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Grind Page 2

by Kait Gamble

  Nodding, she raised her hips, trying to get more pressure, more contact. More Jason.

  Chuckling, he crooked his fingers, sending waves of pleasure racing through her. Cara stifled a gasp by biting his shoulder.

  Hissing a long breath, Jason gave her a slow smile. “Like that?”

  Like it? She could barely breathe. “More.”

  Jason obliged increasing the friction until Cara’s body hummed like an instrument under the fingers of a master musician. The pleasure was too intense, too much, too fast. Her orgasm slammed into her without warning.

  He captured her scream in a searing kiss as he eased her back to reality.

  By the time her vision cleared and the roaring in her ears calmed, Cara realized that the limo had stopped. Jason stared down at her, his eyes intense and his breathing as labored as hers. She had to smile. He was losing his control.

  Cara kissed him, biting his lower lip and soothing the sting with her tongue. “Your turn.”

  Chapter Two

  The trip up to her apartment was a rushed blur. She vaguely registered being in the elevator and unlocking her door. The entire focus of her being was Jason. The instant the door clicked shut, he wrapped his glorious body around her. His touch was quick, purposeful, as he tugged her dress up and tossed it aside then divested himself of his own clothing, leaving it pooled at their feet.

  Cara shoved him back, wanting—needing—to get a look at him. There were a couple of other guys she’d been with in the past but none compared to Jason in any capacity. Tanned, probably from his latest venture, he stood tall and lean with a light dusting of hair on his chest that led into a darker trail, drawing her attention downward to a very eager part of him.

  In a few words—Jason was perfection.

  With a lazy smile on his face, he let Cara stare unabashedly for a moment before scooping his arms under her and wrapping her legs around his waist. He gripped her hair as he devoured Cara’s mouth like a man starved.

  He took the few steps it took to get them to the couch and fell back onto it, leaving Cara straddling him and her breasts at the perfect height for him to take advantage. “Now where were we?”

  “My eyes are up here.”

  His eyes sparked with mischief when they met hers briefly. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  “I think I’m offended.” She laughed.

  ”Well, I can’t have that.” He took one nipple then the other in his mouth before grinning up at her once more. “Whatever can I do to make it up to you?”

  “I’m sure you can think of something.” Smirking, she reached for his cock, rubbing it against her clit before sliding the weeping head inside. Slowly, she lowered herself, taking him into her inch by delicious inch until his cock filled her fully.

  It took a moment for her body to adjust to his size. Cara smiled as she shifted her hips, watching him eagerly as his body responded. She rocked against him, and he dropped his back with a guttural moan. She loved the way he closed his eyes as she moved and—when they opened again—how dark they would become as they held hers. He dug his fingers into her hips as he helped her move to the rhythm they both enjoyed.

  Cara gave herself up to the sensations, letting it swell and take her again, this time her cries echoed off the walls. Jason pulled her down over him and drove deeper again and again, building the pleasure until euphoria engulfed her senses. Cara stifled a cry against the crook of his neck as the bliss crested and crashed over her in sultry waves. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear Jason shout then he thrust deeper, harder, and trembled beneath her.

  She collapsed against him, their labored breathing mingling. He wound his arms around her, holding her close, pulling her in for another drugging kiss. They stayed like that for a while, pressed up against each another, neither saying a thing, simply being together.

  Stretching and rolling his hips, as if he needed to prove that he still wasn’t sated, Jason broke the silence first. “You mentioned something about a bed?”

  When he got up off the couch and started walking while still hard inside her, Cara couldn’t help but giggle. “You really have missed me.”

  “Isn’t that what I’ve been saying?”

  Cara wiggled her hips, making him smile. “Sometimes a girl likes a little proof.”

  He navigated the halls as if he walked up and down them every day. “Need any more?”

  Cara shifted, managing to slide him even deeper. “Maybe a little.”

  “That’s my girl.” He took the last few steps to her room and kicked the door shut.

  * * * *

  Cara woke, legs tangled with Jason’s and the rest of her entwined with the sheets. She could think of worse ways to wake up. Though achy and lethargic, she couldn’t help but smile. Even the gray clouds and water streaming down the windows couldn’t dull her mood.

  “I guess that look means I did good.” Jason watched her with one sleepy eye. He let it drift closed only to snap both open to glare at the material wound around him like vines. “What the hell happened to the sheets?”

  Cara couldn’t help the smirk. “You.”

  “Uh, I think that maneuver you pulled before I passed out might have had a little something to do with it too.” He grinned widely. “Feel free to do that again any time, by the way.”

  “Maybe I will.” She found her way out of the tangle of sheets, though Jason was a bit more reluctant to let her go. “Breakfast?”

  He dipped his head. “If you let me make the coffee.”

  She swung a pillow at him. It was an age-old argument. “There’s nothing wrong with my coffee.”

  “Mine’s better,” he said with finality.

  “Whatever you say.” She extracted two robes from her closet, purposely giving him the shorter silk one.

  He looked at it dubiously. “You expect me to wear this?”

