Enlisting Her Heart

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Enlisting Her Heart Page 9

by Willow Brooke

  “Nah, I’m just going to bed. It’s been a long day.” She fought the tears that stung the back of her eyes. Being tired only made it harder to hold back the fears and sadness of Joker being deployed. Usually she had some kind of warning ahead of time and could mentally prepare for their absence, but this time it was sprung on them all. Hulk saw through her act and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her.

  “They’ll be home soon, Bells. Nothing's going to happen to him, okay? He’s a tough son-of-a-bitch. And, if things go right, they should only be gone a couple weeks, three tops.” He felt her crying against his chest and his heart sunk. As hard as deployment was for them, seeing this side of it was worse. “Go get some rest, okay?”

  She nodded and pulled away, wiping the moisture from her cheeks.

  “Do you want me to stay here tonight, Bella? I can crash on the couch if it’ll help,” Vince offered, hugging her.

  “No, that’s okay. You need to get some good sleep and that damn couch isn’t comfortable after the first few hours. I’ll be fine, just having a moment. I’ll see you both at breakfast in the morning. Thank you, guys.”

  “If you need anything just call me. Night, Bells.” Hulk followed Vince out, leaving her to sleep off her despair. They both knew how hard it was for her for Joker to leave after what had happened to Venus, and they all worked hard at being strong and positive for her and the kids’ sake.

  With everyone off to bed, Hulk and Vince carried the luggage into the main house and turned in for the night.

  Fourteen hours, three MRE meals, and thirty-eight games of Angry Birds later, the plane made it’s decent to Kandahar airfield. The time zones had bled together, making it hard to calculate how long they’d been in the air. The team had changed into their DCUs in flight, and now geared up in their battle rattle ready for whatever awaited them when they arrived. The short ride in the bird beat the hell out of the carrier jet, and allowed the team to get in the mindset and be ready to hit the ground running. They had been given a strict timeframe to set up camp and leave the next night to follow out their mission. With it only a few hours before daybreak, it’d be a hustle.

  As the bird touched down, the team fell into motion of unloading as fast as possible to get the aircraft safely out of there and undetected. When the last crate had been removed, Pop gave the signal and the Chinook took off. “Okay let’s move!” Everyone began opening the crates, working together like a well-oiled machine.

  Since they were at a FARP, no tents were needed. Temporary makeshift shacks had been built, complete with cots. The boards were painted with other unit crests and mottos, showing some of the different troops who’d been stuck in this hole in the dirt out in the middle of the desert. They weren’t pretty, but kept the elements out and a barrier against the sand storms. A porta john was the only latrine, and a water buffalo had been brought in for showers. If it was hot as hell outside, so was the water out of the tank. If it was cold, your dick shrunk up and your balls took refuge inside your body. Not the most ideal camps, but they’d seen worse.

  “Joker, finish up with the radios and let’s gear up. We need to get in position to scope the area out before we move in.” Pop opened the weapons crate, handing out the rifles and ammo to each member. While they loaded their clips and weapons, Vice went through and distributed the gadgets they’d used on their last mission.

  “You like those toys, Vice?” Rock joked.

  “Hell yeah. More than one of them saved my ass if you remember correctly. These little computers are badass. Plus, we need the GPS trackers so I can come save your sorry ass when you get in over your head.” She laughed.

  “My ass? Well, since we had to save you last time, it might be a good idea.” Rock chuckled. Vice’s eyes narrowed as she flipped him the bird.

  Once everyone was geared up, they loaded into the Humvees and took off toward the Pakistan border. With the night as their cover, navigation was slow and steady, trying to drive and watch for any sign of an IED on the road. With no time to clear the road, as they went all they could do was watch intently and hold their breath.

  Three hours later, they stopped and regrouped, using their night vision goggles to scope out a way in. “What the fuck?” Vice whispered.

  “I see no movement. Are you sure this is the correct coordinates?” Kodiak asked.

  “Let me check again, but I know it is.” Dom flipped out the map and compass, locating the area in front of them. He double checked on the GPS and nodded. “This is it. Now, what the hell is going on?”

