Stolen Feelings (Island Romances)

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Stolen Feelings (Island Romances) Page 13

by Margaret Mayo

  And to make matters worse Cameron announced over breakfast that she need not worry about his book any longer. ‘I’ve just discovered that Alex can type. She is the answer to my prayers. She can take over until you are better.’

  Julie felt her heart sink like a lead weight into her stomach. Alex typing out Cameron’s book! Alex in their camp, all day and every day! Alex getting closer and closer to Cameron! It was this last thought that bothered her most.

  She forced a smile. ‘That is good news. I only hope she’s good enough.’

  A frown moved his thick brows. ‘You’re not pleased for me? Not aware of the urgency? My publishers have already put the deadline back twice. It has to be finished by the end of the month.’

  ‘I simply know how fussy you are,’ she said. ‘That’s all.’

  ‘And how good you are,’ he agreed quietly—surprisingly. ‘I told her that if she has any trouble deciphering my writing to ask you.’

  ‘So you’re not going to send us home now you’ve found Alex?’ The words were out before she could stop them.

  His frown deepened. ‘No. Alex is merely stepping into the breach; I don’t want to take up too much of her time.’

  You won’t be doing that, thought Julie bitterly. The girl would enjoy making herself indispensable to him.

  And at that very moment Alex came running up to them. ‘I’m ready, Cameron,’ she said, catching hold of his arm and looking provocatively into the blueness of his eyes. She had a husky, sexy voice at the best of times, but at this moment it was even more sensual, and Julie knew that being ready did not mean sitting typing.

  Cameron put his hand over hers and returned her smile warmly. ‘Good girl, I’m pleased to see you’re so keen. Ian and I are just about to leave but Julie will explain things. She’s terribly efficient and has everything under control.’

  Alex pouted prettily. ‘Won’t you be here to show me?’ This was obviously what she had expected.

  ‘I’m afraid not.’ He pressed a kiss to her brow and then said to Ian, ‘Are you ready?’

  When he had gone Alex turned petulantly to Julie. ‘I suppose I’d better make a start.’

  ‘You suddenly don’t sound very happy about it.’ Julie looked up at the girl from her chair, knowing full well that Alex had expected Cameron to show her what to do, had thought that the two of them would be spending most of their time together. It was probably the only reason she had offered her services.

  Alex lifted her smooth brown shoulders in a carefully controlled gesture. ‘Nonsense, I’m delighted I can help. Your accident came at a very bad time for Cameron. The poor man’s so concerned about meeting his deadline. It’s thrilling, isn’t it? I’ve never worked for an author before. I’ve never even met one. He’s a most fascinating man.’

  Her eyes sparkled as she spoke and Julie began to feel the green-eyed monster eating away inside her again. This girl was hiding nothing; she was intent on a holiday romance with Cameron and didn’t care who saw it. She had no inkling that Julie was in love with him because, as far as she was aware, Julie was safely married to Ian.

  After showing Alex the set-up, explaining what needed to be done and how each page was to be set out, Julie left her to it. She sat with a magazine on her lap, out of sight, but able to hear clearly the tap of the typewriter keys, the exclamations of anger when the girl went wrong, the tearing of sheets of paper from the machine and the fresh ones being inserted.

  It wasn’t as convenient as using a word processor, when mistakes could be corrected on the screen before printing, and the fact that it was a very old portable as well didn’t help. It was necessary to bang down on the keys instead of just touching them, and this was one of the reasons why Julie had trouble; each pressure of her fingers sent a pain shooting through her side.

  After a while the sound of typing finished and Alex emerged from beneath the office awning, flexing her shoulders and her fingers and looking not a little disgruntled. ‘Where did he get that typewriter from? The Ark? Lord, I’m exhausted already, and I’ve only done three pages.’

  ‘It takes a bit of getting used to,’ Julie agreed, wondering if the girl was wishing she had not agreed to do it, but not daring to ask.

  ‘Will Cameron be back soon?’

  Julie shook her head. ‘They always take a packed lunch.’

