The Tourney
Page 10
Dinner was being held in the second floor dining room, which overlooked the large first floor meeting room from an open balcony on one side, giving the dining room the feeling of greater depth.
Since Shina was not only head of Sandarian trade, but also a royal princess, she had had her choice of residences, so she'd chosen one that had an exterior wall. Her dining room had a large portal showing the blackness of space dotted with stars that dominated one's attention, and the table was situated so that only by deliberately sitting with your back to the portal could you not enjoy the view.
As they were leaving their suite, the infocom chimed them that Shina was home and getting ready in her rooms and would greet all her guests together when Prince Dinus arrived.
Keestu approved of Rue's choice of her new purple ensemble and had chosen a pantsuit in a contrasting shade of gold to wear. She recalled Shina was quite fond of all shades of yellow, and it had been months since Shina had come to Sandar for a visit.
The door chimed, and Keestu could see from the balcony that Prince Dinus had arrived. His clothing never changed, and she wondered if he had several sets of clothing all exactly the same, or if the same suit was washed every day for him since his appearance was always neat.
Dinus was shown up to the dining room, where he smiled warmly at Rue. "I trust your trip was uneventful, Princess."
Rue smiled. "Mostly so, Prince Dinus," she agreed without elaborating on their misadventure. "How was your tour of the Hub?"
"Very educational," Dinus said, still smiling warmly at Rue.
At that moment, a servant announced. "Princess Shina, sister to King Ismer of Sandar, and Chief Trade Liaison in charge of Sandarian trade on the Hub."
Prince Dinus's eyebrows went up. Keestu wondered whether it was surprise at learning Shina was Ismer's sister, or that a royal princess was given the task of overseeing trade for the entire planet.
Shina swept into the room, taking everyone in at a glance. She glided up to Prince Dinus and took his hand warmly. "I'm afraid my brother forgot to mention you were such a handsome young man, Prince Dinus," she said, embarrassing her visitor by glancing knowingly in Rue's direction. Since Shina did everything for a reason, Keestu had to trust that she had orchestrated her greeting in order to see what his reaction was.
He recovered quickly, responding in kind. "And King Ismer failed to mention he had a much younger and very lovely sister."
Shina laughed, and everyone relaxed.
"I know you already know my niece and her entourage," she said casually, "and while this is supposed to be a formal dinner, I hope you'll agree that we can skip re-introducing you to people you already know. It's one reason I like working at the Hub; I find I can get twice the work done if I occasionally skip the formalities."
She ignored Vahin's unhappy look and took Prince Dinus by the arm and led him to the table. "I'm sorry I couldn't show you around in person today, but I had an unexpected meeting with the Chtawlikt senator while she was passing through on her way back to Uriel. I also send the apologies of my brother, Senator Korin, but he had to continue on to Uriel because his wife had gone into labor with their first child and the only priority clearance exit window to Uriel available today opened shortly after he arrived."
"I understand," Dinus said. "I wish them a healthy baby."
Shina smiled warmly at Dinus as she indicated his seat. "I'll be sure to pass that on to them the next time I send a message packet their way."
Keestu nudged Rue and tilted her head emphatically. Rue's eyebrows screwed up in confusion, and then she nodded, discerning the question Keestu probably wanted asked.
"Do we know yet if it's a boy or a girl Aunt Shina?"
"Oh, dear me, no. They've been keeping the sex of the baby a secret, though I expect a birth announcement will come as soon as Korin has time to send one."
After they were seated, she stood. "I am afraid that we've had a little intercom short circuit that I didn't have time to get addressed with my unexpected need to talk to the senator of Chtawlikt, so I'm going to have to physically go and check on dinner myself. Rue, would you assist me?" Without waiting for an answer, she headed for the lift.
Keestu sat still until Rue's elbow dug into her side. "Oh, of course, Princess Shina, I'd be happy to."
