Knocked Out By Love (Love to the Extreme)

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Knocked Out By Love (Love to the Extreme) Page 15

by Abby Niles

  Blow jobs before had been a chore. She hadn’t enjoyed giving them, but did them anyway, because it was part of sex. With Brody, she wanted him in her mouth, wanted to hear the grunts she brought out of him with her slow suction. And he cooperated. With each bob, his breathing became choppy, his hips jutted forward to greet her open mouth, his hand tangled in the hair at her nape.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as his grip tightened on the strands, giving that splendid sharp tug she enjoyed so much. She moaned around him.

  Fuck was right. She liked fucking this man. Any way. Anywhere. She finally felt empowered as a sexual being. She had him in the palm of her hand—literally and figuratively.

  All because she had finally embraced herself. Believed in herself and her abilities inside the bedroom.

  Brody had given that back to her.

  “Stop,” he muttered as he pulled his hips backward, away from her mouth.

  No questions as to why sprang into her mind. No worries she was doing it wrong taunted her. All she felt was complete womanly satisfaction at bringing him that close to coming, and a wicked grin stretched her lips.

  “Woman,” he said, with a raw husky edge. “You and that mouth. Damn.”

  Her grin only spread. Brody tugged her up then lifted her into his arms. She let out a surprised little yelp. “What’re you doing?”

  “My mouth has a craving right now, too.”

  He carried her over to the couch, gently sat her down, then lowered to his knees in front of her. Without hesitation, she parted her legs.

  “I love seeing you like this.”

  She loved being like this. As he lowered his head, she thread her fingers through his hair and gave herself over to the splendid sensations that his mouth evoked through her body. She allowed herself to be selfish. Allowed it to be only about her. Didn’t worry about time, or how long he was down there, or why she wasn’t coming. She simply was.

  And she couldn’t think of another place she’d rather be than with Brody creating these sensations over and over again.

  Hours passed in sex-filled haze on the couch, in the kitchen, and finally in her bed. They took turns teasing, kissing, fucking…coming, until she felt like there wasn’t a muscle left in her body.

  Everything about this night had been wonderful. She shifted to her side to face Brody, who was lying on his back with one arm raised above his head on the pillow, a weird expression on his face. Definitely not like the relaxed one he’d had from the moment she’d dropped to her knees in front of him.

  “You all right?” she asked.

  He jerked a little and then turned his head toward her with a strained smile. “Fuck, yeah, I’m great. You know how to suck the energy right out of a man.” He fell silent for a second before saying, “I need to get home.”

  A heavy feeling settled in her stomach. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted him to stay right here with her. Wanted to know that she’d see him again tomorrow. That it wouldn’t be another week before they went out again.

  Everything about this was confusing. She didn’t want a relationship, but at the same time, that was exactly what she wanted—with Brody.

  As he heaved himself out of the bed in all his naked glory, her eyes hungrily raked over the defined muscles, not knowing when she’d see him like this again. He walked toward the hall where his clothes were laying and said, “I’ll text you.”

  Then he was gone. No kiss. No good-bye. Nothing.

  And she hated it.

  Chapter Nine

  Brody weaved around Blake’s jab then countered with a left hook into his side. Blake dropped his hands then bounced back as he ripped the headgear off.

  “You’re looking good there, cuz.” Blake slipped between the second and third rope and jumped to the floor.

  Pulling off his own headgear, Brody followed his cousin out of the ring to a bench. Blake handed him a cold water bottle. “Thanks.”

  He sat down beside Blake, and they both drank their water in silence for a few moments before Blake asked, “What’re you plans tonight?”

  “Taking Scarlett out.”

  It’d been another long fucking week of not seeing her and trying to keep things casual.

  He could feel his cousin’s gaze on the side of his face, but he avoided making eye contact, worried he’d read more in his expression than Brody wanted him to see.

  “How’s that working for you?”

  Like shit. “Good.”

  “Yeah, I believe that. My guess is the reason you keep checking your phone after each session is you’re looking to see if she texted. You can’t get her out of your head, can you?”

  He never should’ve told the ass anything. Brody glared at him for being a goddamn know-it-all.

  But Blake was right. He did keep checking his phone to see if she’d contacted him. Why he was driving himself crazy with that was beyond him. She had never initiated texting him. Seemed she had a much easier time during their days apart than he did, and it bugged the shit out of him.

  Because he hated texting. He only allowed himself to do it because he had to reach out to her somehow. What he really wanted to do was call just to hear her voice, talk about their day, laugh together. Though Scarlett probably wouldn’t think twice about him doing so, for him, personally, he would be crossing a line. He couldn’t treat her like a girlfriend. He either had to be her friend, which he didn’t think he could go back to, or a woman he only had sex with—which was no longer working for him, either, because he wanted to do stupid couple shit with her.

  He didn’t know what to do.

  “Yeah. You can’t.” Blake answered his own question, then gave a disgusted scoff and shook his head. “I knew this was a bad idea the moment you told me about it. You can’t go into an arrangement like that with a woman you’re already feeling for. You’re setting yourself up for failure, bro.”