  Alex pouted. ‘I hope he doesn’t expect me to work all day and every day. I didn’t know it would be like this. It’s far too tiring, especially in this heat. I’m going for a swim.’

  It was almost four before the blonde returned for another typing session and even then she only lasted an hour. Julie said nothing, but it secretly pleased her that Alex wasn’t coping as well as Cameron had hoped.

  She got up and began preparations for their evening meal—scrubbing sweet potatoes, ready to boil in their jackets, opening a tin of sausages and baked beans to go with them. It was basic food but nourishing and satisfying, and they always seemed to enjoy whatever she did.

  Alex had changed back into her bikini again and was bathing in the stretch of water right in front of their camp. It was taking a liberty, thought Julie, and she was making it very obvious that she was waiting for Cameron to come back and join her. Which was exactly what he did.

  He always took a swim on his return, but Julie had thought he would at least come and find out how Alex had got on. It appeared he wanted to ask her in person.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Ian, when he saw her face.

  Julie’s eyes shot daggers in Alex’s direction. ‘Do I have to tell you? She’s flirted with him like mad ever since they got here.’

  Ian frowned. ‘I hadn’t noticed.’

  ‘Men!’ she exclaimed through gritted teeth.

  ‘I’m sorry, Sis,’ He put his arm around her. ‘But I’m sure nothing will come of it. She’s not his type.’

  ‘How do you know who is his type?’ she asked furiously.

  ‘She’s too young.’

  ‘And very beautiful.’

  ‘He’ll never fall for her.’

  ‘Would you?’

  ‘I love Julie.’

  ‘Dammit,’ she cried, ‘I mean if you weren’t married, if you weren’t in love with someone else.’

  He considered her question. ‘No, I don’t think so. Men prefer to do the chasing. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll join them. Are you coming?’

  ‘I’m not up to it,’ she said, ‘but you go ahead.’ And although it wasn’t in Julie’s nature to be spiteful she felt pleased when she saw Alex’s scowl of annoyance, and even more so when the girl left the water to rejoin her cousins.

  Over dinner Cameron did finally ask her how Alex had got on.

  ‘I believe she’s finding it hard going,’ answered Julie.

  ‘Mmm, she did say something about finding the typewriter a mean machine. I wasn’t sure what she meant. I’ve never had any trouble with it myself.’

  ‘That’s because men tend to pound the keys,’ she pointed out. ‘Have you ever used a computer?’


  ‘Then you must know the difference.’

  ‘I didn’t hear you complain.’

  She shrugged. ‘What was the point?’

  And, apart from asking her how her ribs were, that was the extent of their conversation. He retired to write out his day’s notes, Ian too, and Julie went to bed. But she did not get undressed, she was wide awake and knew she wouldn’t sleep for hours. Maybe she would take a walk later, when all was quiet, when the others had settled down for the night and when she could be alone with her thoughts and her yearnings.

  It was almost eleven before she finally emerged from her tent and strolled down to the water’s edge. Everywhere was in darkness; everyone was safely sleeping. A Galapagos owl laughed, the weird cackling noise startling her.

  She walked to the lagoon and back, and was about to re-enter her tent when she heard the sound of muted voices. She frowned and listened. They appeared to be coming from Cameron’s
tent, and a few minutes later a dark shape came out and ran lightly along the beach to the other end.

  Julie felt like screaming. She felt like chasing after Alex and telling her to leave Cameron alone, and she crawled back into her tent, knowing there would be no sleep for her now tonight—or any night while their visitors remained.


  AFTER a few days spent typing out Cameron’s book, Alex began to show signs of unrest. She started work much later each morning, taking a three-hour break during the hottest part of the day and finishing long before the men came back. It was only in Cameron’s company that she became alive, and he had no idea of the tantrums she threw in his absence. Indeed, he still showed a definite interest in the girl, much to Julie’s distress.

  Julie never said anything to Cameron about the girl’s work, although he could not have failed to notice that his book was not progessing as quickly as he had hoped.

  And then one morning Alex announced to Julie that she was going off with her cousins for the whole day.