She got up as fast as decorum allowed and followed Shina into the lift. After the door closed, Shina turned to her, giving her a rough embrace, finally releasing her, but keeping her hands on her shoulders. "My stars, Keestu, let me get a look at you! I think you've grown several centimeters since I saw you last. Korin mentioned in his message that you'd sprouted, but I didn't believe him." Keestu nodded, noting with surprise that she now stood eye-to-eye with her aunt.
"It's good to see you, too, Aunt Shina. How are things on the Hub?"
"Oh, the usual. I wasn't kidding about my meeting with the Chtawlikt senator. I think it's unfortunate that they only allow a single planetary representative who also oversees all trade agreements, because I'm sure she must be run ragged taking care of everything, poor thing. She never complains, though. In fact, she actually seems to relish it. However, I can't believe that she actually argued that the bile nippers were being shipped in stasis and therefore didn't qualify as a 'live cargo'! I don't think I'll ever understand their culture, not unless I get an extended vacation and can visit their world. However, with the upcoming trade treaty with the Autocracy, I imagine I'll be too busy to take a vacation for some time. Seeing how much you've grown makes me realize I should get a husband and have babies, and maternity leave may be the push I need to take a vacation!"
"Can't you tell father you need a break? I'm sure he'll let anyone you like take over while you do."
The lift had stopped, and Shina released Keestu's shoulders and put a finger to her lips while they walked into the kitchen. The kitchen doors whooshed open at their approach, releasing the appealing odor of food and a cacophony of noise from a number of cooks who were busy chattering excitedly as they rattled the dishes about. As the doors thumped closed behind them, Shina relaxed again. The staff quieted as they realized their princesses had entered the room. Shina smiled and merrily waved them back to their tasks.
"Of course, I can take a break at any time, but it's so exciting the new things that are going on, I hate to let anyone else take over for fear I'll miss something really interesting. Being in charge of trade here at the Hub is almost as good as having the throne, and I do my best not to let Ismer down. But I really should find a husband and have some kids; I'm not kidding about that part. Your mother was two years younger than I am now when she had you, and if I want to have children, I should do it soon or freeze my eggs to insure the continuation of my genetic stock."
As she spoke, Shina moved around the kitchen. Tasting spoons were brought out, and Shina moved among the various dishes, murmuring approval of them all.
"Very good. I think we're ready for the first course. Send it up two minutes after I've left the kitchen. Soon enough for any 'issues' to be settled, but not too long that they'll wonder if there are serious problems here," Shina instructed her head chef. "Remember to serve the companions first, and that Crown Princess Keestu is playing the part of handmaiden Rue, while Rue is to be addressed as Princess Keestu."
A murmur of agreement swept around the room as the staff began rolling the serving carts into position.
Shina ushered Keestu back towards the lift. "I find it hard to believe you'll be going outside the Union, and as a diplomat no less! Wasn't the last time you were off Sandar before I was appointed trade liaison at the Hub?"
Keestu remembered to keep her mouth shut, nodding as they left the privacy of the kitchen to walk the short distance to the lift.
When the doors closed, she told her aunt, "I remember coming through the Hub before, but it's hazy. I didn't remember the walking corridors on the landing level or much of the layout beyond the equator. I also remember huge cities with tall buildings on Uriel, and that's all I remember of th
at trip."
Shina hit the hold button on the lift.
"Well, the Hub is not going to undergo any major changes any time soon, from what I understand, though Korin said the Senate might consider enlarging it or building a satellite Hub in a few years if trade with the Autocracy goes through and we see a great increase in the volume of trade and/or tourists. Fortunately, Chtawlikt doesn't use much of their allotted area, and I've been given clearance to release their unused offices, quarters, and empty kiosks to The Autocracy, as all trade for Chtawlikt items is done at automated kiosks or by direct shipping from Chtawlikt. You'll let Rue know that, in case they question her about it? She'd be expected to know about available space when negotiating. As for the big cities on Uriel, I think it's time for you to take another tour. CeCe is quaint compared to Uriel's Medan, but Medan really isn't that big, for all its skyscrapers. Perhaps you could petition your father after you come back for a visit with Korin and Nahtua, especially now that he's letting you travel between planets on your own."
