Bastard Boss

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Bastard Boss Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Still not learned to cook?” she asked.

  “I don’t need to. I have good places that deliver. Also, my very sexy, very lovely PA knows a thing or two about cooking.”

  Grabbing some ingredients out of the fridge, she got them both set on a chicken pasta with a salad on the side. Xavier didn’t offer to help, and she didn’t even ask him. They didn’t talk about anything important. In fact, Xavier got his laptop, and finished up some work while she cooked.

  “Do you ever finish? Or are you always working?” she asked.

  “When you own the company, it’s hard to warrant a day off.”

  She shrugged. “I can understand that. Do you ever need help?”

  “Not with stuff I do at work. Nah, it’s easier to just do this when I’m relaxed.”

  With everything served up, they went to his dining table, and they ate. Xavier moaned around mouthfuls of food, and he opened up a bottle of wine. The atmosphere was slightly tense, a little awkward.

  Sipping the red wine, she loved the fruity taste, and it complemented the food. She didn’t finish all of her pasta, and was surprised when Xavier took the plate from her and finished it off.

  “You’ve got a big appetite.”

  “I happen to love food.”

  “If you love food so much how come you didn’t learn to cook?”

  “It’s not a skill that makes me money. Over the years, I only worked on skills that made me more money. I’m not going to make a living out of cooking.”

  “It can be for your enjoyment. I know growing up many of my memories are because of food. I love eating. I love cooking. When I go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, I know I’m going to be spending a lot of time with my mom.” She was old, but she didn’t allow anyone to take her place in the kitchen.

  “She sounds amazing.”

  “My dad, he doesn’t do much in the kitchen but take stuff. It’s always funny because Mom will slap his hands, and he says it’s always worth it. Of course, he’d grab her around the waist, and kiss her. They kind of got really touchy-feely growing up. It made bringing friends home a little difficult.”

  “You love them very much.”

  “They’re my parents. I hope with our child, he or she will feel the same.”

  “What if we say children? We can have more than one.”

  “I never want to presume something.”

  He leaned back, staring at her. “You think I’m going to change my mind?”

  “It’s difficult to predict the future, Xavier.”

  “But we can plan for a future we can’t predict.” He sipped more of his drink. “Anyway, I was wondering how you’d want to handle a wedding. Would you like a big lavish affair, lots of guests, media, and such?”

  “Media?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I’m not in the public eye so much, but a rich guy getting married could get a lot of attention.”

  Anya wrinkled her nose. “I don’t want any more attention. We can just go to the, erm, the court’s filing office. I’ve heard you can literally go in on your lunch break, and be done with it. No lavish affair, no planning, or expense. It’s very cheap.”

  “Money is not the issue.”

  “I don’t want a big affair.”

  “You’ve not dreamt about your big white wedding?”

  “No. I haven’t. I’ve been very practical in life. When I was growing up I was more interested in books than in boys.”

  “We all grow up differently I guess.”

  “What about you? Any plans for marriage?”

  “Other than right now, no. What if I told you this is the most fun I’ve ever had, and we’re not even on a proper date?”


  “Honestly, I’ve been with women, and I’ve been completely bored. I took one to an Italian restaurant—this was about four years ago actually. She spent the entire time at the restaurant pointing out certain celebrities, telling me gossip. I don’t do gossip. Nor do I do drama.”

  “I didn’t think you did,” she said, smiling.

  “I can’t actually recall a time I’ve thoroughly enjoyed a woman’s company, apart from the obvious.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want to talk about the women you’ve been with before.”

  “You can tell me about your men.”

  She chuckled. “No. There’s not a lot to tell. I’ve been on dates, and I’ve done the whole steady relationship thing. I’ve never gone for moving in, or taking the relationship to the next step. I’ve always been hesitant about that.”

  “You like your own space.”

  “I do.” She took a sip of her wine. “This is nice.”

  “You don’t have to be nervous.”

  “I kind of do. This is so surreal to me. We’re about to make a baby together.” She took a breath, shaking her head, and trying to clear her thoughts. “Sorry, just a little crazy right now.”

  “It’s good to be crazy.”

  She chuckled. “I’m used to being me. Doing the sensible thing.”

  “Sometimes you’ve got to learn to live on the edge.” He got to his feet, and she watched as he moved to his music collection, turning on a soft tune. “Come and dance with me.”

  Getting to her feet, she walked toward him.

  The music was soft, gentle, soothing. She found herself relaxing.

  Standing in front of her, Xavier gripped her hip, tugging her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck, the action feeling totally natural to her.

  “How do you make me feel so relaxed?”

  “It’s a skill I’m working on.”

  “I love it.” She smiled up at him. “Tell me something new about yourself. Something I wouldn’t know, or no one would know.”

  “Besides the fact I want a child?”


  He thought for a few seconds. “I cannot recall a time when I was really happy.”

  She frowned. “You’re a rich, successful businessman.”

  “You ever heard the statement, money can’t buy happiness? It’s true. I’m happy, sometimes. It’s strange. I watch people go through their lives, seeming happy, and I have to wonder if they really are.”

