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Bend Page 21

by K. Bromberg

  I had something for her to lick. In fact, it had her name and hers alone on it.

  The thought stopped me cold. Realization took hold, my fever for her burning me from inside.

  She had to be the one to get me off. Only her touch, her lips, her pussy would do. Until then, I would continue down my maddening spiral into hell, lust consuming me until there was nothing left but a devil bent on taking her.

  “You’re so fucked.”

  I leaned forward and slammed my head against the table. “I think I need some air.”

  “You need something, but air isn’t gonna help you.”

  My eyes were glued to her as she moved around, noticing how she avoided looking in my direction. She recognized me from the church. Was she embarrassed?

  Curiosity added to my already-insane attraction, and I wanted to know why.

  Why was she avoiding me? Why did I need her so much? Why her?

  Why couldn’t I stop wanting her?

  By beer six, an appetizer, a passed hour, and my obsession avoiding me, I was pissed in both the British and American sense. I batted the newest empty bottle around the tabletop until Dex’s hand slapped down on it.

  “We came here to drink, watch the game, and have a good time. Your moody, hyper sexed-up ass is fucking that up.”

  “We also came to take a load off.”

  “Not get a load off.”

  I flipped him the bird. “Keep it up, and you aren’t coming with me. I’ll leave your ass with the bitch and the prissy boy.”

  He smirked and passed me another beer. “Nah, you need me too much. I’m better looking.”

  “Hell, no.”

  “It’s true. The girls at the gym did a poll.” He flexed his muscles and grinned. Corn-fed Indiana farm boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Add in the body he spent too much time on and the tattoos, along with his ultra-friendly personality—he could be hotter than me. I’d never admit it to his ass though. It amazed me his girl put up with him.

  “That’s because you’re always taking your shirt off and flirting with every female that walked in. Monica always got mad when I looked at another woman.”

  “I still won.”

  I shook my head. “I demand a recount.”

  A shudder rippled through me right before Hope arrived at our table with our pizza in hand.

  “She’ll settle this.” I pointed to her, shocking her enough to look up at me.

  Her fucking doe eyes were a gut punch. I imagined them looking up at me with her mouth around my cock.

  Dex shook his head. “Yeah, she’s not a good judge.”


  “Huh?” Her brow scrunched up, lost to the conversation I’d thrust her into.

  Mmm, thrust.

  My hips flexed, and I fought the incredible urge to touch her, to lean forward and lick her skin. Losing my inhibitions with her around was a bad combination.

  Dex turned to her. “We’re having a debate on who’s hotter, but I already know who you’ll say.”

  Her brow scrunched, and a clarity I hadn’t seen moved through her. “What does that mean?”

  “Are you going to tell me you’d say me after the eye-humping that’s been going on between you two?”

  Her mouth and eyes popped open as she stared at him. I wanted to give him shit for calling us out, but I’d become transfixed by her parted lips. The image of running my cock head against them before pushing into her hot mouth was squashed when she turned to me with an angry pout and attempted glare, then walked away.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He dished out a piece of pizza, grinning as he eyed it. “Truth is tough sometimes. Just seeing if your little obsession can handle it.”

  I looked in the direction she went and sighed. “I don’t know if she can handle me.”

  “There is that. You’re gonna have to fuck her before you can get to know her.”

  I pulled a piece onto my plate and tossed some crushed red peppers on top. I sighed. “This didn’t turn out to be the relaxing night I’d hoped for.”

  He tipped his head back and laughed. “That’s ’cause your dick isn’t being touched by that girl of yours.”

  My brow furrowed. “She’s not mine.”

  “Yet.” His smile fell, and he let out a hard breath. “In all seriousness, the chemistry is obvious. I wasn’t kidding about you fucking her before seeing if there’s something more permanent than the lust that’s pouring out of you.” He pulled the last beer out of the bucket and popped the top. “And instead of being the third bad thing to happen to you in such a short time, she could be the one good thing.”

