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The Dragon's Lover (Elemental Dragons Book 2)

Page 30

by Emilia Hartley

  “Be careful of what you say about my mate,” Gareth growled from between clenched teeth.

  Drystan laid a heavy hand on Gareth’s shoulder, fingers sinking into muscle. “She was raised by GOE, trained to hate and kill us. She could still bear loyalty to them, no matter what she is on the inside. The trap she supposedly escaped last night could very well be a set up for us. If we trust her and let her in, then she could destroy us from the inside. You and I both know that it isn’t the first time that GOE has worked with a dragon.”

  Gareth remembered the white dragon that attacked Wesley. They both knew what that was about. They knew that the time would come when the white dragon family would return to reclaim the land they lost centuries ago. Gareth had paid attention when his grandfather spoke, absorbing his stories as portents.

  “She isn’t a white dragon,” Gareth reminded Drystan.

  “The color of a dragon’s scales doesn’t determine who they are,” Drystan said. “It is how you act that makes you who you are. And, we have seen her on the side of GOE too often to trust her implicitly, mate or not. Perhaps you would do well to share the bond with her to win her loyalty.”

  Gareth knew it wouldn’t work like that with Rhiannon. If anything she would scoff or, worse, downright deny his claim.

  “You want me to take her out for training to see if she’s lying. Don’t you?”

  Drystan’s eyes sparkled, but he didn’t reply. He turned away, leaving Gareth alone at his door. Gareth turned to open his front door and found Rhiannon standing in the doorway. A basket hung between her hands, making her seem innocent and young for a split second. It reminded him of a child he knew years ago.

  His stomach hit the floor when he realized what Drystan and Rhiannon spoke about earlier. He’d met her before. She had only been a child then. Now, the tiny, intense child had grown into an intense woman.

  “Holy shit,” he whispered.

  Her brows fell together and her eyes narrowed. The fire inside of her burst to life. He could see the tendrils of black smoke rising from her hands. He yanked the basket from her hands before she burned through the handles, chuckling to himself.

  “What are you laughing about?” She demanded to know.

  He shook his head. “I’m just thinking that teaching you to fly is going to be fun. I can’t wait to watch you get stuck in the trees.”

  Which, she did. Once they reached a clearing large enough for two dragons to occupy, Gareth threw down the basket and let loose his beast. The giant scaled body burst into being and turned gold eyes down to their mate. She looked up, unimpressed.

  Gareth felt his beast grow angry. Smoke hissed from his nostrils before the beast threw its head back and roared into the forest. His scales were a brilliant, fiery red that ended in darkness near his talons and the tip of his tail. He was easily the largest of the dragons in Snowdonia. On second thought, he’d never seen Elgar’s dragon before.

  Still, his beast raised his head above the trees and scanned the top of the forest while they waited for Rhiannon to pull forth her beast. Long moments passed and nothing happened. He looked down to find the tiny woman scowling at the forest floor.

  What is wrong with her? She changed last night.

  When her life was threatened, Gareth thought. Now, that was not the case. She had little connection to the beast inside of her and a heavy connection to her human form. It was probably difficult to give in to the beast’s form.

  Gareth lowered his head to the ground so that he could look mockingly up at Rhiannon. She huffed and kicked him in the nose.

  “This isn’t funny,” she hissed. Her face was red from the effort of forcing the change.

  It wasn’t funny. She could be pretending to have a problem changing shape, Drystan’s voice whispered through his mind. Gareth shoved the thought to the back. No, she was not pretending.

  He had an idea.

  Gareth ambled past her. He circled the grove, his head low like a cat stalking prey. As he entered her field of vision, he knew he caught her attention. She froze. He let wisps of smoke rise from his nostrils and the corners of his mouth. If her body reacted to the need to survive, he would give her something to run from.

  Carefully, of course.

  The ground shook as he burst into a run toward her. The trees shook. Her scream filled the clearing. His mate took off running, making a break for the tree line. He was too large to fit between the thick trunks of the trees. She was too smart for his scare tactics.

