Passionate Roar: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Leo

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Passionate Roar: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Leo Page 6

by Solease M Barner

  Two of the elders come to the middle of the ring, and announce for us to start the change into our true forms. I get down and change into my lioness

  I begin pacing back and forth looking at those who seek to harm me. They have never been on the streets like me, I’ve been attacked before, and they didn’t live to talk about it. I will try not to kill any of them especially Wendy.

  The first fight is about to begin, I’m called to the center of the ring, and a light golden brown lioness approaches. I hear them saying rules, but I remember Landon saying pin them down first and hold it and you win the match.

  The horn sounds, and we are gnashing at each other, but it’s not long before I take a swing clawing her side and with her hurt it was an easy pin.

  Then the next one is bigger and seems meaner, but I jump on her back clawing her, and she falls to the ground moaning in pain. I look at Landon who blows me another kiss.

  The next fight was a little more difficult, she even manages to scratch my leg, but I become angry and run and pin her down using my claws on her paws.

  I walk over to the side where the doctor examines my wounds and says I should be fine.

  The last fight is about to take place. Landon comes down off his throne and looks me in the eyes, and kisses my head and walks away.

  The horn sounds and Wendy starts trying to circle me, but I don’t allow it. She takes a swipe and misses. She then runs and jumps and takes a swipe across my face. I feel the blood running down my face, and I become angry. I roar and start swiping her, clawing her body, but she doesn’t fall to be pinned. We collide with one another and still neither can get the advantage. I notice my vision starts to get blurry and my body starts to get weak. I look at her and even with her being in shifter form I can see the smirk. The bitch poisoned me.

  I can feel myself getting angry and I roar from her deceit and to my surprise fire leaves my mouth. She tries to run, and I roar again catching her on fire. The horn is blown, but I jump on top of her while she’s on fire and pin her down.

  Landon runs over and pulls me off her. The workers start to pour water on her trying to save her, but it’s too late. Her cries are soon silenced. I change back to human form, and before I pass out, I speak.

  “She drugged me, my vision is blurry.” It’s all I can get out before it goes dark.


  Later that night I awake in Landon’s bed. I can feel my face healing, but the effects of the drug are still present. I look and the room is empty, but I hear voices.

  I try to push out of the bed, but the drug has me weak and I can’t, so I yell for him. Landon and his brother James coming running.

  “I still feel really weak what did that bitch give me,” I ask.

  “It’s going to leave your body soon,” Landon says, and comes to sit with me.

  “They found the poison in her home, and a few others have come forth with helping to poison you,” James says.

  I look at Landon in shock.

  “You mean she had help, with trying to murder me?” I snap.

  “No worries my queen those responsible will be dealt with accordingly.” He replies, with surety.

  I close my eyes and think how it could have been so different. My life could have ended, by a dirty, jealous lioness. At least everyone knows I’m not to be messed with. I’m not sure how I was able to blow fire, but I did. It felt right and powerful. I didn’t believe I was a Zodiac fire lioness before, but I’m a believer now. Tomorrow I will mate with Landon, and we will be as one. This is like a dream come true.


  The mating ceremony

  The next day my wounds had healed, and all the weakness was gone. I was told Wendy’s remains were burned and the ashes were thrown into the river. The others who helped her have been imprisoned by Landon.

  The house is filled with so many females even the three I fought have come over. Landon is out the house. His mom, who wants me to call her mom says, he has a surprise for me.

  The day is filled with laughter, gifts and pampering. All of the females had questions about my fire breathing skills. No one believes the first time it ever happens was on Wendy.

  The ladies are all so nice, and attentive. If they had any reservations about me before seeing me light Wendy’s ass up changed their minds.

  I have so many dresses to pick from, and I am still undecided. The tradition of mating a ruler of the pride is a lot of work. There will be the mixing of the blood, the mixing of our gifts, and the breaking the leaf. It’s all very draining, but exciting.

  As the evening gets close, I become nervous the same place I fought yesterday is the same place the ceremony will be held. I’ve been assured it will look nothing like last night.