  “You actually feel stuff. Who knew?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t get used to it. I don’t feel all that much.” He started to stroke her hope. “Tell me something about you.”

  “I’ve never had a one night stand.”


  “No. I’ve always been on a few dates with a guy first.”

  “I’m not going to encourage you to start doing that.”

  “I won’t. I’m not the kind who can.” Silence fell between them. It wasn’t awkward. She stared into his dark gaze, and wondered what he was thinking.

  The hand on her hip moved behind her, pulling her closer. The hard length of his dick pressed against her stomach, and she didn’t need any second-guessing. He was rock hard, and she couldn’t think of a single reason not to give in.


  Her body was soft, and Xavier’s need for her was only getting stronger. They were moving fast, and yet he didn’t care. He didn’t give a shit about anything but getting her naked in his bed.

  “I want you,” he said, growling the words out. Leaning down, he slammed his lips down on hers, and started to walk her back toward his bed.

  This need had been growing inside him at least four years, maybe even longer, and it wasn’t going to let up. Not now, not ever.

  Gripping her ass, he squeezed the flesh, and they both moaned.

  Biting her lip, he kissed her hard, and pulled back.

  “I want to fuck you so damn bad. You ever been fucked, Anya, fucked hard?”

  “I think so.”

  “Baby, if you have to think you have, you really haven’t.”

  He pushed the door open, and released her long enough to grab the blouse she wore and tear it open.

  Buttons sprayed across the room. Tugging his own shirt off, he spun her around, and removed the
bindings that kept her hair locked in a bun at her nape. He fingered the long, dark red length. The strands were silky.

  “You’re very bossy.”

  “It’s all I know how to be.”

  He pulled the strap of her bra down her arm, and she released a little gasp. Flicking the catch open, he let it fall.

  Like he’d promised that morning, his bedroom had a lot of mirrors, and he didn’t need her to be standing to see exactly what belonged to him. Across his bed was a large mirror, and Anya was staring at him.

  Her large tits filled his hands, and spilled over. The tips were a dark red, large, and begging for his lips.

  Fingering the zipper of the skirt, he had it off her within seconds, and she stood there in a simple thong. The thong surprised him. Running his fingers up her thighs, he slid them between her ass cheeks, touching the thin piece of fabric.

  “This, I like. In fact, I like it a hell of a lot. Bend forward.”

  She placed her hands on the bed, and he spread her ass, admiring the thong nestled between her ass cheeks.

  “You ever been fucked in the ass?”


  “Oh, then I’m going to have to take that cherry. There’s no way I’m leaving that tight little hole alone.”

  She moaned, wriggling against him. Moving his finger down the material, he plunged inside her cunt, feeling how wet she was.

  “You surprise me with how much you like dirty,” he said, nibbling her neck.

  “I didn’t know.”

  “Are you going to try and be a prim and proper little thing? Pretend you don’t like this? Fight me?”


  “You’re not?” he asked.

  “I want this, and I’m not going to ruin it by pretending that I don’t.”

  He wouldn’t give her the chance. “Good.”

  Drawing his finger up to her clit, he stroked her nub, watching the pleasure dance across her eyes. He kissed the base of her back, alternating between thrusting inside her pussy, and fingering her clit. His hand was soaked with her cream, and it wasn’t enough. He wanted to see her.

  Pulling away, he tore the thong off her body with the promise that he was going to buy her so many more. Flipping her over onto her back, he got a good look at her.

  Huge tits, nice soft rounded curves, a cute fuckable ass—which he couldn’t see now but he wanted—full hips, and he knew she was going to look amazing carrying his kid. Her stomach swollen—it made his dick so damn hard thinking about it. Gripping her hips, he ran his hand down her thighs to her knees, and spread her open. Her pussy was covered in a fine dusting of hair. She was puffy, and the lips had opened a little, showing him her swollen clit and the entrance to her cunt.

  “Baby, you’ve got a nice pussy. Open it up for me, let me see.”

  Even though her cheeks turned red, she still reached down, spreading her lips open, showing him her pussy. He slid a finger through her slit, watching as he did. Circling her clit, he moved down, and plunged inside her, all the way to the knuckle. She let out a moan, and he did the same this time with a second finger. He started to stretch her out. His cock wasn’t small, and when he finally took her, he wanted her to want it, not to be screaming about it.

  “Feels so good.”

  He couldn’t look away as he worked her pussy open, sliding inside her, the walls of her cunt gripping his fingers.

  “You’re so tight. Do you know I’ve wondered about this? Thought about how tight you could be, spread open for me. This is so much fucking better than thinking about it.”

  She thrust up to meet his fingers, and he just wanted to dive in and fuck her, take her so damn hard. First, he wanted her to come, to get her nice and slick ready to take his dick. Only when he was satisfied with how wet she was would he actually give her what he’d been wanting to.

  “I need you, please.”