  She shrugged slowly into her oversized terry cloth robe. “Yep, as punishment for making fun of my coffee.”

  Jason pulled it on, not that it did much to hide his body. He could barely tie it, leaving a wide V of skin visible on his chest. “Why do I get the feeling I would have gotten this one no matter what?”

  “I have no idea what you mean.” Her innocent smile didn’t move the cynical smirk on his face. “Just make your precious coffee. I’ll see what I can whip up.”

  She led the way into the kitchen with Jason trailing close. He quickly did what he had to then came up from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. Cara dropped her head on his shoulder as she tossed ingredients into a bowl and whipped them together. It was quiet moments like these, with the scent of breakfast and freshly-brewed coffee winding around them, that made her wonder—just a little—what daily life with him would be like.

  His warm breath tickled the skin on her neck when he asked, “Why did you stop being in the kitchen at the restaurant? You love experimenting with ingredients.”

  She lifted a shoulder without missing a beat with the whisk. “I still do. I guess I just wanted to be out front for a change. Besides, I still come up with a dish here or there—usually for special occasions.”

  “I’m glad that you haven’t abandoned it entirely.” He poured the coffee then carried the mugs to the table. He took a long sip and sighed contentedly. “Now that’s coffee.”

  Cara shook her head as she followed suit. “Not as good as mine.”

  He chuckled as he drained the rest of the mug in a way far too quick to be healthy. Jason was obviously used to downing scalding hot liquid in a hurry. “I’m going to jump in the shower, unless you need me for anything.”

  The wicked leer he gave her made her laugh. “Go. And maybe you should make it a cold one.”

  He ran his hands over his torso. “Can’t handle any more of the Jason, huh?”

  Laughing harder, Cara feigned a kick in his direction. “Will you just go? By the time you’re done, these should be ready.”

  Jason struck a ridiculous pose that almost rendered the robe completely
pointless. “Or you could join me.”


  “Your loss.” Jason pulled her in for a slow, smoldering kiss that left her breathless before letting go. “You know, I could get used to this.” He winked then, whistling a random tune, disappeared down the hall.

  Jason always knew how to make her smile, how to elicit a moan. But she wasn’t sure how to take that last comment. She was lucky to have found someone so in tune with her needs, physical and otherwise. He was there when she wanted him, gone when she didn’t. It was her ideal arrangement. Uncomplicated. Fun. Not since a brief, ill attempt at an exclusive relationship when they were younger, neither pushed for anything more and that’s how she liked it. Cara was free to focus on her career, which was all she was interested in right now. That, and expanding her brand to the sweet little building she’d found beachside. The last thing she needed was a committed relationship. They took up time and energy and never ended well. Just look at her parents, Chelsea’s relationship and just about every relationship she’d been in or heard of, including hers and Jason’s when they were younger. The idea of forever was unrealistic and doomed to failure.

  But Jason was just kidding around. He had to be. He wasn’t into commitment any more than she was. And how could he even think about settling down when his job took him all over the world? He barely ever saw his apartment. Where would that leave her?

  Perhaps it would work out better if they just broke things off now before either one of them wanted to stray into territory that they’d avoided thus far.

  Cara thought back to the check she’d written out to him months before that sat on her dresser as she deliberated giving it to him. She’d proudly signed it the instant she was financially solvent. He probably wouldn’t like it, but it made her feel less in debt to him.

  It was all moot, really. Maybe she needed to talk to him about it. But would that ruin things? Cara sighed and forced her mind to stop chasing the chaotic whirl of thoughts. She’d wait to see if he brought it up again.

  She had just put the omelets on the table when Jason returned, this time wearing a low-riding towel. He smiled unapologetically. “I forgot my other clothes in the car last night.”

  “I can see that.” Her concentration lapsed as her attention strayed to the few beads of water still clinging to him. One was even lucky enough to glide down his chest. It took her a second to realize he was still talking. “Hmm?”

  “I said I was going to call the driver and get him to swing by with my things.”

  “Yeah, of course. Sure.” She bit her bottom lip and sat, jamming a fork full of omelet in her mouth before she said anything else.

  Jason didn’t seem to notice as he settled down to enjoy the food. When she didn’t say anything for a few minutes more, he arched an eyebrow at her over his coffee. “Is something wrong?”

  “Nope. Nothing.”

  He sipped his coffee and sat back looking completely unconvinced. “So what happened while I was in the shower? Want me to put on some clothes?”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  Jason set his fork down. “So what is it?”

  Cara was sure she was putting more stock into what he’d said than was meant. “Nothing.” She patted his hand. “Really. Enjoy your breakfast. I’m getting in the shower.” That would give her enough time to sort her head out.

  She didn’t spare him another glance in case he read her mind. It was a silly fear, but there it was.

  She closed the door to the bathroom and dropped her robe in an uncharacteristic pile on the floor, then turned the shower on hot and hard. Cara stepped in and let the water ease her tension. Leaning her head back, she let the relentless stream cascade over her face.

  It didn’t really surprise her when she heard the door open or when the cold air followed in behind the warm, solid body that filled the space behind her.