  “Davina, I’m so happy you will be a part of my family.” Mrs. King says.

  “Thank you, even though my parents gave me up, I wish I could let them know I turned out alright despite no help from them,” I reply.

  “You need to let go of all that hurt and forgive them, they did it because they believed in the prophecy, so they knew you would find happiness and your destiny would be filled.”

  I nod in agreement because I knew she was right.

  “Are you ready to go get mated to my son?” She asks with a huge smile.

  “Yes, I am.”

  We both begin the walk towards the field, and I can see lights and strings of something in the air. The other females scurry past us all smiling and wishing me the best.

  When we arrive at the field, Landon has his back to us. He looks amazing, wearing fire gold pants with a leather vest on. Nothing else. I look and realize we are matching. My dress is gold and long with leather straps crossing across my back.

  Landon turns and walks right up to me.

  “You look stunning my queen, but before we start, I have you a gift.” He says.

  “Landon no one said I needed to get you a gift, now I’m going to be out of tradition.” I pout.

  “No this gift is something I’ve been working on all day, but using my human connections and spending lots of money I have it.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “Davina I have your parents here, they know you might not want to see them, but they have been thinking about you all these years and to see the prophecy happen is a blessing to them.”

  Tears start rolling down my face. As much as I have hated them over the years, I also dreamed that they would find me and love me. He pulls me into a hug.

  “I want to see them,” I say.

  He waves his hand and James along with some people start walking toward me. As they get closer, I see an older man and woman with two young men.

  They stop directly in front of me. The tears are really flowing now.

  “Hi Davina, I’m Zora, your mother, and this is…”

  Before she could finish, I’m in her arms sobbing. I have always wanted a mom, my mom to be exact. She and I look so much alike. She’s beautiful. We both cry for so long until a voice says something.

  “Hey we’re your twin brothers Dylan and Ryan, so can we get a hug.”

  I release my mother and hug my brothers. I turn, and my father has tears flowing down his face.

  “I’m sorry Baby, I’m so sorry please don’t hate me.” My father says, and at that moment, all the hate I had for my family is gone.

  I run and jump into his arms, and he hugs me so tight. I look over and see Landon smiling at me. Once my father, Dylan Sr puts me down, I run to Landon.

  “Thank you, Landon, you have given me everything, and I don’t know how I will ever repay you.”

  He whispers in my ear hugging me.

  “Give me some cubs my queen, and that’s enough for me.”

  “Ok enough of all this mushy stuff time to get the ceremony on a roll, I’m hungry.” James teases.

  Once we are standing in front of an elder, he starts talking

  “Our ruler has found his mate, and they will be joined forever. They will feel each other’s happin
ess and sorrow. They are bound by blood.”

  That’s when we both cut our fingers and push them together. Landon and I both smile at each other.

  “They are bound by the spirit.”

  Landon even in human form has a gaze of fire surrounding him. He pulls me close, and it doesn’t burn me. I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t.

  “They are bound by the earth.”

  A leaf falls from the sky into the haze of fire surrounding us and doesn’t burn. Landon catches it in his mouth and presses the other end to my mouth I open, and when we pull it, the leaf doesn’t break.

  “There is no stronger bond than a male and female, but for the Zodiac fire lion and Zodiac fire lioness, the bond is very unique. You both shall be called the Leo Rulers from this day forward. You may kiss your queen.”

  That’s when Landon, doesn’t hold back. In front of everyone, he kisses me like we’re alone, but I don’t stop I allow his love to be shown for me in front of everyone.

  “I love you, Landon King!”

  “I love you, Davina King!”


  It’s been three months since I mated with Landon. We had to leave our community and are back in the city. Landon announced to the press that he met his soul mate while doing some traveling, and we decided to have a small ceremony.

  Landon and I are living in his huge penthouse overlooking the city.

  “Do you like living here my queen,” Landon says, coming up behind me.

  He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tight.

  “It’s not bad living in the city although our community is much prettier.” I tease.

