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Bend Page 53

by K. Bromberg

  “You are so beautiful.” He almost groans the words, the sentence cuts off my own gasp as both of his fingers circle and squeeze my breasts. Lifting them. I feel the rough prickle of his cheek as his mouth moves across their surface. Wet suction as my right nipple makes its way into his mouth, his soft play of tongue against delicate skin probing and teasing, a low moan coming out of me when he bites the tip of it gently. I sag a bit in his hands, my knees shaking, and my desire to have him making a persuasive argument against the one to have him never stop what is occurring right now. “Wait, Riley.” His mouth moves lower, his hands release my breasts, and I feel the bump of cloth against my legs.

  His mouth presses kisses along my stomach until it reaches the line of my dress, and his hands are suddenly at the back of me, fumbling over and then finding the zipper, yanking it down in one movement, and the fabric falls, leaving me one wet pair of panties away from being naked, in heels, before him.

  “God.” A reverent whisper from his mouth. A mouth that is wasting no time in moving lower. “Spread your legs a bit.”

  I obey. Moaning softly when I feel the press of his finger moving aside the silk and pushing inside of me. One gentle push inside that breaks any chance of restraint I have left. I open my eyes, look down to find him on his knees, and reach down, grip his hair, and pull back until our eyes meet. “I can’t,” I gasp, his finger pushing deeper, curving inside of me, his eyes watching me darkly, the edge of his mouth curving a little when my legs buckle.

  Thank God the man listens. He moves to his feet, pulling his finger from me and moving it to his mouth. Sucking on his forefinger, he stares down at me. It might just be the most erotic thing—wait, it is definitely the most erotic thing I have ever seen. I step forward, pull his finger from his lips and replace it with my tongue, the man taking my mouth as if he owns it, his hands gripping me to him, his kiss hard and dominant.

  I fall back on the bed, his body above me, knees moving to either side of me as he takes a final pull on my mouth before sitting up, skimming his fingers down my breasts, the lines of my stomach, hooking into the sides of my panties and dragging them over my hips, his body rolling off me enough to free my body from the last bit of resistance.

  “My turn,” I breathe, sitting up and reaching for his belt.

  He obliges, rolling onto his back and letting me unbutton his shirt.

  I am nervous. I realize it as my fingers loop buttons through holes, each minor accomplishment revealing inch after inch of strong chest, covered by a thin layer of hair. He is a man, more man than anyone I have been with. My last boyfriend was a leftover from college, a frat boy turned pharmacist, who never let go of the shaggy haircut that every boy from the South seems to don like a badge of honor. This man, whose chest is strong and wide, his eyes dark and heated, his touch, which trails patiently down my back, is firm and confident. I know, with no degree of uncertainty, this will be different than any other experience I have ever had. That this, however fleeting and short in commitment, will rock my world.

  I pull at white material, tugging fabric from pants until abs are fully exposed, a line of thicker hair leading down the ripped path of his stomach to a belt buckle, a break of skin against dark fabric. I slow down, pull hesitantly on the leather, the cold metal of the clasp so foreign in this hot bed of sexual tension. Then his hands push me aside, three quick movements having his pants undone, zipper down, belt open, and cock out.

  The groan out of me is unstoppable. It rumbles, turns into a hiss, and then my hesitation is gone, and I pounce on it, diving with greedy lips, my frantic fingers trying to pull him down the bed, as I slide down his body and onto my knees on the carpet. I need it all. I need to feel the slide of skin against bone, need to feel it respond on my tongue. I want to taste every inch of it. Suck on his head until he gasps. Take him as far down my throat as I can, damn the gag reflex. Obsessively worship him with my mouth until he is half as hungry with lust as I am.

  I can’t believe I am doing this. On my knees, in a stranger’s hotel room, his body following my lead, sliding to the end of the bed, sitting up, his hand settling on the back of my head, pushing with encouragement as I take his gorgeous cock in my mouth. I am naked in front of this man, any prior relationship with modesty having jumped ship, his eyes nothing but worshipping in their perusal of my curves.

