Bastard Boss

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Bastard Boss Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She cupped his cheeks, smiling up at him. “Then do what you think is right.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

  He gripped her ass, squeezing.

  Anya let out a squeal as he picked her up, and walked back toward his desk. “What are you doing?” she asked, laughing.

  “Something I’ve been thinking about doing all day.”

  “You’ve been in meetings all day.”

  “You don’t think I’ve looked through the glass, and been tempted by you?” he asked.

  She licked her lips, staring up at him. “No, I don’t. Maybe you should show me.”

  He placed her on the edge of his desk, and ran his hand toward the edge of her skirt. He pushed it up. Lifting her ass off the desk, she helped him move the skirt past her panties. She cried out as he tore them off her body, pocketing them. Ever since she’d been with him, she had lost more panties because of his need to take them from her.

  “I don’t think I can have too many more panties go missing.”

  “Put it on my bill.” He captured her face, and slammed his lips down on hers, making her moan with the kiss that he gave her. He devoured her lips, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth, and making her belong to him. This man owned her heart. It didn’t matter how many times she tried to deny it. The truth was, Xavier had gotten inside her heart a long time ago.

  Probably from the first moment that she realized he cared. Xavier had so much love inside him. One day, she hoped that he could love her with that kind of fierceness.

  “This isn’t going to be nice,” he said, opening his belt buckle.

  “I don’t want it to be nice.”

  He shoved his pants down, revealing his rock hard cock. Tipping her back on the desk, she cried out as he found her pussy, and slammed deep inside her. There was nothing nice about it. He was hard, and he took her with a passion that surprised her.

  Xavier tore open her shirt so that buttons flew all over the office. He tugged her tits out of the cups, and pinched her nipples.

  “Fuck, baby, you have no idea what you do to me.”

  “I’ve got an idea.” She screamed his name as he swiveled his hips, and plunged deep inside her.

  Reaching between them, she fingered her clit, watching as it drove him crazy. Xavier loved it when she took charge of her own orgasm, making him feel when she came. He didn’t make her wait for long as he started to pound inside her, going deeper than ever before.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  He pumped inside her, spilling his cum. At the same time, she found her own release, echoing his name over again.

  When it was over, the only sounds in the office that could be heard was that of his panting.

  “I booked us a restaurant,” he said, breaking the silence. “And I bought you a dress.”

  “You didn’t need to do that.”

  “I know I didn’t need to. I want to.”

  He kissed her lips, and she couldn’t help but smile. She was with him because she wanted to be as well.


  Xavier watched as Anya kissed Logan’s cheek, wrapping him up in his new jacket. Each time they brought him back to the foster home, the harder it was to leave him behind. There had been a snag with the adoption, but Shannon was dealing with it. There had to be an assessment done on Logan to make sure he wanted to live with them.

  Their backgrounds had come back fine, and Shannon assured him it was just down to paperwork. One department needing to talk to another, and rather than phone calls, they had to do it in paper. He was used to problems like this.

  Logan threw his arms around Anya, holding her close.

  She was so beautiful, and she took his breath away. They had been together for a little over a month now. A month of being married, and he loved her even more.

  Shannon nodded at him, taking hold of Logan’s hand as Anya came back to him.

  “I hate this. I hate leaving him.”

  “We’ll have him soon. I’ve already got my lawyers working on speeding up the process.” He handed her some leaflets of houses they still had to look at. Logan had come with them in the morning to see some of the properties that they were interested in. Most of the places were too superficial, and wouldn’t welcome a child.

  Xavier was looking for something spacious, that screamed for children to have fun, laugh, and enjoy life.

  Climbing behind the wheel, he headed out of the city, driving for over an hour until he got to the next house.

  “‘A beautiful house fit for a family who are looking to get away from the city. Its quaint location allows for the owners to bask in a peaceful life.’ Sounds interesting.”

  “Those little slogans are designed to make people buy them.”

  “Very true. That cube mansion. Perfect for an artist type who likes to defy the conventional,” she said.

  “Ha, if you ask me the guy was just allergic to anything with a circle.”

  She started chuckling, and he loved the sound.

  Pulling up outside a large security gate, Xavier sighed.

  “Give it a chance. Think about it, a gate is security. We won’t worry about Logan’s safety.”

  They were admitted by the realtor, and Xavier pulled up outside of the house. Only the realtor was waiting.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, welcome,” he said, shaking their hands.

  “Andrew,” Xavier said.

  “Where’s the little man?” Andrew asked.

  “We had to drop him off. He was getting too tired,” Anya said.

  None of them wanted to say that Logan was currently in foster care.

  “It’s a shame. I have a feeling he’d love this one.”

  Taking Anya’s hand, Xavier followed Andrew inside.

  The moment they set foot inside, it screamed home to him. The door closed, and Andrew went on, talking nonstop about the previous owners. The overall love in the house was easily seen.

  Xavier loved the place.

