by Kay, Cherry
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places or events are entirely coincidental.
Copyright 2015 CHERRY KAY
All Rights Reserved To CHERRY KAY
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They say that when something seems too good to be true then it usually is...
Brittany Taylor felt like she had met the man of her dreams in hot bachelor billionaire Logan Grayson.
He had everything. The looks, the money and the charming personality.
Now, after a short whirlwind romance, Logan has proposed to Brittany and she is over the moon. She can't wait to get started planning the wedding and the rest of her life with the man of her dreams.
Little does she know, there is much more to this proposal than meets the eye and it seems like Logan has been making some plans of his own.
And they might not involve her...
David is a wealthy and successful businessman who seeks a woman to bear his child and he is willing to pay what it takes to make it happen.
Andrea is a struggling business woman who is finding it hard to make ends meet and David's offer makes sense to her financially.
Now the two of them are legally bound to have a baby by contract. Is it possible they might also find love in the most unlikely of circumstances too?
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter One
It was a warm night in the city; the summer stars were barely visible in the black velvet sky and it was a perfect evening for two best friends to be out on the town. Brittany and Lena were both dressed to the nines, both of them looking elegant for the art show they were planning to attend, with cocktails before and dinner afterward.
The sound of their laughter as they walked along the sidewalk toward the art gallery was lambent in the warm air, and drew the attention of passersby who smiled at their loveliness and mirth.
Their reflections, as they walked past mirrored windows, showed Brittany in her red silk dress with a halter top that hugged her generous breasts and an empire waist; it flowed down around her hips and long legs like water that wanted to cling to her, but billowed now and then with light breezes of air. Her shoulder length black hair was up in a braid around her head, crowning her and making her look like an exotic African princess.
Her dark skin glowed like sun on mahogany when she passed beneath the bright street lights, her warm brown eyes danced, and her wide smile sparkled. She had a beautiful heart shaped face with angled cheekbones, slightly angled eyes, a slender nose and full lips above her gently rounded chin. She wore diamonds in her ears that night, and a thin gold chain with a single diamond on it around her graceful looking neck.
Lena was looking very well in her blue button-down dress that reached to her ankles and shimmered slightly when she moved. She wore her hair cropped in a stylish wedge, and her round face and rounded body complemented it.
They reached the door of the art gallery and stepped inside. It was lit up brightly, glowing with lights both overhead and hidden, that enhanced the artwork around them.
The two young women weren't but a few steps into the gallery when they were greeted by a hostess who gave them each a glass of wine and thanked them for coming.
Together, they wandered slowly from one area to another, looking at the paintings and sculptures and admiring many of them. There was one that caught Brittany's eye especially. It was reminiscent of a Klimt and it was done in warm tones of gold, orange and red, and it showed a woman playing a violin. There were notes of music surrounding her and encompassing her as she sat there, oblivious to the beautiful soft subtle world she was in, seeming only to live for the music that she was playing.
As Brittany gazed at it, lost in its entrancing beauty, Lena giggled a little and turned slightly so that she could speak into Brittany's ear without being heard by anyone else.
"You are doing something right tonight!"
Brittany turned her attention slightly from the painting, speaking while still looking at it out of the corner of her eye.
"What have I done right?" she asked, with a little smile.
"Oh... everything. There is a very good-looking man over on the other side of the room who can't seem to take his eyes off you. He has been checking you out so much that I'm not even sure he knows there's an art show going on. You'll have to take a look in a minute." Lena said quietly but with a teasing nudge to her friend.
Brittany laughed a little too. "It's this red dress. It does it every time. Haven't I told you that? I have told you that."
Lena was quiet a moment and then she said, "You know, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom and take my time getting back to you. I have a feeling that if I left you alone for a few minutes, your admirer would pounce on you, and I think you should let him. My goodness, he is something else."
"Okay with me. I guess I'll see you in a few minutes. If he doesn't come over here, I'll come find you,” Brittany said with a grin.
Lena shook her head and put her hand on Brittany's shoulder. "Oh honey, I'm positive that he's going to come talk to you."