  Two questions went through my mind with his comments. Was he right about a good thing, and was I capable of handling all of that?

  A half hour later, I patted my overly stuffed stomach and had a nice buzz going on. I texted Cassie to pick me up in about thirty minutes. There was no way I was going to attempt to drive. I knew my limit, and I hit it two beers and four pieces of deep-dish pizza ago.

  Hope remained scarce while we ate, and refused to even look at us when she dropped off the check. I blamed Dex for embarrassing her.

  When she reached for my credit card, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward me to whisper in her ear. “I’ll be back for you.”

  A blush spread on her face as she looked at me. She licked her lips as she pulled away.

  I continued to stare at her, my body buzzing. “I am so fucked.”

  Chapter 4

  The morning after seeing Hope at Union Jack’s, I awoke just after eight with a small hangover and dried jizz all over my skin and clothes. The memory of masturbating while thinking about her was clear, but I must have fallen right to sleep after I came.

  After a shower, I headed downstairs. Cassie and Mom were playing cards on the dining room table. I smiled, happy to see Mom looking perkier than she had over the last few days.

  “Morning.” Cassie smirked at me.

  The devious tone in her voice set me on edge, and I narrowed my gaze at her before grunting in return. I poured a cup of coffee and grabbed a protein bar, then headed in to join the girls. Mom looked up at me, and I kissed her head as I walked around the table, making sure to ruffle up Cassie’s hair as I moved to take a seat.

  Cassie slapped at my hand, scowling up at me. “Be nice. I left my warm, comfy bed to come pick your drunk ass up last night.”

  “It wasn’t that late.” I peeked at the scorecard. The cards told me 500 Rummy, and the paper told me Mom was winning.

  Go, Mom.

  “No, but I was snuggled in bed with my husband.”

  “Oh, you were gettin’ it on.”

  She shook her head while Mom’s chuckle danced around the room. “So, you going to tell me about this girl?”

  My brow scrunched up. “What girl?”

  She rolled her eyes and set down a row of cards before discarding. “I had the unfortunate sight of a bulge in your pants when you got in the car.” She made a yacking sound.

  “Hmm, that. Well…it’s complicated.”

  “Good to know your equipment still works.” Mom didn’t even look up from her cards as she muttered under her breath.

  Cassie and I turned to her with what had to be matching looks of horror on our faces.


  “I…I don’t know what to say to that, Mom. What the hell?”

  She shrugged and laid down some cards, ending the hand. “Well, with what happened with Monica, I wondered if she might’ve given you something that made your wiener fall off.”

  Cassie howled with laughter, banging her hand on the table and giving no care to the fact that she’d just lost their game. I couldn’t stop staring at my mother, who smiled as she tallied up their scores.

  “And on that note, I’m outta here.” Cassie slid her chair back and stood. She leaned over and punched my shoulder. “Tag.”

  I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. “Thanks, Cass.”

  She mussed up my hair, g
etting me back for earlier. I glared up at her. She was lucky I hadn’t done anything with it yet.

  “Later, cranky.” She hugged Mom and kissed her cheek. “Darren and I will be over for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “All right.”

  She waved goodbye, and silence filled the room. Mom looked around the room for something to do.

  “You up for another game?” I motioned to the cards.

  She smiled and began shuffling. Guess I had my answer.


  Thirty-six hours after seeing her, I still had Hope on the brain. It was accentuated by the three-mile trek back to the parking lot to get my truck. Luckily, Dex checked for me, and it was still there and not towed.

  I spent the entire day before with Mom, and completely forgot to have Cassie drop me off on her way to work. After all, her store was a block down Broad Ripple Avenue from Union Jack’s.

  My attempt at running the distance was squashed by my hard dick trying to bounce around in my shorts. I should have put on some compression shorts instead of the boxer-briefs I wore. Hindsight was supposed to be twenty-twenty, but all I saw was Hope. I couldn’t stop—thinking about her, wanting her, needing her, and desiring her. It was too much. I knew where to find her, and I planned to see her again.

