Lost and Found

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Lost and Found Page 15

by Breanna Hayse

  “Hormones. There, there, pumpkin…” Alan groaned, holding his wife between him and the newly forming baby bulge. He tossed the keys to his car to Lance, “Take my car tonight and get out of here before we end up having an emotional breakdown. She’s got Katherine crying already.”

  Lance quickly exited the house with Noelle on his arm and helped her into Alan’s BMW.

  “Are you as nervous as I am?” Lance asked as they started towards the city.

  “Yes. I’ve never been away from my little girl for very long,” Noelle admitted, longing for the comfort of her bunny.

  “Me, neither,” Lance laughed. “How have you been feeling without your special abilities?”

  “Strange. Although… it’s nice not having to get those nasty shots… I hate shots.”

  “I know. William and I guessed that the chemicals in your body that enabled your abilities were draining you. You’ve also been behaving yourself so well. What’s with that?”

  “I hate spankings even more than I hate shots,” Noelle wrinkled her nose, unconsciously squirming in her seat.

  “I would think so. William talked me out of hot and spicy tonight, so we’re going to try something different. Do you still remember how to speak French?”

  “Oui, monsieur. Et vous?”

  “Tres bien!” Lance sounded happy. “Let’s have an evening in Paris, then.” He pulled into the Paris Casino, left the car with the valet, and escorted his date to the Eiffel Tower restaurant. Noelle stared silently from their window seat, watching the sea of twinkling lights below her.

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” she whispered, enthralled.

  “I have,” Lance whispered, encasing her hand in his and gazing into her mesmerizing eyes. Noelle blushed prettily, a tiny, pleased smile on her pink lips.

  “You’re not too bad yourself, Dr. Callahan,” she teased, testing the waters. His laugh relaxed her.

  “Before we get too comfortable complementing each other, let’s order. I’m famished.”

  “You’re always famished,” Noelle grinned. “I don’t know what to get. There’s too many choices.”

  “Since this is your first experience, we’ll get the Tasting Menu. Do you like salty?”

  “I don’t know. Do you?”

  “Yes. I’m indulging tonight. Two for the Tasting Menu and one Golden Osetra, please.

  Pair it for me as well.” Lance requested. He winked at Noelle’s confused look, “I’ll have the sommelier select wine to go with the meal. You only get a little sip, though.”

  “Grandpa said I shouldn’t drink wine because I’ll go crazy.”

  “You’re not going to drink, you will taste.”

  Lance watched the pleasure on the girl’s face as she experienced French flavors and textures for the first time. She delighted over the caviar, groaned into her Soupe d'Ecrevisse, sighed as the rack of lamb melted in her mouth, and giggled over the Petite Fours. Her eyes widened as she tasted the wines, thoroughly relishing the bouquet and sensation to her palate.

  Lance had never witnessed anyone appreciate the experience like she did. They were relaxing after the meal, sipping coffee, when they were interrupted.

  “Lance Callahan! Imagine seeing you here. And with… a child.” The tall, leggy brunette flashed a sensual smile at Lance.

  Lance stood, hiding his disgust. “Becca. This is Noelle. My date. Noelle, this is Rebecca.”

  “My, my, you are a young one. And fairly decent looking. Where did he find you? At a daycare center?” Becca released a throaty, demeaning laugh, ignoring Lance’s attempts to silence her without making a scene. “Oh honey, I’m sorry. You look surprised. Didn’t he tell you about us? We were practically engaged,” the woman announced haughtily, perusing Noelle with her eyes. Noelle did not respond other than the narrowing of her violet eyes. “So how have you been, my dear? Do you miss sleeping with an adult woman?”

  “Keep your hands to yourself, Becca. You’ve been drinking. Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “Dropped him a while back. I got tired of slumming at the Rio.” She tossed her long, thick hair over her shoulder, turning her back to Noelle. “Other than this little girl, what are you doing?”

  “I’m enjoying an evening with a woman I care about. Now, if you would please excuse us, we would like to return to it,” his voice rumbled.