  “I’ll radio the General.” Maverick called it over the radio, listening to the General sound off the same location.

  “Sir, there is no movement.”

  “Approach cautiously and clear every inch of the place. I’ll be on call if you need air support.”

  “Roger that, sir, out.” Maverick ended the call. “You heard the man, let’s move in.” He led the way, keeping low to the ground as they entered the gates. Pop and Vice had parted ways, positioning themselves at opposite high points to snipe out anyone if it was a trap. As the team moved in, silence fell over the radio.

  “First building all clear,” Joker whispered over the earbud.

  “Second clear,” Juju added. Each building after came up with the same results. The place was totally abandoned.

  “Nothing here,” Vice added.

  “All clear from my side.” Pop kept his eyes moving, but hadn’t seen anything other than a stray dog digging in the trash for scraps. They searched for hidden rooms and tunnels and came up empty handed.

  “The place is a ghost town. Maverick, radio it in. Let’s head back.” Dom exited the gate with the others behind, headed back to the vehicles.

  The General had been just as surprised at their findings as they had. They hadn’t moved for weeks, building, and adding to their compound. It was obvious they were planning to stay long term. So why had they up and left in a hurry? There was only one logical answer that lingered. Someone had warned them. With the elite team being so small, having a leak was impossible. But if not one of them, who?

  The ride back to camp was somber. General Ashburn was sending a bird to get them, but it’d be midafternoon before it arrived. That gave them time to pack up and rest, but more importantly figure out how they were getting information.

  “Do you think it’s on the General’s side?” Maverick asked.

  “Could be, but he’s careful. There’s no way a spy would be able to gather that kind of Intel on us though. It just doesn’t add up. Everywhere we go, they are one step ahead of us. Someone knew we’d be in Cabo, and the resort we were at,” Dom said, deep in thought.

  “Whoever it may be, may God have mercy on their soul. That mother fucker is gonna die a long, painful death,” Romeo grumbled. He, like the others, was more than concerned about the two terrorists showing up while they were with their families. Danger that close to the one thing they held dearest was unacceptable.

  “For security purposes, no communication home until we get back to the ranch. I know they will want to know we are coming, but we can’t risk it this time,” Dom instructed.

  “Roger. Hell, that’d be better for me anyway. I can crash at the ranch a few days before I go home to the real war zone.” Pop shook his head. As much as he joked, it was wearing on him. His relationship with his wife was getting worse and worse. He’d suggested they go to therapy, which had more than backfired, along with shoes, a vase, and an angel figurine—straight at his head.

  “We got room, Pop. Hell, we can make this deployment a few months long if you want to…” Kodiak laughed.

  “Really?” Pop laughed.

  “All right, let’s finish up so we can grab some grub.” Maverick stacked a crate in their pick up pile.

  Back on the ranch, time had almost been at a standstill while everyone recuperated from jet lag. Even the kids had opted for another movie day, all piling in the front room of the main house with blankets and pillows. Vince
chose to join them, taking his spot on the couch and was the official movie picker. It beat the hell out of farm chores, and with them all still running on one cylinder it made for helaciously long days.

  “Uncle Vince, what are we gonna watch next?” Skyler asked, propping himself on Vince’s lap.

  “We are going to watch the best movie ever made. Have any of you seen The Goonies?”

  “No, what’s that?” Heather asked, laughing.

  “You’ll see. Lizzy, darlin’, can you pop the DVD in for me?”

  “Sure. Can we get another refill of popcorn first?” Lizzy held up the empty bowl, swiping her finger across the bottom of the bowl to eat the buttery salt.

  “Yeah, go ask one of the girls for a refill. See if you can sneak some of those cookies Mrs. Sanders baked.” Before he could ask for the extra chocolaty ones, his phone vibrated. He checked the screen, not recognizing the number. When he read the text, he let out a squeal. “Oh my God! Alaina! Violet! Bella!”

  Violet and Bella came rushing in from the kitchen with Alaina and Mrs. Sanders closely behind. “What! What’s wrong?” Bella asked, her eyes instinctively falling on the kids to make sure no one was injured.

