The Dragon's Lover (Elemental Dragons Book 2)

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The Dragon's Lover (Elemental Dragons Book 2) Page 32

by Emilia Hartley

  “That sounds like a loose plan,” Drystan commented.

  It was loose. There was no way for her to know if she’d be shot on sight after her partner framed her. GOE was looking for all of the red dragons, afraid to their very core that the dragons were a threat to humanity. She looked around the room at the people that circled the table. Maggie leaned against Drystan’s hip, looking destitute. Dakota was still trying to rid herself of the anger that flooded her by pacing behind Wesley. The old man that agreed with her earlier, most likely a grandfather of her mate, wrinkled his nose in disgust as he looked down at the table.

  “What else can we do?” she whispered.

  Finally, Drystan’s shoulders fell. “Take Maggie with you. I hate to have to say that, but if anyone can get under someone’s skin it’s her. Plus, if you’re recognized she can grant you momentary immunity so that the two of you can retreat to the Human Dragon Relations building.”

  Maggie snorted at his comment about her getting under people’s skin. She seemed like a strong woman. Rhiannon remembered a few run ins with her on campus, the professor’s stony glare was immovable and heavy every time she threw it her way. Maggie spent much of her time mocking Rhiannon’s old boss, unafraid of his position in GOE.

  “I can do that,” Rhiannon replied.

  “I don’t think I can,” Gareth whispered into her skin after he let his head fall against her shoulder. “Why would you do this when our future is still ahead of us?”

  Rhiannon swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Because there is no future if GOE attacks. They’ve been preparing for a dragon war for a very long time and with modern weaponry, I don’t think that we stand a chance. Dragons aren’t the force of destruction they once were in comparison to technology.”

  Gareth pressed his face into her skin and refused to respond. She understood. She didn’t want to do this. Leaving the Territory was an awful idea for her. She was wanted. She was the enemy now. But, if she could do this one small thing for her new family, she would. Rhiannon knew how to find Raphael.

  “Gareth,” Drystan barked. “You’re Territory bound for this.”

  “What?” her mate growled behind her. She could feel the tension in his body, his fingers as they dug into her hips. She was lucky he didn’t stand and dump her off his lap.

  “You heard me. I cannot have you jeopardizing this mission because you’re a fool. You are to stay here on the Territory and report to us if GOE makes any moves.”

  Rhiannon pulled herself from Gareth’s lap because she could feel the energy crackling beneath his skin. He was angry. He was dejected. She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the war council and up the stairs.

  At the top of the stairs she realized how little she knew about her mate. Out of three closed doors on the landing, she had no idea which one would lead her to his bedroom. She froze, feeling out of place. She took a deep breath and reminded herself it wouldn’t matter soon.

  Gareth pushed past her, arming his door open before disappearing inside. She stood outside the door, chewing her lip. Inside, she could hear Gareth hitting something. Her ears caught the sound of drywall cracking and crumbling. She sighed and followed him inside.

  “I should be there to protect you,” he growled when she entered the room. “It is my right to protect my mate.”

  Rhiannon nodded. “It would be if this were not a time of war. Look at this from Drystan’s perspective. We are newly mated. Your reactions are heightened and acute when it comes to me and my safety. It’s a feeling I’m sure that Drystan is familiar with. What I’ve volunteered to do goes against all of your protective instincts. Doesn’t it?”

  “Of course, it does!” Gareth threw his hands up in exasperation.

  “Then it only makes sense that you would end up interfering in a moment when we need Raphael to think he has the upper hand. We need him to feel like he’s about to win so that he confesses to everything he’s done. If I can’t get him to confess, I need him to attack. If you attack him first, then the whole plan is ruined.”

  Gareth paced in front of her. The walls shook with the force of his beast’s anger. Photos cracked and fell from the walls. Hairline fractures appeared in the drywall, snaking around the room. Rhiannon stepped forward and took her mate’s face between her hands. She forced him to look into her eyes.

