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Coming Home: (Contemporary Christian Romance Boxed Set): Three Stories of Love, Faith, Struggle & Hope

Page 18

by Debra Ullrick

  “Sure was, darlin’. Now quit stallin’. I came to git even, and git even, I will.”


  Erik drove down the driveway. Just off the road, the sun glinted on something shiny. He glanced over toward the base of the trees where he spotted the white Jeep, facing the two-track trail through the forest. His mind scrambled to remember what Olivia had said. She asked if he had just called. He’d had a sinking feeling when she’d said that. After all, it wasn’t Haskell outside Olivia’s window that night. Or so he’d said.

  Erik slammed on his brakes. He didn’t know if he was just being paranoid or not, but he didn’t want to take any chances. He shut off his truck, reached inside his glove box, and grabbed the revolver he kept there. Property rights and the Second Amendment still meant something in West Virginia. After checking it for bullets, he opened his door and cautiously made his way toward Olivia’s house.

  He was twenty-yards away when he heard screams. Clutching the gun, he ran toward the porch. At the door, he quietly wiggled the handle. Locked. He heard voices coming from the direction of Olivia’s bedroom. Erik snatched the spare house key from under a rock. Then as fast as he could, he ran around back. Pressing his body against the house, he proceeded toward the French doors of her bedroom. The blinds were drawn with the exception of a one-inch gap. Through the crack, he saw a man on the other side of the room, his back to the doors, holding a gun at Audra and Olivia.

  Erik’s adrenaline kicked into high gear. Lord, please show me what to do. And whatever happens please keep Olivia and Audra safe.

  Courage and determination settled in him.

  The man stepped near Olivia, turned her toward Audra, then waved the gun at her. They were only five feet away from Erik.

  Heart pounding, he laid his hand on the French door and carefully tested the knob. Locked. With great care he inserted the key and turned it.

  It clicked.

  Erik held his breath.

  Peering through the slat, he heaved a sigh of relief. The man hadn’t flinched. He was focused solely on the two women.

  Erik patiently waited to make his move. It would come. Of that he was perfectly sure.

  Movement by the door snagged Erik’s attention. Samson crept into the room.

  The motion caught the man’s attention, and he turned sideways, his aim away from the ladies.

  Erik burst into the room.

  The man whirled.

  A gun fired.

  Erik tackled the man to the ground, jerked his weapon from his hand, and tossed it out of the way.

  Rough hands clutched Erik’s neck, making him wheeze.

  Supernatural strength possessed Erik. He jerked the man’s hands off of him with a single yank. Three consecutive blows to the intruder’s face, and he fell unconscious.

  Erik yanked his gaze toward the frightened women. “Hand me that rope, Olivia. Call the police, Audra.” Erik barked orders, and they followed without question.

  He tied the man up, making sure the knots were good and tight before he stood.

  “Oh, Erik.” Olivia ran into his open arms and clutched him. “Praise God you didn’t get shot.” She spoke into his neck, her warm breath evoking a shiver. He held her trembling body close to his. Their pounding hearts beat as one.

  “I don’t know what I would do if someone else I loved died.” She gasped. “Lands o’ Goshen.” Olivia jolted back.

  Erik pulled her back into his embrace, terrified that he almost lost her. He wanted to meld her against him and never let go. He peered over at the unconscious man and cringed at how close he’d come to tragedy. Thank God he’d listened to the Lord’s prompting.

  “I… I didn’t mean that I love, love you. What I meant was...”

  Erik leaned back. Her pink cheeks and gorgeous turquoise eyes tattled on her. She did too love him. His already racing heart ramped up a few more rpms. Only the increase in his heart rate had nothing to do with the adrenaline surge from a few minutes ago, but the excitement of knowing that his Olivia loved him. “Livvy. It’s okay if you love, love me.” He snagged her gaze. While his body was still trying to idle down from what had transpired, he breathlessly said, “Because I love, love you too.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You…you do?”