  As I passed my sister’s shop, I banged on the window and stuck my tongue out at her, scaring some of her customers and their furry companions. She screamed “hoodlum” at me, but I pretended not to hear as I continued on.

  I thought about going straight to my truck and getting to the gym, but I wanted to see her. When I stepped into Union Jack’s, the hostess perked up, staring a little too hard at me. Her appreciation of me could be used to my advantage.

  “Hi, how many?”

  I smiled at her. “One in Hope’s section, please.”

  Her posture dropped, and she lost the vibrancy she’d shown when I entered. “Hope’s not in today.”

  “Do you know when she’s working next?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not allowed to say.”

  I leaned forward, giving her a good view of my arms. “What’s your name?”


  “Adriane.” Her name rolled off my tongue, and she shuddered, giving the effect I wanted. “Adriane, it would mean a lot to me if you told me when she’ll be back. I promise I won’t tell anyone you told me. She was a really good waitress, and my friend and I were a bunch of drunk asses the other day. I wanted to apologize.”

  She blinked at me. “Oh. Well…” She looked down at a piece of paper. “Looks like she’s scheduled tomorrow.”

  I smiled and took her hand in mine. “Thank you.”

  “Y-you’re welcome.”

  I walked through the restaurant and out the back door to the parking lot and my awaiting truck. As I headed off, I formed a plan. Dex was right, as much as I hated to admit it—I had to fuck Hope, and soon. Only after, with a clear head, could I take her on a date. That was if she said yes.

  I’d given up trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and gave in to the devil in me that wanted her flesh.

  When I walked into the gym with a smile on my face, I felt good. The emotion swiftly vanished when I saw our receptionist and scheduler, Dawn, leaning over the front desk and whispering frantically with Aaron, our youngest trainer.

  My neck tensed and my jaw clenched as I walked forward. Something was wrong. Dawn’s eyes widened when she looked up and saw me.

  “H-hi, boss.”

  I looked between her and Aaron—who looked so nervous he’d turned white.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, Monica had me come in today for a few clients.”

  Dawn bit her bottom lip. “Andrew, Ashley, and Teri.”

  I turned my neck, my whole body tensing up, my fingers curling up to a fist. “Those are my clients.” They both nodded, and Aaron turned pale. “Is she here?”

  Dawn shook her head. “She’s off today.”

  “Then she just caught a break, didn’t she?”

  Aaron leaned forward. “Jared, I swear I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  I held my hand out to him, and he slipped his in mine for a shake. “You’re good, man. Calm down.”

  “If he’d been Shone…” Dawn trailed off.

  I nodded. “That’s a different story.” I reached out for the week’s schedule. It was all marked up, many spots with my name crossed off. The following day was the boxing class, and I tapped my finger over the event.

  “Dawn, I hired you, and you’ve been a great employee. That being said, I have to ask you where your allegiance lies.”

  She wasted no time responding. “Monica talks down to me like I’m a fucking incompetent toddler. She’s always telling me I need to lose weight because I represent the gym.”

  Aaron’s eyes snapped to her figure, and he slowly looked up and down the length of her body. Kid had it bad for her.

  I stared at her and shook my head. Dawn was petite, five-two and maybe weighed 110 pounds soaking wet. She was healthy and looked good. Her brown hair and brown eyes added to the girl-next-door look she had going on. Many of our female clients saw her and wanted to look like her. They didn’t want to be like Monica.

  I let out a strained breath. “Don’t lose a damn pound. You look great, and it’s obvious Monica and I no longer see eye to eye on what this gym represents.” She smiled at me and played with the zipper on her hoodie. I turned to Aaron next. “How about you?”

  “I know I’m still a newbie and all, but you took me under your wing. I’ve seen the underhanded shit she’s done to you.” He held out his fist. “I’m all yours.”