  “I am willing to risk this for you and your family.” She searched his eyes while he grew calm in her grasp. “I am willing to do anything to make sure you are safe, too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and drew her into a long kiss. Together, they fell onto her bed. He shielded her from the world with his arms and body, and she believed, just for a second, that they could stay that way forever.

  “Promise me one thing,” he whispered into her lips.

  “Promises already?” she joked, trying to ease the tension and apprehension growing inside of her.

  “Promise me that you will come back to this house in one piece.”

  “I promise,” she said into his mouth.

  They made quiet love in his room, desperate to hold each other a little longer. She might not love him yet, but she was starting to see the potential for it creeping into her heart. She put a hard clamp on the emotion, because she couldn’t deal with the pain of it later.

  Downstairs, the plan to frame Raphael had been laid out. Maggie and Rhiannon would leave the next morning. Rhiannon would lead them to Raphael, a voice recorder in her pocket. Raphael would feel superior to the two women and would, likely, divulge more than he should to them. If not, Drystan and Cameron would be nearby to lend aid.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gareth was not happy with his leader’s decision. The two of them seldom saw eye to eye. Perhaps that was why Drystan was the leader and Gareth was not. The red dragon family had survived so far, managing to recover even from Elgar’s rampage over Bangor, the event everyone referred to as the Occurrence, so long ago. Gareth also understood Elgar’s rage.

  He worried that his mate would not return home. He worried that the white dragon would hurt her, would kill her for being a red dragon. He worried what his own rage would make him do if she were killed while he was trapped here on the Territory.

  Drystan’s hands fell on Gareth’s shoulders, forcing the younger dragon to stand still and look him in the eye.

  “She is a capable woman,” his leader said. “I would not have sent my own mate with her if I thought they would fail. So, sit tight and wait for her to return. She will do much for your honor in the long run. That I can tell.”

  Gareth snorted. His honor, the code by which all dragons lived and ordered themselves, was dismal. He only had his temper to blame, and knowing Rhiannon’s own temper, he could see that they would put Drystan through his paces before Wesley rose to take his place.

  Hopefully by the time Wesley became their leader, Gareth and Rhiannon would have a tiny dragon of their own to distract themselves. Maybe more than one. It was a hope that Gareth hadn’t thought of before, but now that it was a possibility, it set a warm glow upon his heart. He would have to shape up his honor for his future children.

  “In the meantime, why don’t you go and pack a few belongings.”

  “Pack? Why?” Gareth was caught off guard. “We can’t tuck our tails and run!”

  Drystan’s eyes darkened. He looked toward the window, his mind elsewhere for a moment. “We need to vacate the Territory in case this goes wrong. There can be no war if there are no dragons to slay.”

  “You can’t possibly ask us to leave,” Gareth argued. What would his mate return to if they were all gone? Besides, it made them look as though the dragons were guilty, pulling in retreat from GOE’s modern weapons.

  “I can and I am, Gareth. Pack what you wish and convene with the rest of us at my cottage. From there we will leave the Territory. It will not be a fun journey, to say the least. Tensions are high and testosterone will undoubtedly cause a few problems along the way, but we have no other option right now.�

  Gareth looked around himself. This house had been his home for over a century. He’d known the Territory even longer. It broke his heart to run away with his tail between his legs. How could GOE force them to scatter like mice when they were anything but?

  He spun and his fist crashed into a ceramic bowl on a shelf. The pieces of shattered ceramic flew all around him. He fumed, the anger burning him up from the inside out. They couldn’t run. They couldn’t show weakness or guilt to the city.

  “Brother,” a soft voice said.

  Gareth whipped around, his teeth bared and smoke tendrils rising from his nose. Cameron stood before him, his younger brother a bigger presence than he’d ever given him credit for. Instead of using that presence to intimidate, he pushed into Gareth’s space to pull his brother into a comforting hug. After a moment, the tension left his hands and he wrapped his arms around Cameron in turn.

  “Sometimes I wonder if I inherited all the fire that you should have had,” Gareth joked, his voice low.

