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Grind Page 6

by Kait Gamble

  “Just let me do my thing while I watch you do yours.”

  Jason put up his hands, abandoning the argument. “Hey, it’s your snoozefest.”

  Cara watched him prepare for whatever it was he did. Jason had made a command center at her dining table, his laptop already turned on. She could see message windows flashing and several faces in a video chat waiting for him.

  And still he found time to make her a cup of coffee and find her a croissant before settling into his work.

  She blamed her bleary head for not really understanding what was going on—that and the fact that Jason seemed to work at a blistering speed. At one point, it sounded like he was doing an interview while sorting out a labor dispute.

  It wasn’t as if she didn’t know what his work entailed. She did. Mostly. After university, he and his roommate, Sebastian, had started flipping houses as a way of making cash. He had a good eye for a project and nearly always came out the better. It was his share of the money from their first few jobs that had gotten her restaurant on its feet. From there, they’d taken on bigger and better projects until they were now renovating multiple developments worth hundreds of millions of dollars all over the world.

  She was proud of them both.

  He caught her watching and smirked. “What?”

  “Just enjoying the view.”

  “Yeah? What’s so good about it?”

  She took a bite of the croissant and cocked her head, taking in his long, lean form. “Everything.”

  Jason laughed. “You’ve caught me on a good day. Watch me on a bad day and see if you come to the same conclusion.”

  “I would.”

  The look he gave her told her he didn’t believe it. “Well, get ready for more of it. I have a few more calls to make. It could take a while.”

  “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” She bit her tongue when he smiled. Cara hoped he didn’t take it to mean she was ready for the other ‘thing’. Although after the past few days, the thought of spending forever with Jason didn’t seem quite so daunting.

  Chapter Seven

  The next day, Cara was back on her feet—which was good—but at the same time, she noticed that Jason was growing distant. Work took more of his time, which was expected. It wasn’t like she didn’t realize he had a job to do. Even though she had been getting annoyed with him hovering over her constantly, she had to admit she’d enjoyed having him around.

  That revelation gave her pause. She liked being around him all the time. Cara knew that it wasn’t the same as seeing each other day in and day out for years on end, but they weren’t sniping at each other and she wasn’t getting bored with him. In fact, she wanted more time with him, if only to find out what else he had up his sleeves.

  But now he was the one pulling away and she had to wonder if he felt the opposite. For a guy who never stayed in one place too long and had no long-term attachments, the last few days might have reinforced the idea that that was how he wanted to live.

  She just had to get sick.

  Cara cursed herself, the rain, her chefs and her luck—but most of all herself.

  When she found him, he was pacing the living room in mid-conversation. He waved her in. “I’ve got to run. Talk to you later.” And he clicked off the earpiece.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” The scent of the coffee brewing in the kitchen proved too tempting. “You have to work, so don’t let me disturb you.” Cara walked over, poured herself a cup then sipped it on her way to the couch.

  “It was just Sebastian and Natalie, who say hi and get well soon, by the way. Besides, I’m supposed to be spending time with you. Now that you’re better, I’m not letting it get in the way.” His phone rang. Jason took one look at the display and sighed. “Sorry, just give me a minute.”

  “No rush.” And she meant it. He’d worked hard to get where he was and she wasn’t going to be the one to mess it up. Vaguely wondering what Sebastian and Natalie were up to, she snagged her phone off the table and called Chelsea.

  “Did you tie and gag him to get at your phone?”

  Laughing, Cara kicked her feet up on the table. “Yes. If you peek through the window right now, you’ll see that I have him chained to the radiator.”

  “Then what are you calling me for? Take advantage!”

  The idea definitely had potential. “How are things at the restaurant?”

  “Everything is fine,” Chelsea sighed. “I’m great too, by the way.”

  “I sense sarcasm.” Cara also noted a healthy dose of exasperation.

  “Well at least your hearing is healthy.”

  Cara heard a gulp on the other end as Chelsea downed her morning coffee.

  “Stop worrying. You know you have an awesome staff and even if you didn’t, you have me. You’ve taught me everything you know. Except how to snag a guy like Jason.”

  Jason was only a few feet away in what looked like an intense conversation with whoever it was on the other end.

  “Funny. I can’t really get into it right now.”

  “Uh-oh. Tell him there’s an emergency and meet me at the restaurant.”

  “I can’t.” What would it look like if the moment she got better she just abandoned him? They had things they needed to talk about. “I’ll fill you in later.”

  “You’d better.”

  “I was going to give Natalie a call.”

  Her friend chuckled. “Don’t bother. She’s neck deep in work right now.”

  “I thought she would be too but she and Sebastian just called to check on me.”

  “Oh yeah?” Chelsea’s voice rose a few octaves, the way it always did when her interest was piqued. “They’re together?”

  “Don’t jump to any conclusions. I don’t think they’ve figured out the mutual attraction yet.”

  Chelsea snorted. “I’ll give you my right leg if you’d let me be the one to point it out to them.”

  Laughter bubbling up her throat, Cara shook her head as if her friend could see. “Don’t you dare! I’m curious to see how long it’ll take them. Anyway, I’d better go. I’ll check in again later.”

