by Jen Silver
Freya had hoped to welcome them both back later that evening, and she would have waited up, even if they arrived at midnight. But then Tris texted her to say Andi had asked about staying over in London before driving back with Jordan on Monday. Swallowing her disappointment, Freya resigned herself to another evening alone. But not completely alone. She planned to replay the final day’s play that she had recorded and watch that winning smile appear on her lover’s face again…and again.
Beth knew she had to deal with her feelings soon. Sitting through four days of golf had just been a way of trying to deaden the desire that was bubbling away every time Sam was nearby. Beth wanted to touch her and grabbing her hand in a moment of excitement had felt natural.
If Sam was feeling the same way, it was hard to tell. But Sam had always been good at containing her emotions. Over the last few weeks Beth had used that as an excuse for starting her affair with Lydia. But she knew it was just an excuse. Sam had never stopped loving her.
They watched the final scenes of the tournament together and when Andi slotted in the last putt and raised her arms in jubilation, Sam surprised Beth by placing an arm around her shoulders and hugging her.
“That was amazing. I can see why people get hooked on golf.”
“Yes. But it must be hard to keep going when you’re not winning.”
Sam didn’t let go of her. She turned her gaze away from the TV and looked into Beth’s eyes. There was no mistaking the raw emotion in her look now.
“Winning isn’t everything. When you stop loving the game, I guess that’s when you know it’s time to quit.”
“I don’t want to quit, Sam.”
“I know.”
The kiss that followed this brief statement was everything Beth had been hoping for. The passion she thought they had lost returned with a vengeance. Enjoying the softness of Sam’s mouth on hers, Beth parted her lips to invite Sam’s tongue to explore.
Engrossed in rediscovering each other’s bodies, they missed the presentation of the trophy and the closing moments of the event, and it wasn’t until Hermy came in and meowed loudly for attention that they broke apart. Sam reached for the remote and switched off the TV.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom,” she whispered.
Hermy tried to follow but Sam shut the door in her face. Beth smiled. This was a normal feature of their previous life together. The cat would sit outside the bedroom and complain loudly for a few minutes and then wander off. She would come back later looking satisfied with herself and they knew she had been visiting a neighbour where she would have been petted and fed.
Sam pushed her, not too gently, onto the bed and Beth didn’t resist. She wanted this so much and Sam’s intensity was quickly bringing her arousal to a clamouring need. She lifted her arms to assist Sam’s hasty removal of her top and was glad she was wearing a front-fastening bra that was easily disposed of. Beth gasped as Sam grasped one of her already hardened nipples in one hand and placed her hot mouth over the other. Juices were already seeping through her shorts as Sam’s tongue circled the bud before she sucked on it. Sam’s other hand was stroking its way down across her stomach and finding its way into her core.
Sam raised her head to look into her eyes when her hand met the soaked panties. “Seems like you’re ready for this.”
“Oh, God, yes. I want you inside me now.”
“Happy to oblige.” Sam tugged off the shorts in one swift move and the panties hit the floor shortly after.
Beth cried out as Sam plunged first one finger, followed by another, into her core and brought her mouth back to give attention to the other breast. With her hips thrusting into Sam’s hand, Beth climaxed too suddenly for both of them.
“Hm. Much too ready. We’ll have to slow it down for the next one.” Giving Beth the grin that she knew meant business, Sam quickly removed her own shirt and shorts and positioned her face between Beth’s open thighs. This time, as Sam sucked on her clit and pushed her fingers further in. Beth held on for as long as she could before the orgasm broke free and she yelled out, clutching Sam’s head.
Sam moved slowly up her body and kissed her lips. Beth was aroused again with the smell of her sex in her nostrils. “Was that a birdie or an eagle?”
“I think an albatross. And if we’re sticking to golf terms, it’s time we moved on to the next hole.” Beth nudged her knee between Sam’s thighs. “My turn to drive off.”
Sam laughed, a deep throaty laugh that Beth hadn’t heard for a long time. Rolling onto her back, she pulled Beth on top. “One up and two to play.”
Chapter Twenty-One
As soon as the door closed behind the last of the board members, Lydia punched the air in jubilation. The governors hadn’t been happy when she made her announcement at the specially convened meeting. First of all, they didn’t like having to meet during the summer holiday, but when they heard her news, there was a collective groan around the table. While it was gratifying to know that they appreciated her, Lydia was thrilled to be moving on.
It had taken almost an hour’s worth of heated discussion, but in the end the council’s representative had agreed that she could be released from her contract by the start of the October half term. The decision was eased by the offer from the academies’ trust to help find an interim head to fill in for a few terms while the school went through the lengthy recruitment process to find a replacement for her.
The seven weeks before the half-term break would pass quickly as Lydia knew she would be absent much of the time, preparing to take up her new role. The deputy head would be more than happy to step up; he would be applying for the head teacher job and fancied his chances.
