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Coming Home: (Contemporary Christian Romance Boxed Set): Three Stories of Love, Faith, Struggle & Hope

Page 74

by Debra Ullrick

  “Will you at least try to listen when she’s ready to tell you?” There was a hint of pleading in his voice.

  Sami had never been able to resist her father’s pleas. “I’ll try. I can’t make you any promises, but I will try.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.” He turned to leave but stopped and said over his shoulder, “Oh, and one more thing, you’re not going anywhere. This is your home, and if you leave, I’ll be forced to find you and bring you back home. This ranch wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t here. I wouldn’t be the same.”

  Over the next few weeks, Maggie started going to church with Aunt Edna and even joined the quilting club with Aunt Edna and Anna, Chase’s mom. A close friendship was beginning to grow between the three women. Maggie seemed to fit right into everyone’s life, but Sami’s. In fact, Sami still referred to her as Maggie because Mom wasn’t a title she deserved as far as Sami was concerned.

  After weeks of hard work, the day of the Cattle Sale finally arrived. Sami stood on the podium and watched everyone working together to make sure the sale would run smoothly. Daniel and Clint were in control of parking the trucks and cattle trailers. Aunt Edna and Maggie were setting up the tables to sell her aunt’s famous chili. Miles, Bart, and Brent were busy tagging the cattle.

  “Check. Check. Check,” Chase said into the microphone.

  Sami gave him a thumbs-up and nodded. “It sounds good.”

  “Wow! This is more than I expected.” Chase hooked the microphone back on the stand and looked out over the growing crowd of buyers.

  “Just wait, it gets crazy around here, but it really is amazing. We’ve had people come to the sale before from three states over. And, this year is our biggest one yet.”

  “Sami! Sami!”

  Sami recognized the voice immediately. She turned and saw Kaylee stumbling up the steps.

  “Hey, Kaylee.” She bent down and hugged the little girl. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Mommy and Nana’s here, too.” She pointed her pudgy little finger at Anna and Emily who were making their way toward her.

  They both waved at Sami. She smiled and waved back.

  “I think all of you will have a super fantastic time today. We even have ponies saddled up to ride,” she said to Kaylee as she took hold of her hand. “You wanta see?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.” Kaylee jumped up and down, her dark pigtails bouncing right along with her.

  Sami pointed across the yard to the six-pony carousel they had set up next to the barn.

  As soon as Kaylee spotted the carousel, she started pumping her fists up and down in the air as her dark eyes sparkled in the sun. “Ponies, Ponies. Will you take me to ride one?”

  “Kaylee, Sami’s probably very busy,” Emily said.

  Sami smiled at Emily, shook her head no, and glanced down at her watch, then over at Chase. “Chase, the auction doesn’t start for another half hour. Can you handle this here by yourself so I can take Kaylee for a pony ride?”

  “Sure, I’ve got this. Get out of here.” He winked and shooed them away.

  “Anna,” Sami looked over at Chase’s mom. “Aunt Edna is waiting for you and Emily over at the chili stand. Don’t worry about Kaylee. I’m going to take her with me to let her ride the ponies. I’ll bring her over to you when we’re done. Okay?”

  “Are you sure?” Emily asked.

  “I’m sure.” She smiled. “This is the first year we’ve had a pony carousel, and we decided to have it just for Kaylee.”

  Emily nodded, then smiled longingly at her child. “Kaylee, you mind your manners.”

  “I will. I promise. Let’s go, let’s go.” She grabbed Sami’s hand and dragged her across the yard.

  When they reached the carousel, Kaylee stood in awe staring at the ponies as Larry, one of the local boys who’d volunteered to run the pony carousel, was saddling up the last of the six ponies.

  “Which one do you want to ride?” Sami leaned over until she was eye level with Kaylee.

  “That one.” She pointed out the black paint. “I like the black one. He kinda looks like Stardust, don’t he?”

  “He sure does.”

  “Would it be all right if I call him Blackie?”

  “You can call him anything you like.”

  “Hey, Blackie.” She waved at the pony. “I hope Uncle Chase gets me a pony for my birthday.”