  “Yes. I have for a long time.” His attention touched on her mouth.

  “You…you have?” She licked her lips. He could still see the fear in her eyes. He longed to kiss it away, to let her know she was safe with him. Rather than resisting the urge, he nodded, slowly dipping his head until their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss. Erik’s body trembled under her touch. The woman could sure kiss.

  “Well, it’s about time, you two.”

  Erik jerked his head up. Both of them turned toward Audra.

  “Praise the Lord. My prayers have been answered.” Audra’s hands and face were raised toward heaven.

  Turning his tender gaze to Olivia, their eyes locked. “Mine too,” he lovingly whispered. “Mine too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sunday morning, Olivia awoke with a huge smile. The night before she’d dreamt of her wedding day. One filled with thousands of lights, candles, and flowers everywhere. The sweetness of it stayed with her even after she and Erik had dropped Audra off at the Beckley airport and headed toward Ansted in Fayette County for their first official date.

  “You ready for an adventure?” Erik asked, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer as he made his way toward Hawks Nest State Park.

  Was she? She turned her head toward Erik. Seeing the childlike excitement in his face, she snuggled her head onto his shoulder. “I am.” And she meant it. Olivia still couldn’t believe she was doing two things she said she’d never do again. Falling in love and going on an adventure. It had to be God. There was no other explanation for it.

  Erik pulled up to an unusual looking place, parked the truck, and shut it off. Olivia read: See The Unbelievable—Mystery Hole.

  She turned toward Erik. “This is your idea of an adventure?”

  “Just wait. You’ll see.” Erik paid for their tour, and they walked outside and around the corner to the entrance.

  Once inside, Olivia clutched Erik’s arm and stopped him. “Oh no. I’m not allowed to go in there.”

  He turned puzzled eyes at her. “Why not?”

  “Because. See that sign?”

  Erik looked at it then back at her. “Yeah. So?”

  “There’s a part in that warning that pertains to me.” She pointed to it and heaved a heavy sigh. “‘People with heart ailments’ Well,” She pursed her lips and shook her head. “That’s me. I have a heart ailment.”

  Concern clouded his eyes. “Really? You didn’t tell me that. What heart ailment?” He grabbed her hands and searched her face.

  Olivia couldn’t keep the mirth from her eyes or lips. “My heart ails with love for you, Erik.”

  His body relaxed, and a smile lit up his whole face. “Well, in that case I’d better not go in there either because we seem to be suffering with the same ailment.” He pulled her into his arms. When their lips touched, her heart danced, and love spread through her body.

  “U-hm. Excuse me.”

  Olivia broke the kiss and looked over at a young man who had a silly grin on his face.

  “Oh, sorry.” She blushed.

  They moved out of his way and let him pass. Arms wrapped around each other’s waist, they entered The Mystery Hole.

  No wonder they declared this place to be a gravity-defying wonder. Everything inside gave the illusion of doing just that—a ball rolling up hill, a tour guide sitting on the walls, and much more. By the time they got through it, Olivia had to hold onto Erik to stay standing, and something about the way he held her made her think he didn’t mind that much.

  After the tour was over, they got in his truck and drove to a little roadside stop east of Gauley Bridge. They sat under a covered picnic table and ate their creamy biscuits, sliced ham and southern f
ried apples that Mickie had packed. When they finished, they followed the trail. Olivia sucked in her breath at the spectacular view. Arms wrapped round each other, standing in silence, they stared at the incredible scene before them. Precipitous-sided cliffs of stone encapsulated the falls. The waters tumbled in a continual succession of falls and glittery spillovers. God had outdone himself on this one.

  “Would you like to go see Hawks Nest Dam?” Erik asked, gazing down at her.

  “No.” Olivia’s head vacillated. “I’ve heard the water can rise pretty rapidly there.” She wanted an adventure, but not quite that big of one. “Could we just stay here a little longer?”

