Star Wars - X-Wing - The Bacta War

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Star Wars - X-Wing - The Bacta War Page 37

by Michael A. Stackpole

  moment. A violent tremor shook the Lusankya, snapping free a blackened chunk of

  the bow.

  Fast and nimble, Pash's A-wings slashed in at the Lusankya. They flitted over

  the massive ship's surface, shooting concussion missiles at gunnery towers and

  sensor domes. Fiery craters stippled the Lusankya in their wake. What few

  weapons did remain on the Lusankya fired ineffectively at the A-wings; all of

  their destructive power proved impotent against a target they could not hit.

  "Rogue Lead, this is Three. We're going in for a strafing run."

  "I copy, Gavin." Wedge glanced at his monitors, but the only TIEs he saw were

  the ones escorting the shuttle. Can't catch them now. "If you don't mind, Three,

  I think I'll join you."

  Closing with the squints Corran switched his weapon's-con-trol over to lasers

  and linked them for dual-fire. While a quad burst would be certain to burn a

  squint down, dual-fire allowed the guns to cycle that much faster. One shot

  should still be a kill, but if these guys can put the maneuverability of

  those squints to good use, I'll need all the shots I can get. His X-wing still

  had an advantage because of its shields, but that still didn't make him immune

  to damage.

  "Nine, let's be careful."

  "As ordered, Seven. Ten, on me."

  "Ooryl copies."

  "Whistler, scan comm frequencies and bring up whatever one they're using.

  Squelch scrambled messages. I don't care what they're saying to each other. I

  just want to be able to talk to them."

  Whistler moaned in a low tone.

  "Yes, I do think Erisi is flying with them. I want to let her know who's coming

  after her."

  The droid hooted derisively.

  "She can decide to flame me all she wants, doesn't matter." Corran let himself

  smile. "She already knows I can play hard to get. She's the reason I went down

  on Coruscant, and I'm bringing her down here."

  He picked one of the squints in the middle of the formation as a target, but

  kept his flight path pointed as if he were preparing to attack one of the closer

  Interceptors. As the close Interceptors broke, Corran rolled on his starboard

  stabilizers as if he were going to follow them, but then applied some rudder and

  spitted his target on his aiming reticle. He tightened up on his trigger.

  Two sets of two bolts skewered the squint's ball cockpit. The twin ion engines

  exploded, launching debris into space from amid a silvery fireball. Pieces of

  the fighter struck sparks from Corran's shields, but he reinforced them quickly

  enough. "Scratch one squint."

  Whistler keened at him so Corran punched a previously unlit button on his comm

  unit. "Hope that wasn't you, Erisi. I'd hate to think your flying skill had

  atrophied so much."

  "It's my killing skill that should be concerning you, Corran."

  "Eight here. I have a pair on my tail."

  "Seven on the way, Eight, hold tight."

  Corran rolled and came out in a loop with Ooryl in his aft port quarter. Two

  TIEs were lining up for a run on

  Nawara's X-wing. Tycho pulled a right turn that brought him around quickly, but

  he only managed to pick off the trailing TIE. Nawara broke hard to port, then

  twisted back again to starboard, but the squint stayed with him throughout his


  That's got to be Erisi.

  The Interceptor fired four times, the first two pairs of green laser bolts

  burning through Nawara's aft shield. The other two blew out the port engines and

  hit the fuselage right behind the cockpit. Nawara's astromech exploded, then the

  cockpit canopy flew apart. When fire filled the cockpit Corran feared for the

  worst, then he saw the X-wing's command couch jet out from the stricken fighter.

  "Eight is extravehicular!" Corran's green eyes narrowed. "Ten, keep them off

  him. I'm going after Erisi. Whistler, give me her comm frequency again."

  The droid complied with the order silently.

  "Always did pick off the easy targets, didn't you, Erisi? Couldn't stand to work

  hard, could you?"