Keestu smiled hugely and nodded, liking the idea tremendously, thinking of all the shopping she and Rue could do on Uriel, as Shina released the hold on the lift and led her back to the dining room. In an instant, Shina was again the effusive hostess.
"All right, my dears, dinner is on its way up, and I've been assured by Rue that everything on the menu should agree with our guests' digestion."
Keestu returned to her seat by Rue, still smiling. Rue was blushing, her eyes demurely dropped, and Keestu glanced quickly across the table at Prince Dinus, who was leaning back in his chair looking very pleased. She wondered what had happened while she was gone.
Their food soon arrived. Shina named each item for Prince Dinus. Dinus donned his finger prongs and randomly sampled everything after he had his taster try one item, showing the trust he now placed in his hosts.
Next on the menu was roisin steak, also from Uriel. Keestu found the meat very tender, and tried in vain to remember if it had ever been on the royal table on Sandar.
Shina answered Keestu's question with her narrative. "Prince Dinus, this is a new hybrid cattle that does well on the types of feeds other animals native to Uriel tend to avoid. Their offspring, unlike many other hybrids, are highly fertile for the first two generations, which usually produce twin or triplet births, and then they produce single offspring in subsequent generations. Uriel in particular is wondering if you have need of either their cattle to help with problematic foliage, or if your worlds would like assistance with their own cross breeding programs though mutual information exchange."
"I'm afraid I don't know much about cattle," Dinus admitted. He turned to his taster. "Bital, do you know anything about farm animals?"
His taster shook his head and spoke for the first time that Keestu could remember. "Sorry, Dinus. I grew up in the city, too." Keestu was more certain than ever that Bital must be a relative, probably a cousin of Prince Dinus.
Dinus smiled at the man. "Don't apologize, Bital. You're not expected to know everything about everything. Just remember to remind me to inquire about the possibility of cattle importation and papers regarding hybrid breeding programs."
Bital nodded, removing his eating utensils before pulling out a small datapad and typing notes into it.
Dinus turned back to Shina, and asked, "Tell me, Princess Shina, does the local sun ever shine through your magnificent portal?"
Shina smiled. "No, Prince Dinus. The Hub doesn't rotate, having internal gravity generators. Instead, it's designed to take advantage of solar power, so the star is always located above our heads." She pointed up for emphasis.
"Solar power? Isn't that rather inefficient?"
"Well, we use fusion generators to run life support and recycling, of course. But, in order to free up more space in maintenance, it was decided to let the sun provide light in the form of photovoltaic panels that convert the sun's energy directly into power that is used to run all the lights on the Hub. Since the Hub is five point five kilometers square on each side, there is more than ample room for all the photovoltaic panels needed, plus the needed access paths for repairs and panel replacement when needed on "the roof". We cycle the lights through day and night here according to Uriel mean time, so they are not required to work around the clock, as it were. During night hours, the panels charge a battery bank for emergency use. There is also a small backup fusion generator for emergency lights, which would put all the Hub's lights on at twilight brightness for the duration of any emergency, should we ever need it."
"Fascinating layout, to say the least," Dinus said, nodding cryptically to Bital, who nodded back.
Before Keestu knew it, dinner was over, and Shina took Prince Dinus for a private meeting in one of the other rooms, leaving Keestu and Rue to go back to their own suite.
Once they got back, Rue let out a huge sigh as she removed her headdress and kicked off her shoes.
"Not too tight, are they?" Keestu gestured to Rue's shoes as she removed her Lady's headdress.
"Oh no," Rue said, "It's just all the heavy food we've been eating!"
"I don't think it's all just about the food, Rue," Keestu said, moving to sit close to her friend. "What happened when you were alone with Dinus at the table?"