  ‘Does Cameron know?’ she asked.

  Alex shrugged. ‘No, but I’m sure he won’t mind.’ She looked supremely confident, as though she could do anything and get away with it. ‘We might even go and find him, see what sort of work it is that takes him away for such long hours at a time.’

  ‘I’m not sure that he’d like being interrupted,’ said Julie.

  ‘Maybe he wouldn’t like it if you dared do such a thing,’ returned Alex. ‘You work here, you’re employed by him; there is a difference. I’m sure he won’t mind stopping to talk to me.’ And she skipped away down the beach.

  Julie reluctantly decided that it was probably true, and the thought niggled at her. She sat brooding for ages before finally wading out into the ocean for her daily dip. She was unable to use the lagoon yet because of the exertion needed to haul herself out.

  When Cameron unexpectedly appeared at her side Julie got the fright of her life. For once she had not sensed his presence, had not experienced the tingle of awareness he usually caused. The shock of seeing him made her gasp, and as she turned to face him she somehow lost her footing.

  As she was in only a few inches of water Julie had visions of giving her broken ribs a nasty jolt as she hit the coral. But strong arms saved her, and the brief spasm of pain seemed of no consequence compared to the turbulent sensations Cameron’s touch evoked—made all the more intense because she was naked!

  Thinking she would be alone for the whole day, Julie had decided she could get away without wearing her swimsuit; now her trembling body was held against Cameron’s bare chest, and the sudden contact seemed to have a disturbing effect on him too. His eyes darkened as they stood there together, and he made no attempt to let her go. Julie could actually feel the sudden unremitting thud of his heart, as well as her own, racing in desperate response.

  ‘You shouldn’t be out here,’ he muttered thickly.

  ‘I need to bathe.’ At least he still had his shorts on.

  ‘Not by yourself,’ he growled. ‘Not in your condition.’

  She wished he would let her go, and fear that she could unwittingly give herself away made her say sharply, ‘I was under the impression you thought I was putting it on.’

  ‘Maybe I did say that in the heat of the moment,’ he agreed off-handedly. ‘I was worried about my book. I still am, as a matter of fact, Alex isn’t proving as good a typist as I’d hoped. Where is she, by the way? I came to discuss some alterations and found the camp deserted.’

  ‘She’s gone off for the day with Rick and Lee,’ answered Julie, hating herself for feeling pleased that the girl had been caught out.

  ‘I guess she deserves some time off,’ he said surprisingly. ‘It is her holiday, after all.’

  Julie felt an unreasoning spasm of anger that he could be so understanding where Alex was concerned and yet so damning in her own case. ‘Let me go, Cameron,’ she said, her voice filled with pain.

  ‘I’m hurting you, I’m sorry.’ He relaxed his hold on her slightly but not altogether, and his vivid blue eyes looked into hers. Then with a groan he said, ‘Damn you, woman, you’re as tempting as ever.’

  His mouth found hers before she could do anything about it; and out there in the ocean they stood together and kissed. It was something Julie had never thought would happen again, and although she knew it meant nothing to him, that it was pure physical hunger that drove him, she could not find it in her to protest.

  Her hunger equalled his; her need was as strong—stronger—her desire as intense. Without thought for the consequences, forgetting everything except that she was being held in the arms of the man she loved, she returned his kiss, parting her lips, letting his tongue entwine with hers, feeling her breasts harden and thrust against the hard muscular wall of his chest. It was like drinking sweet nectar itself.

  It was not until Cameron’s kiss deepened, until she felt his surge of desire and the compulsive tightening of his arms, the groan in the back of his throat, the thrusting of his hips, that sanity began to surface. It was all very well letting him kiss her, her conscience would let her live with that, but if it went any further then she would never forgive herself.

  Her mind started to scream her resistance and she attempted to push him away, ignoring the pain, intent only on freeing herself from the raw danger Cameron now posed.

  He tensed for an instant, seeming taken by surprise by her sudden change of mood, and then his kiss began again with renewed urgency.

