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Lost and Found

Page 10

by Breanna Hayse

  “Only because you two kept waking me up. My room was right underneath Kathy’s and you would knock stucco off the ceiling into my face.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know that. Sorry.”

  “I doubt that it would have made a difference. You two did everything you could to annoy me.”

  “You made it easy, you know,” Lance grunted back. Alan just shrugged.




  The next morning, Alan came by with his nine-year old twin daughters, Keren and Kelly.

  Todd, Kathy and Noelle sat watching cartoons and the twins approached them shyly, unsure of how to act. Aunt Kathy was sick and this other lady was, as Dad had put it, different. He had also ordered his daughters, in his sternest voice, to be on perfect behavior.

  “My girls! Come give me a hug. Don’t be scared, I’m ok. I missed you,” Kathy exclaimed, holding her arms out for her nieces. The two gleefully joined her and then hugged Todd tightly.

  “Are you sick? Dad said you had to go to the hospital,” Kelly asked.

  “No, I’m fine. Your Dad and uncles are just being over-protective. You know how they are when one of their girls is under the weather.”

  “Yeah, like total bears,” Keren grinned at her father.

  “Just remember, this bear bites. Girls? This is Noelle,” Alan smiled, kissing the young woman’s cheek. “She’s going through some healing too, after an accident. She got shot.”

  “With a bullet? Wow.” Kelly was impressed as Noelle nodded quietly. She was looking at the girl carefully.

  “What happened to your face?” she asked gently.

  “Birthmark. I hate it, it’s ugly,” Kelly wrinkled her nose. “Mom said it’s the only way to tell me apart from Keren, so I have to keep it.”

  “Oh. Does it hurt?” Noelle questioned, touching it. Kelly shook her head.

  “It only hurts her when people make fun of it,” Keren said, “Is this yours? I like purple.” She picked up Noelle’s bunny and wagged it at her.

  “Do you want this to go away?” Noelle asked, still enthralled with the large red stain that covered Kelly’s left cheek and neck. Kelly’s eyes watered as she nodded. Noelle hugged her and, with a kiss, pulled away.

  The mark was gone.

  Alan froze, his hand trembling as he touched his daughter’s skin while the others stared, mouths open.

  “Dad? What’s wrong? Why are you all looking at me like that?” Kelly asked, confused.

  “Kell… she… I… go look in the mirror, honey.” Alan stuttered, turning to look at Noelle. “How did you do that?”

  “I fixed her,” Noelle said, picking up the bunny that Keren had dropped on the floor.

  “Daddy said to share and I did.”

  A happy shriek was heard in the bathroom and Kelly came out, crying as she flung her arms around Noelle. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” The young girl wept joyfully.

  Kathy reached to touch her abdomen, wonderment stirring on her face. She met Todd’s eyes. He nodded, his own face brimming with emotion. Could this really be true? How was this possible? It did not matter, as long as it was.




  “It’s urgent. I must speak to Dr. Callahan immediately.”

  “Dr. Hoffner, if this is in regards to Noelle, you need to go through his attorney. Here is his name, number, and address. Please, do not return here,” Lou said firmly.

  “You don’t understand. He’s in danger. That whole family is in danger.”

  “From that little girl? I doubt it. If anything, they are so much happier since she walked into their lives. Are you the one who left her to die?” Lou demanded angrily.

  “No! Please, I’m begging you. Let me talk with him before it’s too late.”

  “Good-day, Dr. Hoffner. I trust I don’t need to call security to see you out,” Lou stood, picking up the phone.

  Dr. Hoffner shook his head and started to leave. He turned around, hand on the doorknob. “I just wanted to warn you about one of your employees, Mr. Black. Your Dr. Hart is seeking some sort of revenge on Dr. Callahan and is hoping I’ll be the one to give it. Keep Noelle away from that man. If she discovered that he is trying to harm her guardian, I can’t say what she will do to him. Whatever it is, it won’t be good.” Lou watched the man leave and then paged Lance. Eileen answered his office phone and explained he was still in surgery. Cursing, Lou stared at the card in his hand: William S. Hoffner, PhD.

  Molecular Geneticist

  Institute for Paranormal Studies

  The guy must be a total fruitcake. Paranormal studies? What would a molecular geneticist possible want with little Noelle?