Rue blushed again. "Well, he asked if we have such a thing as arranged attachments on Sandar. Of course I told him that while matches are sometimes suggested, they are never forced."
Keestu grinned wildly at Rue. "Are you thinking...?"
Rue turned crimson and shook her head. "No! But he is a prince, and it's flattering to think he'd think of me like that."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Rue," Keestu said. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of offers. You're taller than me, more athletic, and I think you're much prettier than plain old me."
Rue sighed, her blush subsiding. "Thanks, but my position on Sandar is very well known. I can't tell you all the times I've been told to be careful about people trying to get close to you by using me."
This was an aspect of their relationship Keestu had never thought about. Rue had never said anything before about her position at the palace interfering with her private life. "Have they tried?"
Rue nodded, looking miserable. "Twice. The first was a girl who had aspirations of becoming your handmaid herself, and the second was a boy who wanted to say he had a royal connection."
"Oh no," Keestu said. "What happened?"
"I told the girl she'd have to go through the same application and screening process as me, and she called me names before storming off. She hasn't talked to me since. The boy I slapped, then pinned and called security on when he tried to continue despite my saying no."
Keestu was shocked. "You don't mean?"
"Oh yes," Rue said firmly. "I've put Tenget's training to good use already. After he was taken for re-education, I was told not to worry you with such nonsense."
"Rue," Keestu said, "You're not 'just' my handmaiden. You're also my friend, and I hope you know you can tell me anything."
"I do, but with my mother gone, my father is doubly worried about his daughters, trying to be both mother and father to us, and saying things he thinks she'd say to teach us and keep us safe. Actually, I really hated keeping that from you. It happened last year during summer break."
"Is that when you said you had your 'unexpected allergies'? When I asked why your eyes were so red," Keestu prompted gently.
"Yes," Rue said, looking up, her eyes again watering and showing her misery. "After that, I just started to ignore people who suddenly started paying me more attention. I may get a reputation for being stuck up, but it's for the better."
"Oh dear," Keestu said. "You must feel so lonely!"
"A little. Oh whom am I kidding? I've felt really isolated. Don't get me wrong. I love being your handmaiden and your friend, as you're practically a sister to me, Keestu. I have my real sister Marinat, but it's different with her. She's had to be strong all her life, and while I'm sure you will be strong, too, I feel I've
got to help your family look out for you until you take the throne. That must sound crazy to you."
Keestu smiled. "No, you don't sound crazy, just entirely too serious about your job. Maybe we should give you official hours when you are definitely at work and then you know when we are definitely just being friends. Would that help?"
Rue laughed, finally brightening. "No. I'll still feel like I've got to help shield you from others."
"Let me make it easier for you, then," Keestu suggested. "You tell me when you think someone is trying to get to the palace through you, and let me handle it. If everyone's been shielding me, then it's high time I learned how to deal with it myself, okay?"
"Okay," Rue said, looking relieved. "Just make sure you tell King Ismer to tell my father what's up."
"Oh, don't worry, I will," Keestu reassured her. "So you found Prince Dinus's attention flattering?"
"Well, he seems genuinely interested in me."
It was Keestu's turn to frown. "I'd be worried about him trying to make an alliance from a marriage. You heard Hemda right before we left, didn't you? She wants to hear about any foreign princes as soon as we get home!"
"Yes, but I can't help but be flattered despite him thinking I'm Crown Princess. He's probably got a lot of prospects at home, and here he is flirting with me, and I live light years away!"
"You know, you're right," Keestu said. "He could be just enjoying himself continually having dinners with a pretty girl while he's on this diplomatic trip. Besides, he can't possibly think a Crown Princess would leave her position and planet for him, even if his father becomes Autocrat."
Rue looked up suddenly. "You don't think he's thinking of leaving the Autocracy, do you?"
"He didn't act like it, no. So I don't think he'll be applying for permanent residence status. But, if any other princes ask you about visiting Sandar while we're in the Autocracy, then you'd need to watch out."