  "Is that you on my tail, Corran? All alone?" Her laughter filled his cockpit. "I

  thought you'd learned from your father that dying alone wasn't something to do."

  "That should be your concern, Erisi, because I'm not dying here. Horn out." He

  punched the comm unit button that cut frequency off. "Come on. Whistler, it's

  time we collect the debt she owes us."

  Corran's X-wing streaked in on Erisi's trail, but the squint juked and danced,

  making it impossible for him to get a good shot at her. As she broke to port,

  Corran rolled out into a long starboard loop and began a head-to-head run with

  her. The squint broke to starboard before they could close, forcing him to turn

  to port to pursue. Okay, she knew head to head would be suicide.

  As her ship began to pull away from his, Corran realized killing her wasn't

  going to be as easy as he expected. While she hadn't been a bad pilot in an

  X-wing, she wasn't as good as he was. Her Interceptor, on the other hand, has

  more speed and maneuverability than my X-wing. That might give

  her the edge she lacked before. And she knows very well all the performance

  capabilities of my ship.

  Corran smiled. You don't fly against a fighter, you fly against the pilot, and

  her arrogance is one huge flaw I can exploit. Corran pulled his throttle back to

  85 percent of full power, letting her stretch her lead on him. He rolled up on

  his port stabilizer and started a long loop that would take him back toward the

  main dogfight. He started in on an attack vector for one of the Interceptors.

  While flying along it, he watched his main monitor. The rate of change for the

  range between his ship and Erisi's Interceptor slowed as the distance

  stabilized, then the distance started to decrease. The rate of change

  accelerated, and when the range hit three kilometers, Corran hauled back on his

  stick. He tightened his loop considerably, then punched his throttle forward and

  headed straight for her.

  Her hastily snapped shots splashed harmlessly over his forward shields. Corran

  fired back, catching her squint on the port wing. He inverted and dove, then

  i nverted again and cruised out into a long loop that took him past Thyferra's

  cloudy face. "How badly is she hit, Whistler?"

  The droid graphed performance statistics on the main monitor. The Interceptor

  had suffered a 5 percent reduction in speed, which still left it faster than the

  X-wing, but not by that much. There also appeared to be a reduction in

  maneuverability, but not enough to cripple her performance. This is going to

  take a while.

  "Nine, are you chasing Erisi?"

  "Yes, Seven."

  "Finish her fast."

  "You need help?"

  "Ten is handling things, but the shuttle is running. It can clear to lightspeed

  if we don't stop it."

  "I copy, Seven. I'm on it." He glanced at his monitor. "Whistler, give me range

  to the freighters who were tied to my torpedo telemetry."

  The droid whistled mournfully. "No, it's okay that they're all out of range. I

  didn't want them wasting any torps."

  Just to be on the safe side, he hit the switch that turned the telemet

  transponder off, then shifted his weapon's-con-trol over to proton torpedoes.

  Coming about, he picked Erisi up and started after her again. He nudged his nose

  up and to port, getting a stuttered beeping from Whistler as the droid tried to

  get a firing solution for the Interceptor. The tone went constant as the reticle

  went red.

  Corran hit the trigger and launched both torpedoes at Erisi. His last two proton

  torpedoes streaked out at her and she immediately began maneuvering to avoid


  / have thirty seconds to kill her. Corran switched back to lasers, then drained

  energy from his aft shield and fed it into his engines. That kicked his speed up

  to better them that of an unhurt Interceptor, allowing him to close the gap

  between their ships fast.

  As the missiles approached her Interceptor, Erisi rolled to port and broke hard

  toward Thyferra's largest moon. The missiles overshot where she had been, then

  turned and started in pursuit again. She kept her ship pointed straight at the

  bone white moon and as the torpedoes closed with her again, she rolled to port

  and pulled her fighter into a glide path that followed the rough terrain of the

  lunar surface.

