The Dragon's Lover (Elemental Dragons Book 2)

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The Dragon's Lover (Elemental Dragons Book 2) Page 82

by Emilia Hartley

  The only road that led to the farm house was crimson stained from the blood of the most recent battle that had yet to fully wash away. The ramshackle houses that normally lined the sides of the street were battered and broken. Those that remained were empty and quiet. By this time of day the children were usually playing about, or being herded into the farmhouse for study, but now they were gone. At least they were safe.

  Then there was the matter of his prisoner, Samantha. She sat lazily in her cage. She was a bear shifter and, according to Alex, a willing prisoner. Her auburn hair was tangled and knotted from spending the last few days confined. She was rather attractive, with youthful good looks, barely over 19 years old if he had to guess. Her leg was still bound in a cast, a wound that Alex gave her or so he claimed.

  Just looking at her made Connor’s blood boil; he could feel the wolf inside beckoning him to be released. He fought against it, even as it crept across his brain. Now wasn’t the time.

  “Why don’t we use silver bullets?” Billy asked.

  Why don’t you ask me another stupid question?

  Connor turned his head to get a better look at Billy who stared back with a dumb look on his face. Connor slowly walked closer like a predator looming in for the kill.

  “Where are we going to get the silver,” Connor asked, “How would we pay for it?” Billy backed away as Connor continued to advance. “Where would we get the guns to fire those bullets?” Connor continued, “All of these things cost money, Billy, money that we don’t have. This farm produces enough food to get us through some hard times. Hell, we can barely pay the mortgage as is. What kind of a mongrel are you, anyway? You wanna be some coward, hiding behind a shotgun, go for it. But, the only people I know that use silver bullets are hunters. If you wanna try to take one of their guns then be my guest,” Connor said, poking Billy in the chest.

  It was clear that Billy got the hint. Connor returned to the kitchen table, questions still burning in his mind. Samantha was a threat but she claimed to have information that might help. He could question her but he’d just as soon bite her head off.

  What would Tess do in this situation? She was the light of his life and the only thing that kept him together in difficult times. He barely even knew if she was alright. Who knows what could have happened on the way to the other den. If only she were here right now, she would know the right words to soothe his frazzled mind.

  What the hell am I supposed to do?

  The silence in the room was broken by the clack of walking stick against the old wood floors. There was only one person that used such a thing and that was Tess’s father Marcus, the old Alpha of the pack.

  “You can stare all you like, but that won’t help anything,” Marcus said. He was Alex’s father as well. The sting of Alex’s rebellion sat uncomfortably in Connor’s mouth. He wondered if he should speak kindly to the father of his future wife, or if he should speak down to the man that was the father of a deserter?

  Just after the bears attacked their den, Alex had defied him and left the pack. Good Riddance, we don’t need any traitors amongst us.

  Connor slumped into his shoulders in deep thought. Marcus had more experience with leadership than anyone else in the den. Any advice he could offer would be useful.

  “What am I supposed to do,” Connor asked, teeth clenched and fists full of rage, “there’s no way we can last against the bears.”

  “Looks like I chose the right person to become an alpha,” Marcus said, laughing right in Connor’s face which did nothing to calm his nerves. He eased himself into a seat at the table, “an unworthy successor would do what he wanted without considering all possibilities.”

  Connor fell into his chair at the table, the legs squeaked against the ground, groaning against his weight. Sitting face to face with the old pack alpha, and seeing the lines of stress on the old man’s face made Connor wonder if he really wanted to be, or should be the one in charge.

  “I’m not so sure,” Connor remarked sarcastically, “I can barely keep my head on straight right now.”

  “I picked the man who would be right for the job,” he said. The old man let out a sigh and stamped his walking stick on the floor. “I’m sure your father felt the same way before he passed on.”

