Aboard the Mother Ship

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Aboard the Mother Ship Page 3

by Sophie Stern

  He begins to run his hands through my hair and plays with my soft curls for a few minutes as he sucks and kisses each breast. I find myself momentarily wishing I had my nipples pierced so he could gently tug on the piercings with his teeth. He silently chuckles at this thought and I feel embarrassed. I forgot he could read my mind for a moment.

  Ron doesn’t tell me I’m beautiful or that he loves me. While he plays with me, I have the distinct impression he’s trying to learn everything he can about pleasuring a human female. Though he’s obviously been with one before, he seems to feel like I’m different. He seems to want to see what makes me tick. I can’t analyze him for long, though, because anytime my mind starts to wander he finds a new way to grab my attention.

  I wish I could scream.

  I wish I could yell.

  Every inch of me wants to throw my head back and writhe around, but I can't. I'm held in place by the alien's desires. He pokes and touches and licks me and I just try to breathe through it. I try to breathe through the pleasure so I don’t forget to breathe and accidentally die here. It could happen so easily, I know. I’m feeling so many sensations I didn’t know I could feel.

  I never imagined anything like this actually happening.

  Sure, I'd thought about role playing before or spicing things up with my boyfriend, but fucking an alien?

  Yeah, okay.

  Just when I think I’ve experienced as much as I could possible handle, Ron spreads my legs. Like the rest of my body, they are hanging in forced suspension. This would be any Dom’s dream situation, I realize: no more messing with ropes or ties or chains. If the Doms on Earth could simply will a sub to stay spread open for their pleasure, why would they ever do anything but fuck?

  I’m completely open to him, but I’m not embarrassed. Maybe there’s something in the air. Maybe he’s drugged me and I just don’t realize it. Maybe humans can’t feel embarrassed when they’re about to have sex with aliens. No matter what the reason might be, I feel anxious and excited, but not ashamed. I feel good, and I know he’s about to make me feel really good.

  His breath comes first: hot and steamy against my soft lips. I’m glad I shaved. Evan swears he doesn’t care if I do or not, but I’m glad that I’m bare to the alien. I can feel him hovering so close to me. If he leans down just a little bit more his mouth will be on me. I know I’ll explode again. I don’t know if I can handle it.

  Ron watches me. Our eyes lock as he slowly licks his finger. He extends a tentacle from the tip of his finger and I watch him lick it. It’s the same dark green color as the rest of his body and makes me wonder what it will feel like lodged deep in my pussy.

  Is he going to make me scream again?

  My answer comes when he plunges his finger into my tight asshole without warning. Oh, he didn’t go for my pussy. He loves the unexpected. His thoughts come to me in waves as he fingers me there, stretching me, playing with me, delighting in me.

  “You humans,” he whispers secretly. His quiet thoughts roll over me. Does he even know what he’s thinking? Thought after thought, pleasure after pleasure. It’s all so much to handle. He extends the tentacle inside me and my eyes bolt wide as I try to focus on just feeling him, but I can’t. He presses his mouth to my pussy and I’m done for. Ron licks me until I come. I’m bolted in place by these invisible air locks and as much as I want to wriggle around, I can’t.

  I can’t come anymore. I think this to him as loudly as I can, but it doesn’t matter because I do.


  And again.

  And again.

  When I’m weak and all of my feelings start to blur together, Ron moves me again. This time he flips me over so I’m floating on my stomach.

  I look down.

  The floor of the ship seems so far away, but it doesn’t matter. I know Ron won’t drop me. He won’t let anything happen to me. If nothing else, he’s shown me that he cares enough to keep me safe, at least while I’m here. For the duration of my stay, I’m his. Like it or not, he can do whatever he wants to me.

  I feel his hard length nudging at my entrance and I know this is it. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. This is the grand finale in my abduction: he’s going to take me.

  A million thoughts race through my head all at once, but they get jumbled and I can’t tell which ones are important and which ones are silly.

  What about birth control?

  What will Evan think?

  Would Evan even believe me?

  Is this a dream?

  Will it hurt?

  How will I ever be able to sleep with a human again after this?

  Ron just chuckles and tells me not to worry, then he plunges deep inside of me and I let the moment take me.

  My heart explodes within my chest, threatening to tear right out of my body. I gasp silently, my words caught in this invisible net that holds the rest of my body captive. He’s inside of me. All of him is inside of me.

  And it feels so strange, so unreal, so right.

  He slides inside of me over and over. His tentacles are out again. They’re exploring my breasts and twisting my nipples as I focus on the way he feels inside of me. Nothing has ever felt like this before. Nothing has ever made my heart pound so deeply. Nothing has ever been so forbidden.