  No-fucking-duh. “I couldn’t let her do this with another man, either.”

  “Man, you’ve got yourself fucked into a corner. What are you going to do about it?”

  That’s the question he’d been asking himself since he’d left her bed and forced himself to walk out of her house in the early morning hours—almost a week ago, now. He was being very careful to space their “dates” out. Lot of good it was doing, though. She drove him crazy when they weren’t together and then drove him crazy when they were.

  Fucking ridiculous.

  “I’ve got to win her.”

  Blake clapped him hard on the back. “There you go. Go after what you want. It’s a shit-ton better than this limbo you’re in with her.”

  Brody took a long drag off the water bottle. Again, Blake was right. They’d only made the arrangement a little over two weeks ago, but he was quickly learning he couldn’t keep sex separated from emotion—at least, not where Scarlett was concerned. He didn’t want to spook her, either. A slow build would be the best approach. Holding her hand, kissing outside of foreplay and sex. Real couple shit.

  Tonight, he’d experiment with it.

  “Umm,” Blake hedged. “Scarlett is living with Delaney, right?”

  Brody studied his cousin. Blake had brought up Delaney more than once, and at weird times. “Dude, are you interested in her or something?”

  “Nah. At least, not in the way you’re thinking.” He sighed. “We hooked up in the Bahamas, and, you know… I live here. She lives here. I wouldn’t mind revisiting that.”

  “I can ask Scarlett for Delaney’s number.”

  “What are we, fifteen? No numbers. But, maybe probe around and see if you can figure out where she likes to hang at. I’ll arrange an accidental bump-into.”

  “I can help with that. Scarlett mentioned Delaney likes to eat her lunch at Centennial a few times a week to take pictures.”

  “Just a few times a week? No actual routine.”

  “I didn’t ask. She just mentioned it.”

  “Well, that’s better than nothing.” Blake clapped him on the shoulder again. �
�Thanks, cuz. Now I need to get showered. I’m taking Mom to dinner tonight. It’s her birthday, and she’s been real down in the dumps this week, missing Dad.”

  “Have fun.”

  He watched Blake hurry into the locker room. Ever since his father had died, he’d been trying to keep his mom busy. But after losing her husband of thirty years, Aunt Bell just wasn’t the same anymore. He’d give Blake props for trying, though. He tried to make his mom smile whenever he could.

  Brody stood and headed for the locker room, too. He had no plans to shower here. He had to go home and get ready for a serious night of courting.

  Operation “Win Scarlett’s heart” would officially start.


  Something felt different about tonight.

  Scarlett smiled her thanks to Brody as she slipped her hand into the crook of his offered elbow. He led her from the fancy Italian restaurant and out onto the downtown Atlanta sidewalk.

  Three hours ago, she’d received a text from him that said, Dress up.

  So she’d put on the dress that she’d bought for their first night out. Brody had shown up looking handsome and sexy in black slacks and a silky, button-down, bright blue shirt.

  Dinner had a very romantic feel to it. Brody had sat across from her, his face shadowed from the dim lights inside the restaurant. A single flicking flame from the candle in the middle of the table gave them most of their light. Classical music played in the background. Everything was hushed. Softened.

  If she didn’t know better, she’d believe that she and Brody were on an official date. But that couldn’t be the case. Maybe he was just in the mood for something a little different tonight. There was nothing wrong with wanting to get dressed up and go out—even if it was with someone you were only supposed to be having sex with.

  Her feelings after Brody had left that night had led to a week of internal debate about what she wanted. In the end, she had to take the advice Delaney had given her. She had to be honest with herself. Once she stopped letting her brain convince her that she wasn’t ready for a relationship, and allowed her heart to take the lead, everything fell into place.

  She wasn’t the kind of girl who could do a casual, friends-with-benefits deal. She wasn’t made that way—she sure as hell wasn’t made to have amazing sex then be dropped off at her apartment or left behind afterward. She missed him too much during the week and was way too excited when he finally reached out to her.

  She wanted a relationship with Brody instead of this casual affair. He was open to that, he’d said as much when he’d come to her the first time. Now it was her turn to come to him.

  She tilted her head to give him a side glance as they strolled through downtown Atlanta. “Dinner was amazing. Thank you.”

  He gave her a pleased smile. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  She slid her hand from his elbow and down his forearm, then linked their fingers together. Brody’s eyes shot down to their joined hands, then back up to hers. Questions resided there.

  “What do you have planned next, Mr. Minton?”

  “I thought we’d take a carriage ride.”

  “I like that. Will you put your arm around me?”

  He stopped walking and pivoted his body toward her. She could feel his intense gaze all the way to her core. “I’d love nothing more,” he whispered.

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth to cover the thrilled smile. Because she’d love nothing more, too.

  Brody led her down the sidewalk then stopped in front of one the carriages and paid the driver. After they were seated, he wrapped his arm around her and tucked her close to his side. He threaded the fingers of his other hand with hers. Her heart squeezed tight.

  Being in Brody’s arms like this felt so right.

  They rode in silence. She paid no attention to the passing scenery. None of it mattered. What did was being here with Brody, the feel of his lips skimming across her forehead, his fingers tightening around hers, the weight of his arm pressing her into his side.