She turned and walked away and Brittany continued to look at the beautiful painting before her, although only a fraction of her attention was on it, as the rest of her was twisting with curiosity, wondering about the strange man that seemed so taken by her.
Her friend was right. She wasn’t alone for two minutes when she heard a velvety deep voice speaking to her just over her bare shoulder, and the sound of it gave her good goose bumps. She tried to hide a smile and keep a cool composure as his voice wrapped around her from behind like a hug.
"Breathtaking... just truly... breathtaking." he said softly.
She turned slightly and found herself staring into sky blue eyes. "It really is, isn't it? I just love it,” she said with a smile.
He looked right at her as if there was nothing else in the room but her, and nothing else that could possibly attract his attention. "The painting is lovely too,” he said, a smile curving on his lips.
Lena had been right. The man was just beautiful. Tall and lean with a solid muscular build and finger-length dark curls tousled stylishly over his head. His face looked as if it had been chiseled from a statue of a Greek god and placed on him. He had olive-toned skin and she wondered for a moment if he perhaps had a Mediterranean
"But you...," he continued, staring at her in a smoldering way, "you are dazzling."
He shook his head and smiled at her; a flirtatious smile that told her she was the only thing on his mind, and he looked at her through his thick dark eyelashes. "And I thought I wasn't going to find anything here tonight that I just couldn't leave without."
She looked at him in surprise. He was audacious and sexy, interesting and fascinating.
"Tell me," he said, watching her face and looking over it slowly, moving from her eyes to her lips and then back to her eyes again. "What is it that you love so much about this painting?"
She told herself not to be flustered, not to let the heat rush to her cheeks, not to stutter, not to say anything that she might regret the moment it left her mouth. She turned her attention back to the painting and as she spoke, she was keenly aware that he hadn't looked away from her at all.
"I love the warmth of it. I love the color and the values; I love the depiction and the feeling of her being completely lost in the beauty and serenity of the moment... of the music," she said, losing a little of herself in it again as she spoke.
He was quiet a moment, his eyes on her, and then he said softly, "Do you know how to read music?"
She nodded. "I can read music a little, but not really well. I have to focus on it and think about it. I started music lessons when I was younger, but didn't finish them, so it's still a bit of a foreign language to me, I only know conversational phrases.” She laughed a little and looked back at him, her breath catching as her eyes met his intense gaze.
He chuckled at her. "Clever lady.... I like that. A foreign language. It can be to some people, I suppose." He stepped closer to her as if he was going to whisper in her ear and as he spoke, his breath touched her cheek and her neck, making her close her eyes and breathe in for a moment.
"The notes on this painting come from a musical composition that happens to be a favorite of mine. It's Clair de Lune..." he said with a breathy voice.
Brittany's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Debussy!" she exclaimed with a grin, and then it was his turn to look surprised.
"You know it?"
She nodded, feeling electric shivers run through her from the nearness of him and the feel of his breath on her.
"It's one of my favorites as well,” she said with a small smile.
"Is it?" he said, and then he tilted his head a little and gave her an appraising look. "You are quite a fascinating woman." He handed her a glass of wine that he picked up from the hostess, who had been watching him and trying to get his attention with her own flirty smile.
Brittany took the wine and slowly lifted it to her lips. "Thank you." She smiled back with a sultry look. Somewhere in her head, something was asking her what in the world she was doing and thinking and somewhere in her heart, something else was telling her to go for it.
"I noticed earlier that you are here with a friend of yours. Would you both be interested in joining me for dinner after this show? I haven't eaten yet, and I would be honored to have the company of two such lovely women by my side this evening."
He moved to stand beside her rather than behind her and as he did, she got a much better view of his incredible form.
His chest was solid and muscled and his torso narrowed at the waist. He was dressed in a black jacket and a cobalt blue button down shirt that brought out the color of his eyes and for a moment, Brittany resisted the wild urge to run her fingers through the dark curls of his hair, but she was sorely tempted.
"Dinner?" she said, slightly surprised. "Well, I guess I could... I could ask my friend and see what she thinks."
His gaze stayed on her and held her, almost in a hypnotic trance. "Well, have you eaten yet?" he asked simply.