  I wonder how I’ll be able to focus on my boyfriend ever again after this. It’s like I’ve been given the keys to the universe and I’m getting a glimpse inside an entire other world. If this isn’t a dream, how can I go back to reality?

  The tentacles crawl up to my mouth and once again, one plunges inside. I suck on it, enjoying the sweet taste. A second tentacle joins me and soon I’m enjoying another orgasm. If possible, it’s even more intense than the last ten I’ve had. Ron whispers something out loud. I can’t make out the words, but he says something I can hear with my ears and not just my heart.

  And then everything goes dark.


  I open my eyes and realize that I'm in bed.

  I'm in my own bed and I'm awake.

  I lift the blankets and look down at my body. I'm nude. I'm completely, totally, one hundred percent nude.

  And I'm in my own bed.

  What the fuck happened last night?

  It must have been a dream, I tell myself. It had to have been. Come on. Who believes in aliens? Who believes in alien sex? Who believes they would be abducted and explored by an alien? Those are the types of fantasies we harbor secretly but that no one ever thinks will really happen.

  I close my eyes as I remember the fight I had with Evan.

  Every word he spat at me, every lie I screamed at him, every burning insult comes back.

  And I crush my pillow over my face, remembering that I have to deal with the remnants of that today. Maybe he’ll forgive me or maybe he won’t, but either way, the floating-on-a-mother-ship fantasy is over. I might as well forget it. Yeah, it was an amazing dream, but that’s all it could have been: a fake, all-in-my-head dream.

  My dream was amazing. It was so lifelike, so believable. Part of me wishes that it had been real, that it could have actually happened. After all, it's a lot better to think that you were fucked by an alien than about to do damage control with your boyfriend.

  If you even still have a boyfriend to do that damage control with.


  Will Evan even want to come back? Part of me thinks I messed up too deeply, that he won’t ever forgive me. Another part of me thinks we have a lot of potential in our relationship. Maybe we can work things out. Maybe things will be okay.

  I need to get out of bed, I realize. It's probably far past time for work and I have to get dressed. I don't even remembering falling asleep, much less falling asleep naked.

  As I sit up and slide my legs off the bed one-by-one, I remind myself to breathe.

  It's going to be a big, long, hard day, but I can get through it.

  I stand up and stretch, feeling a little tender and sore, but nothing unusual. I've been working out
pretty hard lately. Muscle aches happen. I must have jogged longer than I thought.

  But then I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. With a start, I take a closer look at myself.

  I realize that my lips have something green and sticky on them.

  I know it's not from the wine I drank last night.

  I run my tongue over my lips to taste what it is.

  It's sweet, like a popsicle.

  It's sweet, like soda.

  It's sweet, like my alien.

  My alien.

  My alien is real.


  Sophie Stern is an erotic novelist who loves nothing better than curling up with a mystery or romance novel and reading ‘til the sun comes up. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who inspires her to try new things.

  Read her other books on Amazon or connect with her on Facebook!

  Red Says the Dragon

  Kaira is an ordinary princess: spoiled, stubborn, and secluded.

  When Kaira becomes lost in the forest, however, everything changes.

  The Dragon of Naga, Sanguine, takes no prisoners. When Kaira finds herself in his lair, she begs him to spare her life.

  “I’ll do anything,” she tells him, and that’s exactly what the dragon requires.

  Red Says the Dragon is an erotic novel about a princess, a dragon, and the relationship they forge in the darkness of the forbidden forest.

  Want more dragons? Check out Sophie’s medieval dragon book: Red Says the Dragon. You can read chapter one here. The full story is now available on Amazon.

  “The forest is no place for a princess,” the King told his daughter sternly. Headstrong and determined, 19-year-old Kaira was not interested in her father’s rules.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the forest, Father,” she said simply, blatantly ignoring his comment. “And besides, Ian will be there with me.”

  She nodded her head toward her servant: the lowly Ian. The poor boy said nothing as the King’s angry gaze passed over him. Ian didn’t want trouble. He didn’t even want to be here today. All Ian wanted, really, was to run home to his mother and enjoy a bowl of hot lamb stew.

  Unfortunately, the princess had other plans: plans that practically guaranteed a delay in his arrival home. If she did convince her father to let her go into the forest, after all, she might be gone for a day or two. Maybe, Ian thought suddenly, they would be gone for an entire fortnight.

  And he wished silently to himself that the King would be able to convince his daughter that exploring the forest was a horrible idea.

  “Why do you want to explore the forest, Kaira?” The King asked quietly, returning his gaze to the girl. The dirt beneath her fingernails betrayed her luscious gown. She might be a princess by blood, but she was not one in her heart.

  “To see all that my Kingdom has to hold,” she replied without missing a beat. Despite the fact that she had practiced her lie a thousand times in her bedroom mirror that morning, both the King and Ian knew that Kaira was hiding the truth.