  After several minutes of hesitation, Alan finally left for work. Todd quickly settled the three girls in front of the TV with cookies and milk, then rejoined his wife on the couch.

  “Todd? How did she do that? I’m… scared,” Kathy whispered, watching the three girls carefully. Noelle sat between them, showing Bunny the TV.

  “I don’t know, but Lance is never going to believe this. What frightens me is that if she can heal, can she also kill?”

  “I can’t believe she would hurt anyone. She’s really sweet,” Kathy said in the girl’s defense.

  “Yes, but is she mature enough to know that killing is wrong? And must she touch to do it?”

  Noelle, sensing they were talking about her, turned to look at the two of them and frowned. She came over and sat on Todd’s lap. “Are you ok, Uncle Todd? Did I do something bad?”

  “No, honey. I’m wondering, though. Can you hurt things as well as fix them?”

  “The rose bit me, so it died,” she said simply.

  “That was a rose. What about people? Are you going to hurt one of us if you get angry?” Noelle’s face scrunched in pain. “No! You’re my family! I love you.”

  “Sometimes family hurt each other, though. What if you got angry with Daddy for spanking you?” Kathy asked quietly, not wanting her nieces to overhear.

  “I can’t hurt Daddy or anyone in the family. He said I’m not allowed to.”

  “Daddy forbade you?”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “Kath, you look tired. Let’s get you some sleep. Shhhh, no arguing. Noelle, why don’t you play with your cousins for a while. It’s nice outside if you girls want to play out back,” Todd interjected, seeing his wife becoming distressed.

  “We want to watch TV, Uncle Todd. Please? Mom never lets us,” Keren pleaded, her big brown eyes blinking innocently at him.

  “For a little bit and then get some fresh air,” Todd sighed, “And keep your hands to yourselves. No fighting, you two. I’ll be right back, I’m going to put your auntie to bed.”

  “Ok, Uncle Todd,” the twins sighed, eyeing each other. They were notorious for getting into arguments over TV, which was why their mother discouraged the pastime. It didn’t take long for Noelle to get bored of the show and take out her coloring book and crayons.

  Keren snorted. “How old are you?”

  “Daddy says I’m 22,” Noelle answered, outlining the picture of a horse.

  “You don’t act like you’re 22. You act like a baby.”

  “Keren, leave her alone. She got hurt and that’s why she’s like this,” Kelly said, scowling at her sister.

  “I don’t believe that. I think she likes being a baby. Why do you call Uncle Lance

  ‘Daddy’? It’s weird. He’s not your daddy, he’s your boyfriend.”

  “I dunno. Why do you call Uncle Alan ‘Dad’?” Noelle asked in return, starting to get annoyed at the child’s rudeness.

  “Because he’s my father, stupid. Don’t you know anything?” Keren rolled her eyes and walked away.

  “I’m not stupid,” Noelle growled, clutching her bunny tightly as she stood up.

  “Noelle, just ignore her. Please don’t cry,” Kelly said, watching Noelle fight back tears.

“She’s just a big, old crybaby. Leave her alone. Mom was right. She’s a weirdo, just like Uncle Lance, and they’re into sick sex.”

  “Don’t you EVER talk bad about my Daddy!” Noelle roared, charging after the girl.

  Kelly screamed as Keren was knocked to the ground. Todd ran in to find the two rolling on the floor, pulling hair and slapping each other. Kelly looked far worse for wear as he pulled them apart.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Noelle broke away from him and ran upstairs, slamming and locking her bedroom door.

  As he looked over Keren’s injuries, Kelly told him about her sister antagonizing Noelle and how mean she was, including the things their mother had said.

  Todd was livid. And frightened. With Noelle’s apparent abilities, the fight could have been fatal for his niece. He pointed to the couch. “Keren, you are to sit your little butt there and not move until your father comes to get you. I swear, I will take a switch to you if you even think about budging. Kell, come upstairs with me and let’s try to calm Noelle down.”

  “Coming, Uncle Todd.”

  Opening the door, Todd bit his lip. The room was destroyed. The bedding was overturned, furniture knocked over, drawers emptied out and clothes everywhere. Noelle was gone.

