Enlisting Her Heart

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Enlisting Her Heart Page 3

by Willow Brooke

  “Fuck.” Hulk switched on the bedside lamp.

  “Hey. You back with me now?” Kodiak cautiously moved forward, his face coming into the light.

  “Yeah, man, sorry. Hell of a dream. Damn! Did I do that?” He spotted the swelling that already was showing from the lethal left hook.

  Kodiak grinned. “Does it make me look tougher?” He turned, laughing. “I guess I had it coming.”

  Hulk felt like shit. He knew Kodiak was trying to make him feel better, but it still was hard to face. Guilt flooded him. First for the sucker punch, then for feeling jealousy toward him with Violet. Brothers to the death, in the field and off. Kodiak had just proved that once again. “Yeah. Let me get the other side to hide your ugly mug.” He laid back down and flipped off the light. “Thanks, man.” Without another word the two went back to bed, skipping the Dr. Phil episode.

  Kodiak woke abruptly. He groaned, turning over to look at Hulk. “Umph.” Whatever had woken him wasn’t Hulk though. He was sound asleep, restfully. No fighting, no snoring. Just a deep peaceful sleep. Kodiak looked around, remaining still. There was another thump just outside their hut. A shadow moved by the window and Kodiak went from groggy to full blown battle mode. He slowly reached under his pillow and grabbed the nine-millimeter pistol he kept and quietly chambered a round under the covers.

  The doorknob jiggled. They were about to get company. He said a prayer and quietly got up, praying Hulk wouldn’t smash the other side of his face. He nudged him, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “We have company. Don’t move too fast but things are about to heat up in here.” Hulk heard him and woke instantly, grabbing his piece from the bedside table. Both of them quietly moved to stand against the wall next to the door and waited.

  It didn’t take their intruder long to gain entrance. The lock popped open and the door cracked, creaking open slowly. When the men entered, Hulk hit the lights and Kodiak used the butt of his gun to drop the second intruder. “Good morning, sunshine!” Hulk said just before the man in front of him got a shot off. Hulk pulled the trigger, nailing him right between the eyes.

  “Nice shot. Let’s get sleeping beauty here tied up and call the others. Somehow I doubt this is natives hoping to score a few bucks,” Kodiak said sarcastically.

  “Yeah. I don’t think they were looking for a good time either.” Hulk pulled the mask off the man who lay in a pool of blood. “Another fucking hodgie. Go figure.”

  Kodiak unmasked the other one, and nodded. “This one too.” He grabbed the bundle of five fifty cord out of his bag and tied the unconscious attacker up, careful to not touch either of the weapons the men carried. Hulk called the team who all had showed before his last knot was tied.

  “Someone better be dead,” Dom growled as he walked through the door. Vice was right behind him, shooting daggers from her eyes. She remained by the door, tugging at the zipper of her hoodie. Dom’s eyes fell to the bled out body and then to Kodiak and Hulk. “Well then. I guess you pulled me out of bed for a reason.”

  “Let’s find out who these fuckers are before the women wake up. Joker, check their pockets.” He tossed him a pair of gloves. “Don’t leave finger prints, boys.” Dom waited, examining the guns that lay on the floor beside the bodies. “Silencers. I’m calling the General.” He flipped out his phone and began giving a briefing of what had just went down. When he hung up the phone, he grinned. “Let’s wake sleeping beauty, shall we?”

  Vice stepped up, her features still in a state of disarray. “Let me.” She hovered over the unconscious man, punching him square in the jaw. The man started to stir, groaning when she smashed her knuckles across the rag head’s nose.

  “Fuck!” the man yelled. He moved to get up, only to find his arms and legs bound. He looked around frantically.

  “Yeah you hodgie mother fucker. What now? Are you gonna talk, or are we gonna have some fun tonight?” Romeo said a little too enthusiastically. Vice reared back again, ready to hit the dude until his tongue worked.