  “I know you’re prettier than anything I’ve ever seen.” He kisses my neck.

  “So how long do we have before we get to go back home?” I ask.

  He walks over to the counter picks up his phone and turns it to me. It has 45 days 7 hours and 26 seconds on the screen. I scream and run over to him.

  “Oh, Baby I can’t wait to get home. I understand we have to be here to keep money flowing to protect our people, but ever since I’ve been away from them, I feel a little lonely.” I say.

  “I know, but we have each other, and plenty of time to be alone. When we are home the house is never empty, and you always get nervous about having sex if your parents are in the home.”

  I start laughing remembering our first night being mated. Our families stayed at our home, but Landon didn’t care he made sure the night was all about us. He would even call for food to be brought to us.

  “What is my queen thinking about?” He asks, smiling.

  “Oh how much fun our night together mated was, especially when we both roared and your mom yelled for us to keep it down.”

  We both start laughing then.

  Landon gives me a kiss and goes to his office to do some work. That’s also one thing I dislike about the city my king is always busy. We can never just relax like we did at home.

  I walk to the kitchen to start some dinner when I feel my stomach turn. It made me want to vomit, but I ignore the feeling and start cooking dinner again. This time it does it again over and over.

  Landon comes running into the kitchen.

  “Davina my stomach is doing some weird shit are you ok?” he asks,

  Then I remember the night we mated the elder said we will feel everything each other feels. I look at Landon and back at my stomach.

  “I’m carrying your cub.” I say.

  Landon looks at me and then at my belly and back at me.

  “We are having a cub?” He asks, with excitement.

  “Yes, we are.” I squeal.

  He picks me up and spins me around and then gives me a kiss.

  “I think we will be going home sooner. The people are all going to celebrate.”

  “You asked for cubs, and I’m honoring that promise. Landon I love you more than you could ever know.”

  “I think I have a pretty good idea, my queen.”

  The End!

  Thank you for reading Passionate Roar! If you can take a few minutes and write a review I would appreciate it greatly and so will other readers!

  What’s Next? Who knows, maybe James will get a story!!!!!!


  Guardian Ethney Wallace’s job is to eradicate the lycanthrope threat before they can feast on unsuspecting humans in Savannah. Gifted with the ability to turn into a mermaid, she fights alongside the other eleven guardians. It’s not an easy job, but it’s one she enjoys, at least until innocent children get hurt. On a solo mission gone wrong, Noah, a stunning stranger who has been infected by the lycanthrope, rescues her. He and his young niece, Claire, need Ethney’s help, but she’s been down this road before and it has never ended well.

  Noah Hawthorne and Claire survived a brutal lycanthrope attack, but they didn’t come away completely unscathed. Both were bitten and now risk becoming the very monsters that murdered their family. With the full moon two weeks away they are in a race against time to stop the mutation from spreading within them.

  Together, Noah and Ethney search for a cure, which brings them closer. Resisting the budding attraction between them is arduous; a romance is forbidden, as Ethney is honor bound to destroy all lycanthrope. If she and Noah fail in finding a cure, she will have to destroy him.

  Released Date July 18th, 2017

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  Best Selling Author Solease lives in a quiet area, which she adores. She loves to spend time with her family especially her husband and daughter. She's been called the social butterfly by many friends. She's a huge movie buff, and loves to read books. She writes poetry on a daily basis, as a way to release stress. She also believes reading a book on the beach is a slice of heaven! Solease is the author of "Secrets of the Ghosts - The Sleeper", "Secrets of the Ghosts - AWAKENS", and "The Draglen Brothers Series - DRAKEN" , Showken BK2 The Draglen Brothers Series, Layern BK3-The Draglen Brothers Series, GEMI BK4-The Draglen Brothers Series , Domlen's Way BK4.5 -The Draglen Brothers Series , Warton BK5 - The Draglen Brothers Series and A Draglen's Wedding BK5.5. Domlen BK 6-The Draglen Brothers Series She also will be releasing a new series with wolf-shifters coming soon!


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