  “When is your birthday?”

  “In three days. I’ll be six-years-old.” She held up six fingers and smiled as her eyes danced with laughter.

  “Wow! You’re going to be a big girl.”

  “Yeap, can I ride now? That man’s finished.”

  “Come on; let’s get you in the saddle.” Taking Kaylee’s hand, she strode over to where Larry was standing next to the last pony he’d saddled. “This little princess is a V.I.P. She can ride the ponies as long as she wants to,” Sami said to Larry.

  “You got it,” Larry said with a tip of his hat. “Here we go.” Kaylee squealed as Larry lifted her into the saddle.

  Within a few minutes, all six ponies had children on their backs.

  “Looks like they’re having a ball,” Aunt Edna said when she walked up next to Sami.

  “I’m glad we did this. Kaylee loves it.” Sami smiled at her aunt.

  “You really like that little girl, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I know. Well, I’m heading to the house for some more crackers. Emily asked me to ask you if you wouldn’t mind bringing Kaylee to her when you finished. She hasn’t had lunch, and she wants to get some food in her belly before this thing gets going full blast.”

  “Sure. We’re headed that way now.”

  After Aunt Edna walked away, Sami motioned to Larry. “I need Kaylee.”

  Larry lifted Kaylee off the horse and set her down.

  The little girl hooked hands with Sami, warming Sami’s heart with the gesture. “Can I ride more after I eat?” Kaylee asked as they weaved their way toward the chili stand.

  “If your mom says it’s okay, you can.”

  “Mommy told me your mommy came home.” She gave a little skip.

  Her statement caught Sami off guard. “Yes, she did.”

  “When do you think my daddy will come back? He’s been gone a long, long time.”

  “Oh, Kaylee.” She looked down into the child’s questioning eyes.

  “I know everybody says he lives with Jesus now. But, Jesus will let him come back home, won’t He? And, what does it mean he’s living in Heaven? Why can’t he live here?”

  Sami was the last person in the world to talk to a little five-year old girl about Jesus and Heaven. She nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to find the words to say.

  Kaylee pulled on Sami’s hand until she looked down at her again. “Why does he live in Heaven and not here with me? Please tell me because if I ask mommy, she cries. If I ask Chase, he just hugs me. And when I ask my Nana, she kisses me and tells me she loves me. Why won’t they tell me? Can you tell me?”

  How could she give the right answer to this little girl when she didn’t know the answers herself? She picked her up in her arms, ducked into the office inside the barn, and closed the door. “Kaylee, do you know where Heaven is?”

  Kaylee nodded and pointed up. “Way, way, up there.”

  Sami had not talked to God in years, but at this moment, she knew she needed help more than ever. Squeezing her eyes shut, she whispered, “God, I know I haven’t prayed in a very long time, but this one time could You please give me the right words to say to Kaylee? This prayer isn’t for me, it’s for her.”

  Sami opened her eyes and smiled at Kaylee. “Well, sometimes people who live here on earth get really sick or get hurt really bad like your daddy did, and they have to go to Heaven. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. I’m sure your daddy loves you and your mommy very, very much, and he always will forever and ever. But, he lives way, way, up in Heaven with Jesus now, but the best thing i
s, he’s not hurt anymore.”

  Kaylee looked at the floor, then lifted her tear-filled eyes up at Sami. “So, he’s not coming back?”

  Sami dropped to her knees and looked Kaylee in the eyes. “No, baby, he’s not. But, he’s so happy you have your Uncle Chase and Nana to help your mommy take care of you.”

  “And, I have you, too.”

  A knot formed in Sami’s throat. “Yes, you do.”

  Kaylee put her arms around Sami’s neck. “I’m glad he’s not hurt anymore, and I love him forever, too. I guess I have to take care of mommy now. She needs me.”

  Sami blinked back tears and kissed her cheek. “You are such a big girl, Kaylee.”

  “Can we go eat now? I’m hungry.” She slipped her hand in Sami’s, and they walked out of the barn together.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Miles loped up behind Sami, grabbed her around the waist, and swung her around in the air. “We sold every steer, every yearling, every bull, and every heifer today. Every single one!”

