No Mercy (Cambions 2.5)

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No Mercy (Cambions 2.5) Page 1

by Dermott, Shannon

  No Mercy

  Shannon Dermott

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  First Edition

  Copyright © 2012 Shannon Dermott

  All rights reserved.

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  To my fans


  To my beta readers,

  Paige Rice and Kris Kendell, thanks for all the input and time you gave. It was way more than I could have ever asked for.

  Karla Calzada and Alana Rock, thanks for everything; your input, supreme effort and swift time. You both are invaluable commodities.

  Table of Contents

  Author’s Note. 6

  Chapter One. 7

  Chapter Two. 11

  Chapter Three. 14

  Chapter Four 18

  Chapter Five. 21

  Chapter Six. 25

  Chapter Seven. 29

  Chapter Eight 33

  Chapter Nine. 37

  Chapter Ten. 40

  Chapter Eleven. 43

  Chapter Twelve. 45

  Chapter Thirteen. 48

  Chapter Fourteen. 50

  Chapter Fifteen. 52

  About the author 55

  Author’s Note

  Although this novella is set before Beg for Mercy, for optimal enjoyment, it is best to read this novella after Waiting for Mercy. Characters from both books may be mentioned in this story in small and large ways without much background information on who they are. In writing this, I have assumed you already know. In addition, some details about some of the characters that aren’t revealed until after you’ve read both books maybe spoiler for the two previous books when reading this short story. Thanks again and enjoy.

  Please note this novella is for mature audiences. It may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17. There maybe use of excessive language and sexual situations.

  Chapter One - Flynn

  Sitting in my car, I watched as the dark haired beauty passed by. She was chattering away with that red haired friend of hers who was always attached to her at the hip. Walking by, her infectious smile showed because she wasn’t looking at me. If she had been, her face would have shown nothing short of contempt. I didn’t understand my fascination with the girl. There were certainly easier targets. Even her friend didn’t glower every time she saw me.

  “I don’t see what you guys see in that Mercy girl,” I vaguely heard spoken to my right. It hadn’t been said very loud, so I ignored that comment. I continued to watch that girl tuck a loose hair behind her ear hoping she wouldn’t turn my way, notice my stare and scowl.

  The bright side was it was spring and the girls were coming out of their winter shells. And she was no exception. Hidden in baggy clothing, I could still make out the shape of her…

  “So?” the girl sitting in the passenger seat spoke, reminding me why I was still in the parking lot at school.

  Turning, I viewed the blond bombshell. A junior and a year ahead of me didn’t stop her in the least from making a request to “talk” to me after school. Her pink pouty mouth looked moist and kissable. Her fair skin and colorful cheerleading uniform were a contrast against the dark interior of my car. For a second while her mouth moved I heard nothing. Instead wondered just what it would be like to kiss those lips.

  “Flynn,” she said sharply, sounding a bit irritated.

  “Yeah,” I said, a pause and then silence quickly followed. I went ahead and added, “Sure,” because the look she had suggested she wanted an answer. I wasn’t certain what I’d agreed to. But the way she’d questioned me with just my name, I went for broke. The one word seemed simple enough and damn the consequences. I wasn’t going to ask her to explain again.

  She narrowed her eyes at me. The frown suggested she was onto my bullshit. She knew I hadn’t been paying attention, I would bet on it. Waiting a single moment for her to call me on it, her face morphed into a pleasant expression. Maybe a hint of wickedness showed there too. “Your place or mine?” she asked in challenge.

  Damn, she moved fast. I knew that look in her eye. I could feel her emotions roll off of her. Lust. What the hell had she been saying to me? Never one to back down on a challenge, I thought about her question, your place or mine. Conclusion, I didn’t relish either location. I wasn’t in the habit of taking girls back to my house if there were other options. And lately, I’d had too many close calls at girls’ houses. Dads and brothers were always constant threats, popping home at the wrong time and such.

  Still thinking, I looked up into the waiting pool of students on the front lawn. That girl I’d been eyeing was nowhere to be seen. Turning the key, I pushed the thoughts of her to the back of my mind. Now I would focus on Amanda. She was the key to getting my life back on track and too bad about the timing. Only this morning, I’d finally broken up with Shelli. Putting the car in gear, I couldn’t help but think of Shelli’s tear strewn face when I had told her it was over.

  Turning on the radio, I’d hoped to block my thoughts on that subject too. I could have engaged Amanda in conversation but she might bring up something she’d already said that I’d missed. Or maybe she’d back down on what I knew was her challenge and I needed what she was offering. Shelli and I hadn’t done much lately because I knew I had to break things off. And the thought of what I had to do, put me off on dealing with any other girl in the meanwhile.