  One torpedo, unable to fight inertia and lunar gravity both, slammed into the

  moon and exploded. The second sailed through the gout of lunar dust and started

  closing with the Interceptor. Erisi bounced her squint up and over a ridgeline

  and back down again, interposing it between her and the torpedo.

  The ridge shielded her from the torpedo's blast.

  It also blinded her aft sensors to Corran's presence.

  As Erisi pulled her squint up to climb away from the moon's surface, Corran came

  up over the ridge and pounced. Pairs of scarlet bolts burned into the squint,

  shredding both solar panels. As the stabilizers disintegrated, the Interceptor's

  climb became a loop into a dive that brought it in on a collision course with

  the moon. Both engines thrusting fully, the Interceptor plowed into the lunar

  surface, gouging out a huge furrow. The Interceptor hit the edge of a small

  impact crater, skipped up, then battered itself again and again against the

  moon. Finally, crushed into a shape that was unrecognizable as any part of a

  fighter, it rolled to a stop as the engines sputtered out.

  Corran circled the spot once. "No explosion, nothing spectacular. Erisi would

  have hated it."

  Whistler blatted harshly.

  "Right who cares what she would have wanted." Corran pulled his X-wing away

  from the moon. "Find me that shuttle, Whistler. I don't care who's on it, we're

  going to stop it."

  Another salvo from the Virulence ripped into the Lusankya as Wedge swooped low

  over the Super Star Destroyer and peppered its hull with laser bolts. The

  Lusankya tried to defend itself, but the surface-mounted turbolaser cannons

  simply made themselves targets for strafing runs by X-wings, A-wings, Twi'leki

  Chir'daki, and the Gands' curious ships. What shots the Super Star Destroyer did

  get off at the Virulence failed to penetrate the smaller ship's shields.

  The Lusankya is fast becoming defenseless. Much more of this hammering and the

  ship could begin to break up, and that would jeopardize the prisoners we want to

  rescue from her. Wedge pulled up and flashed past the bridge. "Gate, get me an

  open comm channel to the Lusankya."

  The droid complied with the order instantly. "This is Commander Wedge Antilles

  to the Captain of the Lusankya. We'll accept your surrender at any time."

  An angry, shrill voice arced through the comm unit. "This is Captain Joak

  Dryssono, Admiral Dryssoof the Lusankya. We will never give up."

  "Captain . . ."

  "How dare you insult me!"

  "Admiral, then, even Grand Admiral, if it will make you see sense. Your shields

  are down. Your engines are hit. You have no fighter cover, you can't hurt your

  opposition." Wedge let his damage assessment sink in for a moment. "It's

  hopeless. No one else needs to die. Give up."

  "Give up? An Imperial Grand Admiral never gives up. If you think one would,

  you'll rue the day you engaged one!"

  "That could be, sir, but that day isn't today!. We'll treat all your people with

  all due respect." Wedge fought to keep his voice even. "Surrender."

  "Never! We are all loyal sons of the Empire. We are not afraid to put death

  before dishonor. Helm, give me all speed. We're going to ram the planet! There,

  Antilles, see, a Grand Admiral never . . ." The comm unit popped and abruptly

  went silent.


  "Captain Drysso isn't here anymore, sir. Ah, this is acting-Captain Waroen."

  "Are you going to crash your ship into the planet, Waroen?"

  "Not if I can help it, sir. If you could get the War Cruiser to stop shooting my

  engines, and if Virulence will pull us a bit further out into orbit so we don't

  crash of our own accord, we'll accept any conditions for surrender you want to

  offer us."

  "I'm happy to be working with you, Captain Waroen. What you're doing is no


  "I know that, sir, and I think it beats death all hollow."

  Corran found the shuttle easily enough and brought his X-wing in on its aft

  without a problem. He flipped his lasers over to quad fire. "Whistler, see if

  you can open a comm channel to the shuttle." Corran fired his lasers across the

  Thyfonian's flight path when Whistler announced he'd found the two frequencies

  the shuttle was using.