  Connor hadn’t thought much of his father lately. His death became the catalyst that brought the shifters back together in the first place. If he’d been alive, Connor wondered how the fighting might have ended. His father was relentless when it came to battle. He would charge headlong into an entire pack of wolves to come out the last one standing. Nobody would dare challenge him for leadership. Connor used to be amazed at the strength his father exhibited, but everyone dies. That was the truth. He pushed his thoughts of his father from his mind; there was only one alpha in this room and that was him.

  “Why would you bring him up now,” Connor asked.

  Marcus toyed with the silver bullet, the blood stained his fingers. It was such a tiny piece of shrapnel, yet it had caused the death of a powerful shifter, only to become a play thing.

  “Your father was a proud man,” Marcus said, “But in a way he was too proud.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Connor barked back.

  “Everything,” he calmly replied.

  “Are you trying to say I’m acting like my father?” Connor demanded as he stood to his feet. He leaned over the table dominantly and eyed the old dog closely.

  “No,” replied Marcus, who didn’t even flinch, “what I’m trying to say is that you’ve become your own man. The only man you looked up to for so many years was never willing to compromise. I hear he tried to train you to be a great leader one day, well now is your chance; lead.”

  Connor let his head fall and sunk back into his chair with a heavy sigh. He’d never imagined the burden of leadership would weigh so heavily, nor how well his father managed to carry the load. He never understood the decisions he would have to make when he was top dog, or how many lives depended on him making the right one.

  “I didn’t know you before you dated my daughter. But, I did know your father. You act just like him when you’re alone but you change completely when Tess is there, you become a different man,” he said.

  Connor lifted his head to look at Marcus’s old wrinkled face. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, as though he could see right through Connor and knew the decision he was about to make.

  Dammit, he knows me too well.

  Connor needed to see Tess if he was going to make the right decision. He needed to know that the woman bearing his child was safe from harm. He needed to hold her and have her calm the aching muscles and shaken nerves. Perhaps she would have the words of wisdom that he needed to hear.

  “I’m going to see Tess,” Connor said, “I can’t make the same mistakes my father did. If she makes me a better man then I need to see her. However, I’ll need you to watch the pack while I’m gone.”

  Marcus used the table to return to his feet, cracking his back as he stood. His injuries persisted; he ripped at the blood soaked rags that still covered half of his face, tearing them from his skin. Bear claw marks streaked at an angle across his eye, still cut deep, but healing quickly. Never doubt a wolf’s resilience, especially an alpha’s.

  “They were safe enough when I was in charge, I’ll make sure they’re here when you get back,” he replied.

  Connor clasped a hand over Marcus’ shoulder and held it firm as a sign of thanks, a gesture that was returned in kind. Connor, not satisfied, reached over the table and pulled his father-in-law into a strong hug and Marcus disappeared beneath Connor’s bulging muscles.

  “I’ll return as quickly as I can,” Connor said, “Thanks old man.”

  “Get out of here before I change my mind!” he said as a raspy laugh escaped the old man’s mouth.

  Connor pushed his way outside and inhaled the morning air, only to be distracted by Samantha in the cage. She sat still, silent, and she stared with eagerness
at Connor. He scowled at her with disgust, clenched his jaw, and tore his eyes away.

  Again, his heart raced as the wolf cried to be released, but he inhaled deeply and exhaled to calm himself. He had someone he needed to see.

  Outside the farmhouse was a familiar truck. The old yellow paint was chipped and gave way to more rust with each passing day. The body was still in a bit of a mess from old battles, but it would still start reliably as it always had. He got inside and patted his hand along the dashboard.

  Thank you.

  And, with a turn of the key and a press of the gas pedal he left the farmhouse in his rearview mirror.


  “How ya holdin’ up, Tess?” asked an old familiar voice.

  “I’m fine,” Tess lied with a smirk, “Thank you.”

  Ever since they left their den with all the young in tow, Tess had done nothing but worry and she was tired of holding those feelings. She was about ready to march into the bear den by herself.