  “Sure.” Love flowed from his eyes to hers as he hugged her closer.

  The falls were beautiful, the day perfect. But even perfection must come to an end. And so, an hour and half later, they pulled in front of Olivia’s house. “I had a wonderful time, Erik.” Awe filled her voice.

  “Me, too.” He paused. “Hey, how about next Friday we go to see a movie?”

  “Sounds great.”

  Erik unlatched their seat belts and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and melded his parted lips with hers. Every part of her danced with joy as Erik continued to pour his love into her through his kiss. Moments later, breath mingling, he whispered, “I love you, Livvy.”

  “I love you, too,” her heart answered for her.

  He opened the truck door and helped her down. Hand-in-hand, they walked to her front door where he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her briefly. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”


  Then, without warning, he crushed her to him and took full possession of her mouth.

  Her arms slipped around his neck. She matched each move he made and then some. With her heart backing her lips, she allowed them to fully reveal all the love she felt for him.

  Minutes passed. Erik raised his mouth and in a breathless whisper said, “I need to go.”

  His masculine voice sounded slightly broken and softer than normal. Chills raced up and down Olivia’s spine. He backed up and gave her a tremulous smile.

  Olivia only nodded. She couldn’t speak. Her lips tingled, and her heartbeat pulsated in her ears. So this was what true love felt like? The second her mind released that thought, fear attacked her, leaving her without a single breath.

  Erik unlocked her door, flipped the light switch on, and stepped back. Olivia stepped inside. Still shaken, she masked her feelings, and gave him a peck on the cheek. She shut the door and leaned against it. “Lord, I need Your help here. I’m so scared, Father. I love Erik so much, but I’m still not over my fear of losing yet another loved one.”

  As she stood there, her back against the door, she spotted her Bible on the living room end table. She shoved herself away from the door and skittered to it. Lowering herself onto the couch, she let her Bible fall open. Deuteronomy 30:19 snagged her gaze. I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.

  As surely as she was sitting there, Olivia knew then that the choice was up to her. No one else could make it for her. She’d endured enough hardship in her life. And she’d allowed that hardship to keep her from living. Well, no more. From this moment on, she’d choose life. And if that life included Erik, she’d definitely take it.

  God’s peace surged through her spirit, soul, and body. Olivia saw a vision of the cascading water at Cathedral Falls. The walls encapsulating the majestic sight reminded Olivia of the stone walls she’d erected around her heart. That day at Adell’s, when she’d repented of having an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, a huge boulder had broken loose from her. Each sin she’d confessed: anger, rejection, bitterness, self-loathing, condemnation, guilt, one by one, they chipped away at her self-erected wall. The only obstacle left was fear.

  Olivia bowed her head, “Father, forgive me for allowing fear to rule my life. Your Word says that, You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. You also said, There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. Lord, I’ve lived in fear long enough. I’ve been tormented long enough. Perfect me in your love, Jesus. Break the stronghold of fear off of my life. Give me a sound mind in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Joy unlike any she’d ever known before flooded her. Now ready to live her life, Erik’s face uploaded into her memory banks. Of their own accord, the corners of her lips arched upward. Only God knew what the future held. Whatever it was, she knew she could trust God to handle it.


  Months of dating, working together, and getting to know each other had been better than Erik could ever have imagined. He’d finally decided that today was the day he would give Olivia the gift he’d gotten her at Tamarack. He loved her and wanted to be with her more each day. In fact, each time it was getting harder and harder to drop her off at the door.

  He pulled his pickup in front of her house, grabbed the box from the seat, headed to her door, and knocked.

  In seconds, Olivia opened the door. “Hi!” Her eyes lit up. The turquoise blouse she had on brought out the incredible color in her eyes. The turquoise and black belt looping through her black pants, hugged her small waist, and the pants hung loosely over her hips and thighs. Hair pinned back on the sides, the rest of her long, liquid-caramel tresses flowed freely down her back.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Erik leaned over and kissed her tenderly.