  The kitchen was up to date, with modern appliances, and he saw Anya standing behind the counter, heavily pregnant with Logan beside her. It was a scene that he’d pictured many times growing up. She had stepped out of his dreams, and helped to make them a reality.

  Once they were upstairs, he saw their bedroom, and there were four other bedrooms. They picked out Logan’s room, and then he saw the room he could make into a nursery.

  “It’s perfect,” she said.

  “It is.”

  By the time they got to the garden, with the tree house, swing, and barbecue pit, he was sold.

  “I’ll take it.”

  Andrew paused. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. We both want it. Make the arrangements. I’ll pay the asking price, plus extra if they need it.” He tugged Anya to him. “We have a house.”

  “We do.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, and everything else faded away. All of his dreams, they were coming true.

  “Let’s go to dinner.”

  After all the paperwork was done and the deposit was paid, Xavier took her to a little French restaurant. They had a private table where they were able to talk about the plans for the future. He knew what he wanted to do.

  Taking hold of her hand, he kissed her knuckles, and smiled at her. “You’re going to make me the happiest man in the world.”

  “And how am I going to do that?” she asked.

  “By giving me a child, letting me make love to you every chance I get, and tonight, I intend to claim the only hole I’ve not had.”

  She burst out laughing. “That was really romantic until you got to the last part.”

  “You haven’t seen romance yet.”

  “I don’t think doing anal would class as being very romantic.”

  “You’ve not seen how good I am at it yet. I may surprise you.”

  Later that night, when Anya was lying naked on the couch, he spread open the cheeks of her ass, and teased some lube between her cheeks.

  “I don’t feel the romanc
e,” she said.

  He chuckled, and slid his finger into her pussy. “What if I was to tell you that I hated it when you went on dates?”

  “You want to talk about past dates right now?”

  “Not all of them. I’m just talking about how I felt.” Pushing a finger deep inside her cunt with one hand, he used his other hand to tease her ass. The tight ring of muscles of her anus kept him out, but he was determined to get inside. With enough pressure, he pushed a finger into her anus, feeling her pussy grow slick around his finger. “I would hate it. I’d sit at my desk thinking of ways to keep you with me.”

  “I never knew,” she said, moaning.

  Adding a second finger to her ass and pussy, he thrust inside her. His cock was already leaking pre-cum, and coated in lube. He was preparing her to take his dick. He wanted to own every part of her, surround her so that all she could think about was him.

  “I hated the women,” she said.


  “The women you had coming through the place. I hated them, and most of the time I wanted to run and cry. I never understood it until now.”

  When she was ready for him, he moved behind her, gripping his cock, and easing the tip inside her ass. He told her to push out, and slowly, he sank his cock into her ass, filling her up.

  “There will never be another woman for me, Anya. I belong to you. I don’t give a fuck if we make a baby or not. I just want you.”

  He eased out of her ass so that only the tip was inside her. Xavier watched his cock sink inside her, her ass opening up to take what he had to give.

  “How does it feel?”

  “So good. So wrong!”

  He chuckled, biting her neck.

  Keeping his strokes slow, he took his time fucking her ass, waiting for her to get used to the feel of him. Only when she started to wriggle, and slam up against him did he go a little deeper, push in a little harder.

  It wasn’t long before he was gripping her hip, and fucking her ass. He wasn’t hard or rough. He simply claimed her in a way that made her know she belonged to him.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re mine. Always will be,” he said, biting her neck, holding her hips steady as he took her.

  Sliding one hand between her, he fingered her clit, holding off his own orgasm until she found her own release.

  “Please, please, please,” she said.

  Anya came, and her ass squeezed him so tightly that it set off his own orgasm. He pumped his cum into her ass, and when it was over, he sprawled on top of her, kissing her shoulder and neck.

  “That has to be out of this world,” she said.

  “I now own every part of you. There’s nowhere else you can go.”

  “I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. You’re stuck with me. Scared?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “You’re a different man from what I thought you would be,” she said.

  “What did you think I was?”

  “I don’t know. A playboy, cold, calculating. You’re all of those things, but there’s more to you. You’ve got a part of you that is just magical, beautiful, and charming.” She turned her head so that he could see her. “I like that guy.”

  “I can’t be those things in the office.”

  “I know. I don’t need you to be them. Besides, I wouldn’t want anyone else to know how lucky I am to have met a guy like you.”

  He took possession of her lips, knowing there was no one else he ever wanted, not ever.

  He was in love with Anya, and he was going to love her for the rest of his life.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks after purchasing the house, they had Logan officially adopted. Xavier took as much time away from the office as he could. Anya went to the office between school hours, completing his work for him. He didn’t want her to hire anyone else. Another two weeks after they had Logan, their house was available, and they moved in on that weekend. Her parents came to help as much as they could. They looked after Logan while she and Xavier organized movers. They had her mother’s slow-cooked pulled pork for dinner rather than have takeout.

  For an entire weekend, they got the house exactly as they wanted, starting with the bedrooms, and bathroom. Time seemed to move quickly but smoothly where life just played out.