  Cara dropped the phone onto the cushion next to her and finished off her cup. He did make good coffee.

  “Was that Chelsea?” Jason had ended his call and watched her intently.

  She bobbed her head. “I was just checking in with her.”

  “And did the restaurant burn down while you were gone?”

  The heat of a blush crept into her cheeks. “No. But what kind of boss would I be if I didn’t keep an eye on things?”

  “A horrible one.”

  His smile faded a little and Cara knew that what was coming next wasn’t going to be pleasant.

  “I thought we could take a little trip together,” he said.

  She worked her mouth silently for a second.

  Jason waved his hands as if trying to wipe away the suggestion. “You don’t have to say yes. I just thought that we could both use some real time away from things.”

  “No! I mean yes. It just wasn’t what I was expecting. You looked so serious. I thought you were going to say something bad.” Cara took a deep breath. “Of course I’d love to go away with you. I’ll call Chelsea and organize it with her.” She already had the phone back in her hand. “When were you thinking of going?”

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  She pressed the button was to redial Chelsea. “Where are we going?” She waved him off when Chelsea picked up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Cara heard something fall on Chelsea’s side and laughed when her friend swore vehemently. “Relax. Just wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind covering for me a little longer.”

  “No problem. You know all you have to do is ask.”

  “That fact alone tells me that you need more personal time.”

  “Please. I’ve told you, I’m done with all that. All men are scum. Except yours, of course. And Sebastian.”

  It wasn’t the first time Cara
had heard that from her best friend. And it probably wasn’t going to be the last, as much as she hoped it would be. She wanted to sit her friend down and talk things out but it was going to take much longer than a phone call. “I promise. When I get back, we’ll get together.”

  “There is nothing you can say that will change my mind. At least, not right now. Just let me be mad at the male population while I get it out of my system.” Chelsea huffed out a breath. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. You just concentrate on you and that man of yours.”

  Cara knew Chelsea needed time but it didn’t stop her from feeling a little guilty. “I will.” She hung up and let her phone fall back onto the couch.

  “Everything all right?”

  Nodding, Cara rubbed her forehead. “I feel bad that I’m practically flaunting our relationship in her face after she’s been through such a horrible breakup.”

  Jason frowned. “Do you think she’ll be okay?”

  “Yeah, she just needs some time. Chelsea’s tough.” Cara knew that for a fact. “If I push her, it’ll just take her that much longer to snap back.”

  “I get it. Breakups can be nasty. I just hope that she eventually gets over it.”

  “Me too.”

  Jason flopped onto the couch next to her and wound an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “You’re a good friend.”

  “I try to be.” Cara smiled impishly at him. “You don’t happen to know anyone who would be a good match for Chelsea, do you?”

  Eyebrow arched, Jason touched his forehead to hers. “I thought you weren’t going to push?”

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t plan ahead.”

  Chuckling, he eased back and shrugged. “I might. But right now I need you to get ready to go.”

  Happy with his answer for the moment, Cara smiled. “I’ll drop it for now. So. Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. Just get dressed and enjoy the ride.”

  “You can’t just tell a girl to get dressed and go. I need specifics. Is where we’re going hot? Cold? Fancy? Are we going to be doing a lot of walking? How long are we going to be there?”

  Jason put up his hand as he scrubbed his face with the other. “Tell you what. Put on something comfortable and if you need anything once we get there, we’ll buy it.”

  Cara grinned. “Like I’m going to turn up my nose at a chance for new stuff.” She would just have to make sure that she got to her wallet before he did. And because she liked to be prepared, she’d pack a few necessities.

  The smirk on his face told her he had anticipated her answer. Cara spared the window a quick glance before dashing into her room. It was still gray and dripping, so she opted for jeans, a T-shirt and a sweater. She was sure the bug was gone but she wasn’t about to tempt fate.

  * * * *

  The car ride and following flight were a blur. All she knew was that when she saw the sliver of land in the shimmering blue-green water through the window, she couldn’t stop smiling.

  Jason dropped his chin onto her shoulder. “Wait until you get down there. You won’t be able to wipe that smile off your face.”

  The moment the sultry sea air hit her, she knew he was right. It was exactly what she needed. The mixture of sun, sea, sand and carefree the atmosphere invigorated and kept her smiling.

  “Come on.” Jason took her hand and led her to the waiting car that promptly whisked them away. “Liking it so far?”

  “I might be.” Cara leaned against his chest and gazed out at the tropical paradise whipping past. This was amazing.

  She couldn’t see his face but she knew he had a smug smile on his face. Not that she could blame him for being proud of himself. He’d managed to pull off something wonderful and he knew it.

  They went to dinner first. Jason seemed to know the area very well and a few people even greeted him.

  They pulled up to a line of villas that sat above the water on stilts, looking like relics from another era. Palms swaying lazily at the shoreline beckoned them to come over to one situated a bit farther from the rest.

  Cara gasped in delight and looked at Jason. She’d been right about the smirk. If anything, it only grew at her reaction to the villa.

