing it into the bar. I did none of these things. What I really wanted was the same thing I had always wanted – Julia. Besides, I didn’t want to admit how much she had hurt me. “No, should I?”

  “I suppose not. We were at school together. I’m afraid I was rather horrid to you.” She held out her open hand in a gesture of friendship and I instinctively took it in mine. It felt soft and warm, not hard and cold as I imagined it should. She was made of flesh and blood after all. “Julia Watson – Pemberton as was.”

  “Yes, I remember now. I’m the filthy lesbian.” She quickly turned away. I studied the back of her head with some satisfaction imagining her whole face aglow with embarrassment. Maybe she did have a conscience. Julia took a slow sip of her drink, composing herself, before turning back to face me. “Listen, I’m sorry about the whole bullying thing. Truth is, I admired you, admired the way you faced what you are head on.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?”

  “A filthy lesbian.”

  Before I had time to protest I was facing that beaming smile again. I wanted to be angry – not only for that remark but for all the cruel things she had said in the past. Yet somehow I found myself smiling back. “Well, you had a strange way of showing it.”

  “You frightened me. I was going through a similar turmoil. I felt scared and alone. I didn’t want to be different.”

  “No one does at that age.”

  “I guess not. I certainly didn’t want to be forced into confronting my demons, which was what you made me do when you came on to me. I overreacted, lashed out at you, perhaps the one person I could have confided in. Once the bullying started it was easier to keep the focus on you.”

  “And away from you!”

  Julia took another sip of her drink. “I’d like to make it up to you.”

  “How do you propose to do that?”

  At that moment we were interrupted by a lesbian couple dressed in what I can only describe as bondage gear. They squeezed between us to reach the bar. The younger of the two – a pretty thing – wore a collar bearing the unimaginative inscription ‘pussy’. Julia eyed the girl appreciatively, though for her part the girl avoided eye contact. I didn’t know whether to feel sorry for the girl or empathise. She looked so vulnerable. So delectable. I tried to attract her attention but she remained with her eyes downcast until her companion led her away.

  “Oh, I don’t know ...” Julia watched the retreating couple. “Maybe you could make me your slave for the evening?”

  I stared at her open-mouthed. “I don’t think so!” I find a lot of people have misconceptions about my lifestyle. Despite my sexual preference I am actually a conservative sort of girl. I’ve never sought anything ‘kinky’ and to be honest the direction of Julia’s conversation made me uncomfortable.

  “Why not? I’ll let you do whatever you want. I’ll even let you spank me.”

  “No thanks.”

  “Really? Surely you’d like to punish me. I bet you’ve been dreaming of it for years.”

  “I don’t need revenge,” I lied.

  Her eyes twinkled wickedly. “OK. Spank me for fun then?”

  “I’m not into spanking.” I hoped fervently Julia would change the subject.

  “Well, I’m wet just thinking about it.”

  Now, believe this or not, I hadn’t gone to the bar looking for sex. Companionship maybe, but not sex. I’m not promiscuous. Yet the thought of Julia wet and aroused was enough to turn the head of a saint. I couldn’t help but wonder ...

  Julia was beautiful, more so than I remembered, and the pang of adolescent love that I felt for the girl – love that I once foolishly declared to her in confidence – had again risen to the surface. Judging from the heat burning between my legs it seemed the desire she once invoked in me was also still there. Despite the intervening years, Julia still held that unfathomable power over me. I am ashamed to admit that I was still a little frightened of her. It is irrational, I know. I am a grown woman, a successful solicitor – confident both within my profession and with my sexuality. Still, Julia’s sudden reappearance after all that time unsettled me.

  Needless to say, we went home together later that evening. Julia is the mistress of manipulation and to be honest she made me feel flattered that she found me desirable.

  “Your place would be more convenient,” she said. Reluctantly I agreed. It was during the short walk there that I formulated my plan. Julia had indicated she was into spanking games. Surely I would have no better opportunity to exact some revenge, to at least vent my pent-up feelings. I needed to strike while I had the chance. So, with some trepidation, I let the bully into the safety of my sanctuary.

  I made us both a drink then waited while we made ourselves comfortable, taking the chance to build up enough courage to confront her. I put on some music. “Dance for me,” I said after a while.