  She accepted his kiss then wrapped her fingers around his. “C’mon in.”

  They walked over to the sofa and sat down.

  Nerves he hadn’t expected attacked him. “I have something for you.” Scarcely breathing, he handed her the wrapped gift.

  Olivia tilted her head and looked at him quizzically. “It’s not my birthday or anything.”

  “So?” He shrugged though his insides trembled. “Just open it.”

  Carefully she pulled at each tuck.

  It was all Erik could do to control the urge to reach over and rip the paper off. “When you open it, I need to explain what it is.”

  She glanced up at him, gave a brief nod, then continued opening the package.

  When she flipped the lid and removed the tissue paper, she pulled the object out. She sucked in her bottom lip and turned the object sideways, then she tipped it upside down and turned it back and forth. Finally she looked up him. “Uh, thanks.” She frowned. “What is it?”

  “It’s a courting candle.”

  “A courting candle?” Both brows spiked.

  “Olivia.” Erik reached for her hand, willing his heart not to burst. “It’s an early American custom. Kind of old fashioned, I know, but hear me out.”

  She nodded.

  “When a young man went to court a young lady, the girl's father would light a candle. When the flame burned down to the candleholder, it was time for the young man to leave. How close to the spirals the father set the candle was dependent on how well he liked or disliked the young man.” Erik demonstrated how to adjust the wooden pin. “Ollie, I want to court you.”

  “Ollie?” Confusion laced her voice. “Court me? Huh?”

  Erik chuckled. “The day you came for an interview, I thought I was interviewing someone named Ollie. Only Ollie turned out to be you.”

  They laughed.

  “With all my heart, I love you, Liv. I want the kind of courtship that leads to marriage. If you feel the same way about me, and you want to marry me eventually,” Erik reached for the lighter inside the box, “then light this. The degree that you love me is the degree you’ll adjust this.” He showed her the wooden handle. “If it’s up high, then that means you really love me. If you set it low, you don’t. I’ll have my answer then.”

  Nervous, Erik couldn’t keep his knee from bouncing as he watched Olivia place her hands
on the wooden peg. With precise and slow movements, she slid the peg all the way to the top of the curly-cued metal candleholder. Erik’s heart skipped a beat. She placed the candle on top and lit it. Erik’s heart ignited right along with the candle. “Does that mean you want to marry me someday?”

  Olivia lowered her lids. Her cheeks turned pink. “No.”

  Erik’s heart sank. “No. You don’t want to marry me someday?” He couldn’t keep the disappointment from his voice.

  “Not someday.” She captured his gaze and his hands. “I’ve wasted too much time fearing love. If you want to court me, that’s fine. But I’d just as soon forget the courting part and get right to the marrying part. And not just someday. But now.”

  Erik couldn’t believe his ears. His heart soared. His Livvy loved him and had consented to marry him—before he’d even really asked. A thousand details attacked him then. No ring. No knee. And yet, as Erik set the courting candle on the end table, pulled Olivia into his arms, and kissed her soundly, he knew none of that truly mattered because she would one day be his. And soon he hoped. Against her soft lips, he asked, “Is tomorrow soon enough?”


  Olivia still couldn’t believe they’d put such a beautiful wedding together so quickly. In April, when they had decided to get married right away, Olivia knew nothing about planning a wedding. Adell and Erik’s mom had offered to help and went right to work. Those two women were miraculous wedding planners. She and Erik wanted to be married in June. The month they’d met one short year ago.

  In her hands was the most beautiful dress Olivia had ever seen. The second she’d shown interest in the Cinderella style gown, Mrs. Cole insisted on buying it for her. The woman was amazing. This evening, Olivia would have a mom again. That thought streamed-lined unfathomable joy through her. Could she get any happier than this? She didn’t know how.

  Olivia slipped into the wedding dress and pulled it up. “Audra, could you button me up, please?”


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