  "Just pick one." Corran punched the button on his comm unit. "This is Corran

  Horn to shuttle Thyfonian. Stop now and turn back to Thyferra, or I'll be forced

  to destroy you."

  A moment's delay ended with a voice Corran had never expected to hear again

  coming through the comm channel. "I should have known it would be you, Horn. Go

  away. You can't stop me with your lasers."

  "Maybe this will warm your heart, Ysanne." Corran dropped his aiming reticle on

  the shuttle's rear and pulled the trigger. Burst after burst of laser fire

  splashed against the spacecraft's shields, but did not penetrate them. What?

  Shuttle's shields aren't that good,

  "You can thank Fliry Vorru for me, if he's still alive. He ordered

  heavy-capacity shield generators for his shuttle. Cuts down on the passenger

  room, but I don't mind. Quite simply, your X-wing lacks the power to burn

  through them."

  Maybe one will. Corran shifted his comm unit over to the squadron's tactical

  frequency. "Nine could use some help here. It's Isard. I can't get through the

  shuttle's shields."

  "Seven here, Nine. Coming as fast as I can. Keep her from jumping to


  "I'll do my best, but I need your lasers to stop her."

  "I copy, Nine. I'll hurry."

  "Whistler, project how long it will be before she's clear to go to lightspeed."

  The droid splashed an image of the solar system up on Corran's secondary

  monitor. He used overlapping circles of color to indicate the boundaries for

  gravitational effects of the bodies in the system and showed the shuttle as a

  pinpoint of light at the edge of Thyferra's hyperspace mass shadow.

  Sithspawn, she's almost there. Corran trigge
red another burst of laser fire, but

  it only washed a bloody hue over the aft shield. What if she's bluffing and just

  has all power going to the aft shield! That's just the sort of thing she'd do.

  He punched power to his throttle and let the X-wing surge forward. He brought it

  around in a loop that would give him an oblique shot at the shuttle's port side.

  As he sailed in, the shuttle shifted direction and came about to face him.

  Corran hit his trigger and pulsed energy into the shuttle's shields.

  The shuttle fired back. Green energy darts blew through the X-wing's forward

  shield and hit the port stabilizer. Corran rolled immediately and dove, then

  came back up in a weave that took him in behind the shuttle. "Whistler, what

  just happened?"

  Isard's voice crackled over the comm channel. "Did I mention that Vorru also

  upgraded the lasers on this ship?"

  I'll give you an upgrade, Iceheart. Corran snarled as he looked at the

  diagnostics listing Whistler scrolled op on his main monitor. He winced, then

  looked to his port S-foil. Where once there had been a pair of laser cannons he

  had melted metal. And about a meter less of S-foil. A glance at the secondary

  monitor showed Isard had a kilometer before she could begin the run to

  lightspeed. Once she gets clear, it's just level flying and she's out of here.

  Corran slowly smiled. Upgraded that thing, did he, Iceheart? The Corellian pilot

  flipped his weapon's-control over to proton torpedoes and dropped it on the

  shuttle's outline. Whistler began to beep as he tried for a firing solution.

  Out ahead of the X-wing the shuttle began to juke, broadening Corran's smile.

  Yes, he supplied the shuttle with a missile targeting lock warning system. Only

  good thing you've done in your black life, Vorru.

  "So your shields won't stop a proton torpedo, eh, Iceheart?"

  "You'll find out if you ever get a lock on me, Horn."

  Corran glanced at his monitor and saw Tycho's X-wing eight kilometers back and

  closing slowly. As long as you keep dancing, Iceheart, you can't run up to

  lightspeed. That means we can burn you down. "I'll get a lock on you, then

  you're done."

  He painted her with a target lock again, but allowed her to break it. He

  reacquired it again and shifted his ship around to herd her back toward

  Thyferra's mass shadow. The shuttle rolled in the other direction, breaking the


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