  “Make it fast you son-of-a-bitch, you interrupted something I wanna get back to.” The guys all turned and looked at her, noticing the leather collar around her neck and laughed. She scowled at them all, adjusting her zipper once again. They had been called so abruptly that she hadn’t had time to change. Dom had opted for one hell of a night, and by God she was gonna get him to finish what he started before breakfast. The sadist asshole had kept her teetering on the edge of release for over five damn hours. She was past her point of caring who knew what they were up to or what ideas they might have. If she had to kill an army of assailants, so be it. The man spit at her, snapping the last bit of patience she had left. Her sexual frustration had turned into violent anger. She unleashed her fists, pummeling the man repeatedly until Dom stopped her.

  “Enough. Now, before I let her finish you off, tell me who sent you.” The man’s mouth was oozing blood, mixing with the fountain that gushed out of his nose. He blinked a few times, fighting the swelling that was already setting in.

  He smiled, his knocked tooth falling onto the floor beside his head. “Allah.”

  “That’s it.” Vice went full blown Full Metal Jacket on the battered hodgie. She kicked him in the ribs, stomping hard enough the sound of bones being cracked radiated through the room. A few of the guys flinched, groaning and withdrawing when her foot fell lower, crushing the man’s junk. Kick after kick she tortured his groin until the man turned his head to the side and puked. Dom’s hand grasped her arm and pulled her back, cautious to keep an arm length away to dodge the fist that instinctively flew when she spun around.

  “Easy, Vice.” His voice was calm, it’s effects visibly lowering her adrenaline as her posture relaxed into him.

  Hulk growled. “Mother fuck.” He lowered his gun, aiming it straight between the guy’s eyes.

  “Wait! Stop, I talk I talk!”

  Dom glanced at the team. He knew the man was doing his job and if told it was for the virgins and shit, he’d die like his suicide bomber brothers. And sons. And uncles. And the helpless women who weren’t given a choice. If the U.S. had sent him, that meant they were close to stumbling onto something that someone didn’t want them to.

  “Spit it out and fast before I let the lady here finish what she started.” Juju grinned.

  “There is a boat.” He gurgled between the blood and broken English.

  Vice was just about to knock the shit out of the man again when Rock stopped her. “Don’t. He doesn’t know anything. They’re just a distraction.” Dom and the others’ heads jerked in his direction.

  “Distraction?” Dom’s mind began to whirl. It made sense. Whoever sent them knew good damn and well that two men, assassins or not, wouldn’t be a match for their elite team. So, what were they trying to keep them from? “Where is the meeting?” he growled.

  “Meeting?” the guy asked, unconvincing in his playing stupid routine.

  “You know good damn and well what meeting, now where is Vice President Kovack and Senator Nelson meeting!” anger growled with each word.

  Surprise flashed through the man’s eyes and was gone, his stone cold blank stare quickly taking its place. But it was too late. He had failed. His chance at freedom was gone either way. Unlike the other terrorists, he had been recruited with threats to his family; his cooperation the only chance they had at survival. “Meeting at the boat. Big Americans meet there.” He spat. “My family…I have to save my family.”

  “Go on,” Dom commanded. His patience had started to waiver. Between the little events he had been sharing with Vice, then being pulled out of bed for some panty waist spy wannabes, he wanted to be done with it and now.

  “There is a private jet with a small convoy of birds scheduled to land just north of here at 0630. Also when a fleet of cargo ships are due to dock. I came across this information by mistake so there’s a chance I misunderstood but if I had to put money on it, something is happening. Please, please don’t kill me. I had to come. They threatened my family,” th
e hodgie confessed in his native tongue, rattling off more than they had hoped for. The team all reconsidered their initial response.

  “What are we going to do with him?” Vice asked hastily.

  “Please. Please let me go back to my family. I had no choice,” he begged, his voice just above a whisper.

  “Untie him,” Dom instructed.

  “What? You can’t possibly be serious. He came here to kill us. What’s to say he won’t turn the second he gets an opening? Hell, these fuckers are all the same. They strap explosives to dogs and small kids for fuck's sake,” Juju objected.

  “Because our new friend is going to be our tour guide. We all know there won’t be an opening for him to make a move. Bud—you, Kodiak, and Maverick stay here and pull guard. I want everyone in one place under lockdown until we get this sorted out.”