  Cameron laughed. His chest rumbled against Gareth’s. He slapped his brother on the back. Cameron was a ray of light, the sun shining on all of them. His cheer was inescapable and, more often than not, he was able to defuse a tense situation that should have ended in a bloody fight.

  “We will do what we have to,” Cameron told his brother. “We will survive. Remember that Mags is with your mate right now. That tenacious old bat won’t let anything happen to Rhiannon.”

  “I heard what you called my mate,” Drystan shouted toward them.

  “I’m not wrong,” Cameron called back.

  He could trust Maggie. She was capable of the impossible. But, he could not still his fear. Tension and fear mingled inside of him, resulting in an anger directed at his leader. He had to do something and he knew that his leader would not like it.


  Rhiannon and Maggie enjoyed a small brunch in a neighborhood that she remembered Wilson meeting Raphael in. Her eyes scanned the streets for the fair haired dragon. Her leg vibrated nervously beneath the table until Maggie touched it with the tips of her fingers.

  Right, Rhiannon thought. They were supposed to look innocuous. There was suddenly much more at stake than she’d ever fought for before. All of Snowdonia was counting on her to follow through with this. They needed the recording, the confession.

  “So,” Maggie began, attempting at a conversation to distract Rhiannon. “Have you thought of children? It’s not uncommon for mated pairs to begin bearing children quickly. We all know the hormonal frenzy that happens early in the bond. I know that Dakota chose not to and I don’t judge her for the decision. It’s a new day and age, after all.”

  Rhiannon pushed her breakfast around her plate. “I can’t bear children.”

  Across from her, Maggie stilled. “Does Gareth know?”

  Rhiannon shook her head. “I didn’t have the heart to tell him. It is not something that comes up in conversation very easily.”

  Maggie nodded in agreement. “I’m sorry for being such a nosy old woman.”

  “No,” Rhiannon said. “You have a right to know that I cannot further the family. I don’t know if that will affect our mate bond. I… I understand if you have Gareth marry a woman that can bear children.”

  She understood, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel the pain of heart break building in her chest. It felt like a pressure ready to burst at any moment, resulting in tears that she did not normally shed.

  “What are you going on about, girl?”

  Maggie’s confused voice shook her from her own veil of depression. Rhiannon’s head shot up. Her head fell to the side as she tried to understand Maggie’s sudden expression.

  “I… I’m barren. As far as I understood that means I’m unfit to be married.”

  “Who the hell told you such an insane thing?”

  Rhiannon opened her mouth to reply before quickly snapping it shut. Wilson had told her this. He was the one who detailed the mating rituals and requirements of the dragon world to her.

  Maggie made a sound of sudden realization. “I think I know where you’re coming from. I don’t want to offend you, but I loathe that man in the deepest sense of the word. If he was squashed beneath an elephant’s foot tomorrow I wouldn’t feel an ounce of remorse.”

  Rhiannon couldn’t help the laugh that fell from between her lips. “I used to look up to him. I realize now that it was all a lie.”

  “One God awful lie, I have to say. The mate bond is a once in a lifetime experience that not everyone gets to have. Who cares if you can’t bear children? I say the dragons live too damn long as it is. Your bond with Gareth is sacrament. No one can ask you to break that and no one will. I promise.”

  Rhiannon let go of a breath that she’d been holding and felt the pressure in her chest disappear. Her heart gave one hard thump when she realized how much more she had to fight for. She was no longer facing a life alone, but one that she could potentially spend with the gruff man who charmed her heart.

  “Shit,” she breathed as she ran her hands over her face.

  Maggie was about to speak, but when Rhiannon’s hands fell away from her face her eyes fell on a familiar head of pale hair. Raph rounded a corner between two buildings. Rhiannon motioned to Maggie and heard the woman slap down a few bills to pay the tab. Both women leapt out of their seats and were across the street before the waitress could yell.

  The two women slipped into the alley and found Raph waiting for them. He stood facing them, his arms casually crossed over his chest and smirk on his lips.

  “To what do I owe the visit? A fallen agent of GOE and the dragon queen herself?”