  “Yay, we did it.” Sami laughed and joined in on his excitement.

  Her brother held his arm out to her and bowed. “May I treat you to a celebratory bowl of chili?”

  She slipped her arm around his. “Yes, you may.”

  They walked over to Aunt Edna’s chili stand. Their aunt and Anna were serving chili to a few stray cowboys and ranch owners.

  “Hey there you two, ya’ll want some chili?” Aunt Edna asked.

  “Yes. We’re starving,” Miles said. He pulled two colas out of the cooler and handed Sami one. “Go grab us a seat, and I’ll get our chili.”

  She walked over, sat down at one of the folding tables, and browsed over the dwindling crowd until she spotted Chase.

  He was leaning against the pickup truck of one of the buyers, and they were carrying on a conversation. She watched him push his hat back on his head as he tossed his head back and laughed.

  He has the most amazing smile.

  “Earth to Sami. Hello.” Miles waved his hand in front of her face.

  “What? What is it?” She blinked and looked at him. “What?”

  He turned around and saw who’d stolen her attention. “Oh,” he said as he laughed and shook his head. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “Yeah, right.” He set one of the bowls of chili and a handful of crackers down on the table in front of her and then plopped down across from her.

  “Mmmm, it smells wonderful,” Sami said, breaking crackers into her bowl.

  Miles reached across the table and tapped on her hand with his spoon. “Why don’t you let yourself love somebody? He’s a good guy, Sami. Why don’t you give him a chance?”

  “I haven’t seen Katie today. Is she here?” she said, changing the subject and hoping her brother would get the hint.

  “She’s here. Come on, Sami. Don’t try to change the subject with me. I want you to at least think about what I said. I know Chase cares about you, matter-of-fact I think it’s a little more than just caring.”

  “What are you talking about?” She took a bite of chili, enjoying the delicious mixture of chili powder, cayenne pepper, onions, beans, and ground beef.

  “Wow! That chili looks good.” Brent walked up to the table with his arm draped over a young brunette’s shoulder.

  “You sure do have bad timing, little brother,” Miles said, looking up at Brent.

  “What?” Brent wrinkled his brow.

  “Don’t pay any attention to him.” Sami kicked Miles under the table, and then smiled at the young girl with Brent. “Who do we have here?”

  “Miles, Sami, this is Haley Phelps. She just moved in from Montana a few weeks ago. Haley, this is my brother and sister, Miles and Sami.”

  “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled, revealing a row of beautiful white, sparkling teeth.

  Miles stood, tipped his hat, and shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Miss Haley.”

  Sami also extended her hand. “I know you’ll love living in Homestead, Haley.”

  “I already do,” she said and dreamily looked up at Brent.

  Miles glanced over at Sami and winked at her.

  “Why don’t you two join us?” Sami asked.

  “Here, Haley, have a seat, and I’ll get us some chili,” Brent said, pulling out one of the folding chairs for her. Sami raised an eyebrow at Brent and nodded in approval.

  “You haven’t lived until you’ve had some of Aunt Edna’s famous chili,” Miles said.

  “That’s what Brent says.” Haley sweetly smiled and sat down in the chair Brent offered. She glanced around before her blue eyes came back to them. “You have such a beautiful ranch here.”

  “Thanks. We like it,” Sami said.

  “Miles,” Daniel called. “We need your help.”

  “Well, that’s my cue to get back to work. Nice meeting you, Haley. I’ll see you two later.” Miles tipped his hat once more to Haley and walked off in Daniel’s direction.

  Sami watched Brent and Haley together. Ah, young love. I wonder if people can see the same twinkle in my eyes I see in Haley’s when I look at Chase. She looked up again to try to catch a glimpse of Chase. She didn’t see him, but what she did see made her drop her spoon.

  “What is it?” Brent gave her a puzzled look and turned around in his seat. He jerked back around. “He sure does have a lot of nerve showing up here.”

  Walking toward them was none other than Billy Salter. On either side of him were his two sidekicks, Ned Summers and Tom Hudson.