  “You’ll never guess who just texted me.” He stood, handing them the phone.

  “Nathan Mars?” Alaina’s mouth dropped.

  “Oh my God, I knew it!” Violet took the phone, jumping up and down.

  “Well then, if you’re going out tonight, we need to get you all sexied up!” Bella laughed, loving a distraction. It had only been a couple days since she’d last seen Joker, but already it was hard to keep her mind off the ‘what if’s’. Poor Vince was about to be center stage in their attention. Thankfully, he loved getting dressed up and being in the spotlight.

  Vince laughed, shaking his head. “Oh Lordy, what have I got myself into.”

  “Hopefully it’ll be a tall, dark, and handsome cowboy!” Alaina giggled.

  “You’re awful! Let me text him back first before you girls go crazy.” He replied, looking at the clock on his cell. “Damn! He wants to meet in an hour. We’ve gotta hurry.” He glanced up at the girls who were already reaching to drag him off to get dressed.

  “Well don’t be dragging your feet now, we have a lot to do!” Bella made a beeline for Vince’s room, determined to find the best shirt he had, which given Vince would be a task. His wardrobe was bigger than all the girls’ put together. Mrs. Sanders came in, carrying a plate of cookies.

  “Thought we might need some snacks. I can’t have our boy leaving with low blood sugar.” She winked at him, giving him first dibs.

  “Thanks, Momma.” Vince laughed, hugging her neck. The group began fussing over clothes, boots, and the normal, lost in the task at hand. For the first time in two days, the air around them was light, the smiles bright. Vince was eating up all the attention, more excited about sharing his date with them than the actual date itself. Then again, Nathan Mars was hotter than a tin roof in the summertime. Just the idea of the sexy cowboy in tight jeans made his stomach knot up.

  Forty-five minutes later, Vince walked out into the front room, doing a dramatic runway model type spin. “Well, what d’ya think?” They had chosen a deep burgundy silk shirt and a pair of snug fitting Levi’s, paired with black boots. His big chocolate eyes danced with excitement, framed with the soft waves that whisked down on his forehead. He was flat out sexy. His built frame showed with each move, dragging ‘oooh’s’ and ‘aww’s’ from the girls. Michael and Hulk walked in just in time to see the finished product.

  “Damn, boy, what’re you all gussied up for?” Michael laughed.

  “He’s got a hot date,” Alaina sing-songed teasingly.

  “We’ve only been home a few days, maybe you should wait awhile. You know, get over jet lag and stuff. Don’t want you havin’ your guard down, son. He may be a good guy, but all men have one thing on their mind.” Michael thought back to the last time Vince had gone out and cringed. If it were anyone but Dr. Mars’ kid, him and ol’ Betsy would chaperone.

  Vince chuckled. “I’m counting on it.”

  “Michael’s right. Maybe a dinner here at home would be smarter. We are still under lockdown until some things get sorted out and you going off to town alone ain’t the best idea.” Hulk propped on the arm of the sofa, sneaking glances in Violet’s direction. He’d been busy since daybreak with Michael tending to the ranch chores and hadn’t gotten time to see her since they’d arrived. Either she was busy with the women or there was an audience. Now was his chance. He’d been trying to corner her for the past few days, but now that he was but a mere few feet from her, butterflies flip-flopped in his gut.

  “We’re just going to dinner, then back to his place. No bars or any place like that, guys. I’ll be fine. If something feels off, I’ll call, okay?” Vince’s expression was hopeful, his excitement pouring off him in ripples. Hulk and Michael shared a look before finally coming to agreement.

  “Fine. But nowhere else, okay? You’ll be safe enough at the Mars boy’s place. Hulk and I will be here if you need us.” Michael walked over to kiss Mrs. Sanders on the cheek, bringing her to giggles before he pulled back. The sound of a truck pulling up had Vince jumping to the window.

  “He’s here.” His smile said it all. The room all shared his excitement, glad their wonderful little Vince was finally getting a date worthy of him. As Vince started his goodbyes and walked to the door, Michael stopped him.