  “And what is so special about the forest this week, Kaira?” The King inquired, stroking his beard. His daughter reminded him greatly of his late wife: headstrong, determined, and stubborn. He remembered the day that his queen had begged to go into the forest, as well, though she had been honest enough to tell him why and smart enough to decide against it.

  “It’s just that,” Kaira paused. This was a question she hadn’t anticipated. “It’s so beautiful this week. The weather is good,” she waved her hand to the open window, where a gentle breeze was flowing inside.

  No one could argue that it was, in fact, a beautiful day.

  “It’s lovely out, Father. If I’m to be Queen one day, don’t you think I ought to know my Kingdom better than anyone else? Don’t you think it’s wise to let me discover all of the secrets that my land has to hold? Don’t you-“

  “That’s quite enough,” the King held up his hand and cut his daughter off mid-sentence.

  Kaira looked surprised: and she was. The King wasn’t one to interrupt her speeches, nor was he one to ignore her desires. There was something about the forest that Kaira didn’t know, though, that the King knew all too well.

  And King Liam was not one to take risks with his most prized possession.

  It was simply not his style.

  “Ian, leave us,” the King commanded. The poor servant boy stumbled over his too-big feet as he hurried to escape the King’s gaze. He closed the heavy doors behind him and waited in the hallway with the lone guard.

  “Trouble in paradise,” the guard commented softly.

  Ian just nodded.


  Inside the room, the King was struggling to deal with Kaira.

  “Why won’t you let me go?” She whined. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted. You just don’t want me to be happy,” she pouted. “You wish I was boring and dull like all the lords and ladies. You wish I was bored.”

  The King frowned at Kaira.

  “You may not go to the forest, Kaira. There are wild things – horrible things – that a princess need not know about. The castle is where you belong. You have full range of the gardens and full freedom to explore the village, but the forest is one place where you may not go. I forbid it.”

  Kaira growled at her father, furious with his lack of understanding. Frowning, she turned and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her like a toddler who didn’t get his way.

  When she was gone, King Liam collapsed in his throne and closed his eyes. How could he tell his daughter why he didn’t want her to go? How could he warn her about the dangers that she was so frequently drawn to? He knew perfectly well why she wanted to go into the forest this week: trolls. It was troll season and all the best knights were out hunting them, fighting them, and killing them to prove their strength.

  He knew Kaira wanted to find a troll.

  He also knew that it would kill her in an instant.

  That wasn’t why King Liam forbade his daughter to enter the forest, though.

  In actuality, a much bigger threat resided in the mountainside behind the darkness of the trees: a threat that would love to get its hands on a princess, especially one as young and tasty as Kaira.

  Though the risk of being captured was small, it was less small when you were royalty. And though many believed the fables to simply be myths that had been passed on for generations, the King knew better.

  As a young prince, he had wandered too far into the depths of the forest and eventually found himself in a deep, dark cave.

  With nothing but his bravery, the King had encountered a monster so great that he had spoken of it only to his one-legged, dim-witted brother Percy who had died later that year. How the King managed to escape, he still didn’t know. How he managed to find his way home, he never knew. How the King managed to find a cavern that few had ever seen, he couldn’t comprehend.

  Despite years of searching, he had never been able to find the cave again.

  But he knew it was there.

  And the King knew that if he warned his daughter of a dragon in their country, she would be running for its cave even faster than she was running for the trolls.

  Red Says the Dragon is now available on Amazon!

  His Hands

  Chloe is an aspiring writer who can't seem to get anything published. When her friend and writing coach recommends that she go speak with the Sex Editor, she realizes that it's her only choice if she hopes to be a writer.

  Wesley has been working with writers for years, but his methods are a little unconventional, to say the least. He's willing to help Chloe take her story from "boring" to "unstoppable," but it's going to take more than rewriting a couple of lines.

  It's going to take his hands.

  ***You can get your copy of His Hands on Amazon now!***

  Chapter One: Chloe

  "Your story needs serious help," Amber says, unblinking as she pushes my manuscript across the table toward me. She's not
saying it with hope in her eyes. She's giving me the blunt push she thinks I need.

  "In other words?" I ask, inwardly cringing because I know what she's going to say.

  "It's garbage," she shrugs. Amber reaches for her drink and sips it slowly, taking her time. My eyes race over the first page of the story I gave her to read. It's completely covered in red ink.

  Page two is the same.

  Then page three.

  Then I stop looking.

  "Garbage?" I ask. "Really? No redeeming qualities?"

  "Chloe, you gave me a story about a girl who falls in love with a shifter. It's 50 pages of them fighting, fucking, and then fighting some more. It's horrible."


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