  He is almost without taste, my mouth working hard, yearning for a response, the squeeze of sweet hitting my tongue. And, despite my subservient position on my knees, it is empowering to have his most sensitive organ in my mouth. I look up at him, my eyes watering slightly as he takes the moment to pull me further onto his cock. God, the look in his eyes. Singular focus on me. His mouth dropping open slightly as I increase the pressure of my suction. The ownership of his stare even as his lids drop slightly, my name coming out as a hiss on his lips.

  “Get up,” he growls. “I need to be inside of you now.”

  Hands suddenly on my wrists, stopping my motion on his cock. Lifting me to my feet, I am on the bed before I can think, my back dragging across the duvet as he puts me into place.

  A slowing of time. His hands firm and patient as they spread my legs, open me before him. Any concern I have over my naked body, the pounds I really should have shed before hitting vacation mode in a bikini … everything is swiped away by the shudder in his sigh, the look in his eyes as he drinks me in, his fingers opening me up, his mouth lowering for a few back-arching seconds as his tongue dips inside of me.

  Then he withdraws. Drags his fingers down my legs and stops at my ankle. Works the strap with his fingers, caresses the curves of my foot as he pulls off the stiletto.

  “Is this what you want?”

  “My shoes to be taken off?”

  The heel drops to the floor with a soft thud. I look down, past the V of my legs, at the naked man before me, a hand settling on the outward jut of his cock, wrapping around its base, stroking it as he stares at me, meets my eyes, for one silent moment. Salt air sweeps over my skin, my legs still spread, fingers of coolness softly brushing over my open sex. I am so wet I can feel a drop sliding down the crack of my body.

  “This. What I’m about to do. Is it what you want?”

  “Yes.” I don’t need to hesitate before speaking the words. I don’t need to think, to analyze. I threw reason and safety and good decisions out the window as soon as I walked through the door to this suite. I traded logic for a touch that I desperately crave, a connection that is dropping that perfect cock and moving to my other foot. Working the straps to that heel. Fingers teasing the arch and ankle there.

  The heel comes off in his hand, and he tosses it away. Grips my ankle, moves his knees on the bed, until he is before me, his cock placed against the wet mound of my sex. His hands on my inner thighs, delicate movements that are turning rougher, stronger. He presses on the back of my knees, lifts my legs until my thighs brush my stomach, thrusts forward with his hips, dragging his hardness back and forth over my clit.

  I whimper. I can’t help myself. I can feel the loss of control, feel the breakdown of my mind as pleasure takes over and I become a loose mess of want before him. I am so close to begging, need his cock an inch lower so badly I’m two steps away from taking that matter into my own hands. “Please.” The word slips from my lips as he continues, the underside of his cock now slick with my juices, the steady drag on my clit so perfect that my plea is suddenly counterproductive seeing as the only thing I want to do right now is stay in this moment until I break.

  Shove, pull. Shove, pull. I prop myself up to get a better look, the eroticism of seeing his bare cock, head and shaft tight to the point of ripping, the muscles in his stomach sliding under the tan skin, the evidence of my arousal, my need growing. His skin in the moonlight, reflections of white in his eyes, the groan from his mouth that tells me his self-control is as stretched as my own.

  I don’t want to come like this. From just the rub of his cock. How tightly stretched is my arousal that just this brush
with him can bring me to my knees? I push against his chest, squirm underneath him. “Please, I can’t. I’m about to …”

  “I need it.” His gruff voice is close to my ear. The consistent firm strokes continue, the pump of his cock back and forth back and … OH MY.

  I stop it somehow. Gasp for breath. Try to focus. Try to fight a battle I am seconds from losing. I don’t know why I am fighting it. How I am managing. But all I know is that every second of this is incredible, and I don’t want to lose it—can’t lose it. Not right now. Not just yet. I need another ten seconds, or fifty, or five hundred. I need this man to never stop anything he is doing, to—

  My elbows give out, and I collapse, my back bucking, every muscle in my legs contracting as the purest form of ecstasy blinds my world, grips my heart, and shudders through my body.


