Cowboy's Chocolate Roses

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Cowboy's Chocolate Roses Page 4

by Jess Buffett

  "I'm so sorry, lavender." He heard her sigh at the name he had given her that night. "I was scared and angry, but that's no damn excuse. Please, give me another chance. I don't know why you left, but I should have asked before jumping to conclusions. I swear I'll listen, please," he pleaded with her.

  He had already come to the decision on his way over that he wasn't above begging, even in front of an audience.

  A throat clearing had him pulling back. "I think talking it out would do you two the world of good. Besides, it's not just you that will be affected by this," Adele said, with a pointed look aimed at him.

  Josh nodded, taking the warning for exactly what it was. Looking back at Bri, he said, "I'd really like you to come back and stay at Silver Stone, but I'd understand completely if you would rather stay here."

  For a moment she said nothing, and he noticed Bri glance up at Adele, who just simply nodded.

  "I'd like to stay at Silver Stone. It seemed like a really beautiful place, and we should take the time to discuss things," she said quietly, suddenly looking very tired.

  He's protective instincts kicked in and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in closer, supporting her. "Why don't I take you home, and I can ask some people to come over and get your car and things?"

  "Oh, I don't know how I feel about a man packing up my clothing." She blushed.

  Damn, Josh remembered that blush, and loved it. He remembered what it looked like spread across her entire body as she lay panting and moaning. Nothing had ever taken his breath away like the sight of her letting go. Stopping that thought in its tracks before it took off any further, an idea hit him.

  "How about I ask my hand, Brandon, and his wife, Shelly, to come over. Bran can get the car and Shelly can get your stuff?"

  "They won't mind doing that? Won't it be out of their way to come back to the ranch after work?"

  "No. They live there. I had a house built for them, about a year ago now, when they got married."

  "You built them a house? On your land?" She squinted at him.

  He chuckled. "Could you imagine a married couple living in a bunkhouse?" He could just see Shelly pulling all his men up by the short hairs when they didn't clean up after themselves. Noticing the peculiar expression Bri wore, he asked, "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, it's just that…that was very sweet of you," she whispered.

  "I ain't sweet, just practical," he groused, feeling his cheeks heat at her compliment.

  "I'm sure," she said, a small smile on her face.

  Josh wanted to argue, but her smile hooked him. He suddenly felt like a teenage boy with butterflies flying around in his stomach.

  "Come on. Let's get you settled, huh? You look beat."

  Bri let out a yawn, and cupping a delicate hand over her mouth, nodded.

  The trip back to the ranch didn't take long. Bri had gone quiet, however the silence felt more comfortable than awkward. Spotting the ranch when he turned down the dirt road, Josh found himself hoping she liked the place.

  His home filled him with pride. The house, all on one level, had six bedrooms, two studies, and a library. Josh had added to it over the years since his parents had been gone. Everything about it had screamed his ma, and when she passed away, he wanted to make it his. He had built an entertainment room he and the men liked to use on occasion, with a pool table and air hockey table. He'd even gone the extra mile and installed a large entertainment theatre system. He had renovated so many rooms, but the one thing Josh truly loved? His wrap around veranda. He'd always wanted one, and when his parents passed and the place fell to him, no one could have stopped him from adding it.

  Parking the truck in front of the house, he quickly jumped out to help Bri. She seemed startled when she glanced up and saw him, but she smiled. Josh didn't really feel that he had deserved the tender looks she gave him, but he'd take them. Leading her up the veranda steps and to the front door, he let them inside.

  Josh showed her into the lounge and gestured to the sofa. "Why don't you take a seat while I give Brandon a call? Did you want a drink or anything?"

  "I'd love a drink and I wouldn't mind something to eat, if that's okay?" she asked when her stomach growled, and her blush returned. "I, ah… I didn't really stop to eat or anything."

  "You should be taking better care of yourself. That don't matter now, you're here and that's my job."