  “By all means. Watch out, little dolly, he likes to put his sugar in the bowl, but it doesn’t last very long,” Becca snickered before strolling away.

  “I’m sorry about that, sweetheart. I had no idea she would be here.”

  “You slept with her? Like in bed?” Noelle asked, her eyes flashing, “What did she mean about sugar and a bowl?”

  “Shhh, calm yourself. We were involved several years ago and broke up because she cheated on me. Noelle? Talk to me.”

  “I want to go home.” Noelle fought back tears.

  “I don’t understand. You have nothing to be jealous about.”

  “You’re lucky I can’t hurt her. Take me home. Now.” Noelle demanded, hissing under her breath.

  Lance frowned. “You are over-reacting. I love you. There is nothing between Becca and I.”

  “Fine. If you won’t take me home, I’m walking,” Noelle said, storming away from the table.

  “Noelle, come back here. Damn,” Lance snarled, quickly paying the tab and then leaving to find the incensed girl. He started searching, pushing down the anxiety in his heart as he realized this whole environment was beyond her ability to comprehend. He asked around trying to find her, but no one he asked had seen her.

  Desperate, Lance finally called home for help. “Todd? Put your PI hat on. Noelle got pissed and ran out on me. Where would she go?”

  “What did you do, old man?”

  “Becca showed up and Noelle got a taste of the little green monster. She reacted very poorly.”

  “Poor kid. Ok, look for something familiar. She should migrate towards that.”

  “She has no idea how to survive in the city, Todd, let alone this city. What am I going to do?”

  “Get a grip and look around. You’ll find her. She won’t go far. Kathy said her feet still can’t handle walking for long.”

  “Ok, I’ll let you know. Is Alan still there?”

  “No, he took your truck and dragged the family home. I was going to take Kath out to see a movie. Do you want me to hang around?”

  “No, go ahead. I think I know where she is. I’ll talk to you later,” Lance said, eyeing the huge pool at the base of the tower. It was quiet and secluded, with lights reflecting through the water much like his pool at home.

  Sure enough, he found Noelle sitting alone on a lounge chair, staring at the water with her back to him. Lance took off his jacket and draped it across her shoulders, and sat next to her on the lounge.

  “Why did you run off? You know that makes me worry.”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “You don’t like being alone, remember? There is nothing to be jealous about. She’s part of my past. And not a good part.”

  “You didn’t tell me about her.”

  “We haven’t really had the chance to discuss my past relationships with you. This is your coming out, remember?”

  “I don’t belong in this world. It’s too much.”

  “It’s part of growing up, Noelle. Another part is not having tantrums when things don’t go your way. I understand you being jealous, but why take it out on me?”

  “I need my Daddy.”

  “I don’t think you want your Daddy right now. Daddy would be spanking you for your terrible behavior.”

  “I don’t care. I want my Daddy,” she whispered, holding her hands tightly together.

  Lance wrapped his arm around her shoulders, watching the pool water ripple in the darkness. “Noelle, I don’t want to be Daddy right now. I want to be Lance. I know it’s hard for you, but that is why we are doing this outing together. We need to be able to talk like adults and you need t
ime to learn how to be a big girl,” he said patiently, kissing her cheek.

  “I wanted to hurt her,” Noelle said again.

  “She’s already been hurt enough. That’s why she’s such a mean person. Just like Dr.

  Hart was. I don’t ever want you to be like that, which is why I’m trying to teach you how to do things properly.”


  “What, sweetheart?”

  “If I asked you to spank me, would you?”

  “I can’t punish you for reacting to something that you’ve never seen before. You’re feeling guilty and I don’t know why.”

  “Because you wanted to spank me for how bad I was. I could tell.”

  “I did at first, but I have to be fair.”

  “Then I’ll tell Uncle Alan what happened and how I ran away and worried you,” she threatened, knowing Alan would not have tolerated her reckless behavior, no matter the reason.

  “Go ahead. You might regret it, but if you insist, I’m not going to stop you,” Lance warned. “Let’s go for a walk and clear our heads. Are you cold?” Both were oblivious to the Christmas decorations and enchanting holiday displays as they struggled with newfound emotions. Lance could tell Noelle’s feet started to hurt her and led her back to the car. “Noelle? Do you love me?” he asked as they started to drive home.