  “She must have climbed out the window. And look. She left her bunny. Is she going to be alright, Uncle Todd? She fell down far!” Kelly looked upset, clutching his hand while fearfully holding Noelle’s toy to her chest.

  “God, honey, I hope so. Call your dad and tell him what happened. I’m going out to go look for her.”




  Tears burning her eyes, Noelle stumbled up the rocky trail that she had seen Lance take every morning on his jog. Even with shoes on, the walk hurt her feet terribly, but she did not care. She had hurt her leg when she fell out the window, but she ‘fixed’ it, making the pain disappear. She needed to go far away from that mean little girl. Why was Keren allowed to hurt her family, but she wasn’t? Uncle Alan wouldn’t approve of his daughters acting that way, any more than her Daddy would, so why did Keren say those things? And Keren’s mother, a woman that she hadn’t even met, why would she say things that were so… so awful?

  Out of breath, dizzy, and feeling nauseous, Noelle collapsed on a rock wedged in the dirt at the top of the path. Tears threatened to spill again as the young woman clutched her knees to her body and began to rock herself.

  He isn’t your Daddy, he’s your boyfriend… the words haunted her. But he liked being called Daddy, and he liked having her as his little girl! What did Keren mean when she accused them of being weird? Sobs escaped her lips and Noelle broke down in a pitiful torrent of uncontrolled weeping. She didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind her, and jumped when a large hand rested on her shoulder.

  “Hey kiddo. Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself jumping out that window?”

  “Uncle Todd, I’m sorry, but she was so despicable. I had to leave so I wouldn’t hurt her,” Noelle cried, burying her face in his shirt. He held her tightly, stroking her hair. They were quiet for a while.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, baby girl. Alan isn’t going to allow Keren to get away with this, but I don’t think your Daddy is going to be happy about you, either. Kelly said that you started the fight.”

  “She said terrible things about Lance.”

  Lance? She sounded like a young adult at the moment. Lance had warned him that she sometimes slips out of her little girl persona when confused or angry. “Yes, but that doesn’t give you the right to hit her. And what did you do to your room? He’s not going to be happy about that for sure.”

  “I hate her! It’s all her fault.”

  “Noelle, she’s part of your family. A cousin, by all intents and purposes. She’s also a child and doesn’t think things through. Do NOT hurt her.”

  “Keep her away from me. And her mother, too,” Noelle growled.

  Todd kissed her temple. “Noelle, look at me. That’s a good girl. You are not to harm anyone, for any reason. Unless someone is trying to seriously hurt you or someone you love, you are never to strike back. Do you understand what I’m telling you? Words can’t hurt you or Lance.”

  “I don’t love her.”

  “Well, the rest of us do. If you hurt her, you hurt us.”

  “I can’t hurt her anyway. I just want to,” Noelle sounded resigned. “Uncle Todd, I don’t feel well. Can you take me home?” she asked weakly, looking pale again. Todd sighed, lifting her into his strong arms and carefully picking his way back down the steep trail. He tripped once, twisting his ankle, but continued while gritting his teeth. Alan was pulling into the driveway as they entered the yard.

  “Noelle? Are you all right? Todd? Why are you limping?” Alan asked, taking Noelle from his arms.

  “Sprained my ankle. She’s ok. So are the girls. Keren said some pretty awful things.”

  “Kelly told me. I’m sorry, Noelle. It seems that Keren has her mother’s judgmental attitude. She’s going to be punished and I will have a few words with your Aunt Maggie as well.

  Todd, I apologize. Next time, feel free to pull rank on them.”

  “I had to go find this one first. I’m putting her to bed for a while, she doesn’t feel well.

  When’s Lance due home?”

  “Not until he’s done with surgery, then he’ll be beat. I’ll talk with him about this. It’s not Noelle’s fault.”

  “I did strike her first, Uncle Alan. I’m sorry. I also threw another fit and destroyed my bedroom. Lance isn’t going to send me away now, is he?” she looked worried and tearful, clinging with her arms around Todd’s neck as he cradled her.

  “No, sweetheart. Please stop worrying about that. You really don’t look well.” Alan commented, also noticing how she addressed his brother. Her eyes looked dull and face very pale. “I’ll get my two together and take them home. We’ll talk later, ok?” he said to Todd.

