Bastard Boss

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Bastard Boss Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s a good man, most of the time.” She told her mother about the incident with the boys, and her mother fell in love with him.

  “How can this man be considered a bastard?” Emma asked.

  “He’s not very nice to previous girlfriends, and he tends to cause a few problems.”

  “Pfft, he sounds like my kind of man. So, do you think you could be pregnant?”

  “There’s a chance. A slim chance I might be.”

  “I can’t wait. We’re so excited about being grandparents.”

  Anya smiled. She loved making her parents happy and proud.

  “We’ll see you this weekend. We have the charity event on Saturday. It’s a major thing here for foster kids. Then we’ll be driving to your place.”

  “How about Harold and I come and see him? I’d love to see him in something interesting.”

  “I’ll ask him, and I’ll call you back.” She wasn’t sure if Xavier would want to meet her parents while also completing tasks to raise money.

  “Call me back. I’ll be doing my pot roast, or if it’s warm enough, I’ll get your father to grill.”

  “Don’t let him burn anything, Mom. You know how he can get with that thing.”

  “Totally agree.”

  She said goodbye to her mother, and hung up.

  Making her way up to her floor, she saw Xavier was still in his office, and made her way toward the coffee room to refresh hers. If he needed anything he’d call her. Martha was standing at the machine, and the receptionist smiled at her. “Thank you so much. I can come and get my own coffee now without being stopped.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She grabbed a cup, and started to fill it with cream and sugar. Sensing Martha lingering, she turned to look at the other woman. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Not really. I just, I wanted to ask you something.”


  “Are you dating the boss?”

  Those words made Anya freeze. “I’m sorry?”

  “I know. It’s so embarrassing asking you that. There’s been a few rumors going around about the two of you leaving together, and some not very nice things have been said. They believe you're the reason he’s broken it off with Becky.”

  “That’s a lie. I’m not responsible for him.”

  “So nothing is happening?”

  Anya didn’t like lying at all. This was harder than she thought it would be. “Don’t believe everything you hear.” Quickly making her escape, she got to her desk, and just got stuck to work.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed before Xavier came out of his office, and rested against her desk.

  “Success, we have the Brian account.”

  “He caved?”

  “It would seem the old man doesn’t like the thought of working for companies that simply break them down, and change them. He likes companies that thrive, and are willing to invest to produce the best for their clients.”

  “Congratulations.” The urge to hug him was strong. She stopped herself, and simply smiled at him.

  “No hug?”

  “Not here. Rumors have started to stir up again.” She looked around to see if anyone was staring. Fortunately, no one was. She let out a sigh.

  “You’re my wife.”

  “I know. It’s just … you didn’t have to deal with this last time. I did. I found it really hard, and right now I don’t want to start it up again.”

  “You really need to learn to trust me. I wouldn’t let anyone talk shit about you.”

  She sighed. “Can we not talk about this here?”


  She watched as he stormed back into his office. Feeling like a total bitch, which she was, she got to her feet and rushed inside. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Close the fucking door.”

  Anya quickly closed the door, wishing she hadn’t upset him. She wasn’t afraid of him, far from it.

  “Look, I know we’re a little bit unconventional here. I get that. I know it’s a struggle. We’re married, and I don’t want to spend the rest of our lives hiding this. I won’t.”

  “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Just tell me how to get you to fucking accept this, Anya. Do you want to be my wife?” he asked.

  Her heart started to race. “It’s not like I can just stop being it.”

  “That’s not what I asked. We can divorce. It’s simple. I don’t want to divorce. I’ll do it for you.”

  “I don’t want a divorce.”

  “Then I want you to head down to human resources with me right now, and let them know that your name has changed.”

  Biting her lip, she nodded. “Okay.”

  He moved toward her, taking hold of her hand, and locking their fingers together. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “Wait, erm, my parents. They wanted to know if they can stop by on Saturday. Get to know you at the charity event where you help raise money?”

  “They do?”

  “You like meat, they considered that a bonus.”

  Xavier threw his head back and laughed. “I cannot wait to meet them.”

  “They feel the same way about you.”

  “Anya, babe, you’re going to have to learn to trust me. I know that’s hard to do, but put a little faith in me. I’ve not steered you wrong, have I?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Come on then, let’s go and do this.”

  Squeezing his hand, she smiled. She would rather face the future with Xavier, than alone. Even her feelings for him were changing. She didn’t know what she felt, only that it was getting stronger every passing day.


  Later that night, Xavier was waiting for Anya to finish in the shower. He would join her, but he had plans with her, and he intended to carry them out. After he’d escorted her to the human resources department for the two of them to change their marital status, and also her name, his building was humming with gossip.

  Martha and Lottie took the time to stop by her desk to ask about the details of what was going on. When she had looked toward him, he’d gone to help her, letting them know that they couldn’t stop love.

  Xavier stared at his reflection in one of the mirrors, and then stared down at his wedding band.