  Amanda continued the silence while relaxed in her seat. Godsmack was blaring loudly just the way I liked it and she didn’t complain. Score one for me. I had to admit that I might just like this girl on principle alone. She seemed uncomplicated and not needy. But I’d thought that before and had been totally wrong.

  Despite the music, nothing could keep my mind quiet. The look on Shelli’s face, her heartbreak, her begging, then her curses, haunted me. Being with her hadn’t been the complete enjoyment it should have been. I should have listened to my gut and left her alone.

  The ride was brief and all too soon we pulled into Dewey Park. The place was empty, so at least something good was going my way today. Putting the car in park, I cut the engine but left the juice going so that the hard core guitar solo filled the airspace between us. I didn’t bother looking at her. Having no idea what her plan was, I left it up to her to make the first move.

  It didn’t take long. I should have been a betting man when it came to her. Movement caught the corner of my eye. I wa
s sure the noise was her undoing her seat belt. Continuing to watch the water ripple, I waited. Next thing I knew, she leaned towards me with her head tilted slightly. I finally looked at her. She wasn’t looking at me though. Rather, she was pulling her long blond hair up and knotting it, I thought, at the base of her neck. Now wasn’t that interesting. If what I assumed was going to happen next was correct, she was certainly efficient.

  And I was. Amanda was nothing short of proficient and practiced. The rush of life force I’d received from her made my head tip back digging into the headrest. I hadn’t realized just how low on power reserve I was until then. No words were really exchanged except for a few mumbled curses that I couldn’t hold back. When the deed was done, she smoothed her hair and clothes and gave me a smile. Score another one for me, the girl was one for small talk.

  Pulling in front of her house, not wanting to be rude, I killed the engine. I wasn’t the bastard Shelli claimed me to be. What I did was for her. Too bad, I couldn’t tell her so. Then maybe she wouldn’t harbor heartache and hatred for me and maybe she might even be a little grateful. Hell, who was I kidding? I shouldn’t have gotten in so deep with her.

  “So,” Amanda said. I had to wonder if that was her favorite word. But I kept that question to myself. “We’re exclusive right?” she asked.

  Oh hell, so that is what I’d agreed to earlier. Just breaking up with one girl this morning, I wasn’t really ready to jump into another relationship. How could I back down now? I’d be a bastard for what just happened or I really would be a bastard on Monday when Shelli found out. “Yeah,” I muttered, thinking there could be worse things than dating her or the evil eye from Shelli and her friends. They’d get over it.

  “Fine,” she said, her eyes cast low and sexy. “I’ll call you later.” She leaned over and kissed me quickly on the lips and was out of the car before I could say another word. She sauntered to her front door and I appreciated the view. It certainly was going to get more interesting soon enough.

  Amanda was a junior, but she wouldn’t be the only upper classman girl I’d messed around with at school. Some girls just made it their mission to “teach me the ropes.” And yeah, I’d let them teach me too.

  Her movements were somehow graceful yet there was a bounce in her step. It must be all that cheering she did on the sidelines showing through. Her skirt flitted in the breeze drawing my eyes down to her legs. And all I wanted was to get my hands on them. Yes, maybe she was just what the doctor ordered. I waited to fire up the car until she got inside. I didn’t want her to think I couldn’t wait to leave even if it was the truth. However, I noted that she didn’t bother to turn around and wave goodbye. Excellent. Somehow, I doubted when the time came she would be heartbroken by a breakup.

  When I drove away, I felt like what happened between us was not much different than the kinds of business mergers my dad did for work. No, merger wasn’t it either. It was more like a friendly yet hostile takeover with me the one being bought out. Amanda had been far too confident and certain of me. Maybe I should be scared. Nah, that would be the day.

  Nearly home, I noticed a pickup truck tailing me. Its bumper getting awfully close. Pulling into my driveway, I expected the car to drive on by. When it didn’t, I silently cursed. Recognition of the car came a little too late. I’d simply dismissed it earlier. But once it pulled in after me, there was no mistaking who it was.

  Wordlessly, I said a thank you when I pulled in behind Luke’s car. The guy I’ve known my whole life and could count on was leaning on the car wide eyed as the truck behind me stopped and the driver jumped out. Luke took steps towards my car and I was grateful the guy had my back. But I could handle myself in a fight. And I knew the guy would be able to make sure things didn’t get out of hand.

  Calmly, I opened my car door. Before I did, I already had a plan. That had been decided once I realized who followed me home.