  Kelly, seeing Noelle, ran to her and handed her the bunny. “Here, Noelle, you dropped him. Can I come over and play later? Without Keren?”

  “If our Daddy’s say we can. And if you don’t call me or Daddy names,” Noelle whispered, resisting the desire to stick her thumb in her mouth.

  “I like you. I don’t call my friends names. People called me mean things for a long time because of my face, so I know how bad it makes you feel.”

  “I would hope you don’t call anyone names, even those who aren’t your friends, young lady,” Alan said behind her, squeezing her shoulder. He kissed Noelle on the cheek, gathered his surly daughter from the couch, and said his goodbyes.

  Todd had Kathy cuddling next to him on the couch when Lance came home at 7:30 that evening.

  “Hi, you two, how was your day?” he asked, dropping on the couch, “Where’s Noelle?”

  “You look tired, big brother. We had a little adventure,” Kathy said, slowly telling him about the trials of the morning before the fight broke out.

  “You witnessed her erasing that patch on Kell’s face?”

  “We sure did. What she does is real, Lance. We don’t know how, but we can’t pretend it doesn’t happen,” Kathy said, touching her stomach.

  “I don’t want to think about that right now. It’s beyond my ability to blindly accept. Give me some time, ok? What else happened?” Lance said, trying to change the subject. This ‘ability’

  Noelle seemed to have was too much for his scientific mind to process logically.

  “Well, she and Kelly got along great.”

  “Ok, Katherine, what are you hiding?”

  “I’ll take it from here,” Todd said. He slowly explained the events, downplaying Noelle’s reaction to the bullying. Lance stood up quickly, irritation on his face as he glanced upstairs. Todd stopped him. “She’s not feeling well. She’s very pale, has no energy or appetite, and went to bed early. You should check on her.”

  “Her blood test showed she’s severely anemic,
probably pernicious. Apparently, her hemoglobin and red blood count is genetically low and she’s B12 deficit. That might explain her memory of multiple injections. B complex, Procrit, and iron shots can hurt like hell. She’s going to need them, too.”

  “Great. So who gets to do the honors with that?” Kathy groaned. Lance shrugged, pointing to himself. He headed upstairs and tapped on Noelle’s door. He had to step around the chaos to get to her bed.

  “You did quite a bit of redecorating in here, my love,” he said, softly waking her. She reached up to him, kissing his cheek lovingly.

  “Are you here to spank me, Daddy?” she asked sadly.

  “Not right this minute, but it sounds like it might be coming. What happened today?” he asked, climbing next to her on the bed and holding her against his chest. Noelle told him everything, including her confusion regarding why Keren could hurt family but she was not allowed to.

  “My girl…” Lance sighed, drawing her close, “Keren is not permitted to hurt family, she just chose to do it. I’m sure Alan will see that she doesn’t do it again. For a while, at least. You are also capable of really harming someone, where she can’t. We want to make sure that never happens.”

  “But, Daddy, I can’t make anyone hurt since you forbade it,” Noelle said, still confused and rocking her bunny.

  “Are you telling me that you are unable to harm anyone if I tell you not to?”

  “Yes, Sir. I wouldn’t anyway, because it would hurt you. And I don’t want you to ever hurt.”

  “This type of thing hurts me, though,” he swept his hand around the room. “You can still do that.”

  “It’s different. Like,” Noelle thought for a minute, “Uncle Todd said words can’t hurt you but hitting someone can. I hurt Keren by hitting her, not by touching her. I hit her hard, too. I wanted to hurt her more, but I didn’t.”

  “Don’t sound so proud of yourself. I’m not pleased about that. My parents never allowed us to fight and we won’t allow our kids to do it, either. Even our grown up ones,” he paused to lift her chin to face him. “You really don’t look well, darling. Did you eat?”

  “I don’t feel like eating. My tummy hurts.”

  “I’m guessing guilt. Ok. We’ll discuss this fighting later. Let me take a look at you.” Noelle bit her lip when he returned with his medical bag. She sat quietly as he looked in her eyes and throat, listened to her heart, and felt her pulse. She sat still as he popped a digital thermometer into her mouth and waited.


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