  “Yes, Lance. You’re my life.”

  “Then I need you to trust me when I make a decision about you. If I start to second guess myself, then things won’t turn out well.”

  “If you say so,” she sounded doubtful.

  “I do.” Lance pulled over on the side of the quiet road and turned the ignition off. He looked at the young woman next to him and saw the glisten in her eyes. “You really feel badly about what happened, don’t you?”

  “I ruined our date.”

  “No, Becca did that. You did not know how to act, that’s all.”

  “Lance, I might be new to this world, but I’m able to understand more than you give me credit for. I watch TV and movies, I see how our family behaves, I read books. I knew the best way to respond to her, I just didn’t want to.”

  “Did you, now? You recognized the feeling of jealousy when it came up?”

  “Well, no. I just felt angry and the need to poke her eyes out.”

  “But you didn’t do that. See? You made a good choice.”

  “With her, but then I got mad at you. I’m sorry.”

  “You really want a spanking to clear your guilt, don’t you?” he sighed. Noelle lowered her face and nodded. “Very well, when we get home, go to my room.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “No, Noelle. It’s Lance. Remember that I warned you that spankings from Lance are far worse than those from Daddy,” the man advised. The house was quiet when they arrived and Noelle immediately went upstairs. Conflicted, Lance called his brother. “Alan, I need some help. Do you ever feel this way?” he explained the situation and his contradictory feelings between his two roles.

  “All the time, buddy. Especially when it comes to Maggie. But I have to do what I feel is best for her and our relationship. If that little girl’s guilt is enough for her to ask to be disciplined, then you need to show her you love her enough to help assuage that guilt. I hesitate to advise this, but it might be one of those times that you break a certain rule. She desperately needs reassurance this time.”

  “I don’t know how you do it. It’s tough. Ok, thanks. Bye,” Lance hung up the phone and trudged upstairs to his bedroom. Noelle sat on his big bed, holding Bunny. He shook his head.

  “No Bunny tonight. You are a big girl and will be disciplined like a big girl. I’m reminding you that you requested this, so I don’t want to hear any complaining.”

  “Yes, Lance. I’m really sorry.”

  “Stand up and turn around.”

  Noelle obeyed, turning her back to Lance. He unzipped her dress and peeled it down to the floor.

  “Step out of your dress, Noelle,” she held his shoulder as he removed the dress from under her feet and tossed it aside. He walked around her as she stood in her shoes, bra and panties. Lance knelt to remove her shoes, glancing up into her face to see her reaction. None yet.

  She was used to him dressing and undressing her as Daddy.

  Standing in front of her, he lifted her chin to face him, then reached behind to unsnap her bra, pulling it slowly away. “Don’t hide from me. Put your arms down,” he ordered. He ran his hand slowly across her breasts, gently touching her left nipple. She inhaled sharply, closing her eyes.

  “Keep your eyes open, Noelle.” He hooked his fingers in the band of her panties and skimmed them down to her ankles, lifting each foot to free her from the material. She stood naked in front of him, the vision of perfection.

  “Lean over the side of the bed, feet on the floor. Do not move.” Shaking, Noelle obeyed. Lance’s brooding silence frightened her, and the embarrassment of her nudity made her feel completely vulnerable. She shivered as his large hand stroked lightly across the stretched skin of her bottom and her inner thighs. She started to long for the security of being across his knee with his low, firm voice lecturing her about proper and expected behavior. It was much easier to be forced to endure punishment instead of having to wait silently for it. He was right. Lance’s spankings were far worse than Daddy’s, and it hadn’t even started yet.

  Unsure of what he was going to do, Noelle trembled as Lance paced back and forth behind her. When the first slap of his hand fell, she shrieked with surprise more than pain. The same hand that burned her bottom also reached to caress it. A second smack fell, catching her other cheek. This, too, was followed by a slow, lingering touch.