  I bumped his offered fist and nodded. “Okay, good.” I looked back down at that damn boxing class. “Do you have the list of people signed up for the Thursday class?”

  Dawn nodded. “Yeah. There are six people, and most of them are new members.”

  “Call them all up and tell them it’s been cancelled for Thursday and moved to tonight.” I looked to Aaron. “You up to teach a class?”


  “Yeah. You’ve been taking my class and helping me for months. Plus, I’ve been watching you with your clients. Time for the next level. Besides, it’s a small class—you’ll do great.”


  “I’ll be able to help out if you need me, and we can talk this afternoon if you need any tips.” I looked back to the schedule. Dex would be in later, along with Alexa. She’d had more than one blowout with Monica in the past, so I knew she would be on my side. By some luck, Monica’s followers were all off for the afternoon as most of their clients were in the morning.

  “We’ll be good today, but not a word can be said to Candice, Jordan, Mike, or Stacie.” They both nodded. I looked up at the clock above their heads. It was almost noon, and Andrew wouldn’t be in for about an hour. “I’ve got to do some things in the office.”

  I flipped the schedule around and pushed it toward Dawn before walking around the desk.

  “Boss?” Dawn stopped me, and I turned back to her. “I know it’s been rough for you lately, and I’m pretty sure you’ve been thinking about your future here. If you leave, will you take me with you? I like working for you, but I’d have to quit if you left and Monica took complete control.”

  Her words gave me a pick-me-up, and I smiled at her. “Deal.”

  “Me, too!”

  I rolled my eyes as Aaron raised his hand. “Back to work.”

  I closed the office door behind me and collapsed into my chair. It felt great to have the support of my employees, and Dawn’s admission along with the support of some of my other employees had me thinking more and more about opening a place on my own.

  The gym may have been Monica’s idea, but it’d been my skill that got it off the ground and gave it four successful years. With us no longer together, our working relationship had gone from strained to bad. Our business was suffering because of it and had become a sinking ship in my

  Dex had a large client base that Monica was shifting to Shone, and her degrading remarks to Dawn pissed me off. Dawn was the one to find and set up our scheduling software. She kept us a well-oiled machine. Alexa was not only a trainer but a nutritionist as well, and she and Monica did not mix well. Add in an eager Aaron, who was great with every member I’d seen him come in contact with, and they made for a great team.

  I flipped through my contacts and pulled up the numbers for my lawyer, and my friend, Dave, who was a commercial real estate agent. It wasn’t the right time for it, but it was the necessary time to get things moving. For my own mental health, I needed to separate from Monica completely.

  Chapter 5

  Aaron did a great job teaching the beginner’s boxing class. So well, in fact, a few of his students signed up for personal training with him. He seemed so excited.

  The call with my lawyer went well, and he started the paperwork to separate me from Title Fitness. Luckily, we’d been talked into a Partnership Agreement when we opened up, something I was very thankful for as it was going to make what would’ve been a messy separation so much easier. However, I wasn’t happy when he told me it would take about ninety days for everything to settle and that he needed to meet with both of us.

  In other words, I needed to get a new place very soon. There was bound to be a shit storm when Monica found out I planned on opening my own place with half our employees.

  We had signed a five-year lease, and there were only ten months left on the contract. She could hop along by herself in that time.

  For the first time in months, I felt pretty good, and nothing was going to knock me down—not even Monica’s persistent phone calls. My phone rang again on the drive to the gym, and for the fifth time in a row, I hit ignore. I knew she was pissed about the cancelled class. Two could play her little game.

  As soon as I walked through the door, she was on me. “What did you do?”

  “Why, sweet cheeks, whatever do you mean?”

  Her face dropped at my condescending tone. I wasn’t the beaten-down man she saw a few days ago. I’d come back with a vengeance and a devilish streak.

  “You’re a fucking asshole.”


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