  He’d never felt it before in his life. The people in his world didn’t deserve love, and he didn’t really believe in it either. At least, he hadn’t.

  No, he didn’t love Anya.

  Love was just an element of control that people used.

  He believed in sex.

  Anya came out of the bathroom dressed in a towel. “Why did you take my nightshirt?”

  “Why would I want you dressed?” He ran his hands up and down his cock. The tip was leaking pre-cum, and he spread it all over the head, moving down the sides of his shaft.

  “You’ve got that look in your eye.”

  “What look would that be?”

  “You’ve got dirty thoughts.”

  “When it comes to you, they don’t fucking stop. Drop the towel.”

  “You like giving orders.” She stared at him without dropping the towel.

  “I’m the one that is in charge here, babe.”

  “Then why don’t you come and drop the towel how you want it?” she asked.

  Xavier climbed off the bed, and with a few quick strides, stood right in front of her. “Do you really think you can test me?” he asked. “I always get what I want.”

  “And what do you want, Xavier?”

  “You, completely naked, and ready to take my dick.” He looked down at her fuller body, and released a moan. “Now that is what I call temptation. I can’t pick my favorite part of you. I love your ass, your pussy, and your tits.” He pressed them together, and leaned down to flick the tips. Sucking them in deep, he moaned as she moved toward him. Slipping a hand between her thighs, he found her arousal. “So wet.”

  “Please, Xa

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I need you to make me come.”

  “You want me to make you come?”


  “Then ask me, Anya. Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.”

  “Please, Xavier, let me come.”

  “I will, baby. You asked so damn nicely. Now tell me, with my tongue, my fingers, or my dick?”

  She whimpered. “Your tongue, and then your dick.”

  “I will, baby. First, I want you on your knees.” He pressed down on her shoulders, and watched as she went to her knees. She wrapped her fingers around his length, and started to work the tip up and down.

  He released a growl. Watching her was a turn-on for him. “Open your mouth, baby.” She opened her lips, and he placed the tip of his leaking cock to her lips, covering her with his cum. “Lick it off.”

  She ran her tongue along her lips, with the tip touching the head of his cock.

  “Open your mouth, and push your tongue out.” She did as he said. Xavier gripped the base of his cock, and placed the head on her tongue, moving down into her mouth. “Suck it.”

  Her lips closed around his length, and he started to thrust into her mouth. Wrapping her red hair around his fist, he started to pump into her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, he paused, giving her time to get used to the feel of him.

  “Your mouth is fucking perfect.” He released his cock, and stroked her cheek, watching as she sucked him hard.

  This time when she took him in deep he didn’t stop. He went a little deeper. Even as her eyes grew wide, he slid inside her mouth, feeling her swallow him.

  “Fuck, baby.” He pulled out of her mouth when he couldn’t stand anymore. Alternating between shallow and deep thrusts, he fucked her face. Anya gripped his ass, holding on tight. Her nails sank into the flesh as he rode her face.

  The pleasure, it built until he was at the pinnacle with no return. He shouted out a warning, making sure she wanted to do what he had fantasized. Anya didn’t push him away. She held him tightly.

  “Don’t swallow. No yet. I want to see it,” he said.

  A second later, he unloaded into her beautiful mouth, spilling every last drop of cum. She didn’t swallow, and he pulled his cock from her mouth.

  “Show me.”

  She opened her mouth, and there was his cum.

  “Swallow it.”

  Anya swallowed his cum, and Xavier fucking loved it. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her up, and placed her on the bed. Placing a pillow beneath her ass, he spread open her thighs, and fingered her wet slit. Inhaling her scent, he flicked his tongue, sucking her clit into his mouth. She cried out, her hand moving between them about to stroke her own clit. He slapped her hand away. “This is mine,” he said. “Hold onto the headboard.”

  She reached up, and gripped the headboard.

  Sliding two fingers inside her pussy, he sucked on her clit. Stretching the walls of her cunt, he bit down on her nub, listening as she screamed his name. With the pillow beneath her and her legs wide open, he had the perfect angle to touch her ass. Removing his fingers from her pussy, he stroked over her anus. She tensed up.

  “It’s okay, trust me.”

  Flicking his tongue across her clit, he waited for her to ease before continuing to tease her ass. Pressing against the tight ring of muscle, he pushed his finger into her ass.

  She cried out even as her pussy grew slick. He tongued her clit sliding down to plunge inside her cunt.

  Pumping his finger into her ass, he got her used to one digit before adding a second one.

  “Do you like that, baby? Do you like my fingers in your ass?” he asked.


  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes!” She screamed the word, and he smirked against the flesh of her pussy.

  He fucked her ass, getting her used to his fingers before he finally took her with his cock.

  This may have started with making a baby, but it had fucking changed now. Anya had gotten under his skin, and there was no other place for her to hide. She was everywhere. Xavier believed that she didn’t have a clue about what she’d done to him. Becky’s presence made him feel repulsed. Any other woman didn’t satisfy this need that only Anya could sate.