  Bri frowned. "Josh—"

  "Nope. Don't want to hear it," he cut her off, "I'm gonna go to the kitchen and grab you something while I make the call."

  Walking out of the room before she had a chance to argue, he pulled out his phone and dialed Brandon. While he waited for him to pick up, Josh set about removing what he needed from the fridge.

  "Hello?" his friend answered.

  "Hey, man. I've got a favor to ask."

  Brandon's chuckle filtered through the phone. "This have anything to do with the woman you tore on out of here after?"

  Josh paused what he was doing and frowned. "How'd you know about that?"

  "Man, everyone knows cowboys are worse than little old ladies sitting around the bingo table on a Friday afternoon." Brandon snickered.

  Josh heard Shelly in the background asking questions, and wanted to groan, wondering how long it would take the woman to make up an excuse to 'pop in'.

  "So Caleb opened his big mouth, huh?" Josh asked, although knowing his brother, he already knew the answer.

  "You know it. So what's up?"

  "I was wondering if you and Shelly wouldn't mind heading over to Adele and Randy's. Bri has some stuff there, and I was more focused on getting her back here and settled that—"

  "That you didn't stop to pack her things," the other man finished. "Too afraid of letting her out of your sight?"

  "For even a second," he sighed, propping himself against the kitchen bench. "I screwed up, man. I'm surprised after what I said she even gave me a chance to speak."

  "Look, the way I see it is, she has given you another shot, so don't blow it," Brandon advised. "Shelly and I will go grab Bri's stuff and drop it off while you focus all your attention where it is needed."

  "Thanks, I'll see you later then."

  "Welcome." Josh went to hang up, when Brandon added, "Oh, and Josh?"



  Josh stared unblinkingly at his phone for a moment longer after Brandon had hung up. His friend's words slowly sunk in, as did the idea of him becoming a father.


  The thought of his impending fatherhood brought him back to Bri, and the food he had been preparing for her.

  After heating up some leftover lasagne and scooping it onto two plates, Josh grabbed a pitcher of iced tea, a couple of glasses, and took it all to the lounge on a tray. Taking a seat in the armchair closest to Bri, he set the food and drink on the table, indicating she should dig in.

  Reaching forward, she picked up her plate and fork and took a bite, moaning in obvious appreciation.

  "Mmm, this smells delicious." Her words were muffled when she scarfed the food down.

  Josh's lips tilted up into a smile, the praise warming his heart. "Thanks. I don't know how to cook much, but what I do know, I try to cook well."

  Feeling comfortable and just casually talking, reminded him of the Bri he met that night; with her soft smile and laugh like a gentle caress. Josh couldn't work out how they had gone from a wonderful night of lovemaking to her disappearing the next morning.

  He asked, "What happened, Bri?"

  Bri set her fork down and looked up, biting her bottom lip. "Honestly? I panicked. I didn't plan on drinking the way I did. Hell, I had only had one the entire night…but then Charlotte started with the little comments." Bri shrugged. "I know I shouldn't have let her words get to me, but I'm only human. Then I woke next to a man I couldn't remember, in a place I didn't recognize, and it frightened me."

  "Okay, I get that. And it helps me to know you weren't skipping out on me. You were s
cared, but why run?" He understood he'd probably looked a bit intimidating to her that morning, and he didn't judge her, but it still didn't make a lot of sense to him. Running equaled a pretty extreme reaction.

  Bri cleared her throat, and her hands shook a little before she answered, "You're a big man, Josh." She obviously realized how that might sound and blushed again.

  Josh kept a straight face to keep her talking.

  "I-I mean, your height and build, it's a little t-threatening. I-I don't do well with that."

  Something in the way she spoke made Josh think she held something back, and it could explain what happened that morning. He had a suspicion, but he could wait for her to tell him. He had put her through enough for one day. The thought of someone hurting her made him see red. All his protective instincts kicked in and he wished it had happened sooner. Thinking of the things he'd said, the way he'd spoken earlier made him sick, yet she sat talking to him as if he hadn't been a monster.