  Logan came out of his shell, and completely animated their lives. She loved him like he was her own son. He talked constantly about what he loved, which bands he enjoyed listening to. It was fun getting to find out what food he liked as well. He didn’t like broccoli, which was fine, as neither did Xavier.

  After a little time, life seemed to slow down, and Anya found herself more and more loving every second of it. There were times before where she’d wish for a day to be over, or a moment to pass. Now she found herself wishing the moments were longer. Family was something she always wanted, but she didn’t realize how much until she finally did have it. She loved Xavier, Logan, and her life.

  They had been moved in for a month when she started to vomit every single morning. Her stomach turned at the scent of coffee, and she struggled with certain smells. At first, she thought she had a touch of food poisoning or the flu, not really putting it down to anything else. Only, Xavier and Logan had eaten the same as she had, and they weren’t sick. After she threw up, she’d be fine, and then she’d find herself getting tired throughout the day.

  Late Sunday morning when she’d rushed to the toilet Xavier came to her, pulling her hair out of the way. “I think it’s time we took a pregnancy test.”

  “Ugh, I think you might be right.” She got to her feet and brushed her teeth. Sitting on the toilet, she reached into a drawer, and pulled one out. “I bought them when we first moved in. They were on sale, and I love bargains.” She forced a smile to her lips. “Seems silly now.”

  “It’s not silly.”

  She took a breath. “This could be it. We could be having a baby.” Opening the test, she read the instructions. “Do you want to give me some privacy?”

  He covered her hand. “Before we do this, there is something I want to say.”

  Anya bit her lip, staring into his dark eyes.

  “I love you. I’ve never known what love is, and I honestly didn’t think I’d ever feel it, but with you, I do. This is love. I love you, Anya.”

  “You love me.”

  “Yeah. Even if you’re not pregnant, I don’t care. I only care about you. I want you. This pregnancy, it’s something I want, but it’s you.”

  “I love you,” she said, tears filling her eyes. “I’ve known for a while, but I was scared to tell you. I didn’t know if you’d like me to be that honest or not. We’re so different, and I didn’t know what to say, or what to do.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, taking away all protest or fear. “Hiring you was the best thing I ever did. It took us some time but we’re together now, and that’s all I care about.”

  Holding on to him, she was the happiest she had ever been.

  “Let’s see what the news is.”

  “If you’re not pregnant, we’re going to the hospital.”

  She smiled. “I can’t pee on this thing with you looking.”

  “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  He left the bathroom, and she couldn’t stop smiling. Taking a deep breath, she read the instructions again, and peed on the stick.

  “We have two minutes, and we’ll know the truth,” she said, opening the door.

  Xavier took her hand, and for two minutes he stared at his clock. Two minutes when waiting for an answer, were the longest two minutes ever.

  Anya stared at them. He moved behind her, keeping his gaze on his watch, as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “It’s time.”

  Stepping toward the stick, she picked it up, and they both screamed their excitement. She was pregnant. They were both pregnant.

  A knock on their bedroom door, had them both rushing forward. Logan was rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so so
rry, sweetie,” Anya said, going to her knees, she pulled him close, kissing his cheek. “We have some good news.”

  “You’re going to be a big brother, Logan. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Logan smiled.

  When they had first told him that they were planning to have more children, babies, he’d been worried that they would send him back to the foster home. They had told him that no matter what, he was their son, and they wouldn’t be giving him back.

  He hugged her tightly and giggled.

  They were all laughing, and enjoying the moment. Xavier couldn’t stop kissing her. He spoke to her stomach, kissing her, and telling their baby that he or she was going to be loved so, so much.

  They had a small family now. The penthouse in the city he kept for late nights at the office. If he wasn’t going to make it home, Anya traveled with Logan for them to spend time with him. She didn’t want them to be apart, or to miss any chance of them being together.

  “What do you say to huge stacks of pancakes?” she asked.

  “Yes!” Logan said, screaming.

  He rushed outside of their bedroom. Anya made to follow, but Xavier caught her arm, pulling her back.

  “What is it?” she asked.


  He pulled her to him, and claimed her lips, the passion shocking her, the love delighting her.

  “I feel I need to wake up.”


  “I never thought I could be this happy,” she said.

  “Me neither. I used to dream of these moments. Of being close to someone, and finding someone who’d want the same things that I did.”

  “Nothing is going to change.” She cupped his cheek. “I’ll always be yours.”

  “I know.”

  She closed her eyes, resting her head against his, knowing in her heart that she had fallen in love with a man that would love her for the rest of her life.


  The weeks passed, and after confirmation from the doctor, they set to work decorating one of the rooms into a nursery. They went for neutral colors, and gave Logan free rein to help them decorate. He had an artistic eye, and Xavier loved seeing the boy come out of his shell. During the decorating of the nursery, it sank in that he was going to have a baby. They were going to have a tiny little life in their hands. It wasn’t about being a father, or for Anya a mother, as they already felt that way for Logan. He’d spoken with Anya about it, and she had the same thoughts and fears as he did.


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