  A metallic scrape. The rip, crackle. I see a bit of gold flutter to the scrunched fabric of the white duvet. Moving my eyes to between my legs, I see the hot brand of his cock lifted, busy in his hands, wrapped and secured, then his hands still, and I drag my eyes up, over his stomach, which moves slightly with heavy breaths. Up over the strength of his chest, the defined muscles in his shoulders, the shadow on his face, the swollen breath of his lips. His eyes, blazing with intensity, watching me carefully as he growls out a sigh. I don’t move, don’t pull my eyes from him, but feel the weight of latexed cock against my sensitive clit as he leans forward slightly, a finger surprising me when he presses it through the seal of my sex.

  A moan sighs through my lips at the change in his eyes that occurs, the drug of arousal moving through them, dulling his spark, his mouth opening further. He closes his eyes for a moment, his finger moving slowly and deliciously inside of me, and then reopens, control reestablished. I don’t want his control. I want him ravaging me, taking me harder, rougher, his strength untapped, sexuality grabbing ahold of him and dragging him by his lapels to the throne of me, where he will forever be my sexual slave.

  “Are you sure?”

  I groan in response, his finger cupping, stroking. My pussy so wet I am shaking for him.

  “Answer me. I need to hear it.” His voice is rough. Control shaken. Good.

  I open my eyes. Reestablish contact. Let him see the resolution there. “Yes. Please. Now.”

  He leans forward, braces himself above me on the bed, his face a foot from mine, my vision filled with the beautiful look of Brett, and shifts his hips down slightly and thrusts.

  Mother of—I whimper, reach up and grip his shoulders, pull him closer as my mouth opens in silent exclamation. It has been too long. I can’t go without it for this long ever again. On second thought, maybe the reason this feels this incredible is because I have been without. But either way, the stretch of my muscles around his cock … the heat inside me as he slowly thrusts, in and out, back and forth, my silent cries turning a little louder, becoming words, moans, begs, pleas. “Don’t ever stop … Brett—I … “

  He gives it to me slow. Letting me adjust before his speed picks up, thrusts roughening right at the moment when I am ready for it. I wrap my legs around his waist. Dig my heels into the lickable meat of his ass. Squeeze the heat of his skin with my legs, stare up into his face as he buries his cock in repeated succession, the quickened pace containing an edge of desperation, of wild inhibition.

  “Right there, I’m about to …”

  I bellow, the howl of a woman overtaken, and he groans at the sound, lowers his face to my neck, inhales my scent as my voice breaks. I lose all focus, all ability to understand anything but that he hasn’t stopped, hasn’t slowed, is carrying me on this high which is not, will not stop, until it takes ahold of my soul and makes me his own.

  He pulls me back to life, gripping my face with both hands, lowering his face to mine, and diving into my mouth. Kissing me strong. Ragged breaths between deep kisses, his cock continues its steady thrust, my hands greedy against his chest, scraping across the ridges of his side, scratching lines of need into his back. Then he breaks the kiss, his hands tightening a little on my face, our eyes holding until a groan drags from his throat, his eyes closing, head dropping, thrusts slowing and deepening, until he is buried and still inside of me. His hands drop my face, my name rolls off his lips as he eases down, his body flush to mine, and it feels, in that moment, like we are fused—souls, bodies, and mind—completely together.

  Chapter 8

  My cell is ringing. I hear the familiar tune, the beats dragging me awake, my hand fumbling over the empty bedside table. I wake more, hanging half off the bed as my fingers trip over carpet until they encounter my purse. I answer it a second short of too late. “Hello?”

  “You slut!” The screech of Mitzi’s voice is way too loud, and I pull the phone away from my ear. Blink in the darkness. Try to figure out where I am. One bed, not two. Room twice as big as the one I spent last night in. Movement comes from behind me, and I look over my shoulder to see well over six feet of dark gorgeousness watching me, on his side, the dawn light contrasting with the intense look that he rocks so well. ‘Good morning,’ he mouths, his hand reaching out, wrapping around my waist and pulling me flat on my back. He is on one side, head propped up on one hand, eyes on my face.

  “What do you want?” I mumble into the phone.

  “I just got back to the room. I know your prude ass can’t be shacking up with that delicious piece of man you left with last night.”