  He nipped her ear. “Are you trying to drown yourself?”

  “Not exactly.” Cara wanted to ignore the heat of his body but enjoyed it too much not to press herself against him more.

  Jason turned her around and pulled her close, leaning against the back of the shower so that the water fell over them both. It left her with nowhere to look but directly at him. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?”

  She wasn’t sure if what she felt was arousal or the early tendrils of dread fluttering through her stomach. “It’s silly.”

  “You know you can tell me anything.” He shuffled back to give her a little space. “So what is it?” He held her gaze for a long while, and she knew he was trying to read the anxiety there.

  She knew the moment he saw the hesitance, the trepidation. His blue eyes darkened to remind her of the sea at night as they widened and dropped to her midsection.


  It took her a second to figure out what he was thinking. She covered her stomach with one hand as she waved the other at him. “No! No, not that. I’m not pregnant.”

  Jason relaxed visibly, sagging against her. “I’m not saying that that would have been the worst thing to happen, but I can’t say I’m not a little relieved.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “So, are you going to tell me or do I have to get it out of you using more persuasive means?”

  Apparently, she took too long to answer so Jason took things into his own hands—literally. Her eyes drifted closed as she savored the feeling of his hands skimming down her body. Already sensitized by the water, Jason’s touch blazed trails over her skin.

  He spun her around, thrusting his erection to her back. Cara squirmed against him, making him chuckle and hold her tighter. He closed one hand over her hip, letting the other travel lower. Slowly. Too slowly for Cara.

  “Jason, please.”

  He bit down gently on her shoulder. “Will you tell me?”

  Her legs started to tremble. She hooked an arm around his neck both to keep herself upright and to urge him to maintain contact with his mouth as well.

  “That’s not a yes.” He skimmed his fingers over her lightly, circling the spot she needed him to touch.

  She moaned his name, trying to get more friction but he held her tightly. Jason grazed her with the heel of his hand as he slipped one finger inside her tight passage. “Is this what you wanted?”


  “Tell me.”

  She could barely breathe. How was she going to explain what she was thinking? Especially when it was so complicated? Cara pushed back against him. Two could play at this game. He thought he was the only one who knew which buttons to push?

  She ran her nails up his thigh as she slipped her free hand in between them to close around his erection. The hiss and shudder from him told her she was definitely doing something right.

  His grip on her loosened when she started to move her hand—a slow stroke up and down. A smile crept over her face when the steady breath at her ear started to come in gasps and groans.

  Jason retaliated with his mouth. His teeth. He nipped her shoulder and neck while he used his hands and fingers with renewed purpose.

  Sliding another finger in to join the other, Jason started rocking his hand exactly how she loved it.

  Not to be outdone, Cara tightened her grip and stroked him faster, loving the way he reacted. How it spurred him on.

  Vision blurring and knees shaking, Cara was so very close to the edge when the cold glass shocked her cheek first, then her shoulder, chest and thighs. Her nipples tightened even more against the chill as Jason pushed her against it, never missing a beat with his hand. Positioning her, he adjusted himself and thrust home in one hard stroke.

  It was all she needed to tip her over the edge and she came with a scream muffled against the glass.

  Jason gripped her hips, pulling her against him to meet his thrusts until he was shuddering against her and gasping for breath. He drew her back with him when he leaned heavily against the wall of the shower. He started to say something but caught the spray full in the face.

Spluttering, he ducked out of the water. “How about we get out of here before we drown?”

  Cara chuckled and dragged him from the shower. She grabbed a couple of towels on the way, tossing one to him. “Why don’t we get dressed and go explore the city a while?”

  Wrapping the towel around his hips, he nodded, though it was a little hesitant. “Okay. But I know there’s something you want to say.” He cupped her cheek and peered into her eyes.

  She could see that he was completely sincere in what he was saying.

  “You know that there isn’t anything too big to tell me, right? We’ve always been able to talk about everything. I would hate for that to change.”

  When she said nothing, he nodded.

  “I can wait.”

  Cara touched her forehead to his in thanks.

  Jason seemed to understand and smiled. He looked at the rain still streaming down the windows. “It’s a bit wet to go gallivanting around the city. Why don’t we see what we can find on TV?”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll just grab some clothes.”

  “Aw, come on. Naked TV is a lot more fun than boring old regular TV viewing. Live a little.”

  But she was already heading down the hall. “You’re insatiable. Get some clothes on. Have you even called for your clothes?”

  “Already on it.”

  Cara couldn’t help but head back and peek around the corner to see him surveying the menu on the TV. “Not getting dressed? Your driver might get a bit of a shock.”

  He grinned wolfishly, walking over and hooking a finger in her towel. “Why don’t we really give him something to see?”

  Rolling her eyes, she shoved him back and started toward her room. “I’m putting some clothes on. You do what you like.”

  He called down the hall after her. “Spoil sport.”

  Cara laughed as she searched through her closet for something suitable, something that was sexy yet didn’t look like she was trying too hard. Though with how he’d been behaving, she wasn’t sure there was anything that wouldn’t encourage him to pounce on her—not that she minded.


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