  Lance stood back, looking at the outline of his fingers etched into her snow white skin.

  He removed his shirt and stood, bare-chested, watching her softly padded rump try to wiggle away the sting. His hand fell again a third, then a fourth time, eliciting a little squeal. Lance pushed her forward and spread her legs slightly so he could clearly see her plump pink lips between her cheeks.

  She was already quite moist and that pleased him.

  Noelle looked up and noticed that the closet mirror reflected Lance standing behind her.

  Her violet eyes widened as he slid the belt from his dress pants and doubled it over in his hand.

  Frozen, she watched him raise his arm and bring the belt down across her buttocks. Shocked by the pain, she only gasped. The belt fell again, sharper this time, with a loud cracking sound as it welted the top of her backside. A cry escaped her lips. A third, then a fourth time… the belt bit into her tender, white flesh. Tears sprung from her eyes. Lance’s silence was deafening.

  Lance’s belt found its target six more times and Noelle’s cries could be heard throughout the empty house. She stayed in place and for that, Lance was satisfied. Her punishment was over and now was the time to reward her, and him, for her obedience.

  He knelt behind her as she cried softly into the covers, running his hands over the cherry red flesh and admiring the beauty of her perfect skin and shapely hind end. With the nimble touch of a surgeon, his fingertips traced the lines left by his belt and then began to explore the wetness that had begun to drip down her legs. Still silent, Lance lifted Noelle onto the bed and turned her onto her back. He held her wrists to her sides as he positioned himself between her spread legs to kneel once again.

  His mouth dove into her, his tongue rolling the tiny clit that begged to dance with it. Her tears of pain turned to purrs of pleasure as she arched her back to meet him, no longer struggling against the intense sensations that started to pulsate down the length of her body. Knowing she was close to her peak, Lance withdrew and pulled her across his knees.

  His hand began to strike her reddened bottom, firmly and methodically. He alternated his strokes- left-right-center, pacing the spanking to bring her to the precipice of sensation. He paused only to remind her clit that he was there, controlling her pleasure. She would not have relief u
ntil he was ready to give it to her.

  Lance remained silent. He felt her juices seeping through his slacks and saw her pussy contract wildly, begging for release. Once again, he flipped her to her back and straddled her, gazing hungrily into her face. “Do you still want to be punished by Daddy?” he growled, his erection throbbing painfully in the confines of his pants.

  “No. I want Lance. All of you,” Noelle begged, breathlessly. Her ache for him was strong and she felt like she would scream if it wasn’t satisfied soon. Lance pulled away and stripped out of his clothing, his long cock standing flat against his muscular belly. Noelle’s eyes widened. She had never seen this part of him before. She was not sure how it was to be used, nor did she care. She trusted him. With everything.

  Lance retraced his steps with his lips, teasing and tormenting her nipples as they begged for more attention. His skilled hands moved over her flesh, igniting new flames of passion in her very core. She arched her hips, wiggling her bottom and silently begging to be explored again.

  Lance grazed her pussy with his tongue, lapping up her sweetness, as his mouth left little love bites in its wake. Noelle groaned, her hands once again pinned to her sides as Lance nibbled and chewed her smooth folds. She shook her head back and forth, the pain of waiting was tortuous.

  Lance hovered over her and gently inserted his cock into her saturated entrance. She lifted her hips again, trying to nudge him in deeper. He obliged, sliding slowly and carefully into her tight, silky smooth hole. Carefully, so as not to hurt her, he began shallowly stroking in and out, his movement and thick head stimulating her clit and g-spot. Noelle began to whimper and suddenly screamed, lifting her back off the bed. Lance rammed himself deep within her sweet, hidden treasure. Her powerful spasms clenched his cock and Lance released a guttural growl as he spilled within her.

  Sweetness filled his heart as he collapsed beside her, catching his breath. Noelle’s eyes were still closed and her body occasionally shook with a delayed tremor. Lance tenderly stroked her stomach, his head resting on his hand as he propped himself on his side. She finally opened her eyes to look at him.

  “I think I might like being punished by Lance, after all,” she panted with a smile.


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