  “I can’t talk right now.”

  “You know wheels are going up in three hours.”

  “Then you should get some more beauty rest.”

  A snort. The beginning of some lecture. I hang up the phone, lock it and toss it onto the floor in the direction of my purse, before rolling toward Brett and closing my eyes. I try to memorize the look of him in morning shadows. It’s a good look. Way too good of a look. “I’ve got to go back to my room.”

  “No you don’t.” He bends over, pressing a kiss on my collarbone. Pulling at the sheet, he reveals a breast. He exhales, moves his mouth to that spot with soft kisses until I push him off. Cuddle into the crook of his shoulder. Rest my head on him when he lies back against the pillows.

  “I have to go back to Georgia.”

  “When?” The word vibrates through his chest, and I roll closer into him. Run my hand over his chest.

  “One. Which means I need to pack, and shower …”

  “… and eat breakfast.”

  I look up at him. “Maybe.”

  “I’ve been told that I’m excellent at ordering room service.”

  “I’ve been told that I’m excellent at eating it.”


  We eat on the bed like kids, cross-legged, cartoons on the TV, trays on the crumpled sheets before us. I lean over, swig a generous swallow of mimosa from the flute and then return it to the bedside table. “So … Mister …” I tilt my head at him. “I don’t know your last name.”

  He scowls. Brings a forkful of omelet to his mouth and chews thoroughly before swallowing, the clench of his jaw as he chews drawing my attention to the strong curves of his face, the way dark stubble makes the green of his eyes pop. The gulp of his throat is somehow sexy. “Jacobs.”

  “Jacobs. Why the Bahamas, Mr. Jacobs?”

  “Isn’t that a question you should have asked me before you …”

  I raise my eyebrows as he struggles for words. “Before I what?”

  He meets my playful gaze. “Trusted me with your body.”

  I shrug. “Jena has your business card. She makes a practice of digging into every aspect of my life. I’m sure she has your blood type and latest draft of your resume by this point. She hasn’t called to warn me of anything, so I think my body is safe in your hands.”

  When his eyes darken, they become hunter green. A heart-stopping change. Intensity looks incredible on this man. “I’m here for pleasure. I enjoy the fishing.”

  My eyes pick up on his tan, the flex of his forearms as he reaches forward and snags
a piece of toast. I suddenly want to see him. On the deck of a boat, wearing only swim trunks. The flex of his muscles as he battles a fish. The break of his smile when he catches a prize. I’ve never seen him during the day. When the sun reflects in those eyes. I look down, scoop up a spoonful of grits, and bring them to my mouth. Chew. Swallow. Look back to find him watching me.

  “Have you caught anything this trip?”

  His mouth twitches. “Been too busy with a certain blonde to get any time in.”

  “Ahhh … sure. Blame your bad luck on me.” I shoot him a look that he finds humorous, his mouth splitting into an easy grin.

  I am digging out grapes from the fruit bowl when he speaks. “Stay a few more days with me.”

  I pause my quest for red ones. “I can’t. I have work tomorrow.” As I speak the words I realize how out of character they are for me. Blaming work. Not the fact that staying here, with a stranger, is foolhardy enough to say no. I want to stay. The warm buzz, the state of euphoria that seems to accompany every moment in this man’s presence … it is a high I haven’t experienced in a long time. New love. Love that—at previous interactions—skipped along on its merry way after a few weeks. My last experience with this heady, butterflies in my tummy, elation in my heart feeling was … high school? Almost twenty years ago, when I had fresh, unwounded eyes. Before I realized the selfishness and deceit that we, as adults, hold. The ugly truths of life that pull apart love and make relationships obligation centers that carry us from year to year, life transition to life transition.

  “What do you do?”

  His question brings me back. I pop an elusive red grape in my mouth before answering. “I’m a financial advisor. I work at a small bank in a town called Macon.”

  “Why Macon?”

  I shrug. “It was my hometown. After college I spent a few years in Athens with a guy I was dating. When that ended … I didn’t really have anywhere else to go. Didn’t want to stay in Athens. So I came home.” The super exciting story of my life. I change the focus of the conversation. “What about you?”


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