  “Brody,” I said, eyeing the guy face to face, toe to toe. Built like a tanker truck, the dude was tall as he was broad. I didn’t doubt for a second he packed a powerful punch. He was as tough as he was on the field. The local newspapers had referred to him as the next great thing to come from our town as evidenced by heavy college recruitment. But more than that, Brody was a likeable guy. I didn’t relish the idea of what was coming next.

  Seething, Brody said, “You asshole.” I didn’t even flinch at the guy's words. In fact I expected more. Much more. “You slept with my baby sister, then dumped her.”

  Okay, that’s more like what I anticipated with this conversation. At least he’d gotten to the point. But his views on things were quite skewed. Shelli had made the first move. Hell, I actually had almost no choice in the matter.

  About two months ago at lunch with the days warming again, I was sitting out on the quad with all the guys. Shelli walked up leaving her friend tens paces behind her and called me out in front of everyone. And what was I supposed to do when she laid down a challenge in front of the guys.

  “I heard you and Lindsey broke up,” she’d said. Her hands were firmly on her hips. Her shoulder length glossy black hair swung a little in her stance framing her pretty face. She wore a sexy school girl outfit down to the red and black plaid short shirt. The guys snickered after she spoke the first line. She’d known exactly was she was doing.

  “Yeah, and,” I answered. I’d eyed her black top with cleavage showing certain she’d conveniently left several buttons undone to tantalize me. It worked. I barely noticed the red sweater hanging over her shoulder. Moving my gaze down her slim figure, black stocking reached just above her knees leaving a little of her creamy skin showing. I never saw her shoes. Her voice brought my gaze back to her face.

  What she said next shocked the shit out of me. I knew then I was out of options. “Today’s my birthday,” she’d begun. “And I want you for my present.” I’d gotten some wild propositions in the past from many shameless mothers. But this was a first. With my mouth slightly parted in shock, a challenge was made that I couldn’t back down on. The guys were already cheering me on and clapping me on the back.

  Speechless, I just nodded. “After school then,” she’d said ending the one sided conversation. I watched her walk away knowing this wouldn’t be good. The guys were speaking amongst themselves and I’d felt boxed in. That day she may have looked all experienced, but all my instincts had warned me otherwise. There was no way around it though. If I didn’t leave school with her, I’d lose face with all the guys, all except Luke of course. And if I did, I knew I would regret it.

  “Flynn,” Brody called out. My name brought me back to the present. There would be no explaining to Brody what happened even though there had been many witnesses to that day. Thus, I let Brody do what came next. Turning to face the guy, all I saw next were painful stars when Brody’s knuckles connected with my jaw. Head snapping to the side, I was still steady on my feet only because I’d known it was coming.

  Shit, my face hurt like a son of a bitch. I rubbed at my jaw and should have kept my mouth shut. But that was not to be. “That was your free pass,” I said. “Now go the fuck home and tell your sister to keep her legs closed next time.”

  Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing to say. But my jaw hurt and anger had flared within me because I had to hold back from hitting the guy. “You son of a bitch,” Brody said, lunging towards me with another right jab. I was ready for him and easily caught his fist that might have connected with only a few more inches to spare.

  Brody wasn’t a slouch and immediately followed through with a left uppercut. Easily, I caught that one too. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luke stepping closer. Shaking my head a little, I let Luke know I didn’t need any help. On the surface, the guy may have been bigger, but my demon half made me stronger.

  More movement had me focused on my attacker. Brody was about to try to use his right leg in some way because the guy shifted his balance. This was the moment where I had to make a decision. Which of my crown jewels would
I save? In the end, I figured my face would hurt less. Consequently, I let go of Brody’s left hand and pivoted to miss another blow to the face. Grabbing the guy’s knee, I forced him to the ground. Unfortunately, I’d twisted Brody’s leg with more force than I’d meant to and heard the unsatisfying pop.

  Pain made anger die from Brody’s face. Now he looked more vulnerable than anything else. “Shit, man, I think you broke my leg,” Brody cried out. The twisted look the guy gave, reminded me of something that had guilt crushing me.

  Taking a step back, I scrubbed my hands over my face. This wasn’t good. Brody was the family’s way out according to Shelli. His scholarship playing football was his only ticket to USC. Their family counted on Brody one day signing an NFL contract. When Shelli had shared that with me a while back, I’d wanted to let her know that the likelihood of him making it in the big leagues was slim to none. But I’d kept quiet on that point. Who was I to state the obvious? It wasn’t my place to shatter anyone’s dream.

  Stepping around to the guy gasping and clutching at his leg, I said, “Sorry,” right before I kicked the guy in the head knocking him out. It wasn’t my shining moment. But punching him would have required me to kneel down. That just seemed worst to look the guy straight in the eye before sucker punching him.


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