  “I’ll take care of this, Sami,” Brent said as he started to rise.

  “Brent, no.” Sami reached for his arm, but he shifted away from her and stood to his feet.

  “What are you doing here, Salter?”

  “Look around, kid. It’s a cattle sale. I’d say I was here to buy a couple of steers. What do you think?” Billy’s laugh made Sami’s skin crawl like she’d been rolling around in poison oak.

  “We don’t want your money. I think you and your men need to get off our property.” Brent pointed toward the highway. ‘It’s that way.”

  “Ah, you hurt my feelings, boy, and here I was trying to be nice.” He turned and looked Sami up and down. “Don’t tell me you feel the same way with all the things we’ve been through.”

  Sami opened her mouth to speak, but Brent took a step closer to Billy. “I’m only going to tell you one more time, you’re not welcome here, Salter. You or your money.”

  Ned and Tom both took a step forward and laughed. Brent was out-numbered, three to one, and Sami didn’t like the odds. She reached up and laid her hand on Brent’s arm. “Brent, it’s okay.” She didn’t want to embarrass Brent in front of his new love. Brent was defending her honor and she was proud of him, but she also didn’t want her little brother busted up either.

  “You’d better listen to your sister, kid. The odds aren’t in your favor.”

  “Does it make you feel more like a man threatening a fifteen year-old boy, Salter?” Sami asked. “You’re pathetic.” She gritted her teeth and slowly rose to her feet, stepping in close to Brent.

  Billy’s jawbone tightened, and his eye twitched. “You don’t want to push me, Sami. You truly don’t know what I’m capable of.”

  She looked him up and down once. “As far as I can see your forte is intimidating teenagers and women. That’s real brave of you.”

  Billy’s face contorted with anger as he looked past Sami.

  “Is there a problem here?” Chase asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

  Relief washed over her when she heard Chase’s voice and felt his touch. The fear that was rising up in her quickly vanished. She instantly felt safe.

  “No problem here. Salter and his boys were just leaving,” Brent said.

  Billy looked at Chase’s hand on Sami’s shoulder then back into Chase’s face and clenched his jaw. “You think you’re the big man around here, huh?”

bsp; “Nope, but I wanted to even the odds a little. Three grown men going up against a teenage boy and two girls, well, that just doesn’t seem very fair to me. Now, I just saw the sheriff over at the corrals talking with their father. Do I need to send this young lady over to get him?” He nodded in Haley’s direction. “Or are the three of you going to leave peacefully?” Chase squeezed Sami’s shoulder and stepped to Brent’s side.

  Tom leaned in and said, “Come on, Billy. Let’s get out of here.”

  “You’d better watch your back, Townsend. This ain’t over.” Billy stepped back, glared into Sami’s eyes, and snarled. “There’s going to be a time he’ll be nowhere around, and when that time comes, I’ll be there.” He slapped his hat against his leg. “Because you and me, sweetheart, we still have some unfinished business. And, no one will stand in my way.”

  Sami’s blood turned to ice in her veins when she looked into Billy’s dangerous cold eyes. She knew this was one threat he was willing to carry out.

  “No, as of today you’re business with Sami is finished. If you ever come anywhere near her again, you’re going to have to deal with me. You got that?” Chase said as he moved in closer to Billy.

  Billy laughed and with a shake of his head walked away.

  Sami gently laid her hand on Chase’s forearm and gazed up at him. “Thanks, Chase.”

  “Hey. What about me?” Brent teased and puffed out his bottom lip.

  “You’re my hero.” Sami hugged him and kissed his cheek.

  “Brent, you were so brave.” Haley wrapped both her arms around one of his, and a smile stretched across her face. “I can’t believe you stood up to three men. Weren’t you scared?”

  “It was nothing.” His chest expanded a little further. “You want to go horseback riding?”

  “I’d love to.” Haley giggled, and they walked off together.


  After Brent and his girlfriend walked away, Sami put her hands on her hips and turned to face Chase. “He’s never going to leave me alone, is he?”

  “He’s only trying to rattle you, Sami. Don’t worry; I won’t let him come near you again.”


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