Lydia packed up her papers and walked out to her car. She wouldn’t be making many more journeys between the school and her house; a house that now felt like an empty shell since Beth had removed all traces of her occupation when she returned from Cornwall. First thing in the morning, Lydia would call an estate agent to put it up for sale. Then she could start looking at properties in the areas south of Manchester. With the sale of this house and her increase in salary, she could afford to live in one of the posh villages in the area dubbed “footballers’ wives” country.
Although it hadn’t ended well, Lydia felt the affair with Beth hadn’t been a total disaster. She would always have fond memories of their intimate moments, particularly the times when she would catch Beth alone in the English office. It proved that, even approaching fifty, she could still attract a younger woman.
Once all the contracts were signed, perhaps she would take up the offer made by the charming, soft-spoken legal representative for the academies’ trust. There had been a twinkle in her eyes when she said she could show Lydia the sights. And after the sightseeing tour, Lydia would feel compelled to take her to dinner.
She was in control again, having momentarily lost it in her dealings with Beth. In control of her destiny, as always.
The last few steps to reach her bedroom above the kitchen seemed the longest of the week so far.
“Come on, Jordan,” she urged as she fumbled for her key. “You’ve walked seventy-two holes, you can do this.” Actually, she mentally revised, it had been much more than that. There had been the pro-am before the start of the tournament, the scuttle around the course each morning before play began to check where the pins were placed, and noting the best approaches or landing places on the greens.
The hard work had paid off and after a long shower she was feeling another rush of energy. Wrapped in a towel, she sat on the edge of her bed and pressed the home button on her phone. The image on the screen appeared, the smiling face of the woman she had spent three nights with and hoped to spend more. During one of their whispered conversations, cuddled up after making love, CJ had suggested she join her at her Florida condo for Christmas. They could play golf in the sunshine with only alligators on the fairways to worry about. But that was four months off and a lot could happen in th
at time.
During the evening at the Temperley’s London house, with the liberal amount of champagne inside her, Jordan had asked Andi if CJ had any long-term relationships.
“I don’t think she’s the marrying kind. But she’s not a player either, if that’s what you really want to know.”
It was, of course. She would see her again at the next tournament in Sweden. That is, if Lady Temperley was willing to let her continue working as Andi’s caddy. But two weeks seemed like forever. She kept reliving their last moments together, the final hug and CJ’s whispered words, “Until we meet again, Jordan.”
Now, holding the phone in her hand, she longed to hear that voice in her ear and wondered if she could call. They had parted after lunch before the final round and Jordan hadn’t seen her afterwards. CJ teed off an hour before the leaders and was already on her way to London by the time they finished. The trophy presentation and interviews went on for a long while.
CJ was visiting friends in the city and had only vague plans to meet up with another friend in Amsterdam to fill in the time before the Swedish Open. Jordan had tentatively invited her to come to Temperley Cliffs if she was at a loose end but hadn’t received a definite answer.
Deciding that she wouldn’t know if she didn’t try, Jordan found CJ’s number in her contacts and made the call. CJ picked up after two rings.
Before Jordan could say anything she heard the words that pushed all her doubts aside. “I’m booked on the sleeper train from London tonight. Can you pick me up from Bodmin Parkway in the morning? It looked like the closest station to Temperley Cliffs.”
“It arrives at 6:21. If that’s too early for you, I’ll get a taxi.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll be there.”
“You’re not freaked out, are you?” CJ’s voice held a note of hesitation.
“Of course not. I know only too well what a fast worker you are.”
CJ’s laugh sent a surge of warmth through Jordan’s body. It was going to be a long night but she was buoyed by the thought of seeing her new lover again so soon.
Andi stood by the reception desk and wondered if she could manage to haul both the suitcase and her golf bag up the stairs when Freya appeared from the direction of the bar, clutching a bottle of champagne.
“Good timing.” Freya handed her the bottle. “I can manage the case, if you take this.”
Andi held back the urge to pull the smaller woman into her arms. Their phone conversation the evening before had been brief and unsatisfying. Andi was still on a high from the win and wasn’t very coherent after the amount of drink Tristan had poured out for her and Jordan.
She followed Freya up the stairs. Once they were inside the apartment, she placed the bottle carefully on the table by the door and put her bag down. Freya had gone ahead into the bedroom with her suitcase. Andi walked in to find her standing by the window, staring out.
“Frey, come and sit down. There’s something I need to say to you.”
Without turning, Freya said, “It’s okay. I understand. I know how important it is to you.”
“Freya, please.”
The other woman didn’t move.
Andi sighed. “Okay. I guess this is more traditional anyway.”
When Freya turned to face her, Andi went down on one knee. She held out the small box. “I know we can’t get married, but I love you and I would be honoured if you would wear this ring.” Andi watched Freya’s face anxiously as she opened the box with trembling fingers.
“It’s beautiful.”
Andi took the box from her and taking the ring from its resting place, carefully fitted it over the ring finger of her right hand. It was a perfect fit. But she knew it would be, having asked Tris’s advice before visiting the Bond Street jewellers.