  His beast huffed.

  “Are you mad?” she screamed from within the woods.

  The beast grumbled a response. He laid down on the grass, letting his head touch the ground. Like a cat, his attention never left her. Gold eyes followed her movement as she entered the clearing once more. She turned angry eyes up to him and he laughed.

  “Don’t be a cock.” She kicked his nose. It stung just a little. She was strong and she was pissed off.

  He needed her to be scared.

  His clawed hand swept out and wrapped around her. Her feet left the ground, kicking beneath her. He spread his wings wide and beat them against the air. It was hard to believe a dragon his size could lift off the ground the way he did. His body lifted into the air and Rhiannon started to truly struggle in his hand.

  He wanted to tell her to change, to escape his grasp. Words were hard in his dragon form. She punched his clawed hand and turned her eyes up to glare at him. Below them, the gap between them and the ground was lengthening. He wouldn’t drop her, not on his life. But, she didn’t know that.

  He hated having to do this to her, but she couldn’t remain in one form forever. She needed to learn to control her shapes before she lost control of it. If she were outside the Territory again and lost control, she could cause a riot.

  “Put me down right now!”

  He shook his big head and looked into the distance. They could go for a trip around his part of the Territory. It wouldn’t hurt. If she didn’t change, at the very least she got to see Snowdonia from the best angle.

  His wings beat the air and he surged forward. She squeaked in his hand. She squirmed this way and that, trying to break free. Where did the tiny woman think she would go once she was free? They were easily five hundred feet off the ground.

  Her form burst free. Black scales unfolded into the world and a small, agile beast darted through the air. Her wings flapped, unsure of what they were supposed to do. Gareth let himself fall through the air to catch up to her. It was going to hurt when he hit the ground, he thought. It was worth it if he could keep his mate from hurting herself.

  She was beautiful. The scales that flowed along her body were the deepest black he’d seen on a dragon, but they faded into a blood red at her haunches and a brilliant red on the tips of her toes and across the top of her muzzle. This was his mate. He was not bound to a human that couldn’t share in the joy of the dragon form.

  Finally, his claws reached her. Tenderly, he wrapped them around her body while he snapped his own wings open. They glided through the air while she figured out how to adjust her own wings to do the same. He felt like the training wheels on a child’s bike. It made his beast smile.

  She was flying with him.

  After a long while, he let go of her. She wobbled in the air before finding her own balance. She threw her head back and roared with happiness. Ahead of them the clearing appeared. Gareth banked around her and turned toward the clearing. He knew he was large and that was small compared to him, but he didn’t realize how tiny she really was until she touched the ground beside him.

  Rhiannon was still young, he reminded himself. Her dragon form was probably still growing in size. Her dark form was roughly half his size. He felt as though he could reach out and squash her with his foot. Or, he would if he didn’t think she’d bite it off before it reached her. She was fierce, despite her lack of size. It also meant that she was nimble where he would be bulky and clumsy.

  She darted around him, reminding him of a s
mall lizard. To test just how nimble she was, he tossed his tail toward her. She dodged most of his playful strikes. One hit her in the flank and another, a few swings later hit her in the stomach.

  They had been flying and play fighting for a while. She was most likely feeling sluggish from the unfamiliar effort of it all. Soon, she would have to eat.

  A sharp pain shot through his flank. She pounced and bit down on him while he’d been worrying. He swung around and let out a menacing growl. She looked up at him with her teeth embedded in his flank before bouncing away and out of his reach. He looked to where her kitten sharp teeth sank into his scales.

  He let go of his dragon form. It folded back, against the wishes of his beast. It wanted to play with their mate more. Gareth had to remind it that their mate needed to be fed. She might act with bravado, but he was almost certain she was feeling the drain of the unfamiliar change.

  Human and half clothed, because he himself barely had the energy to deal with a shirt, he approached his mate’s dragon. Narrow, gold eyes looked down at him. The red nosed beast bent to rub her head against his face. He raised his hands to rub her cheeks and closed his eyes.

  The beast knew of their bond. It knew that they were mates and it reveled in the knowledge. He doubted that Rhiannon would feel the same if he told her the truth. He held onto the moment a little longer before telling the beast to give Rhiannon back. It might not understand human words, but it understood his request. And, it didn’t want to give in.

  The beast put a paw on his chest and knocked him back onto the ground. He fell with a hard thud, the form of her dragon already climbing atop him to curl into a sleeping position. He laid, nearly helpless, beneath her beast and found laughter bubbling up through him. The beast cracked an eye as if to say be quiet. He smiled and folded his hands beneath his head.

  Chapter Nine

  Rhiannon woke atop the dragon man. His eyes were trained on the clouds above them, but when she stirred they flicked to her. She felt her face warm when she realized she’d been sleeping on his chest. Her body lay along the length of him, touching from head to toe. A thick arm was thrown over her waist like a heavy blanket. It had been too comfortable and Rhiannon wasn’t sure what to think of that.

  Instead of pursuing the thought, she clambered off him. He stretched, languid like a cat. A great big mountain cat, she thought.

  “How long did I sleep?” she asked.

  He glanced back up to the sky, pointing in one direction and then to the sun while he calculated its movement. “About three hours.”

  “And you let me use you like a mattress that whole time?”

  “In my defense, for the first hour it was against my will. Your beast decided I looked like a fine mattress. When she receded, I figured letting a woman sleep on me was much more favorable to letting a dragon sleep on me.”

  Rhiannon felt her face warm. She turned to the basket of food a few feet away because she had to look anywhere other than Gareth at that moment. She remembered the feeling that her beast held toward him. It was warm and the happiest that she’d ever been in her life as the feeling spread from the beast to her. The beast acted as thought it had known Gareth it’s whole life.

  Maybe… There was a chance the beast remembered Gareth from before GOE killed her parents. That had to be it. Her beast remembered him as an old friend. Yet, when she cast a sidelong look at him, her eyes roved over his stubble covered jaw and his bare chest. The way her body reacted to the sheer sight of him told her that something else was afoot.

  Wilson had written books about dragons and their desire to take human mates, she thought as she opened the picnic basket. The book spoke about how dragons liked to capture their human mates and secret them away from the world, mainly keeping them to the bedroom. Rhiannon always thought that his book was a load of anti-dragon propaganda, but the word mate was now stuck in her mind.

  The half-naked dragon man sitting beside her had quickly become her only friend in the tumultuous time of her life. She trusted him long before she had any reason to trust him. No, that was wrong. He had come to her and begged her not to take part in a mission that she, herself, hadn’t believed in. Instead of using his dragon strength to force her decision, he camped outside of her home. He made a peaceful protest for what he believed in.

  That dragon could very well be her mate. As a dragon, she was sure to have one out there somewhere in the world. The idea of it turned her upside down for a moment. Love was promised to her. Magic bound her to another soul and promised happiness with that soul. But, first they had to survive GOE’s efforts to destroy Snowdonia and what it was to the Welsh dragons.

  “What are you thinking so hard about? Did the cheese melt while we were gone?”

  She snapped back to the present and looked up to the dragon man that had crawled toward her on all fours. The sight of him crawling toward her moved something inside of her. She thought of the kiss they shared in his home. It very well could have led to other things had Drystan not interrupted them.

  Now, she wanted to know if what she felt for him was a magic that bound them together. Chewing her lower lip, she crawled toward him.

  He flipped them over. She laid beneath him, their bodies cradled by the grass. Her body lit up with flames everywhere he touched. It drove her mad. It made her rake her hands over his bare shoulders. She could feel the slight scars from earlier.

  He’d done that to protect her.

  She couldn’t remember the last time someone tried to protect her. Rhiannon always had to stand on her own two feet, no matter how precarious the situation. Not even Everett had thought to protect her and she’d given him the pleasures of her body.

  Now, Gareth leveraged himself above her, looking down at her with his sky colored eyes. She reached up and ran her hand over the stubble on his face. She had a curious urge to ask him to grow it out, to give her something to grab so that she could pull him down to her hungry mouth.

  His brows fell together, but before he could ask, Rhiannon’s hand slipped behind his head and pulled him down to her. She chewed at his lips like she could devour him bit by bit. He moaned into her mouth and it felt like flames licking her from her lips down to her core. It left her breathless.

  “What is this?” she breathed. Was this the fire that mates felt for one another?

  “No questions,” Gareth growled as he reached down for the waistband of her pants. He glanced back up to her face, as if in silent questioning. Could he embark on that path?

  In response, she shimmied her hips so that her pants lowered. He growled and yanked them the rest of the way off her legs. Before he could do more, she wrapped her bare legs around him and pulled him back into her body. Her teeth grazed along his neck. He was defenseless in her grasp. She felt him shudder beneath her as she bit down on his skin. His hands rose to grasp her hips, tight as he lost control.

  When he opened his eyes, they were dragon gold. Her own beast stirred in response, purring like a happy cat. Rhiannon envisioned reaching inward and grabbing the beast by the scruff of her neck to shove her back. She needed this to be of her own free will, not a demand made by the animal voice in her head.

  There was time for that later, she thought.

  “Lay back,” Gareth growled at her. His teeth hovered above the skin of her throat. The vibration of his words rumbled through her neck. She reached up and gripped his hair one more time, jerking his head back to set her hungry lips upon his once more before doing as he said.

  He laughed at the dominant woman before lowering himself upon her. His lips and teeth traveled down her toned abdomen, down where the sweet smell of her was emanating. He slid her panties down her legs before pushing them apart. The sight of the rugged man between her legs was enough to make her core pulse with warmth.

  His head dipped down and she felt the first flick of his tongue between her labia. His growl of pleasure vibrated through her core. She laid back and chewed her lip. How was she going to survive this? She felt like she cou
ld be molten metal.

  His tongue pressed into her again, lapping her up. Shocks of pleasure radiated through her. She swallowed the moan that threatened to escape. Her back arched as she pressed herself into his lips. He laughed, his calloused and scarred hands travelling up and down her thighs.

  “You will come for me at least once before we go any further. Do you hear me, Rhiannon?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded. Above her, the open blue sky seemed endless, but she was bound to one single spot on earth. She was bound where his lips met her labia. She reached down to grip his hands while his tongue pressed deep and his nose gently nudged her clitoris.

  She could feel the warmth building while his tongue made quick circles around her entrance. He pulled a hand from her grip and she felt a finger slip beneath his tongue and inside of her. She cried out into the clearing. A flock of birds startled and took to the sky. He pushed it deeper, another finger joining it.

  It had been too long since she last laid with a man. Her entrance was small. Too small for a man the size of Gareth, she thought. As his fingers stretched her vagina, her pleasure was mixed with a small amount of pain. When his tongue reached her most sensitive spot, all of the pain vanished. The pattern of his tongue pushed her into waves of pleasure.

  She felt the heaviness building in her core. She needed it. She wanted it. She arched into his mouth once more and he responded. His hands came around to grab her bare ass so that he could press his face deep into her. Tongue and lips pushed her over the edge.

  She screamed her pleasure into the clearing. The waves crashed over her until she was breathless and writhing beneath him. Finally, her tired body collapsed on to the ground. Every nerve inside of her dang with joy as the tiny aftershocks jumped through her body.

  “You enjoyed that, did you?” Gareth asked. She watched him suck the last of her from his fingers like it was something sweet and delicious.

  There was only one reason for what she was feeling right then. She had suspected, but now she knew. The bond between them was alive and singing. Gareth was her mate.


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