  He waved at their surroundings as he led the way along the long wooden path toward the little hut. “So what do you think?”

  “Your latest?”

  “It is. Construction was finished just days ago.” He hugged her to him and squeezed. “So?”

  “It’s spectacular.” And it was. Once they’d opened the door, she was at a loss for words again. It truly was perfect, from the glass sections on the floor where she could see fish darting past to the open balcony that led to a gorgeous view and seating to enjoy it. Standing over the water made her feel like she was floating.

  Cara ran her fingers over the wooden furniture as she explored, loving everything she saw. “Flawless.”

  Jason’s smirk turned into a grin. “Glad you think so. This one is ours whenever we want.”

  “Yeah?” Cara could already see long, lazy weekends spent lounging in the sun. Or swimming in the incredibly clear waters.

  Or leisurely enjoying each other.

  Jason snagged her around the middle, pulling her close enough to pick her up, hook her legs around his waist and claim her mouth with a kiss that blasted every thought out of her head.

  He made short work of the clothes he could easily reach. Her shirt, sweater and bra fell to the floor in a crumpled heap before she could even register what he was doing.

  “I’ve been going crazy not being able to touch you as much as I’ve wanted.”

  Cara had to laugh at that. “Like I haven’t?” She tore away his shirt, giving her hands free reign to rove over the hard muscles of his arms and chest. She wanted to make the most of whatever time they had left together—before he was gone again.

  Not exactly something she wanted to be thinking about right now—or ever, if she was being honest.

  But now wasn’t the time to dwell.

  Not when he was doing such delicious things to her breasts with his tongue. She barely noticed that he was moving her toward the balcony. Cara tried to hold onto him when he attempted to ease her to her feet.

  Jason’s impish smirk returned. “No one can see us.” He kissed his way down her torso, slowly sliding off the rest of her clothes as he went. “It’s just us, the sea and the sky.”

  She relaxed almost completely. Not that she had any resistance against the sensual onslaught, especially not when she caught sight of him completely devoid of clothes in the sunlight. He may as well have been Apollo himself, the way the light turned his hair to gold and kissed his skin.

  Raking her nails down the ridges of his abs, Cara edged toward him until she could feel the heat radiating from his body. Jason took the final step to close the gap, leading her over to the lounger. He sat back and looked up at her with a grin. “Maybe I should have flown us to Montana or something to keep in theme.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” She straddled him, sitting lightly on his hips. Leaning down, she gave him a teasing kiss but didn’t move to slide down on the rigid erection pressed against her.

  “Cara, you’re killing me.” His groan reverberated through her and he tried to maneuver her over him.

  “Can’t handle it when the tables are turned, huh?” She teased him with a little shimmy of her hips, earning another groan. With a smile, she slid down his body, not letting any part of her touch except for her hair and lips until she was face to face with his very large, very eager erection.

  She flicked her eyes to his and she could see the heat glowing there. If she didn’t do something soon, he was going to. “Don’t move a muscle.”

  He narrowed his eyes a bit. She knew he was definitely thinking of disregarding her request entirely.

  “If you’re good, I’ll reward you.” She lightly ran her nails along his thigh. “But you have to do it my way.”

  Obviously interested in h
er offer, Jason caught her eye one last time before settling back. The spark there let her know that he was as into it as she was, and he just needed her to make a move—now.

  Cara moved back up, skimming his skin with her breasts until she could capture his mouth with hers. What started as a light brush turned into a hard, biting kiss that flowed into another then another until she couldn’t catch her breath and she didn’t care. All she wanted was more of Jason.

  Before he burned all her intentions of going slow from her mind, Cara arched and slid over him, taking him inside her inch by inch. It wasn’t enough for him.

  Jason grabbed her hips and pulled her down as he thrust upward, sheathing himself fully inside her and knocking the wind from her lungs. With a twist, he flipped her under him. She worked hard to keep up with his relentless pace.

  It didn’t take him long to have her trembling and crying out as she exploded. He wasn’t far behind. After a long while, he lifted his head with a sigh and a sheepish grin. “Sorry. Just couldn’t wait.”

  “Do you see me complaining?”

  When he tried to lift himself off her, she held him fast making him shift to the side instead. “So we can come down here and do this as often as we want?”

  “Anytime you like.”

  She hummed happily. “What about food? I’m assuming we’ll have to get dressed and go out at some point.”

  “Trying to get away from me already, huh?” He laughed just as someone knocked on the front door. At her questioning gaze, Jason winked an eye that matched the blue of the sea. “A surprise.”

  Not content to just wait and see, Cara scrambled past him to shimmy back into her clothes. It wasn’t a compulsion that Jason had, apparently. He lazily pulled on his jeans and buttoned them on the way to the door.

  The two women on the other side let their gazes wander over him appreciatively. Cara couldn’t blame them. It still gnawed at her gut the way they smiled coquettishly at him and giggled over everything he said. Even after she made an appearance, they couldn’t seem to help themselves.

  With a sigh, she looked at what the women had brought with them. Obviously, they were from a restaurant, since they delivered a mini banquet.


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