  “Hold on, boy. He can come to the door like a respectable young man.” Michael’s old fashion ways were touching, although when it came to men dating, the rules weren’t as black and white. Vince shrugged and stepped back to wait. Michael had known the Mars’ since they were born, so there wasn’t much chance Nathan would be weird about it all. Instead of the normal text to announce his arrival, there was a knock at the door. Vince looked at Michael who grinned.

  “Good man. See? I told you things work different ‘round these parts. Let him in.” The family waited while Vince opened the door.

  “Good evening.” Nathan’s sexy drawl had Vince tongue-tied. He stepped in the house, all eyes falling on him in an embarrassing gawk fest. Nathan was about six foot eight inches tall, his sandy blonde hair brushing against the collar of a black button up shirt. His light sky blue eyes gleamed in the soft light, sending a shiver up Vince’s spine. The lower his eyes wandered, the tighter his jeans pressed against his dick. Sporting tight blue jeans that accented the sexiest Wrangler butt Vince had ever seen, Nathan was a walking gaygasm. Vince saw sparkles and rainbows swarm around him in a kaleidoscope of hot male muscles. If it weren’t for the family all being present, he’d have jumped his bones the second he walked in the house.

  “Mr. Reynolds, with your permission, I’d like to take Vince out to dinner and back to hang out at my place to watch some movies for the evening.” Nathan’s cocky grin held more promise than movies and Vince felt his heart jump up in his throat.

  “Why, I think that sounds like a good idea. You boys have a good time. It’s good to see you, Nathan. Hope to see you around more often.” Michael’s hint at not presuming Vince was one-night stand material rang loud and clear. The good-natured Nathan smiled and nodded.

  “Yes, sir, I’m sure you will. Good night.” The two men said their goodbyes, Vince peaking his head back in the door once Nathan had walked to the truck to mouth, ‘Oh my God he’s gorgeous’ before shutting the door behind him. The others laughed, happy for him.

  “That boy deserves a good date, and as far as I’m concerned, he couldn’t have done better than the Mars boy,” Mrs. Sanders said as she and the other girls started back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Hulk waited for the others to be out of earshot and decided it was now or never.

  “Hey, Violet? Can we talk?” She turned around, looking both surprised and scared. Hell, he didn’t want her afraid of him. “Please…” his voice dropped to a whisper full of emotion and desperation. Like always, her sweet smile eased his tension. Even though
she was upset at him and Kodiak, she still was there to reassure him. Damn, what a woman.

  “Sure. I could use some fresh air.” Violet walked out the door without glancing back, not that he wouldn’t be right on her heels at the opportunity. He waited until the lights from the house were behind them and stopped, turning her to face him.

  “Vi, I’m sorry. We both are. Kodiak and I…we acted like complete assholes.” He paused, hoping she’d give him kind of a sign before he went on and made a complete fool out of himself. Her little fist planted on the sweet curve of her hip and his mouth went dry. Sure, she was pissed. But damn if she wasn’t the sexiest little firecracker he’d ever seen.

  “Yes, you were. Don’t forget impossible, pig-headed, and jealous.” His eyes dropped to the ground.

  “Yeah, and that. But, I’d like to make it up to you. I mean, we both care about you…a lot.” He didn’t want to say too much, but there weren’t words to describe his feelings. What, pour out that he was in love with her? That he’d had it bad since the first minute he’d laid eyes on her? Then what? What if she laughed? Or told him flat out she didn’t care for him that way? He couldn’t bear the thought. He’d said more than he’d wanted to and would have to just show her the rest. Some things were better proved.

  “I have feelings for you both too. That’s why it’s probably better if we just stop all this before it starts. I don’t want to hurt either of you.” She turned and looked up at the stars, fighting the tears back. She didn’t want to walk away from either of them. Truth be told, she had more than just feelings for them, she was falling in love. But neither of them were the type to go for a ménage relationship. Both Hulk and Kodiak were pure alpha males but polar opposites, which was what fueled her attraction. Where Hulk was hot tempered, Kodiak was mild. Where Kodiak joked and played, Hulk was caring and protective. But together…together they were everything she had ever dreamed of and so much more.


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