  Tess spun into the face of Gloria. Her old wrinkled face was scrunched into a worried grin and Tess didn’t want to do anything to worry her more. So, she sipped at her cold tea, immediately regretting doing so; the taste was bitter and disgusting.

  With a thud she rested her head on the cold bay window she’d posted herself beside. The snow kept her company. It fell hypnotically down only to disappear into the rest of the snow that covered the rolling hills by the den.

  Gloria eased into a nearby rocking chair and brushed her silvery hair from her face.

  “I’ve worn that face before,” she said, “You can’t fool an old woman like me.”

  She was absolutely right, of course. Tess had spent the last few days and nights worried about Connor. She’d heard nothing and assumed the worst. She’d lost her appetite, and the morning sickness was no help either, she had only eaten enough to sate the desires of the baby growing in her belly.

  “Connor’s a strong alpha,” Gloria continued, “He’ll be alright.”

  I sure as hell hope so.

  Tess sat her teacup aside and pulled her blanket up over herself to fight against the cold, even as the fire pit in the middle of the longhouse roared.

  “I know he’s strong, but I still worry,” Tess sighed, “How do you stay sane?”

  Gloria smiled broadly, a wicked and playful smile curled up on her face as she took the water pot from beside the fireplace. She offered some of the steaming water to Tess who lifted her teacup in gratitude. After pouring a measure of warm water into her own teacup, she set the pot on the ground. From inside her thick knitted sweater she pulled a flask and, with a wink to Tess, she poured a measure of malty brown liquor into her cup.

  Tess laughed as Gloria offered her the flask.

  “If only I could indulge myself like that,” Tess said, patting her pregnant belly and holding her hand up to deny the gift.

  Gloria shrugged her shoulders and topped off her tea before taking a swig. She breathed a sigh of contented satisfaction while holding her steaming drink.

  “What’s he like?” Gloria asked.

  Tess didn’t know where to start, or if she should share anything at all. She had fond memories of her time spent with Connor; nights where they’d sneak out to be alone to lie around and talk about nothing while watching the clouds pass over the moon. Or other nights where they’d explore each other’s bodies while rain slowly pelted over them.

  “I don’t know where to start,” Tess started, “Everyone knows what he’s like now. Powerful, commanding, prideful, and…” Her words trailed off as she fell further into her memories, all the way back to the first time she’d met Connor.

  “It was about two years ago,” she said, “my dad gave Alex an idiotic punishment and I protested. He didn’t listen to me, though. He never listened to anyone. Looking back, I know Alex deserved what he got but at the time I was frustrated dealing with my dad. I was so mad at him for what he’d done that I decided I’d had enough and was going to run away.”

  Tess laughed at herself, at how she’d grown in the last two years. She massaged her forehead with her hand and rolled her eyes at her old self.

  Gloria poured another measure of liquor into her drink, leaving Tess a little jealous she couldn’t join.

  “I ran. I didn’t care what direction, I just picked one and ran. The night was mostly clear at first but the further I ran the heavier the clouds got and eventually it started to rain.

  “I hunkered down under a tree to get some cover from the rain. It overlooked a stream that was flowing hard from the sudden rainstorm. I remember I was shivering from being cold and wet and I cursed at myself from under my breath at how stupid I’d been. I could have tracked my way home if the night had stayed clear, but the rain made it impossible to find anything at all.”

  A few of the younger pups in the room started to draw closer to Tess as she spoke. Tess wondered how much she would need to edit from her story.

  “That’s when I saw him for the first time. Connor strolled up slowly, slogging his way through thick mud and pools of water. The heavy rain didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest; he just sat at the edge of the stream and took a drink.”

  Tess, having finished her tea, held out her cup for Gloria to pour another glass. And, when she did so, Tess held the cup closely to warm her chilled hands.

  “I hid behind my tree and only glanced when I felt safe to. He was a wild wolf and I wasn’t even sure if he was friendly at all. Then I watched him shift.” Tess held the memory close and didn’t want to share. She could still remember the sounds of his bones cracking against the pattering of the rain. The man tore his way out of the proud wolf to stand in perfect silence beside the small stream.