  "I think I get the gist of it," he whispered, placing a hand on hers. "I'm sorry. You've been through a lot in such a short time, and I haven't helped any."

  "You were hurt by my disappearing, and probably a little scared. Adele helped me see that. I guess my timing would be a bit strange, the article coming out, and then me turning up after the way I left. And the news about being pregnant…" Turning her hand over and linking their fingers, Bri laughed. "Actually, you weren't wrong in saying I turned up here because of the article. It helped me find you."

  Josh tried really hard not to acknowledge how the touch of her hand in his made him feel. He needed to focus. "How long have you been looking for me?"

  A self-deprecating laugh bubbled out when she shook her head. "Um, about twenty minutes after you had checked out."

  "What?" Josh asked, surprised.

  She started looking for him before? He had assumed she began her search when she discovered the pregnancy. God, he really needed to stop assuming things, because regardless of the saying, the only one it made look like an ass was him.

  "When I got home, I called my sister to blast her for letting me drink and go home with a strange man who could have hurt me. Needless to say, she reminded me I was a grown woman and when she was done, she told me about you. Charlotte said we really hit it off, and you seemed like a great guy. She also mentioned I'd be a fool to let you slip through my fingers."

  "So you called the hotel, and they told you I was gone." He made it a statement. He could see exactly how it played out. "And you didn't know my last name, so they wouldn't give you any details and you couldn't track me down."

  Bri nodded. "Pretty much. I tried to move on, even when small parts of the night came back, but then I got really sick and went to the doctor. That was eight weeks ago. This morning Charlotte turned up on my doorstep with the article about you and daddy." She grimaced when she mentioned her dad.

  He repeated the action. "I can't believe Brian Evans is your father." He was in so much trouble.

  "Uh-huh." She nodded, agreeing with him.

  He winced. "You know he's gonna have my balls and my business, right?"

  "Daddy won't do that." She didn't quite believe her own words.

  "Oh, yes, he would. I'd do the same damn thing if it were my daughter."

  Aw, hell. He'd probably just shoot the bastard.

  "Good to know." She snickered.

  Frowning, it took him a minute to catch on. Then he paled when it hit him, that he might very well have a daughter. "Oh, God."

  She didn't snicker again—she laughed her ass off. "Just dawned on you, did it?"

  His usual anger at being the butt of the joke never came. Bri didn't intend it to be mean, she simply found him amusing, and he kinda liked that.

  What is this woman doing to me?

  "Your father is still gonna come after me. You have to be prepared for that. I promise I won't let that interfere, though."

  Bri sobered quickly. Deep in thought, her brow furrowed. Her button nose scrunched up, and she gave her bottom lip a workout. Still, nothing could have prepared him for her next words.

  "We could tell him we're engaged."

  Chapter Six

  "What? Did you just—"

  "Now, please listen, before you go all 'you're a crazy woman' on me, okay?" She cut him off, waving her hands around. "If we were getting married, then daddy wouldn't go after you because you'd be family. You only have one and a half months before he can't pull out or change the terms. After that, you and everything you care about will be safe."

  A funny look crossed his face, and then he squinted. "I don't mean to sound like an ass, especially after the crap I put you through before, but are you suggesting this because you're worried about me, or about what your daddy will think?"

  It hurt a little that he asked, but she reminded herself he didn't really know much about her.

  "I won't lie, I'm terrified of telling my daddy, but I'm prepared to. He'll be mad, and I'd dare say disappointed. But at the end of the day he loves me, and after he calms down, he won't care. I can live with that." Pausing, letting out a breath before continuing, "What I couldn't live with is the idea you and everyone who relies on you suffered because of daddy's temper."

  Bri hoped Josh knew how sincere she was but before she could ask, they were interrupted.

  "Well, hey there. Good to see my brother didn't screw up too bad."