She shook her head. "No, we were going to eat after the show," she told him honestly, trying to keep her heartbeat from racing and giving her away, or worse, giving her a heart attack.
"Well then," he said with a smile, tilting his head slightly, "it seems that the two of you are in need of an escort, and luckily, my dance card is open tonight. I'd love to take you both to a fabulous Italian restaurant that's not far from here. We could walk, if you want, or I have a car here and we can ride. It would be your choice."
Brittany felt heat rising to her cheeks and she drew in a deep breath, trying to keep her breathing even. "Well, I would need to talk with Lena..." she said, and then trailed off as he waved to Lena, who was intently studying a painting not far from them.
She saw his wave immediately and came over to join them.
"Hello!" she said with a grin. "I'm Lena."
He took her hand and kissed the back of it lightly, and then let it go. "I'm Logan Grayson." Then he turned to Brittany.
"I have yet to make your acquaintance, my dear, and I feel that if I am to take you both to dinner tonight, that I should know your names." He winked at her and her heart fluttered in her chest.
"I'm Brittany Taylor." A smile spread wide over her face and her eyes stayed locked on his.
"Beautiful name, nearly as much as the woman to whom it belongs,” he said with another small smile. Then he turned to Lena.
"I would be enormously honored if you two ladies would allow me to escort you to dinner and treat you to a fun and delicious dining experience with me." He gave Lena a half-smile as well, but it was genuinely polite.
She smiled at him and then at Brittany. "I think that's a wonderful idea. Britt? Are you up for that?" she asked. "We were just going to go have dinner on our own, so this is a very nice surprise,” she told Logan.
"Well," he said with a little bow. "I'm ready anytime you two are. I just have one quick little stop to make before I leave. If you will excuse me, I'll be a moment and then I will meet you both at the door."
He walked over to the owner of the gallery and spoke to him, indicating some of the artwork around the gallery, and Lena turned her attention to Brittany.
"I'm telling you, I don't know what you are doing, but you are doing it right and he is hooked! Girl, you are working magic tonight. I can't believe he's going to take us to dinner!" Lena giggled and gripped Brittany's hand in hers tightly.
Brittany lifted her hand to her chest and patted it over her heart. "I just can't get over how gorgeous and sweet he is! My god what a flirt, but he's so sweet and so...god he's so sexy." She shook her head and grinned and together they walked toward the door.
He finished speaking to the gallery owner, and then shook his hand and walked over to meet the ladies at the door as he had said he would.
"You two are already the highlight of my evening. I'm the luckiest man I know!" he said with a grin as he held his arms out. They each took one and left the gallery with him.
They chose to walk to the restaurant and after a night of delicious food and divine wine, they walked back toward the gallery as new friends. Logan was holding Brittany's hand the entire way back.
He turned to the women and smiled at them both. "Would it be alright if I gave Brittany a ride home?" he asked, as he looked at her intently and her heart nearly stopped in her chest.
They had been flirting more and more heavily as dinner wore on, brushing up against one another and sharing food, holding hands and getting close enough to lean against one another. Lena had not missed it.
Lena tilted her head and looked carefully at Brittany, who had all but stopped breathing.
"Well, I drove tonight, so that would be up to Brittany. Britt, would you like me to take you home or would you like Logan to give you a ride home?" she asked openly. She was definitely giving Brittany a wide-open choice.
The voice in Brittany's heart spoke before the brain even had a chance to comprehend the question.
"I would love to accept your offer, Logan, and thank you for it." He nodded as if it were nothing in the world, and she felt her heart try to escape from her body, it was beating so fast.
Lena paused a moment and then grinned and hugged her friend tight. "Well, alright
then. You have a good night and I will talk with you tomorrow. Logan, it was wonderful to meet you, and thank you for dinner. That was some of the best Italian food I've ever had."
He hugged her lightly and smiled at her. "It was my pleasure, of course. Thank you for joining me."
Lena turned and walked away, giving Brittany a meaningful look that was just shy of an unspoken conversation.
When she had gotten into her car and left, Logan looked at Brittany and turned to stand before her.
"Well, my lady, we have the whole night before us. What would you like to do next?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.