  Sinking to his knees, he sucked on her clit, biting down, and then sucking it deep before flicking it with his tongue. She arched up off the bed, and with his other hand, he pressed her down. She was going to come all over his face.

  “Oh God, that feels so good. Please, please, please.”

  Thrusting inside her, he flicked her clit, feeling the tightness of her cunt wrap around his fingers, begging for him to stop, and then not to stop.

  She was so fucking beautiful, and her body was a dream.

  Anya screamed as she came, her cunt gripping his fingers like a vise, and she softened with her orgasm.

  Only when she was shaking, and he’d worked every single tremor from her orgasm did he stand up. Removing his pants, he was careful over the ridge of his cock, not wanting to trap that monster away.

  Anya went to her elbows and started to move back as he crawled toward her. She wasn’t running away, and besides he liked the chase.

  “Spread your legs open.”

  She submitted to him, and opened her thighs. The scent of her arousal in the air was heady, and he wanted her. Damn, he was so fucking desperate. He wanted inside her, filling her with his spunk.

  Anything prim and proper had left him long ago. Right now he wanted to fuck his PA, and make her scream his name loudly.

  When he was between her spread thighs, he leaned back, and ran his hand over the length of his shaft.

  “Oh … wow.”

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “Erm, that’s impressive. I see what women say about you.”

  “I don’t want you talking about other women when you’re in my bed.”

  She nodded. The tip was already leaking pre-cum, and this was going to be the first time he’d been with a woman without wearing a condom.

  Placing the tip against her entrance, he slowly started to fill her. She was incredibly tight, and he only had the tip inside her.

  Instead of watching his cock sink into her, he wanted to stare into her green eyes that were shining up at him. She bit her lip, and he took hold of her hands, pressing them beside her head, he thrust every single inch of his dick inside her.

  “Fuck!” She screamed the word, arching up against him and whimpering.

  “Sh, it’s okay, baby.”

  “Feels … oh … wow,” she said, panting.

  “You keep saying that.”

  “You’re big.”

  “What every guy wants to hear.” He was more than happy that he had been blessed in that department. Holding still within her, Xavier gritted his teeth, trying not to let go, and pound deep within her. Instead, he enjoyed the feel of her pussy wrapped around him. How slick she was, and the heat, was the best feeling in the world.

  Slowly, Anya started to wriggle on his dick.

  “You want me to fuck you?”


  Slipping out of her pussy so that only the head remained, he stared down, seeing her cream covering his dick. “Look at us, Anya. Watch me take you.”

  She looked down, and he slammed all the way home. She loved watching. His dick felt everything, and she couldn’t deny what she needed.

  There was a little horny devil in his PA, and he intended to draw her out and play with her.

  He would gladly have a lady in the workplace and his kitchen, but when it came to sex with him, he wanted her to be as filthy as possible.

  Chapter Six

  Xavier’s cock was so big that it took Anya’s breath away. He surrounded her, made her feel beautiful, and treated her body like he owned it. With the way he thrust inside her, he did own her. There was no mistake about that. Xavier owned her. She had never felt anything like this before. The pleasure was something she could get addicted to.

  “Watch me,” he said.

  Glancing between them, she watched as his cock eased out of her pussy. Her cream coated his length, and it made her desperate for more. He slid inside her, filling her right up, the walls of her pussy expanding because of his precious length.

  He released her hands, and ran his down the length of her body, going down her hip to cup her
ass, hiking one of her legs higher on his hip. As he slammed deep inside her, Anya cried out, arching up to his touch, moaning his name. Fire was building inside her.

  Even though he’d brought her to orgasm once, she was building to another. Gripping his shoulders, she thrust her hips up, meeting the hard impalement of his cock.

  “So fucking tight, and perfect, and all fucking mine!” He growled the last word against her lips as he took a kiss. There was no gentle caress, only deep passion.

  Kissing down her neck, he took one of her nipples between his teeth, and bit hard. She screamed his name. The pain and pleasure mingled, making her gasp and beg for more.

  He pulled back, gripped her hips, and slammed inside her, over and over again.

  “Touch yourself, Anya. Touch that clit, and let me feel you come all over my cock. I want you to gush.”

  His words, his actions, they belonged to a man at the brink, a man not in control. She loved it. This side of Xavier she’d never seen.

  Touching her clit, she watched him stare at her, his gaze on her fingers.

  “Use two fingers. Get them nice and wet.” He pulled out of her pussy long enough for her to dip her fingers inside herself, and spread the cream across her clit. The second she was gone, his cock thrust back inside her, shocking her with the depth of his stroke. She fingered her clit, feeling the sudden shock build as she brought herself close to a second orgasm.

  Xavier cupped her tits, pinching the nipples, and riding her body hard.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m not going to last. I want to feel you come all over my cock.”

  She cried out his name as her body seemed to answer to him and him alone. Shaking with her orgasm, Xavier slammed inside her, fucking her hard as they both found their completion within seconds. The hard pulse of his cock filled her with his orgasm, as her own ebbed away.

  He collapsed on top of her, and she wrapped her arms around him.


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