  That wasn’t the only memory, though. Those perfect thighs that led up to the little v shape above his perfect butt made her breathing quicken. His sharp hips were covered in raw muscle that led up to his chiseled back and bulging shoulders.

  When he turned around, Tess quickly ducked behind the tree but his footsteps grew closer and closer. Peeking around the tree again, she saw him tug on a pair of tight fitting jeans that did little to protect against the rain, and a long sleeve grey shirt loose around the collar.

  “And then?” Gloria asked.

  The memory was still more than enough to turn her on. The rush of excitement was building up inside her as her cheeks began to heat up.

  “Right,” she said, wiping the drool from her chin, “he was, in a word, magnificent.”

  Gloria laughed raucously; the liquor must have been having a heavy effect on her already.

  “Anyway, I was hiding behind the tree and he dressed himself in some clothing that didn’t do much to keep him dry. I was nervous to ask a stranger for directions, but it would have sucked if I got stuck out there all night. So I shifted, still hiding behind the tree.”

  “‘Can you give me a hand?’ I asked him. He growled at me at first but when I poked my head out, his attitude changed. He marched up to the tree to see the rest of me but I kept walking in circles around it to avoid him seeing me. I felt like an idiot for not bringing a change of clothes along with me, but then again I never intended to get lost either.”

  “He held out a button up shirt that was much too large for me but I snatched it from his hand and put it on quick. When I came out from behind the tree he was facing the other way like a gentleman.”

  Tess’s audience had grown a little larger, the young pups that sat beside the fire before had sidled their way in closer to hear the story.

  “What happened then?” asked one of the younger girls.

  Tess smiled and with a whimsical sigh decided she might as well finish the story. They’d already heard the beginning.

  “I was scared of him at first,” Tess continued, “His growl was quite intimidating if I’m being honest.”

  Still, the way his wet shirt clung to his pecs and those gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to glow, maybe it would be best not to tell them about hitting her
head on the tree branch. Yes, better to let them just hear the pertinent details.

  “‘I told him I was lost, and he offered to help me home. Of course I had to tell him I was from the Night Howler den. But, he grunted at me and crossed his arms. He stood there trying to decide what to do with me while water dripped down my hair.” Tess had a fond feeling in her breast. The water from the rain was so thick that it turned the button up shirt she was wearing see through. It must have been a pleasing sight to Connor because she could see a noticeable bulge appear in his pants.

  “’You’re in the wrong neck of the woods,’ he told me, ‘but I’ll get you out of here. You’re in Moon Runner territory.’

  “It was strange. I remember being scared that I was in their territory but I wasn’t scared of Connor. He had his pride to worry about. Letting an enemy pass through his territory could make him an outcast.”

  The crowd around Tess had grown larger still and she had to speak a little louder with each word so people in the back could hear. She still felt embarrassed to tell her story, but at least she omitted the naughtier details; those were memories she would always keep to herself.

  “He showed me the way to the main road. I was glad for his generosity and wanted to pay him back, so I stood as tall as I could and gave him a kiss on the cheek as I walked past.

  “I don’t think he was expecting it because he had the goofiest surprised look on his face. I would have stayed longer but I knew my father would be angry and probably take it out on my brother. So, I shifted fast and sprinted down the road.”

  “When did you see him again?” Gloria asked.

  “It wasn’t long,” Tess replied, laughing. “He followed me home. He showed up at my window at three in the morning with a bundle of hastily picked wildflowers. I wondered how he’d made it past the sentries on the grounds but never bothered to ask him. We’ve been together ever since.”

  Tess smiled and sipped at her tea. The younger girls giggled and started asking questions. Tess did her best to try to answer them all. She was happy that she’d managed to distract them from the situation in which they’d found themselves. Tess’s hand found itself to her belly and she rubbed it slowly.


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