  A man who could only be Josh's younger brother—Caleb, if Charlotte had the name remembered correctly—stood in the doorway. She didn't quite know what to make of his statement. A jitter of nerves raced through her. How much had Josh told his sibling? Did he know she carried Josh's child? And would he believe her or assume, as Josh had, that she wanted something from them?

  "Caleb, don't be a dick. We're working things out, so don't scare her away, okay?"

  Bri smiled, relieved Josh wanted to work through everything. He hadn't answered her question about telling everyone they were engaged, though.

  "Gotcha. Well, then, I'm Caleb. We met that night, but from what I overheard earlier, you don't remember." He pointed at his brother. "As for you, a beautiful woman, carrying your damn child, offers to tell everyone you're engaged to save your ass and everything you hold dear, yet you sit saying nothin' like you've been caught with your pants down. Pun intended."

  Bri burst out laughing. Caleb had his hands on his hips, drilling into his brother, who just sat taking it. Josh appeared a bit shell-shocked by everything, but his little brother wouldn't give him an inch.

  Josh shook himself out of it and frowned. "First off, would you quit eavesdropping on other people's conversations. And secondly, for your information I was about to agree, but you came charging in here, butting your nose in."

  Caleb blinked, then a big goofy grin appeared on his face. "Oh, well, all righty then. Good to see y'all could work it out. I'm heading out, won't be back 'til late." Tipping his hat to Bri, he said, "It was nice seeing you again, Bri. I hope you do stick around."

  Caleb left, leaving Bri and Josh sitting together, neither quite knowing what to do next. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, flicking her eyes up to meet his every so often. Another yawn escaped her, and she realized just how tired she was.

  "Bedtime, I think," Josh stated.

  "Mm hmm, sounds good to me. I'm sorry I'm tired so early. It seems to be a common occurrence lately. Um, where am I sleeping?" she asked as she stumbled up off the sofa.

  Catching her at her elbow, Josh helped right her, and she noticed he kept his hand there. "Don't worry about it. I've heard pregnant women get tired real easily. I'll show you where you can stay. You'll have the room next to mine, it's got everything you should be needing."

  Josh took her on a quick tour of the house—he didn't want her to get lost in the morning. Following him down the hallway, her eyes widened in surprise at the sprawling, rambling home. Filled with large, solid furniture, in plenty of earthy tones, the masculine décor suited the owner. She quite liked the simplicity
of the design in the complex labyrinth of rooms. She found herself quite taken with the place—and the man. He could be incredibly sweet. But such a study of contrasts—all gruff male one moment and caring gentleman the next—almost like he'd been raised two different ways. She wondered if his parents had been a case of opposites attract.

  She wanted to find out.

  Coming to a stop outside a room, Josh opened the door, and she peered inside. A queen size bed sat in the middle of the room. Her eyes caressed the beautiful mahogany furniture, the cornflower blue comforter, and the matching curtains. The room was simple, but homey.

  Edging into the area, she gently ran her fingers over the bed cover, loving the soft feel of the material. At the window she pushed back the drapes to reveal the green pastureland, with its horses and cattle. The sun slowly hid itself behind the mountains in the distance, and for the first time in a long while, Bri felt a deep sense of peace settle within her.

  "Uh, I hope you don't mind. I know it's not very personal…" he trailed off, clearly nervous about her opinion.

  She found his concern about her endearing. "It's wonderful, thank you."

  "Well, I'll let you settle in. I'll be up early tomorrow—have to mend some fences in the lower pasture—but maybe we can talk some more when I'm done." He wouldn't make eye contact. "Your car will be out front, and I'll leave the keys on the kitchen counter. Goodnight, lavender."

  Without warning, Josh reached out and drew her toward him, crushing his mouth to hers. Bri gasped in surprise, quickly recovering, and linked her arms around his neck as their tongues tangled. Before she had a chance to press closer, a low groan slipped past his lips and he leaned back, detaching himself from her.

  The man disappeared down the hall in the next instant, and Bri stood staring at an empty doorway, unsure what had just happened. Slowly raising her hand, she touched her fingertips to her still tingling lips.


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