  “Roger that.” Bud turned to the selected and nodded for them to start their task. Hulk grumbled under his breath, hating that Kodiak would be the one left to protect Violet. He knew better than to speak his objection, especially since he wasn’t ready to answer the flood of questions that it would trigger. His eyes narrowed on Kodiak who instinctively turned to look at him. Kodiak’s grin said it all. The warning Hulk shot at him only made him smile bigger. The small group left, setting off to get the others rounded up and in a safer location.

  “Call Pop and tell him to get here now. We can brief him on the way. If things are as rough as he’s been leading on, a break from Cruella de Vil is welcomed.”

  “On it.” Maverick punched a few buttons on his phone. “Done. He’s en route. It looks like you weren’t the only ones still awake, Dom.”

  Dom nodded, stepping outside with him to discuss their strategy, returning shortly with keys in hand.

  “Load up.” Romeo and Juju pulled the roughed up captive to his feet and led him to the SUV that had been brought to the hut.

  “Don’t do anything stupid. Vice here has a hair trigger, and loves nothing more than finding creative targets to aim for,” Juju joked. Vice walked behind him, her sniper rifle on her back and a pistol in hand. While Rock and Dom loaded bags of ammo and weapons in the back, Juju and Romeo positioned their hostage in the middle seat with each of them at his side. Both of the team’s snipers were in the third row seating, guns cocked and aimed at the back of his head.

  “You’re navigational skills, if you please,” Dom spat sarcastically. He still didn’t trust the fucker, but he didn’t think the dick was stupid enough to lead them into a trap either. The man didn’t seem cut out to be a stone cold killer, which made him just a lackey for the higher up on the political totem pole; most likely on the terrorist side.

  The man was growing irritated, but he kept his cool. “Get on the highway headed north. It’s about ten miles up along the coast,” he said somberly.

  “After you show us the location we are handing you over to the General for him to decide the best course of action. Your cooperation is appreciated despite the circumstances, and leniency will be given,” Pop explained, although it wasn’t necessary for him to give the guy any explanation. It showed character that he was willing to help. Depending on the next few minutes, the man might save his own life.

  Bud, Kodiak, and Maverick reluctantly woke the rest of the family, moving them all into the last hut. Bud took to patrolling the outside, covering the back. With the front and left side of the building surrounded by ocean, it made it the perfect defensive location. Vince seemed to be more upset about losing his beauty rest, complaining the bags under his eyes and puffiness would be the sole reason he didn’t land a native vacation romance during their stay. Mrs. Sanders had insisted on being armed, toting a .410 like a protective lioness. Michael only grinned, loving the fire his woman had and couldn’t help but get a little too touchy-feely in Kodiak’s opinion. He had to admire the couple. As different as night and day, the two matched in perfect harmony.

  Violet, still clad in a pair of pink plaid pajama shorts that fell just below the curve of her ass and a matching baby pink tank top, made it hard to focus on much else. Her eyes were hooded sleepily, framed perfectly by her wild red curls that fell around her shoulders. Kodiak sighed in relief that he had opted to change into jeans and ditch the sweat pants he had gone to bed in. Walking around with a raging hard-on pointing like a flagpole would have been more than embarrassing. “Mmm. I need coffee,” she mumbled, leaning over on his shoulder. With seating snug despite the size of the two-room suite, he had intentionally found his place next to her. He fought the urge to tug her into his lap and cradle her back to sleep.

  “Me too, darlin’.” Unable to resist his natural hormonal instincts, he rested his arm along the back of the couch behind her and waited. She took the bait and leaned over against him, resting her head against his chest. His heart pounded through his ribs. She raised up and smiled, trailing her eyes straight to the fly of his jeans and back to meet his gaze. The little minx was toying with him! He slid his arm down, casually draping it over her shoulders. There wasn’t a lot he could do that could go undetected in the crowded room, but he wasn’t one to back down from a game. She rested her head back down, scooting her leg over against his. The subtle contact had his cock engorged painfully. While some of the others tried to catch a nap, watch television, or have quiet conversations, he was stuck in blissful agony. She shivered, scooting closer. Maverick got up and handed him a blanket, winking. Kodiak’s eyes went wide in wonder, but the smirk on Maverick’s features said it all. The fucker knew. Instead of helping him get out of the situation, the asshole was playing an enabler.