  “Oh, God, Xavier,” she said.

  Her body grew tenser as her orgasm neared. Sucking her clit, he watched as she erupted, feeling the waves of pleasure as her ass tightened around his fingers. He swallowed down her cum, loving the taste of her.


  The very same word he was sure didn’t exist.

  Xavier loved her body, allowing the orgasm to ebb away before he pulled away from her.

  Easing his fingers from her ass, he pressed a kiss to her knee, and left to go and wash his hands. In his bathroom, he stared at his face in the mirror. Even to himself he looked a little wild.


  Such a simple four letter word, and yet he’d known it caused so much pain. Washing his hands, he wiped his face, and made his way back into the bedroom in time to see Anya changing the pillows on the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We are so not sleeping on a cushion that I may have leaked on. It’s so embarrassing.” Her cheeks were as red as her hair, the fiery color like a beacon to him. Moving up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, hoping they were pregnant. Not for any other reason but that he wanted another excuse to keep Anya close to him.

  “Why did you do that? You know, to my butt.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to fuck your ass one day soon, Anya, and when I do, you’re going to be begging me for it. Honestly, it’s one of the best things in the world.”

  “How do you know? Have you ever gotten your ass fucked?” she asked.

  “I know how good it feels to do it.” He nibbled her neck, smiling as she sank against him.

  There really was nothing better than having a willing woman in the bedroom.

  Chapter Eight

  That Saturday, Anya stayed beside Xavier, holding onto his arm as they were surrounded by congratulations. She didn’t miss the questioning looks that some were throwing their way. There was no mistaking their confused thoughts. They were all wondering why he was with her.

  Xavier, though, he was so different. The kids from over ten different foster homes in the area had turned up at the school for a day of fun. Every year Xavier would donate money to the school so that he could host these events. The previous four years she had stayed in the background, playing her part but never really getting too close. This year was different. Xavier grabbed her arm, holding up their hands, and announcing to the whole event that they were husband and wife. He didn’t address anyone but the kids.

  “Kids, listen up. Something is a little different this year. You see this beautiful lady by my side?”

  “She’s your PA,” one kid said.

  “Now she’s my wife. Anya accepted my proposal.”

  “Does that mean you’re in love?” another kid asked.

  “Yes, very much so.”

  “Do you have to go away?”

  “No, not at all. Nothing is going to change. Not for me.”

  She smiled at everyone, leaning against Xavier’s side, hating the attention.

  They had all gathered around her, including Logan, the little boy they had found together. She didn’t like how sick the boy was looking.

  “Did you have to make a big speech?” she asked.

  “Of course. These kids, they’re like my family, and I love them.”

  She looked up at him. “You said love.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Then maybe one day in the future I might just surprise you.”

  Anya stared into his dark eyes. Was he trying to tell her there was a chance he could fall in love with her? The Xavier she knew didn’t believe in love.

  Do you?

  Staying by his side, she forced a s
mile to her lips so the kids didn’t have a clue how tormented she was. Xavier kept hold of her hand as he talked with each of the kids. They were all vying for his affection, and she noticed Logan stood off to one side. Letting go of Xavier’s hand, she made her way toward him.

  “Hey, Logan, do you remember me?” she asked.

  He was sitting on the bench, and he turned toward her. “Yeah, you’re Xavier’s wife.”

  “Wow, yeah, I guess I am.”

  “Were you his wife when you got me?”

  “Yes, I was.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything? Why did he say you were his friend?” Logan asked.

  “I was nervous about being Xavier’s wife. He’s so handsome, and I’m not.”

  Logan frowned, staring at her. “You’re very pretty.”

  “Thank you. I’m not like the women that he usually dates.”

  “Do you love him?”

  Kids were so damn hard, and they didn’t know when to stop. Her feelings for Xavier had changed over the past few weeks. The man at the office was not the man he showed to her when they were alone.

  “Yes, I think I do.”

  “That’s not very good. If you don’t love each other then you’re going to have babies, and abandon them like I was.”

  “No, no, no, that would never happen, Logan. I love Xavier. I do.” It was the strangest thing in the world. The moment she said those words, she meant them. It was like a switch went off inside her head, and everything fell into place. Glancing toward Xavier where he was playing ball with several of the kids, she had flashes. Moments of their time together before he even wanted her to have his kid.

  The guys she had dated, she’d always kept at arms’ length, never wanting to get too close. Whenever a new woman entered the office, she always felt a pain jolt right through her heart. It was instant, and it made her feel sick to her stomach just remembering. Had she been in love with him all this time? Biting her lip, she turned back to Logan.

  “For grownups, it’s just harder to say how you feel.”

  “Mom didn’t love me. She left me there ‘cause her boyfriend hated me.”

  Anya pushed some of his hair off his face, hating how lost and alone he sounded. “Have you had any breakfast?” she asked.


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