  “You did say you’d do anything.” I attempted to sound commanding, donning a borrowed persona I considered fitting for the occasion. At first Julia seemed confused, yet she played along as if accepting some unwritten challenge, as if she knew it was my intention to break her. I watched her dance, finding her movement highly erotic. I delayed putting the rest of my plan into action for as long as I dared, but then my mind made up, I ordered her to strip.

  She smiled, flashing me her perfect pearly white teeth. “As you wish,” she said, stepping out of her short skirt with a grace that had me immediately enthralled. She pulled her halter over her head, revealing her beautiful breasts. I was transfixed. It wasn’t that they seemed big for her slight body or that they looked as firm and full as they had when I’d first seen them in the school showers. It was that her nipples had grown hard as soon as they were free of the material. Julia was excited.

  Julia stared intently into my eyes while she slid her panties off. She stood naked, other than her earrings and stilettos, and posed defiantly, hands on hips. I couldn’t help myself. I took in the splendour before me. I studied her breasts, stared at the fine hair between her legs, at the enticing ridge poking through. I had waited a long time to see this object of my desire. That’s how I wanted her to feel – as an object. My object. Yet, despite Julia’s nakedness it was I who felt intimidated. She turned slowly, letting me look, and then stood, legs slightly parted, saying nothing. Waiting.

  I let her wait. Why not? I was terribly turned on by having my own beautiful doll to play with. Though, when I looked up to her face, her eyes sparkled, just as they had when she taunted me at school. She cocked an eyebrow, seemingly waiting impatiently for me to be done with my useless charade, then approached and draped herself across my lap unbidden. Her breasts hung against my thigh. “Well?” she chided, wriggling her perfect bottom seductively, inviting me to punish her. When did I say I would spank her? I hadn’t. After all these years Julia was still calling the shots, still taunting me.

  What was I thinking? I tried to regain control. She had me aroused, but that wasn’t what this was about. Th
is was discipline. Punishment. Humiliation. Revenge. Not play. Not sex. But I couldn’t bring myself to hurt her. I just wanted to gain her attention, to make her realise how her callousness had affected me all those years ago. Julia seemed delighted with my hesitation, as if she had anticipated my every move. Julia always managed to remain one step ahead, always got the better of me. Still, her assumption that I was too weak to follow through incensed me.

  I hit her hard with the flat of my hand. Then did it again. Then again on each cheek. Julia didn’t put her hands up to protect herself as I had expected, didn’t cry out. Instead, she spread her legs a little and pushed herself into my lap. This was not what I’d intended at all. My ineffectualness angered me more. I struck her again. Harder this time. In fact, I lost count of the number of times I smacked her. Certainly until her bottom cheeks were a rosy red, until my hand stung from the effort. During this time Julia made no complaint at all. I admit I gained some satisfaction when she occasionally whimpered, yet she truly seemed to be getting off on the pain. It was obvious Julia was getting wet, so I kept going, driven by my sudden power to make her leak. Finally, she put her hand across her bottom and shouted, “Stop!”

  I did. In the sudden quiet I realised I was shaking. We were both shaking. Her buttocks were a flaming red and I noticed that in my frenzy I’d caught her thighs and, with her legs spread, in between them. There were red finger marks dangerously close to the wet opening of her vagina. I felt suddenly ashamed with my loss of self-control, felt at odds with Julia’s reaction to the spanking. I could smell her scent. Nice girls didn’t react that way. Then, I had never considered Julia as particularly nice.

  Still, I was excited by her response. I was grateful that Julia couldn’t see my face as I traced the raised outline of the inflamed skin with a fingertip. She said nothing about this. Julia lay passively and just let me fondle her. I was suddenly at a loss and chided myself for not planning ahead, planning past the revenge of the spanking. I had no idea what I was supposed to do now. My intention hadn’t been to arouse her. Quite the opposite. Yet it had. Worse – and to my horror – the spanking had aroused me. As Julia squirmed on my lap I too had grown excited. I just had to touch her – for my sake, not hers. So I drew my hand lightly over her moist pussy, surprised how wet she had become. I let a finger trawl slowly between her distended lips, drawing her creamy moisture over the hard bud of her clitoris, lingering, feeling her throb insistently beneath my quivering fingertip. “Please ...” she whimpered as I drew my hand away somewhat reluctantly.


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