  “Thanks, man,” he grumbled, tossing the cover over her. Violet tugged the edge up under her chin. Instead of settling back against him, she used the rest of the blanket to drape over him too.

  “You look cold.” Her eyes danced with wickedness. Like a gentleman, Maverick walked away to go help Bud patrol, his smirk shining in the dim light like the Cheshire Cat’s.

  “Thank you.” He didn’t know what to say. Sure, he had flirted with her, but she hadn’t ever been more than just friendly to him. That all changed with the help of the glorious blanket. Violet adjusted beside him, so he moved, turning more sideways in the corner of the couch with one leg on the cushions. She snuggled up between his parted thighs, laying against his chest with one leg draped on his lap—right across his throbbing cock. Kodiak had to stifle a groan. She settled with her eyes closed, one hand resting on his peck. The warmth from her hand through his thin shirt scorched his flesh. Her little hands were so dainty and feminine. She slowly traced her thumb back and forth soothingly. Whether it was meant for him or a soothing motion to help her doze off he didn’t know, but it held the opposite effect on him than intended.

  A long curl fell across her face and he couldn’t resist reaching down to brush it behind her ear. The soft little mewl that parted from her lush lips had his dick twitching. He had to keep reminding himself there were people everywhere, but the little vixen in his lap was making it hard to keep his thoughts pure. To add insult to injury, her knee kept readjusting, rubbing his dick. Unable to stomach the zipper tearing his manhood into hamburger any longer, he moved, repositioning himself, and his member. As he settled his head against the back cushion of the couch, her head slid down lower, resting on his ribs…along with her hand.

  Kodiak fought his thoughts away from the sweet smell of violets and vanilla that teased his senses to will his cock to go down. Everything kept returning to the sweet little body pressed up against him. As he calmed his nerves, without realizing it, his fingers rubbed gently against her arm. Her breathing became slower to the point he thought her asleep and he sighed. Kodiak hadn’t ever just held a woman. He let his eyes close to rest, the excitement of the night catching up to him.

  Violet crawled up the bed, her large breasts revealed through the sheer pink baby doll gown. Her eyes locked with his, revealing a craving so feral he growled. The tip of her tongue darted out, moistening her lips. Kodiak fought the urge to reach
for her and throw her on her back. He wanted nothing more than to sink in her wet heat and take her, over and over again until she screamed his name. But instead, he remained still. The little temptress teased him, cupping her breasts and tugging the tight little rose buds that peeked through.

  Yes. Tease me, baby. Show me what you like, he thought. He swallowed a protest when her movements stilled. Slowly she continued toward him, crawling up to straddle his thighs. Her hand grazed down his chest, tracing each muscle to his bellybutton. With one finger she traced it, drawing patterns lower and lower with each swipe. And then her touch landed where he needed it—where he craved it. Her palm grazed over his rod, slowly cupping its girth to stroke up and down in a gloriously agonizing trepidation that had him leaking in anticipation. His hips arched upwards, grinding him against her palm harder. It wouldn’t be long before he stopped her little game and returned it until she submitted to him. His teeth clenched so tightly his jaw hurt, and still he allowed her torturous display.

  He grabbed her hand, squeezing it around his cock and pumped upwards violently. “Oh no you don’t, big boy. I’m running this rodeo. You’re just along for the ride.” Her voice hummed over his body like warm honey. Before he was able to show her the bull always ruled the arena, her lips crashed to his.

  Hulks eyes flew open, his brow beaded with perspiration. Violet’s green eyes stared back at him, seeming to illuminate in the dark room. He darted his eyes away and frantically searched the room, seeing that everyone seemed to be going back to bed for a few hours and his shoulders dropped in relief. And then he felt it. Her hand rubbed against the rough fabric of his jeans, grazing over his engorged cock. When he looked back to her in shock, her lips curved up in a cockeyed grin. She didn’t falter her movements. Was this really happening? Before he had time to evaluate the situation any more, her fingers fumbled with the button of his jeans. He sucked in a breath, paralyzed. They were in a room full of their family, and she picked now to come on to him? One look at her expression and it was clear the little siren knew exactly what she was doing.


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