  She felt loved and cherished, and it was amazing—even more powerful than being sexually awakened.

  Was it possible that she and Brody were meant to be?

  Everything about them was compatible. After falling in love once and seeing how badly her marriage had ended, the idea of allowing someone that close again was terrifying. But Brody was getting under her skin. She had two options: end things with him, or allow them to progress to a real relationship.

  She had promised herself she was putting her happiness first.

  Brody made her happy.

  And he was worth taking another stab at this love thing.


  He’d held Scarlett in his arms like a true partner.

  That thought kept revolving in his head as they drove back to his place. Something had changed between them. Something big. He hadn’t wanted to ask during the carriage ride, not while finally holding her the way he’d craved for years, but now it was time to see if they were on the same page. The last thing he wanted was to scare her off because of his hopeful thinking.

  He glanced over at her, sitting in the passenger seat of his car, staring out the window. Her features were relaxed, as if nothing were on her mind. That was good. Scarlett wore her emotions on her sleeve.



  “Am I taking you home tonight?” It was the only question that he had to ask, as far as he was concerned. That answer would give him all the information he needed on how to proceed.

  She turned her head toward him, and the sweetest smile graced her lips as she looked at him. “No.”

  His chest expanded with shock and excitement. It had happened. After all these years, Scarlett was his. His.

  An answering grin pulled at his mouth. “Okay.”

  He pressed the gas pedal closer to the floor.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled into the garage. Nervous energy coursed through him, making his palms sweat. Tonight he wouldn’t just fuck Scarlett—they’d make love.

  After they rode up in the elevator to his condo, they stepped inside. The last time they’d gone out, they hadn’t made it past the threshold before Scarlett was on him. He didn’t want it to be like that tonight. He wanted to enjoy not only her body, but being with her.

  As Scarlett turned toward him, her intent evident on her face, he immediately stopped it with, “Want to watch a movie?”

  Surprise crossed her features as she digested his words. “That sounds fun.”

  Curling up on the couch with the woman he’d loved secretly from afar, now knowing he could love on her openly, any fucking time he wanted, did sound fun.

  “Go get on the couch. I’ll get everything ready.”

  After she sat down, Princess already climbing onto her lap, he picked a comedy from his collection, popped it into the DVD player, then turned off all the lights so the glow from the television was the only light in the room. When he turned back to find Scarlett whispering to his cat as she stroked its fur, his breath caught tight in his lungs, causing an ache in his chest.

  Scarlett was his. She was in his home, on his couch, petting his cat. Though she’d stated otherwise just a few weeks ago, she didn’t want a no-strings-attached arrangement any longer. She wanted strings. She wanted attachment. With him.

  She’d chosen to be with him all on her own.

  Euphoria hit him. He no longer had to keep his distance. No longer had to control his emotions for this woman. They were finally going to get their chance at happiness. A possible future together.

  Something he never believed he’d get a chance to have with her.

  She looked up, and her eyes rounded. “What?”

  “Just taking in how beautiful you are, and how lucky I am.”

  Pleasure brightened her face as she patted the cushion beside her. “Cuddle with me.”

  He didn’t have to be asked twice. He rushed to take the seat next to her. Scarlett sat up and gently lowered Princess to the
floor, then she repositioned herself so she was curled into his side, cheek pressed against his chest, hand resting on his stomach. Brody lowered his arm around her shoulders.

  Emotions clogged his throat, and he swallowed hard. Fucking Scarlett had been an unforgettable moment. But holding her intimately meant so much more to him. He kissed the top of her head.

  She tilted her head back to look at him, their lips only inches apart. As they stared at each other, the air grew heavy around them. He’d kissed her, yes, but they’d always been lust induced. Though his hunger for this woman would never abate, he wanted to truly kiss her for the first time. Slow. Thorough.

  He brushed his mouth across hers, then did it again. When her palm cupped his cheek, he deepened the kiss, tugging her closer to his side. As he swept his tongue inside, she strained up toward him. Using all his self-control, he ripped his mouth from hers and turned his attention back to the television.


  “Right now, I just want this.”

  He felt her gaze on him, but he kept his focus on the movie. Finally, she snuggled back against him, laid her head on his chest, and linked their fingers together.

  A contented smile turned up his lips. Right now, just holding her was enough.


  Tonight had been wonderful.

  Scarlett tugged on the black T-shirt Brody had lent her to wear to bed. The hem stopped mid-thigh, and it was at least three sizes too big on her, but a warm rush of emotions washed over her. She’d loved the intimacy they’d shared so far tonight.

  It’d been so long since she’d been held sweetly, like she meant the world to someone.

  And now she was going to share his bed, not to just have fun, but to sleep. Such a small thing, really, but for them, it was a huge step in their relationship.

  Did he snore? Was he a cover hog? Restless sleeper?

  The questions popping into her head made her smile. Yeah, she’d been adamant that she didn’t want anything serious with a man, but she didn’t have any hesitation in her choice now. She looked forward to waking up to his handsome face in the morning. To starting a new routine with him.


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