  ‘No, Cameron. No!’ she gritted against his teeth. ‘I won’t let you.’

  ‘You want this as much as me,’ he rasped harshly.

  ‘No, I don’t. I don’t.’

  Somehow—perhaps because her body was still wet, perhaps from sheer desperation—she managed to slip down out of the circle of his arms, but in so doing she again lost her balance and went sprawling ignomini-ously into the water. The jarring effect was every bit as intense as she had feared and she lay a moment, waiting for the pain to subside.

  This time Cameron did not rescue her; instead, before she had regained her breath, he joined her, his arms pinning her to the coarse, gritty coral, not hurting, but allowing her no movement either.

  She stared up at him, her eyes wide with shock, unable to speak, unable to believe that he was taking advantage like this. His blue eyes were glazed, his breathing ragged, his skin flushed, and there was an expression on his face which told her all too clearly that he had every intention of assuaging his hunger.

  Julie’s hair floated and drifted in a dark cloud in the water, framing her face attractively. She had no idea how hauntingly beautiful she looked, the sea-water cushioning her, lapping around her ears, virtually into her mouth, giving her an almost ethereal image.

  Cameron could not stop looking at her, eyes devouring, raw hunger on his handsome face, which inched in slow motion towards her. She could not move. Even had it not been for the constriction of his arms she would have been unable to do so. She was transfixed, totally numbed, and her eyes were on his mouth, captivated, fascinated, her own lips parting in response as his took hers with an urgency that shot painful, tingling sensation through every vein and artery in her body.

  His hands began to move over her, tracing the outline of her slender legs, her thighs, moving over the flatness of her stomach, creeping with tantalising slowness to the aching fullness of her breasts.

  She gave a tiny gasp of pleasure when his hands finally captured her, his fingers seeking her hardened but sensitive nipples. It was sweet, sweet torture, incredibly erotic, as the ocean washed over them with the gentle ebb and flow of the tide.

  His mouth was bruising in its intensity but Julie had no thought now to pull away; her capitulation was complete. She loved this man with every fibre of her being, and if this was the only way she could experience such torturous pleasure then so be it. It was better than nothing. It was a memory she could rekindle at a later date and savour to the full. No one would be able to take it

  Freely and hungrily she gave herself to him; wantonly her body moved in urgent rhythm, the buoyancy of the ocean making movements easier and virtually pain-free. She had lost all inhibitions, was oblivious now to her nudity. She knew only that she wanted this man with a primitive hunger that had never assailed her before.

  It was like being in another world, a world of sensations that transcended earthly feelings. It was like being in paradise, and she could imagine just the two of them here on this island—alone—forever.

  ‘Julie,’ he muttered thickly against her mouth. ‘Oh, Julie, what are you doing to me?’

  There was no answer she could make. Her response was a whimper in the back of her throat, another thrust of her body against his, and his hands on her tightened. Dear lord, how she loved him. Best not to remember that this meant nothing to him, that he was pleasuring himself alone, with no thought at all for her own feelings.

  Except that she was showing no signs of resistance! She was as bad as he, urging their bodies together, her tongue exploring his mouth, nibbling his lips as he did hers, following his lead in absolutely everything he did.

  She had never felt such complete abandonment; had indeed never let anyone get this close, not even Roger. It was as if she were being propelled by outside forces, forces stronger than life itself. It was as if her whole body had been taken over and she had no say in anything it felt or did.

  Only the tips of her breasts protruded above the sea-water, and when he took each of them in turn into his mouth her agony of longing increased. She moulded his head in her palms, writhing beneath him, wanting more, needing more, knowing there was nothing he could not do to her in her present aroused state.

  And when his hands moved down her body, to explore again the flatness of her stomach, the curve of her hips and the softness of her thighs, she gave a moan of sheer pleasure, her head arching back into the water, her throat exposed, her body lifted, unconsciously offering herself to him.

  He kissed her mouth again and she could taste the salt-water on his lips, could smell the tantalising male-ness of him. He filled her nostrils; he filled her with desire that was almost out of control.


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