  Fallen? Rhiannon didn’t see herself as fallen. Instead, she liked to think that she’d finally risen above the crap that GOE tried to force feed her, the lies and misinformation. GOE might have begun with a good pretense centuries ago, but it has only mutated into something that bred hatred.

  And Raph liked to dip his toes into the mess and mix it up for his own gain.

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you attacking Snowdonia?” Rhiannon asked, even though she knew. She had to get the idiot to begin talking.

  Raphael turned and began walking with a cheerful gait between the buildings. Rhiannon and Maggie followed, sending each other apprehensive glances.

  “Isn’t this exciting?” Raphael jeered. He cast a smirking glance over his shoulder at them. “Soon, Snowdonia will be shut down for the red dragon clan.”

  Rhiannon stifled the urge to punch him in the back of the head. She couldn’t be the one to throw the first punch. They still needed his highness to gloat a little more. She walked, pretending to be casual with her hands in her pockets even though one thumb was on the recorder.

  “It’s easy to convince a GOE official that you’re on his side when it was a red dragon that caused the Occurrence. Just a few sweet nothings in his ear and he was all for the eradication of your people. Once they’re gone, Snowdonia will return to its rightful owners.”

  “I would very much like you to meet Elgar someday,” Maggie muttered.

  Raph picked up on her words and huffed a nervous laugh. “Don’t be such a poor sport, professor.”

  “What, exactly, did you whisper to Wilson?” Rhiannon interrupted.

  Raph’s cold eyes fell on her. “How is life as a red dragon?” he changed the subject.

  Rhiannon didn’t answer. This wasn’t as easy as it had seemed in her head. The Raphael she remembered loved to gloat about himself. He loved to remind others that he was superior. While she was glaring at the back of his head, she didn’t think to scent the air. She didn’t think that he was leading her into an area with limited visibility.

  When she realized what he was doing, she cursed. But, it was too late. Tall forms stepped out of the shadows. Their pale hair and eyes matched Raphael’s. She had led not only herself, but Maggie into the hands of the white dragon clan. There were four to her left and another four flanking on Maggie’s right.
Rhiannon’s stomach flipped once and fell, heavy.

  She couldn’t change shape and fly away this time. The entire city was on high alert for the red dragons. They were trapped. And it was her fault.

  A tall, ashy haired dragon stepped forward with a smile on his lips. He yanked her hands from her pockets and bound her wrists with rope. The recorder fell from her pocket and bounced on the pavement, cracking. “I hope you appreciate our hospitality. I’m sorry we don’t have any tea to offer, though.”

  “What is this?” Raph bent and scooped up her recording device. “Thought you were being smart?”

  She watched him crush the device in his hand. She felt her beast push to the surface and rumbled her chest with its growl. The black bits of plastic rained to the ground. The whole plan was now up in smoke. Their only hope now was to drag the group out into the public and force their change. She had to force them to expose themselves. The city would panic to know that an entire family of dragons was hiding within their home, undocumented.

  Rhiannon used the only thing she had left in her arsenal. She opened her mouth and screamed. It was a high pitched, terrifying sound. Raph’s eyes flew wide. Maggie quickly hopped on board and followed Rhiannon’s lead.

  “Dragons!” Rhiannon screamed into the alley.

  Behind her a ruckus started. Other people screamed, men shouted. She could hear footfalls quickly approaching them. Someone coming to their rescue.

  “They’re unbound! White Dragons! Someone help me, please!”

  Raph’s hand struck out. It slapped her across the face. Her world spun and stars touched the edge of her vision. It was too late, though. There was no taking back her scream. There were already people running down the alley toward them. Men shouted, asking if they were okay. Rhiannon was surprised to find that she could smell a weapon drawn, the tinge of black powder tickling her nose.

  Rhiannon spun clumsily, raising her bound hands and opening her eyes wide with feigned fright. Raph and the white dragons had thought they won the upper hand, but they forgot that they were in a busy city. Busy city meant witnesses, and lots of them.


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