“Oh, Andi.” Freya pulled her to her feet and they kissed. When they had to stop for air, Freya said, “You know I love you. I’ve just been afraid to say it, in case…”
“In case I ran away. Running from you is the last thing I want to do. You’re my life, Freya. Yes, I’m not quite finished with touring but I’m going to cut down on the events I take part in. And, if you don’t mind, I’ve offered Jordan the position of being my regular caddy.”
“Did she say yes?”
“No. She’s very loyal and said she would have to ask you as you are her employer. And, in case I haven’t mentioned it already, thank you for sending her and the outfits.”
“I was worried when I first saw you wearing the shirt. From the back, I wondered if the design wasn’t a bit over the top.”
“I loved it. Whenever I made a full swing, I could feel the branches spreading out across my shoulders and the roots giving an extra boost to my hips.”
“Mmm. That’s quite an image. Would you like to wear one to bed?”
“I don’t need anything extra when I’m here with you. In fact, I think the less clothing the better.”
Sunday had morphed into Monday without either of them noticing. With bright sunshine pouring through the window, they eventually thought maybe it would be a good idea to get out of bed and enjoy some fresh air. Sam stood by the open patio door, waiting for the kettle to boil and for Beth to finish in the bathroom. They had decided against showering together since that would have delayed the need for sustenance of a different kind.
Something small and furry brushed against her bare legs. Sam looked down to see Hermy staring up at her, the pale blue eyes holding an accusing look. She reached down to stroke her head. “I know. We’re bad parents. But we needed the time to reconnect. How about a nice bit of salmon for your dinner tonight?”
“One day she’ll answer back.” Beth came over and wrapped her arms around Sam’s waist.
Hermy gave them a look that suggested they might not like to hear what she had to say. She wandered off into the garden, tail held high.
“If you make the coffee, I’ll do the toast,” Beth offered.
The toast popped up just as the phone rang. They looked at each other and let it ring three times in case it was a sales call. Beth reached over and picked up the receiver after the fourth ring.
“Oh, Michael, hi.”
Sam relaxed and took over preparing the toast with a coating of butter and the remnants of the raspberry jam in the fridge. She took their coffee mugs and the plate of toast outside to give Beth some privacy for her call. As it was the head of the English department, she figured they would be talking shop once they had finished comparing holidays.
It really was a beautiful day. But even if it had been blowing a gale and raining heavily, Sam would still have thought it was a great day to be alive. She sipped at her coffee and waited for Beth to finish her call. Although she hadn’t said anything about it, Sam knew she was dreading the first day back after the summer break, particularly the full staff meeting in the morning when Lydia would be centre stage.
Beth joined her at the patio table with a big grin plastered on her face.
“Good timetable?” That was the last word Sam had heard when she left the kitchen.
“Not bad, but that’s not the big news. There was a heads of department meeting this morning. It’s just finished and Michael’s ringing round all his staff.”
“Lydia’s leaving.”
Beth stared at her. “How did you know?”
“Just an educated guess. I can’t think of anything else that would bring that smile to your face.”
“Well, yes, she is. And even better, she’ll be gone by October half term. And Michael says she’ll be away a lot before then setting things up for her new job.”
“Where’s she going?”
“It’s one of these academy trusts, somewhere in Cheshire. She’ll be a super head, you know, managing three schools at once.”
Sam smiled. “Great. This calls for a celebration. Do you want more toast?”
“No, this is fine.” Beth leaned b
ack in her chair, closed her eyes, and let out a big sigh.
Although she had planned to use it for a different occasion, Sam went into the kitchen and took the bottle of champagne out of the fridge. She plucked two flutes from the cupboard and took everything outside. Beth still had her eyes closed and didn’t open them until she heard the cork pop.
“Sam! It’s only eleven o’clock!”
“Hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere in the world.” She carefully poured the bubbly liquid into the two glasses and handed one to Beth. “To us and a new beginning.”
Beth’s smile wobbled as she echoed the words. Sam knew this was the moment. She took the small box out of her pocket and placed it on the table in front of Beth.
“What’s that?”
“Open it and see.”
Beth picked up the box and flipped open the lid. She looked up at Sam in surprise.
“I kept it for you.” Sam plucked the ring out of its nesting place and held it out towards her wife. “Would you wear this again for me?”
Beth smiled, tears welling up. “Of course.”
Somewhere, high up in a tree, a bird trilled out its song. Another one answered. Hermy sat on the fence, swishing her tail. And the two humans held hands as they gazed into each other’s eyes, not needing to say anything.
About the Author
Jen Silver
Jen lives near Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire with her long-term partner whom she married in December 2014. Reading, writing, golf, archery, and taking part in archaeological digs all form part of Jen’s everyday life. Her novels, published by Affinity eBook Press, include the Starling Hill Trilogy: Starting Over, Arc Over Time, and Carved in Stone. The Circle Dance and Christmas at Winterbourne are standalone books.
For the characters in Jen’s stories, life definitely begins at forty, and older, as they continue to discover and enjoy their appetites for adventure and romance.
Contact Jen at, friend her on Facebook, or visit her blog: